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国际贸易谈判策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵秀丽 《理论界》2008,(6):231-232
成功的商务谈判可以带来较高的经济效益,而谈判成功的关键在于谈判策略的制定。本文在分析影响国际贸易谈判策略制定因素的基础之上,重点阐述了价格谈判策略、跨文化谈判策略、僵局谈判策略等,并进而提出了应对意见。  相似文献   

文化语境与跨文化商务谈判的特殊会话含意推断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐德根  刘靖 《云梦学刊》2006,27(6):147-149
国际商务是跨国界发生的活动,不可避免会受到文化差异的影响。文化语境在对跨文化商务谈判的会话含意推断上起着解释作用、制约作用,并有着修正功能以及话语选择功能。因此,谈判者在使用语言时,可以根据交际场合的需要,激活相关的认知语境要素,使之投入运作,让谈判得以顺畅进行。  相似文献   

交往是人类社会的基本存在方式。当代各国间的经济、技术合作首先是通过合作各方的相互交流与沟通得以开展和发展的。本文以语境理论为指导,将国际商务谈判置于文化语境中,从跨文化的视角对国际商务谈判中的主要文化要素:意图、主题、情境、谈判者、媒介等进行跨文化分析。本文指出国际商务谈判文化差异的根源是影响该社会成员的传统核心价值观。  相似文献   

国际商务谈判是对外经贸活动中普遍存在的经济活动,是调整和解决不同国家和地区政府及商业机构间经济利益冲突的必要手段。随着我国市场经济的推进和对外开放的进一步扩大,国际商务谈判已越来越频繁地出现在经济活动中。文章认为,要想取得国际商务谈判的成功,除了要求谈判者必须掌握商务谈判的专业内容外,还要注意谈判的方式与技巧。  相似文献   

国际商务谈判中文化差异的影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化在国际商务谈判中的作用至关重要。我国企业要参与国际竞争,就必须正确认识不同国家和地区的文化背景,从而制定出合理的谈判策略,争取谈判的成功。为此,本文拟通过对文化差异对国际商务谈判活动的影响的分析,指出文化在国际商务谈判活动中具有的重要意义并提出对策建议。  相似文献   

谈判心理学家对谈判行为机制的研究,主要基于西方文化中对合作与竞争关系的理解。国内学者若完全复制西方研究范式和借用西方概念来考察中国谈判者的行为机制,则不能对本土情境中的谈判行为给出贴切的解释。本文通过分析西方文献中基于收益假定的合作型谈判行为构念与中国谈判者基于"关系"的合作行为以及两者的异同,最后以此为例论述了我国学者可以使用高度情境化的概念来开发本土谈判理论。  相似文献   

本文通过介绍博奕论常识以及商务谈判的有关知识,提出了博奕论在商务谈判中的几点应用:在博奕基础上的谈判程序;博奕论在商务谈判中的要素;在具体谈判中依据情况而博奕。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的迅猛发展,尤其是加入WTO后,我国各企业和单位所面临的国际商务谈判越来越多。商务谈判中因为双方都希望获得利益的最大化,常常面临利益的冲突。了解各国商人谈判的特点、做好充分的谈判准备可以在一定程度上预防这些冲突的激化,谈判策略的恰当运用也可以在一定程度上避免冲突。当冲突出现时,要将人的问题与实质利益相区分,力争借助客观标准解决谈判利益冲突问题,创造双赢的解决方案。  相似文献   

在国际商务交流活动中,文化的差异增加了商务交流的难度,常常使得谈判者双方产生并加深误解。本研究对国际商务活动中出现的文化差异进行了具体分析,有针对性地提出了在国际商务交流活动中应对文化差异的三个策略:文化适应、文化规避及培养跨文化交际能力,旨在帮助人们在国际商务活动中跨越文化障碍、避免文化冲突,使国际商务活动得以顺利进行。  相似文献   

张军 《理论界》2006,(5):191-192
在国际商务合作过程中,风险可谓无处不在、无时不有。国际商务谈判中需要研究的风险,既包括国际商务活动进行过程中存在的风险,也包括由谈判活动所带来的风险。对此,必须搞清楚在国际商务谈判中所可能造成的直接和间接经济损失的原因与程度,以及在谈判中采取怎样的对策,以避免和减少这种损失。  相似文献   

1939年 3月——— 8月世界外交舞台上有三对谈判 :英法苏谈判、英德谈判、德苏谈判。它们构成一个三角平衡关系。斯大林的大国倾向、张伯伦的绥靖政策、英苏之间的猜疑、希特勒的外交天才 ,最终使德苏谈判成功 ,希特勒完成了二战前的外交准备  相似文献   

在"强资本、弱劳动"的背景下如何协调劳资关系、维护劳动者的权益是理论和实践界关注的焦点问题。与西方以行业层面为主推行集体谈判制度不同,我国集体谈判主要是在企业层面开展的,因而在推行过程中普遍存在着劳方谈判主体不健全、实力弱、缺乏谈判技能等问题。鉴于此,提高集体谈判的级别、上升到行业层次开展集体谈判是发挥集体谈判效能的必然选择。基于对我国行业集体谈判成功模式的分析,为促进我国行业集体谈判的进一步发展,应从明确政府在集体谈判中的角色、培育和确定行业集体谈判主体、加强对谈判过程履行的内外约束等方面着手。  相似文献   

国际关系中的伦理道德在外交谈判中常被用作具体的谈判筹码使用.依据解密的美国尼克松总统档案,以中美关系解冻的系列谈判为研究个案,深度探讨在曾经长期敌对国家解冻外交关系的谈判中,伦理道德所发挥的作用.同时,透视国际谈判中的伦理道德与权力结构、民族文化和谈判目标实现之间的相互关系;进而提出动态考察伦理道德在国际谈判中所发挥的工具性作用,深化其可操作性和实用性的主张.  相似文献   

陈殷华  朱峰 《兰州学刊》2010,(10):66-69,58
家族性就是企业家庭通过独特而系统的影响带给家族企业的资源和能力,具体包括物理和财务资本、人力资本、社会资本。每类资本对家族企业都有积极效应和消极效应。家族企业深刻认识和妥善管理家族性资源,可以获得相对于非家族企业的战略优势。对家族性资源的内涵及其特性的分析,为从资源基础论的角度揭示家族企业的行为和绩效能力之间的关系打下了理论基础,也为企业战略理论更多地运用于家族企业研究拓宽了渠道。  相似文献   

Although some point to the large effects of schooling on civic engagement (usually measured in terms of volunteering and participation in civic organizations) and social cohesion (usually measured in terms of social networks and relationship quality), the effects of schooling on social outcomes have not been estimated with the same rigor as the effects of schooling on labor-market outcomes, such as earnings. In particular, previous research has failed to consider (i) the many potential and often unobserved confounding factors (“endowments”) influencing both schooling and social outcomes, including family upbringing, innate characteristics, and personality, and (ii) the ways in which schooling pushes individuals in multiple directions simultaneously, including toward greater social engagement, but also toward more independent and market-driven pursuits. Using samples of unrelated persons, ordinary siblings, and identical twins, this study explores the effects of schooling on measures of civic engagement and social relationships, as well as labor-force earnings and labor-force participation. The siblings models reveal a more complex picture than typically suggested by standard individual estimates. On one hand, the results reveal a robust positive effect of schooling on earnings: well-schooled persons work more and earn more, albeit not as much as associations without control for endowments suggest. On the other hand, the results reveal more tenuous and occasionally negative effects of schooling on social outcomes. The effects of schooling on volunteering and membership in civic organizations, for example, disappear almost entirely with control for endowments. Also, within-identical-twins models reverse the positive effects of schooling on reports of support from friends, family, and coworkers. These results may reflect the tension schooling creates between market and non-market commitments, as well as between independence and interpersonal reliability. Schooling may, indeed, induce some pro-social behaviors, but schooling allows individuals choices of whether to pursue more personal interests as well.  相似文献   

公认的商业道德是不依附于诚实信用原则的独立法源?作为造法规范,诚实信用原则和公认的商业道德是相互分离且相互独立的?在适用次序上,公认的商业道德优先于诚实信用原则?法院对于某项规则是否构成公认的商业道德?能否提起上诉等问题均享有自由裁量权?法院通过适用公认的商业道德,借助诉讼程序实施其价值评判,可在避免直接对实体性争议予以抉择的基础上解决纠纷?  相似文献   

Adolescent bullying is a significant public health issue in the United States. The health consequences of bullying may vary, however, according to the social position and characteristics of victims and bullies within the bullying subculture. For example, research suggests that bully involved youth are more likely to engage in risky health behaviors, including social withdrawal, tobacco, and alcohol use. Yet, the extent to which health outcomes are shaped by involvements in bullying or the risk behaviors associated with bullying remains unclear. In this study we assess the extent to which risk behaviors mediate the links between health outcomes of bully-involved youth using data from the Health Behavior of School Aged Children 2005–2006 Study (N = 8066). School-level fixed-effects regression models assessed whether risk behaviors mediate relationships between bullying statuses and somatic and depressive symptoms. Results show that mediational risk behavior pathways vary across outcomes for youth situated differently in the bullying subculture, with substantially more mediation for bullies than victims. This study advances the current bullying and health research by accounting for risk behavior pathways linking bullying and health.  相似文献   

协商民主对社会协商起着理念渗透与实践导向功能,而社会协商则是协商民主社会场域内的具体化、路径化。受历史条件、社会复杂性的制约,社会协商的发展困难重重。为此,必须在政治文化层面上,积极培育公民的协商精神与提升社会公共理性;在组织生态层面上,促进社会组织的规范化、制度化建设;在制度构建层面上,促进社会协商的制度化建设,构建“个人—社会—国家”互动的协商格局。与此同时,规避社会协商过程中的“过度性”协商与“抽象性”协商,强化社会协商的“真实性”。通过以上举措,进一步深化我国社会协商的实践路径,实现社会协商发展的具体化、广泛化,继而有效地推动我国协商民主发展。  相似文献   

Sociologists of education have long been interested in the effects of peer relations on educational outcomes. Recent theory and research on adolescence suggest that peers on the boundaries of students' friendship networks may play an important role in shaping behaviors and educational outcomes. In this study, we examine the importance of a key “intermediate peer context” for students' outcomes: the friends of a student's friends. Our findings indicate both friends' and friends' friends' characteristics independently predict students' college expectations and their risk of dropping out of high school (although only friends' characteristics predict GPA). Our models suggest the magnitude of students' friends-of-friends’ characteristics are at least as large their friends' characteristics. Together, the association between the peer context and students outcomes is considerably larger when accounting for both the characteristics of students' friends and the friends of their friends.  相似文献   

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