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Di  Guoqing  Xiang  Junli  Yao  Yao  Chen  Cong  Lin  Qinhao 《Urban Ecosystems》2022,25(2):453-463
Urban Ecosystems - Developing a public response model of soundscape in parks can provide a basis for the optimization of soundscape design. Three representative urban landscape garden parks were...  相似文献   

Fox squirrels in an urban environment had an average litter size of 2.83 (95% CI 2.5, 3.16) which was similar to rural populations. Nonetheless, the proportion of squirrels reproductively active during the summer/fall breeding season (0.73) and annually (spring + summer/fall) was higher (1.23) than previously recorded for non-manipulated rural populations. The average monthly survival rate () of urban juvenile fox squirrels during the first 14 weeks of life was higher than reported for adult populations in the area. High rates of reproduction and juvenile survival yielded high juvenile to adult ratios (juveniles/adults) averaging 0.44. Retention of juveniles after 6 months (15%) was significantly less (χ 2 = 7.24, p = 0.0071) than adults/subadults (40%). Results suggest that the urban environment provides quality habitat for fox squirrels and fox squirrels in urban environments have the potential to be a source population for surrounding suburban and rural environments.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of cities are currently developing sustainable policies aimed at promoting urban biodiversity and ecological dynamics through the planning of green networks and the implementation of more sustainable management practices. These human activities can strongly influence environmental factors on which the organization of ecological communities at different scales depends. Thus, it is of fundamental importance to understand the relative impact of local management, green space design and landscape features on the distribution and the abundance of species in urban areas. On the basis of 2 years of butterfly surveys in urban public parks within an extensive Mediterranean metropolitan area, Marseille (South-East France), the aim of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the effect of these three environmental scales (plot, park, landscape) on the composition and organization of species assemblages. Using variation partitioning and nestedness analysis on ecological data aggregated at plot-level and park-level respectively, we demonstrate the preponderant effect of landscape scale features on urban butterfly assemblages. Our results also highlight an important co-variation of plot management, park layout and urban landscape features, in their interaction with the community structure of urban butterflies. Although there is no significant species-area relationship, significantly nested patterns arise in species composition. Selective colonization appears as a driving force constraining the constitution of species assemblages within the city. However, a prospective study on adjacent more natural areas suggests that biotic limitations, interspecific competition and habitat filtering may play an important role if a larger portion of the urbanization gradient is explored, which remains to be investigated.  相似文献   


Urban forest ecosystems, the structure, and functions therein are subjected to anthropogenic disturbances. Native and sensitive species from those forests might be lost due to such disturbances. At the same time, supplemented anthropogenic resources might create opportunities for exotic and invasive species. Although invasive species are considered one of the major threats to the urban biodiversity and ecosystems, the research on invasion dynamics in the Himalayas has primarily focused on the impacts of invasion on forest structure and productivity. This study aims to understand the influence of forest structure and anthropogenic factors in invasion success that are poorly covered in the existing literature. We selected 11 urban forest patches for the study considering the presence-absence of selected invasive species and structural attributes. We used Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce co-linearity in the covariates and generalized linear mixed effects model (GLMM) to identify the factors affecting invasion success. We found that forest structural attributes, namely, tree diameter, height and canopy cover, and anthropogenic disturbances regulate invasion success in urban forests. This implies that maintaining urban forest structural attributes, especially the stands with large-sized trees, is essential to control invasion in the context of urbanization.


The aesthetic, economic, and environmental benefits of urban trees are well recognized. Previous research has focused on understanding how a variety of social and environmental factors are related to urban vegetation. The aim is often to provide planners with information that will improve residential neighborhood design, or guide tree planting campaigns encouraging the cultivation of urban trees. In this paper we examine a broad range of factors we hypothesize are correlated to urban tree canopy heterogeneity in Salt Lake County, Utah. We use a multi-model inference approach to evaluate the relative contribution of these factors to observed heterogeneity in urban tree canopy cover, and discuss the implications of our analysis. An important contribution of this work is an explicit attempt to account for the confounding effect of neighborhood age in understanding the relationship between human and environmental factors, and urban tree canopy. We use regression analysis with interaction terms to assess the effects of 15 human and environmental variables on tree canopy abundance while holding neighborhood age constant. We demonstrate that neighborhood age is an influential covariate that affects how the human and environmental factors relate to the abundance of neighborhood tree canopy. For example, we demonstrate that in new neighborhoods a positive relationship exists between street density and residential tree canopy, but the relationship diminishes as the neighborhood ages. We conclude that to better understand the determinants of urban tree canopy in residential areas it is important to consider both human and environmental factors while accounting for neighborhood age.  相似文献   

Fouda  Y.E. 《Urban Ecosystems》2001,5(1):5-25
An air pollution problem is taking place in the Rosetta region resulting from the brick industry. Polluting point sources cause plumes that disperse by the prevailing wind, covering urban areas of Rosetta City and surrounding landscape of agricultural fields. A model for pollutants plumes was designed through a GIS to calculate the dispersal of total suspended particulate (TSP) loads over the landscape and to estimate its spatial distribution and to analyze its relationship with other geographic land use attributes.TSP pollutant concentrations starting from 100 g/m3 cover more than 34 km2 of sensitive land cover through all the year. A concentration level of 100 g/m3 affects about 93% of the sensitive palm trees cultivation, 47% of cultivated land, and 92% of urban areas. TSP concentration level of 200 g/m3 was found to be affecting the same percentage of built-up urban areas.Concentration levels exceed the permissible limits mentioned in the Egyptian law of environment (90 g/m3). The situation is hygienically deteriorated, and large areas of agricultural land are strongly affected or subjected to future impact. Recommended measures are mostly involved with transferring this industrial activity to a safer location at the southwest of the city. The study proposes that brick mills sites on the river Nile bank be utilized for urban development projects and for the promotion of tourism.  相似文献   

The invertebrate fauna in artificial urban habitats has yet to be systematically investigated. The current field study in central Ohio was undertaken to assess the numbers and types of macroinvertebrates in mulched and unmulched plots during a one-year period. Invertebrates quickly infiltrated the plots with bare soil (control) and any of four types of mulch (shredded hardwood, shredded recycled wood, pine bark mini-nuggets, and pea gravel). One month after establishing the plots, invertebrates were present in numbers comparable to subsequent months. Invertebrates found in the plots were primarily saprophytic taxa: millipedes (32.6%), segmented worms (19.8%), isopods (6.7%), and various beetle families (1.5%). Predatory taxa included centipedes (9.8%), ants (9.7%), carabid beetles and staphylinid beetles (7.3%), and spiders (0.9%). Types of invertebrates were similar in all ground cover types, but numbers of invertebrates differed significantly. Invertebrates were present year-round in mulched plots, and plots with organic mulch harbored significantly more invertebrates than plots mulched with pea gravel. Bare soil always contained the fewest number of invertebrates. There was no significant difference in numbers of invertebrates based on the cardinal side of the building.  相似文献   

Urban green spaces, such as forest fragments, vacant lots, and community gardens, are increasingly highlighted as biodiversity refuges and are of growing interest to conservation. At the same time, the burgeoning urban garden movement partially seeks to ameliorate problems of food security. Arthropods link these two issues (conservation and food security) given their abundance, diversity, and role as providers of ecosystem services like pollination and pest control. Many previous studies of urban arthropods focused on a single taxon (e.g. order or family), and examined either local habitat drivers or effects of landscape characteristics. In contrast, we examined both local and landscape drivers of community patterns, and examined differences in abundance, richness, and trophic structure of arthropod communities in urban forest fragments, vacant lots, and community gardens. We sampled ground-foraging arthropods, collected data on 24 local habitat features (e.g., vegetation, ground cover, concrete), and examined land-cover types within 2 km of 12 study sites in Toledo, Ohio. We found that abundance and richness of urban arthropods differed by habitat type and that richness of ants and spiders, in particular, varied among lots, gardens, and forests. Several local and landscape factors correlated with changes in abundance, richness, and trophic composition of arthropods, and different factors were important for specific arthropod groups. Overwhelmingly, local factors were the predominant (80 % of interactions) driver of arthropods in this urban environment. These results indicate that park managers and gardeners alike may be able to manage forests and gardens to promote biodiversity of desired organisms and potentially improve ecosystem services within the urban landscape.  相似文献   

Modeling urban landscape dynamics: A case study in Phoenix,USA   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
Urbanization has profoundly transformed many landscapes throughout the world, and the ecological consequences of this transformation are yet to be fully understood. To understand the ecology of urban systems, it is necessary to quantify the spatial and temporal patterns of urbanization, which often requires dynamic modeling and spatial analysis. In this paper, we describe an urban growth model, the Phoenix Urban Growth Model (PHX-UGM), illustrate a series of model calibration and evaluation methods, and present scenario-based simulation analyses of the future development patterns of the Phoenix metropolitan region. PHX-UGM is a spatially explicit urban landscape model and is a modified version of the Human-Induced Land Transformations (HILT) model originally developed for the San Francisco Bay Area. Using land use and other data collected for the Phoenix area, existing growth rules were selectively modified and new rules were added to help examine key ecological and social factors. We used multiple methods and a multi-scale approach for model calibration and evaluation. The results of the different evaluation methods showed that the model performed reasonably well at a certain range of spatial resolutions (120–480 m). When fine-scale data are available and when landscape structural details are desirable, the 120-m grain size should be used. However, at finer levels the noise and uncertainty in input data and the exponentially increased computational requirements would considerably reduce the usefulness and accuracy of the model. At the other extreme, model projections with too coarse a spatial resolution would be of little use at the local and regional scales. A series of scenario analyses suggest that the Metropolitan Phoenix area will soon be densely populated demographically and highly fragmented ecologically unless dramatic actions are to be taken soon to significantly slow down the population growth. Also, there will be an urban morphological threshold over which drastic changes in certain aspects of landscape pattern occur. Specifically, the scenarios indicate that, as large patches of open lands (including protected lands, parks and available desert lands) begin to break up, patch diversity declines due partly to the loss of agricultural lands, and the overall landscape shape complexity also decreases because of the predominance of urban lands. It seems that reaching such a threshold can be delayed, but not avoided, if the population in the Phoenix metropolitan region continues to grow. PHX-UGM can be used as a tool for exploring the outcome of different urban planning strategies, and the methods illustrated in this paper can be used for evaluating other urban models.  相似文献   

We report on the extent of disturbance (including habitat alteration and road and trail proliferation) in chaparral near urban development and analyze the effects of disturbance on small mammal and resident bird species. Disturbance patterns were evaluated in a 6700 ha study area in southern California: effects on mammals and birds were investigated by analyzing relationships between vegetation structure and animal species richness and abundance. Disturbance was prevalent throughout the study area and included extensive human-altered habitat (from past human activities such as vegetation clearing, human-caused fires, refuse dumping, and vegetation trampling) and 157 km of roads and trails. A nonsignificant trend was found between human-altered habitat and proximity to development, but human-altered habitat was significantly associated with roadway proximity. Trails were also more frequent near urban development and roads. Small mammals responded strongly to disturbance-related vegetation changes, while birds showed little or no response. Mammals endemic to chaparral vegetation were less diverse and abundant in disturbed sites, whereas disturbance-associated species increased in abundance. Close proximity of urban development to natural areas resulted in alteration of natural habitat and proliferation of roads and trails. Variation in life history traits between birds and mammals may affect response to disturbance and influence persistence if disturbance continues. Conservation efforts must recognize the potential for habitat damage and associated declines in native animal species caused by disturbance near urbanization and implement strategies to reduce these threats.  相似文献   

Change in land surface temperature (LST) due to urbanization is a critical influence on the ecohydrological function and human health in cities. Past research has emphasized land cover composition and planimetric landscape pattern as drivers of LST patterns, but there have been few empirical studies examining the effects of vertical structure on thermal variation in cities. We used agglomerative cluster analysis to group 5 ha grid cells with similar land cover composition from high-resolution land cover data for our Aurora, Colorado, USA study area. We then compared the importance of different planimetric landscape pattern metrics and lidar-derived vertical structure variables as predictors of LST estimated from Landsat 5 thermal band data for each group. Variation in LST between cluster groups was analyzed with landscape and vertical structure data using random forest regression models and conditional variable importance metrics. Cluster analysis produced 7 distinct groups differing in land cover composition, planimetric landscape pattern, and vertical structure. Clusters with greater tree cover and higher mean tree height were generally cooler, while the height difference between buildings and trees had high conditional variable importance in random forest regression models. We found that the specific planimetric landscape pattern and vertical structure metrics most important for individual clusters differed, suggesting that the relative importance of variables depends on land-use and land cover. Our results highlight the importance of including vertical structure in empirical analyses of urban LST.  相似文献   

Landscape change is an ongoing process even within established urban landscapes. Yet, analyses of fragmentation and deforestation have focused primarily on the conversion of non-urban to urban landscapes in rural landscapes and ignored urban landscapes. To determine the ecological effects of continued urbanization in urban landscapes, tree-covered patches were mapped in the Gwynns Falls watershed (17158.6?ha) in Maryland for 1994 and 1999 to document fragmentation, deforestation, and reforestation. The watershed was divided into lower (urban core), middle (older suburbs), and upper (recent suburbs) subsections. Over the entire watershed a net of 264.5 of 4855.5?ha of tree-covered patches were converted to urban land use??125 new tree-covered patches were added through fragmentation, 4 were added through reforestation, 43 were lost through deforestation, and 7 were combined with an adjacent patch. In addition, 180 patches were reduced in size. In the urban core, deforestation continued with conversion to commercial land use. Because of the lack of vegetation, commercial land uses are problematic for both species conservation and derived ecosystem benefits. In the lower subsection, shape complexity increased for tree-covered patches less than 10?ha. Changes in shape resulted from canopy expansion, planted materials, and reforestation of vacant sites. In the middle and upper subsections, the shape index value for tree-covered patches decreased, indicating simplification. Density analyses of the subsections showed no change with respect to patch densities but pointed out the importance of small patches (??5?ha) as ??stepping stone?? to link large patches (e.g., >100?ha). Using an urban forest effect model, we estimated, for the entire watershed, total carbon loss and pollution removal, from 1994 to 1999, to be 14,235,889.2?kg and 13,011.4?kg, respectively due to urban land-use conversions.  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - As urbanization continues to expand worldwide, more and more urban areas become home to wild animals able to adapt to city life, generating a growing need for information. In the...  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Urban gardens, or spaces that include vegetables, fruit trees, and ornamental plants, can support bird species and communities by providing food and nesting habitat within urban...  相似文献   


The growth and survival of urban trees and maintenance of urban forest canopy are important considerations in adaptation of urban regions to climate change, especially in relation to increasing frequency of extreme climatic events such as drought. However, urban forest growth and drought response may vary considerably within large urban landscapes across gradients in land use, urbanization, forest composition and structure, and environmental factors. We quantified urban forest growth and resilience and resistance to extreme drought in the greater Chicago metropolitan region based on patterns of annual basal area production from increment core analysis. We evaluated variation in growth and drought response in relation to a broad urban to rural gradient, land-use categories, local-scale environmental predictors, and forest community characteristics. Urban forest growth varied greatly among land-use classes and major genera. Plot-level variation in productivity was predicted most strongly (R2 = 0.53) by total plot-level basal area, canopy height, species composition, soil and ground-cover characteristics, and position within the urban-rural gradient. Urban forest growth was strongly related to regional meteorological drought. In periods of extreme drought conditions growth declined in the year of the drought (i.e., was not resistant to drought effects), but was highly resilient to drought in the subsequent 5 year period. Drought response did not vary consistently across land-use classes or among major genera, and site or community characteristics had little explanatory power in predicting drought response. Improved understanding of factors driving variation in urban forest growth and drought response could help inform adaptation-focused urban forest management strategies.


Urban Ecosystems - Urbanisation is causing rapid land-use change worldwide. Populations of freshwater turtles are vulnerable to impacts of urbanisation such as habitat loss, fragmentation and...  相似文献   

Urban areas are increasing in number, extent, and human population density worldwide. There is potential to mitigate negative impacts of urbanization to native pond-breeding amphibians by providing habitat in both remnant natural and constructed wetlands. This study examines amphibian use of potential breeding sites in natural and constructed ponds in a large metropolitan area to investigate habitat characteristics that are associated with successful breeding. I surveyed 62 ponds over three breeding seasons in Portland, Oregon, measuring eleven habitat characteristics that may influence their successful breeding: pond depth, nitrate level, aquatic refugia, aquatic vegetation, surrounding vegetation, pond permanence, presence of fish and of introduced bullfrogs, surrounding road density and forest cover, and whether they were constructed or remnant natural ponds. Five of the six native pond-breeding species that occur in the region were regularly found breeding in city ponds. Surrounding forest cover and amount of aquatic vegetation were highly associated with breeding, indicating that preserving and planting vegetation likely benefits urban amphibians. Non-native bullfrogs were not associated with native species richness. Surprisingly, whether a pond was natural or constructed was also only weakly associated with native species breeding, and the trend was towards higher presence for all species in constructed ponds. This indicates that novel, human-dominated areas can provide habitat for these species. Consideration of habitat characteristics associated with breeding success in urban pond management will likely benefit native amphibians in these rapidly expanding landscapes.  相似文献   


There have been few studies investigating the relationship between the built environment and the status of bird distributions in small island tropical urban areas. We present a study investigating the relationship between bird species richness, abundance and assemblage to the built environment in Suva, Fiji. Field surveys were taken at 54 randomly selected sites throughout the city, stratified by three building density classes and the central business district (CBD). At each site bird counts were recorded, along with environmental data such as average building height, within a 150 m radius. Land-use information was obtained from screen digitized high-resolution satellite imagery within the same radius. Distance to undeveloped patches of land within the urban area was calculated using a GIS. Analysis of the effects of the built environment was carried out for all species, and for exotic and native species separately. Abundance of exotics was significantly higher in the central business district (CBD) than all other urban density classes, and significantly higher than natives in all other density classes. We found a negative relationship between native species richness and distance to undeveloped patches, but no relationship for exotics. Species assemblage was not related to urban density class. We conclude that the status of native and exotic bird species in Suva is similar to what has been found in urban areas in temperate climates, and conservation efforts should focus on minimizing the amount of heavily urbanized “core areas” and protecting undeveloped areas of forested vegetation to improve bird biodiversity in small tropical islands cities.


We investigated patterns of community structure (species composition, foraging activity, and nightly foraging patterns) of bats in relation to gradients of environmental variation in a tropical urban area. A total of 32 sites spread equally across eight habitat types were sampled in the city of Townsville, North Queensland, Australia. Each site was sampled on 3 non-consecutive occasions using automated AnaBat systems. Eleven species were confidently identified while a possible four more were identified only to the genus level. Ordination of environmental variables measured at these sites identified two distinct environmental gradients reflecting the degree of urbanisation and foliage density. With increasing urbanisation there was a decline in species richness and total foraging activity. We used regression trees to characterise foraging preferences of each species. This analysis suggested that only one species of Mormopterus was able to exploit the resources provided by urbanisation. This species foraged in areas with higher numbers of white streetlights. The remaining species of bats preferred to forage within close proximity to natural vegetation and with low numbers of streetlights. The density of vegetation in long-established suburbs did not substantially reverse the trend for urban areas to have fewer bat species than original habitats.  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Urbanisation affects fauna in many ways; with some species persisting and going on to dominate urban habitats, while other species decline over time due to habitat disturbance...  相似文献   

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