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Amanda L. Aurora Thomas R. Simpson Michael F. Small Kelly C. Bender 《Urban Ecosystems》2009,12(3):347-358
Residential development in urban and suburban settings is a major cause of habitat change affecting avian communities. The
effects from land-clearing prior to initiation of construction followed by landscaping focused on traditional aesthetics has
reduced habitat diversity at multiple levels. These residential developments generally emphasize the use of ornamental, nonindigenous
vegetation with little to no concern for native species and natural vegetation parameters. As a result, avian community composition
and diversity is changed. We compared avian communities at three sites in Bexar County, Texas; two residential neighborhoods
in the city of San Antonio and an unincorporated undeveloped site, Government Canyon State Natural Area. The residential neighborhoods
were a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department certified wildscapes development and a traditionally developed neighborhood. Bird
abundance and species richness in the neighborhoods were greater than at Government Canyon State Natural Area (P < 0.01), but no differences existed between the neighborhoods. Bird diversity was greatest at the wildscapes neighborhood
(P < 0.01). Further, bird diversity did not differ between the traditional neighborhood and the natural area. Evenness differed
among sites (P = 0.006) with the natural area having the greatest value. Bird diversity measures correlated with woody plant density and
vertical cover (r = 0.358 to 0.673, P < 0.05) at residential sites. Residential areas incorporating natural landscapes into their design attracted a greater variety
of birds than traditionally landscaped residential areas. 相似文献
The invertebrate fauna in artificial urban habitats has yet to be systematically investigated. The current field study in
central Ohio was undertaken to assess the numbers and types of macroinvertebrates in mulched and unmulched plots during a
one-year period. Invertebrates quickly infiltrated the plots with bare soil (control) and any of four types of mulch (shredded
hardwood, shredded recycled wood, pine bark mini-nuggets, and pea gravel). One month after establishing the plots, invertebrates
were present in numbers comparable to subsequent months. Invertebrates found in the plots were primarily saprophytic taxa:
millipedes (32.6%), segmented worms (19.8%), isopods (6.7%), and various beetle families (1.5%). Predatory taxa included centipedes
(9.8%), ants (9.7%), carabid beetles and staphylinid beetles (7.3%), and spiders (0.9%). Types of invertebrates were similar
in all ground cover types, but numbers of invertebrates differed significantly. Invertebrates were present year-round in mulched
plots, and plots with organic mulch harbored significantly more invertebrates than plots mulched with pea gravel. Bare soil
always contained the fewest number of invertebrates. There was no significant difference in numbers of invertebrates based
on the cardinal side of the building. 相似文献
C. Y. Jim 《Urban Ecosystems》2014,17(2):405-426
Hong Kong’s rugged topography demands creation of developable land by reclaiming the harbor and terracing hillslopes. The vertical faces between adjoining hillslope-platforms are often stabilized by stone retaining walls. Such artificial cliffs embedded in the urban matrix, as a habitat analogue of rocky cliffs, have been colonized by spontaneous-ruderal vegetation. Detailed field assessment of 289 walls with 793 trees permitted in-depth analysis of this unique tropical urban ecology to inform conservation. The 28 stonewall tree species, mainly native, are dominated by six keystone and companion Ficus (Moraceae) species. They can develop into large cliff hangers >?20 m height on the apparently precarious and inhospitable walls. The many joints between masonry blocks provide opportunities for lodging and germination of seeds brought by frugivorous birds and bats. The aft-soil behind walls provides catchment for normal root functions. Beginning as pioneers and persisting as climax members, they short-circuit the seral processes. Wall-gripping capability as large epilithic woody hemi-epiphytes is due to the strangler-fig habit, an evolutionary trait that originated in the tropical forest. The polymorphic roots with morphological plasticity and self-grafting ability, and their multiple modes of interactions with wall niches, account for firm attachment on the vertical habitat and exploration of proximal soils. A model of strangler-fig growth on stone walls serving as surrogate host tree is developed. The diverse and versatile rooting modes are the basis to sustain strangler-fig wall conditions to permit continuation of strangler-fig habit. Such unique nature-in-city and natural-cum-cultural gems deserve conservation as urban ecological heritage. 相似文献
Wading birds (i.e, Ardeidae: herons, egrets, and bitterns) are a guild of waterbirds that forage in coastal habitats which in the US and Europe are often located in close proximity to urban centers. However, the use of urban marine habitats may have consequences for bird populations, as birds can be subject to stress from increased levels of passive and active human disturbance. We examined the effects of human disturbance, available foraging habitat, and prey abundance on wading bird density and species richness at 17 urban coastal sites in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island USA. The sites represented a gradient of immediately adjacent residential and commercial land use (e.g., 0.0–67.7% urban land use within a 30.5 m buffer of the sites) within an urban matrix (i.e., all sites were located within a suburban center with a population of about 85,000 people). Wading bird density (0.62 ± 0.12 birds ha−1) and species richness (average 4.49 ± 0.37 species across all sites) were not influenced by passive human disturbance as measured by the extent of urban land surrounding a site. However, wading bird density and species richness both decreased significantly as active disturbance (i.e., number of boats moored or docked upstream of the site) increased (r = −0.56, F = 6.85, p = 0.019 and r = −0.73, F = 16.6, p = 0.001, respectively). In addition, both density (r = 0.72, F = 16.2, p = 0.001) and species richness (r = 0.72, F = 16.2, p = 0.001) increased concomitantly with a prey index that combines the density of fish and invertebrates on which the birds feed with the amount of available shallow water foraging habitat at a site. Our results suggest that wading birds i) may not be negatively affected by urban land surrounding estuarine foraging areas in and of itself; and ii) may be utilizing urban areas in the absence of high levels of active disturbance to take advantage of potentially enhanced prey resources. In the case where the benefits of foraging at a site outweigh the costs related to human disturbance, urban marine habitats may need to be considered for restoration or protection from further increases in active human disturbance. 相似文献
Insect species composition and diversity on intensive green roofs and adjacent level-ground habitats
While it is expected that green roofs support a wider variety of insects compared with conventional roof surfaces, few studies
have quantified insect diversity on green roofs. Even fewer have attempted to determine whether green roofs can support insect
communities comparable to level-ground urban habitats. In this study, insect richness, abundance and diversity indices were
compared between five pairs of intensive green roofs and adjacent ground-level habitat patches in downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Pitfall traps were set at each site, collected bi-weekly between May-October 2009 and captured insects were identified to
morphospecies (except where taxonomic expertise was available). No significant differences in richness, abundance or any of
the indices (S, H’, Evar) were detected in analysis, which included plant species richness, site area and sampling effort as covariables. However,
richness and abundance tended to be greater at ground level for all orders (except Heteroptera), and diversity appeared to
increase away from the downtown core. Insect composition differed slightly between green roof and ground-level sites; only
17 species were collected from a single site type in numbers greater than five specimens. Nevertheless, a wide variety of
insects, including many uncommon species were collected from green roofs, supporting the idea that these habitats can contribute
to sustaining biodiversity in cities. 相似文献
Little information is available on the degree to which coyotes (Canis latrans) use urban habitats. In the past, interactions between coyotes and humans have precipitated several instances of coyote aggression towards humans. Consequently, I analyzed use of urban habitats by coyotes and the possibilities for aggressive encounters with humans. In this study, 11 radio-collared coyotes were monitored between July 1991 and September 1992. Use/availability analysis demonstrated a clear difference in use of natural habitats between summer and winter. Urban habitats were used in direct proportion to availability during all time periods, except during the day in summer when coyotes avoided intense human activity. Campgrounds were not an attraction during either season. For the most part, coyotes in the vicinity of Banff used habitats available to them regardless of human activity. Evidence does not suggest the coyote population in the vicinity of Banff is predisposed to aggression due to familiarity with humans. The relationship between the data and coyote aggression towards humans is discussed. 相似文献
Vegetation of the urban habitats in the Nile Delta region,Egypt 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
The present study aims at identifying the plant communities of the urban habitats in the Nile Delta region, Egypt. Four hundred and five stands were selected to represent the variation in eight major types of habitat recognized in the study area. Twenty-five vegetation groups were recognized after application of TWINSPAN. Their ordination using DECORANA indicates moisture, pH, fertility and texture gradients; the hygronitrophilous communities (the moist and fertile stands) inhabit the wet refuse areas (Echinochloa stagnina-Eichhornia crassipes group), mesonitrophilous communities inhabit the dry refuse areas, motor roads and railways (Pluchea dioscoridis, Cynodon dactylon, Panicum repens and Phragmites australis groups), mesic-dry subnitrophilous communities occur on sandy soils (Hordeum murinum, Alhagi graecorum and Desmostachia bipinnata groups) and the dry thermophilous communities of new anthropogenic habitats with coarser texture of sandy and infertile soil along the railways and motor roads at the borders of the Nile Delta (Zygophyllum album and Cornulaca monacantha groups). These results suggest that urban vegetation in the Nile Delta region is favored where disturbance, nutrient and water resources are more abundant. 相似文献
Urban marine habitats are often utilized by wildlife for foraging and other activities despite surrounding anthropogenic impact or disturbance. However little is known of the ecological factors that determine habitat value of these and other remnant natural habitats. We examined the preferential use of urban marine habitats in a northeast US estuary to try to elucidate the factors driving enhanced foraging activity at these sites. Using a bioenergetic model, we compared energy intake to energy expenditure and examined differences in behavior and foraging success of great egrets Ardea alba at three urban and three rural salt marshes in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island USA. Mean per site available nekton energy averaged 4.44?±?0.97 GJ site?1 and was significantly higher at urban than at rural sites. While energy expenditure by birds was similar across all sites, mean strike and prey capture rate were significantly greater at urban sites, and 70.1?±?12.2 % of strikes by egrets at urban sites were successful. Egrets foraging at urban sites consumed significantly more energy (23.2?±?6.62 W bird?1) than those at rural sites. Model results indicated a net energy gain by egrets foraging at urban sites, versus a net energy loss at rural sites. Our results may help explain previously observed increases in the numbers of egrets foraging at urban marine habitats, and help provide input into decisions about the extent to which these areas should be considered for restoration or protection. 相似文献
Pertti Ranta 《Urban Ecosystems》2008,11(2):149-159
Traffic corridors have been recognized as floristically rich with endangered and rare species included. The aim of this study is to treat traffic corridors as habitats and estimate their importance for diversity of vascular plants on municipal level. The material is derived from the comprehensive studies of urban floras in the cities of Vantaa, Kerava and Järvenpää during the 1990s in southern Finland. The material consists of over 190,000 species records (704–771 species). The material was divided in two groups: the ones with occurrences in traffic corridors (TC) and the others with no occurrences (NTC). The percentage of the traffic corridor plants of the total flora is almost the same in all the three cities: two thirds in traffic corridors and one third not in traffic corridors. The explanation may be the general floristic similarity of the cities. The two groups differ ecologically from each other. The association of plants with traffic corridors varies according to the ecology of the species. About 100 plants have more than 50% of their occurrences in traffic corridors. In Järvenpää, a group of four Carex-species was intensively mapped. 46 occurrences out of 50 were found in traffic corridors. A case study showed the difficulties in management of endangered species on a roadside site. The usual extensive management techniques were not sustainable for the survival of the species. Instead, a much more intensive management was needed. 相似文献
Hall Matthew J. Burns Alicia L. Martin John M. Hochuli Dieter F. 《Urban Ecosystems》2020,23(4):785-791
Urban Ecosystems - Urbanisation is a major land use change that introduces novel sources of disturbance and risk into an ecosystem. Successful urban species modify their fear behaviour in response... 相似文献
Urban Ecosystems - Wetlands are one of the world’s most important, economically valuable, and diverse ecosystems. A major proportion of wetland biodiversity is composed of aquatic... 相似文献
We examined the distribution of birds and butterflies at two types of urban riparian areas in the metropolitan area of Denver, Colorado, USA. The sites consisted of relatively natural areas containing native woody vegetation, and those that had been highly modified with trees and shrubs removed and planted with lawn grass. Species richness of both butterflies and birds differed significantly between the two types of sites. Species richness, however, was not significantly correlated between birds and butterflies. Bird abundance was similar between site types but consisted of two assemblages. Brewer's blackbirds, common grackles, bank swallows, and mourning doves were abundant at wooded sites while American robins, European starlings, house sparrows, house finches, and mallards were more abundant at lawned riparian sites. Butterfly abundance was less at lawned sites. This contrast in bird and butterfly response to habitats suggests they respond to different habitats in distinct ways. Both taxon groups, however, were important discriminators between habitat types. Overall, butterfly and bird species richness was 44% less at highly modified riparian sites. 相似文献
Hajdasz Adrianne C. Otter Ken A. Baldwin Lyn K. Reudink Matthew W. 《Urban Ecosystems》2019,22(6):1113-1122
Urban Ecosystems - To ensure the survival of their offspring, birds need to precisely time their reproduction: when offspring have the highest demand for food, food resources should be most... 相似文献
Stacy M. Philpott Julie Cotton Peter Bichier Russell L. Friedrich Leigh C. Moorhead Shinsuke Uno Monica Valdez 《Urban Ecosystems》2014,17(2):513-532
Urban green spaces, such as forest fragments, vacant lots, and community gardens, are increasingly highlighted as biodiversity refuges and are of growing interest to conservation. At the same time, the burgeoning urban garden movement partially seeks to ameliorate problems of food security. Arthropods link these two issues (conservation and food security) given their abundance, diversity, and role as providers of ecosystem services like pollination and pest control. Many previous studies of urban arthropods focused on a single taxon (e.g. order or family), and examined either local habitat drivers or effects of landscape characteristics. In contrast, we examined both local and landscape drivers of community patterns, and examined differences in abundance, richness, and trophic structure of arthropod communities in urban forest fragments, vacant lots, and community gardens. We sampled ground-foraging arthropods, collected data on 24 local habitat features (e.g., vegetation, ground cover, concrete), and examined land-cover types within 2 km of 12 study sites in Toledo, Ohio. We found that abundance and richness of urban arthropods differed by habitat type and that richness of ants and spiders, in particular, varied among lots, gardens, and forests. Several local and landscape factors correlated with changes in abundance, richness, and trophic composition of arthropods, and different factors were important for specific arthropod groups. Overwhelmingly, local factors were the predominant (80 % of interactions) driver of arthropods in this urban environment. These results indicate that park managers and gardeners alike may be able to manage forests and gardens to promote biodiversity of desired organisms and potentially improve ecosystem services within the urban landscape. 相似文献
Amazonia is undergoing rapid urbanisation, but nothing has been published on the structure and function of urban Amazonian avifaunas. Here we present the results of a year-long survey of the avifauna of an Amazonian city, exploring temporal variation in its taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity. We found urban bird communities to be taxonomically depauperate and dominated by a small subset of common species typical of second growth and river-edge habitats. Broad patterns of phylogenetic community similarity typically resembled those found in other studies on urban Neotropical bird assemblages, with insectivores the dominant guild. There was significant temporal variation in taxonomic and phylogenetic structure owing to the seasonal arrival and departure of a regionally over-represented minority of migratory species. Although the urban avian assemblage is of limited regional conservation value, it may still offer significant biodiversity services and represent one of few points of contact for local people with biodiversity. 相似文献
Urbanization creates new habitats with novel benefits and challenges not found in natural systems. How a species fares in urban habitats is largely dependent on its life history, yet predicting the response of individual species to urbanization remains a challenge. While some species thrive in urban areas, others do poorly or are not present at all. Mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli) are year-round residents of montane regions of western North America. Commonly found in higher-elevation coniferous forests, these birds can also be found in urban areas where they will regularly visit bird feeders and nest in nest boxes. We monitored mountain chickadees nesting along a habitat gradient, from natural habitat to suburban areas, to determine if the degree of urbanization was associated with: clutch size and success; nestling growth rates; or variation in parental size and age. Females nesting in urbanized areas initiated clutches earlier in the breeding season than those in natural areas, but neither fledging success nor the rate of nestling mass-change differed between habitats. Nestling feather growth-rate increased with later first egg dates in both habitats, and the magnitude of this increase was greatest in urban habitats. We found no difference in the proportion of first-time breeders versus experienced breeders between habitat types, nor any differences in male or female mass or size. Our results indicate no detriment to nesting in urban habitats, suggesting mountain chickadees are able to adapt to moderate urbanization much like other members of the Paridae family. 相似文献
Urban Ecosystems - As garden plants in urbanized environments provide considerable diverse floral resources to pollinators, the availability of floral resources has changed as a consequence of... 相似文献
The conservation value of urban parks for butterfly communities remains poorly understood, particularly for tropical butterflies in Asia. We conducted point count and route transect butterfly surveys, and used them to sample four habitats located within 13 urban parks across Hong Kong. We found 1054 individuals and 58 species of butterflies recorded in 60 survey hours over 6 months. This represents approximately one quarter of the entire known Hong Kong butterfly species list. Over 30 % of the individuals counted were Catospilia sp. but six of the species identified are classified locally as rare or very rare. Tree-covered habitats and grasslands showed higher butterfly diversity than open areas. The most common butterfly behavior was “directed flight,” which we also found to be habitat-dependent and most common in ponds and open areas. We additionally observed the use of vegetation in urban parks, which included 40 species of nectar plant and four records of butterfly oviposition. The high butterfly diversity, presence of rare species and usage of vegetation (especially as a nectar resource) we documented in this study suggests that urban parks have some conservation value for Hong Kong. However, the use of pesticides and heavy vegetation clearing may limit significant butterfly reproduction and population growth. Altogether these results emphasize the diversity of uses of urban parks for butterflies in Hong Kong while also providing possible directions for improvement in habitat and vegetation management that could increase urban park value for biodiversity. 相似文献
Borges Erica Rievrs Dexter Kyle G. Bueno Marcelo Leandro Pontara Vanessa Carvalho Fabrício Alvim 《Urban Ecosystems》2020,23(3):631-643
Urban Ecosystems - Urbanization leads to strong modifications of landscape structure and ecosystem functioning, and urban areas are spreading rapidly. The aim of this study was to investigate how... 相似文献
Urban Ecosystems - The present study is aimed at exploring native and alien plant species diversity patterns in distinct types of the urban forest environment by documenting differences in species... 相似文献