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论计划生育村民自治的运行机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实行计划生育村民自治是农村基层计划生育管理机制的重大改革 ,是生育控制机制的新创造 ,是在社会制约机制和利益导向机制之外的群众自治机制。一些地方计划生育村民自治的成功实践正在开创“民主生育”的新风尚和新格局。“民主生育”在内涵上要比“家庭计划”更为丰富 ,是由民作主、群众自治的生育活动 ,涉及了党群关系、干群关系、群群关系和群我关系这多维的思考和调节。“民主生育”是社会主义基层民主的重要组成部分 ,是新时期计划生育工作机制的重大探索 ,是创造人本主义计划生育模式的必由之路。最后 ,文章结合实际情况讨论了计划生育村民自治的运行机制和指标体系问题。计划生育村民自治的运行机制和效果评估是今后需要引起特别注意的问题  相似文献   

浙江省嘉兴市从1999年开始由点到面,大力推行计划生育村民自治,充分发挥群众“民主参与、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督”的作用,逐步实现群众对婚姻、生育、节育等婚育行为的“自我教育、自我管理、自我服务”。通过计划生育村民自治这一载体,不断探索农村计划生育综合改革、全面提高计划生育工作整体水平的新路子,取得了明显成效。  相似文献   

黑龙江省穆棱市计划生育村民自治调查报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
计划生育村民自治是我国农村社区计划生育的管理方式。穆棱市早在1999年就进行了计划生育村民自治试点工作。穆棱市在具体推行中以人为本,将维护群众的合法权益作为第一要义,尊重和保护群众的生育权、知情权、计划生育技术服务的获得权以及民主参与权。同时,对于低生育水平下的人口与计划生育工作,穆棱市勇于实践,适时改革,取得显著成效。  相似文献   

根据我国村民委员会组织法有关规定,计划生育村(居)民自治就是村(居)民依照计划生育政策法规,通过民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督,对婚姻、生育、节育等婚育行为进行自我管理、自我教育、自我服务的计划生育管理体制。计划生育村(居)民自治是依法治国、以德治国的需要;是实现“两个转变”,提高计生工作整体水平的迫切需要;是加强和改进党的作风建设,密切党同人民群众血肉联系的具体体现。计划生育村(居)民自治是基层计划生育管理体制的重大变革,具有重大的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

在一定意义上说,计划生育村民自治不仅是计划生育工作水平发展的体现,也是实践江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想,稳定低生育水平的重要标志。目前,计划生育村民自治活动已在我县普遍开展,本文就计划生育村民自治工作中的几个问题作些思考。  相似文献   

中国是一个拥有9亿农民的国家,农村的计划生育始终是全国计划生育的重点和难点。近年来,一些地区的村级社区组织在落实“三为主”、推广“三结合”、实现“两个转变”的过程中,积极而稳妥地走上了计划生育村民自治的道路。通过村民自治,国家有关人口和计划生育的宏观决策,最终落实到农户和个人,转化为群众的自觉行动。与此同时,广大农民群众在实现计划生育村民自治的过程中,训练和增强了参与意识、民主意识以及“自我管理,自我教育,自我服务”的能力,行使了计划生育主人的权利。在中国农村,计划生育村民自治有着强大的生命力和…  相似文献   

从2001年开始,浙江省诸暨市在全市推行计划生育村民自治,到2004年有70%的村实现计划生育村民自治、民主管理,初步形成了“政府指导、两委领导、群众参与、各方配合、优势互补、资源共享”的村民自治工作新机制。一、围绕民主管理,不断提升计划生育村民自治工作水平我们围绕民主参与、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督的“四个民主”要求,按照“两委负总责,协会具体抓”的运行体制模式,不断加强组织网络、工作机制、自治制度建设,努力实现自我管理、自我教育、自我服务。1郾构建互动式机制。在建立健全市镇两级指导小组——村领导小组——计划生…  相似文献   

河北省唐山市不断创新工作理念,围绕深化计划生育村民自治,进行了大量卓有成效的探索,有力促进了整体工作水平的提高。一、深化计划生育村民自治工作的理论思考1.开展计划生育村民自治的历史回溯唐山市开展计划生育村民自治工作,是在全国大力推进农村民主建设,依法推进村民自治的大环境下进行的,大体经历了三个阶段。第一个阶段是从1996年开始大力推行“村级自治”,在全市广泛开展计划生育合格村、自治村的创建活动。对自治村实行动态管理,不达标的村就取消自治村称号。有的还限制发放政策内二胎生育指标。第二个阶段是从2000年国家提出“依…  相似文献   

近年来,随着河北省村民自治工作的不断深入,计生工作也逐步纳入了依法管理、村民自治的轨道。为了考察计生协如何在村民自治中发挥骨干带头作用,我们曾先后走访了遵化、乐亭、滦县以及高邑县计划生育协会参与村民自治的试点村,采取听汇报、与群众座谈、实地入户考察等方式进行计生协参与村民自治工作的调查。调查结果表明,计生协具有组织网络和人才优势,基层协会通过参与村民自治,围绕计划生育中心任务开展民主监督和服务活动,推动了基层的民主政治建设,促进了农村和城市社区的改革、发展和稳定,同时使协会组织自身得到了发展。充分发挥计生协在村民自治中的骨干带头作用,是搞好农村人口和计生工作的有效途径,使计生工作真正实现群众自我教育、自我管理、自我服务,也为各级计生协落实民主参与和民主监督等各项职能提供了广阔的舞台。  相似文献   

四川省的区域面积宽、人口总量多、居住分散、工作半径大,如果不充分发挥基层群众自治组织的作用,不充分调动基层群众的积极性,仅仅依靠人口计生部门自身的力量,则难以实现稳定低生育水平、统筹解决人口问题、促进人的全面发展的既定目标。为了有效破解人口计生工作难题,自20世纪80年代末90年代初起,四川结合实施《村民委员会组织法(试行)》,在计划生育“以村为主”、“自我教育”、“相互帮助”的基础上,开始计划生育基层群众自治的探索实践,  相似文献   

农村计划生育社区自治是未来计划生育工作发展的方向 ,本文探讨了农村社区计划生育自治的内涵、意义、理论基础、操作方法、自治的施用条件以及在自治过程中应注意的问题等有关内容  相似文献   

本文通过对甘肃计划生育的调查分析,认为较贫困地区农村建立计划生育新机制面临基础性制约,需要加强基础建设。  相似文献   

村民自治是深入开展计划生育工作的有效载体,推行计划生育村民自治,试点村要符合一定条件,并建立健全村民自治的内部运行机制,在实践中要处理好村规、民约与法律、法规的关系,并加强党的领导。  相似文献   

朱明国 《南方人口》2014,(1):1-10,38
本文对基层民主自治进程中乡村计划生育政策落实的困境及出路进行了探讨。基层民主自治是我国的一项基本政治制度,实行基层民主自治是发展中国特色社会主义民主政治的重要内容。但是在乡村推行基层民主自治的过程中,乡村计划生育政策的落实陷入一些困境,这些困境集中表现为计生政策与村民生育愿望、与村委会选举、与社会保障体系、与利益导向机制及与其它相关部门和政策的冲突与矛盾。鉴于此,本文相对应地提出了加强宣传教育、完善村民自治、健全社会保障体系、健全舆论导向机制以及加强政策的同向性与协调度等对策建议,以期推动计划生育政策在乡村进一步落实。  相似文献   

Jiang Sannu, a physician in China's Jiang Jia Village (Shaanxi Province), opened a family planning clinic in her own home in March 1987 to increase accessibility to contraceptive supplies and information among rural couples. Jiang was the elected head of the village women's federation. During the day, Jiang Sannu travels door-to-door throughout the village, providing information on issues such as prenatal care, breastfeeding, and family planning policy and methods. She provides gynecologic and pediatric medical services as well as midwifery. The nearest maternity hospital is 2-3 kilometers from the village, so Jiang has to date delivered over 20 infants. In the evenings, she disseminates Communist Party Central Committee documents on family planning regulations through the village tweeter. There is widespread agreement among villagers that this family planning facility is well suited to the needs of the local community.  相似文献   

China's family planning program is implemented under the unified leadership of the Chinese government. The main responsibilities under this program are to set up and strengthen family planning offices at all levels, formulate relevent laws and regulations, work out programs, principles, and policies for population growth, carry out intensive publicity and education, speed up scientific and technological research on family planning, and mobilize all the people and related departments to support the work of family planning. Family planning in China is practised on a voluntary basis. Education on patriotism is conducted among the people to enable them to see that strict control of population growth and conscious practice of family planning according to policy have a crucial bearing on China's prosperity and well being. As shown in practice, China has not only succeeded in maintaining sustained and steady economic growth, but has also succeeded in drastically reducing the population birth rate, death rate, infant mortality rate, and in extending average life expectancy. This demonstrates the superiority of China's socialist system. To control the growth of the population is an extremely arduous task. However, as long as China keeps to a practical and effective policy, the goal of keeping the total population at around 1.2 billion by the end of the century can be attained.  相似文献   

People living in the villages located in the west of the city of Mashhad 1,400–1,900 m above sea level immigrate to cities much more than other villages because they are located in valleys and mountainous regions. The research done on 200 families from seven villages shows that these villages are faced with a shortage of flat land suitable for farming and other activities and as a result the villagers, specially the youth, having no job as a source of income, have to emigrate to cities. With the young force leaving the villages and shortage of means of production, the villages are now faced with a population decrease. In some cases, the villages have been totally abandoned in spite of the fact that they have the potential for economic activities specially tourism. By planning and actualizing the potential of these villages, it is possible to create jobs and return the villagers or to prevent further emigration.  相似文献   

C Li 《人口研究》1987,(4):47-49
A family planning association was established in each village of Xiaqidu Township in Hunan Province, China in October 1986. The positive functions of each such association were so fully developed that family planning work reached new levels. For example, most villages are no longer experiencing early marriages or unplanned births. Some of the villages have established associations for individual work groups. The traditional method was for both township and village associations to rely upon the positive attitudes of officials to instill into fertile women Party policy, and to arouse their patriotism and initiative. By establishing family planning associations at the village level, however, the people can conduct their own affairs and educate themselves. Emphasis has been placed on attracting into the associations those who are of childbearing age, as well as older villagers of experience. The associations' raison d'etre was to serve the people. They did so through: propaganda (disseminating population theory, birth control and family planning information); helping the people overcome poverty, traditional thinking, and ignorance; assisting women with any problems and anxieties relating to child-bearing; delivering contraceptives to households; and providing the elderly with care and the young with education.  相似文献   

In 1985, a policy of allowing rural single daughter families to have a 2nd birth was practiced in the Datuan Village of the Xingfu Town in the Zhifu district, about 10 kilometers to the north of the Yantai City, Shangdong Province. Since the practice, 80 single-daughter families (26% of the total) have signed contracts of their own accord with the villagers' council, indicating they would have only 1 daughter in their lifetime. Clearly, family planning has been deeply rooted among the people in this area, and the childbearing concept of farmers is shifting along with economic development. Efforts have been made to accelerate the development of the rural economy and to increase the income of farmers. In Datuan Village, due to the vigorous development of the village-operated enterprises, the gross income of industry and agriculture in the village has increased from 1.958 million yuan RMB in 1980 to 4.769 million in 1986, with an average income ranging from 250-617 yuan. With the improvement in the living standard, people are willing to pursue a modern lifestyle, and the traditional childbearing concept is fading. It is necessary to provide good family planning publicity and services while the collective economy develops. The Datuan villagers now have a better understanding of family planning and have become more voluntary in the practice of family planning. There has not been a single unplanned birth since 1980.  相似文献   

2 recent studies from the Matlab in Bangladesh confirm that family planning promotes child survival. The 1st study is a longitudinal analysis of 3370 births in 1985 to women living in 70 villages who were served by the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh's Matlab Family Planning and Health Services Project. The 2nd is a study of 12-26 month old children and 24-36 month old children, all of whom were born in the same 70 villages between July 1985 and June 1986. The 1st study demonstrates that family planning improves child survival by lengthening the birth interval. In fact, if women delay a subsequent birth by about 2 years, child survival improves at all ages up to 5 years. Longer birth intervals result in a reduction of very high order births. The same study also reveals that family planning improves child survival indirectly by granting mothers access to integrated maternal and child health services. The 2nd study indicates that a child is 3 times more likely to suffer malnutrition, even at age 3, than a child whose mother gives birth again at an interval greater than 24 months. Specifically, the mother removes the index child from the breast prematurely, thereby adversely affecting the index child's nutrition. The birth interval prior to the index child does not adversely affect the index child's nutritional status, however. The 2nd study's result suggest that birth spacing, as promoted by family planning programs, improves child health and nutrition. The findings from these studies show the importance of continued investments in family planning programs in developing countries.  相似文献   

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