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王水雄  杨颖琳 《社会》2006,26(1):61-82
关系网络未必总是积极的,从而也未必总能构成社会资本。本文试图将信息经济学的信号传递问题与社会学的关系网络研究结合起来,以职业流动的个案为例,来探讨人力投资、信息传递与关系网络改变的逻辑联系。在求职过程中,行为者随机会集合的状况不同会对关系网络有不同的倾向;行为者可选择的机会集合与其人力的状况、人力显示方式和程度有着密切的关系。在机会集合一定的情况下,关系网络除了有助于行为者获取职业信息之外,还会影响外界对他/她的评价,进而影响其人力信息的传递;而对自己感兴趣的方向进行人力投资不仅会改善人力状况,还能多样化人力显示方式(包含改变关系网络在内),强化人力显示程度。  相似文献   

城市居民个人背景与职业适应性研究——以杭州市为例.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
范成杰 《社会》2006,26(1):98-111
本文利用问卷调查所得资料,定量描述了现阶段城市居民的职业综合适应水平的基本情况,并运用高级统计方法探讨了与城市居民职业适应水平相关的因素。研究发现,城市居民的职业综合适应水平较高。与城市居民职业适应水平密切相关的因素主要有本人的政治面貌、勤奋与否、职称水平(中级、高级)、母亲一般职务以及社会网络规模。通过上述的分析与讨论,笔者初步构建了一个关于城市居民职业适应性的分析图,试图阐释了城市居民阶层背景因素、竞争能力因素、社会支持网因素对其职业适应水平的影响关系。笔者认为,相对而言,城市居民的竞争能力对其职业适应性的影响更强一些。  相似文献   

法村社会支持网络的整体结构研究——块模型及其应用,   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘军 《社会》2006,26(3):69-80
本文利用“块模型”方法分析黑龙江省一个村落的社会支持网,是针对费孝通教授提出的“差序格局”理论进行社会网络意义上的一种量化研究。研究发现,在“劳力支持”网络和“亲属关系网”中都存在四个子群。这种发现揭示了法村村民之间的互助行为的整体模式。“块模型”的价值在于可以揭示多种社会网络的整体结构和关系模式。因此,块模型方法可用来研究特别重视“关系”的中国社会。  相似文献   

赵定东 《社会》2006,26(3):99-117
大型国有企业下岗失业人员再就业出现困难的一个重要因素是其转型适应发生了障碍,其根源在于单位习性的惯性作用和社会认同的自弃制约。单位习性源自国有企业长期的计划经济体制施行的影响;社会认同的自弃行为则是计划经济体制与市场经济体制运行脱节的现实表现。转型适应有同化、整合、分化和边缘化四种表现形式。同化、整合是转型适应的良性状态;而分化和边缘化则是其恶性状态。分化和边缘化的产生是由于体制内社会国家责任过重、社会保障项目过于全面等因素的影响。就社会政策的导向效用而言,社会保障必须把握一定的度,否则就会导致保护懒惰的消极后果。  相似文献   

社会网络资本与干部职业地位获得   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
周玉 《社会》2006,26(1):83-97
本文利用2003年-5月至2004 年5 月间对两省委党校部分学员的调查资料,分析了社会网络资本、人力资本和年龄等因素对干部现职级别的影响,结果发现,社会网络资本在干部职业地位获得过程中确实起着重要作用。其中,网络顶端、父母行政级别、关键人行政级别、与关键人的熟悉程度等因素对因变量具有显著的正面影响,而网络规模、网络多元性等对因变量的影响不显著或产生负面影响。这说明,在当前干部职业地位获得过程中,关系强度和地位发挥了关键作用,而广泛的交往并不能增加干部职位提升的机会。多元回归分析还表明,社会网络资本并不是唯一起作用的因素,人力资本和社会资本构成了当前干部职业地位获得中的并行不悖的双重机制。  相似文献   

孙晓娥  边燕杰 《社会》2011,31(2):194-215
  相似文献   

青年农民工的城市适应:实践社会学研究的发现   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
符平 《社会》2006,26(2):136-158
青年农民工适应城市的实践受到乡土世界、想象世界、城市世界和实践世界交互作用的影响,其形态和逻辑被四个世界型塑。他们的行为和价值观都是其实践世界之社会与人际关系结构的直接反映。他们通过实践性惯习的生产与再生产方式,来寻求一种界定并表达自身身份的社会适应性。这足以使他们应付城市的一般生活,并不一定需要获得现代性来适应城市。乡土性在他们的生活中仍然发挥着较大的路径依赖作用,获得一些现代性特征并不意味着他们就能适应、融入城市。青年农民工实践世界里诸多冲突关系和限制因素直接导致他们难以适应和融入城市。  相似文献   

邓燕华 《社会》2006,26(1):167-186
本文根据在洋村长期的田野研究获得的资料,用关系和信任的理论,从微观的视角来揭示地下“六合彩”在农村社会的运行逻辑:1、关系是地下“六合彩”蔓延的脉络;2、“自己人”和“外人”有着不同的交易规则;3、关系信任是地下“六合彩”交易的根本保障。最后,笔者得出了以下结论:1、地下“六合彩”是一种集体越轨的产物;2、工具情感关系是农村社会转型时期的主导关系类型;3、目前农村社会中关系信任受到了削弱,而制度信任尚未建立。  相似文献   

扩展中国社会学新境界   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘少杰 《社会》2006,26(2):80-101
费孝通晚年多次倡导,中国社会学要突破实证社会学的单纯科学主义视野,应当科学精神和人文精神并举,在对社会生活开展客观性研究的同时伸张人文关怀。根据这个原则,费孝通主张社会学应当注重对精神世界开展研究,重视文化传统、意会沟通和内在自我等方面在社会生活中的深层作用,要在各民族的古代文明中发现具有不同特点的思维方式和对社会生活的研究方式。费孝通的这些主张具有十分重要的学术价值,为中国社会学开拓新视野、展开新境界指明了前进的方向。  相似文献   

社会理论的空间转向   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
何雪松 《社会》2006,26(2):34-48
社会理论的空间转向是社会理论的当代进展的一个重要组成部分,它沿着两条路径展开:一方面,吉登斯、布迪厄等社会理论大师在现代性架构下检视空间与社会的交互关系对于研究社会结构与社会过程的重要性;另一方面,后现代社会理论家采用一系列的地理学概念和隐喻来探索日益复杂和分化的社会世界。本文旨在系统地呈现这一转向的基本脉络。  相似文献   

This article contains a presentation and analysis of the results from two qualitative studies, which examined female drug abusers' everyday lives and the social support available to them within their close relationships. Both studies concerned women who were participating in work-training or treatment programmes and who were in the process of giving up drug abuse. The two main questions concerned the supply of social support from the women's social networks and whether the amount of support available or lack of support had any impact on the exit process. Social support within different relationships of the women's social networks is presented, as well as different types of professional social support and treatment. The results in relation to previous research about female drug abusers and social support from gender and class perspectives are discussed. Conclusions about three important factors when creating a new life after drug abuse are drawn.  相似文献   

Research on the prevention of substance abuse among American Indian and Alaska Native youth offers challenges and demands careful methods. This paper describes such challenges in terms of philosophical, political, and cultural issues surmundiig substance abuse prevention research with American Indian and Alaska Native people. The authors suggest how social work researchers can address these issues through strategies of community 'collaboration, goal sening, and cultural sensitivity. The paper discusses the limits, implications, and future applications of the described strategies for research on the prevention of alcohol and drug abuse among American Indian and Alaska Native youth.  相似文献   


Substance abuse among older adults is on the rise. Of particular concern is the increase in alcohol and drug use predicted among Latino elders, expected to result from an upsurge in the Latino population and concurrent growth in the number of older adults. Providing effective treatment for this group will require age-specific, culturally competent interventions. However, few studies have focused on geriatric substance abuse among Latinos. This study aims to lay the groundwork for further research by examining perceptions of the problem among treatment providers and researchers in aging and substance abuse. Implications for social work research and practice are addressed.  相似文献   

This qualitative study was conducted among persons recoveringfrom substance abuse. The data were collected in three rehabilitationfacilities in Trinidad in 2002–03. The aim was to examinethe types of coping strategies which subjects used and learnedin response to stressful and problematic life situations, startingwith experiences related to childhood and socialization. Thecoping styles reported were overwhelming in the category ofemotion-focused coping, developed in the main to regulate stressin uncontrollable situations in childhood and to cope with theloss of significant others. Only a minority used, or were ableto use, problem-focused or social support coping strategiesto meet stressful events. It is suggested that the observedbias in the development of the individuals’ coping ‘armamentarium’might have had, in the long run, negative implications for individuals’capacity to meet ongoing challenges of life. This has criticalimplications for how we fashion preventive approaches to theproblem of substance abuse.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Andreas Cebulla, National Centre for Social Research, 35 Northampton Square, London EC1V 0AX, UK. E-mail: a.cebulla{at}natcen.ac.uk Summary New service provisions designed to improve the employment prospectsof former substance users will enhance the roles and responsibilitiesof Drug Action Teams (DATs), Jobcentre Plus offices and otherproviders and co-ordinators of support services for substanceusers. This paper discusses the findings of a study of 30 currentand former drug and alcohol users, exploring past substanceuse histories and current employment aspirations. The researchinforms new policy initiatives designed to assist substanceusers’ entry or return to work. Differences in presentperceptions of work-readiness were observed, which reflectedusers’ perceptions of the nature of their addiction. Theattribution of blame for the substance dependency to either‘the drug’ or the individual’s psychologywas a critical influence on users’ work-readiness assessments.Work was perceived to benefit recovery from substance dependency.The evidence suggests that substance users’ return towork might be helped by their staged (re-) introduction to thelabour market as well as encouraging the primary labour marketto employ (more) recovering substance users. The research highlightedthe need for joint working between employment services and DATsto help substance users into work and to support their recovery.It also highlighted the need for mutual understanding and recognitionof each collaborator’s expertise.  相似文献   

Among older youth transitioning from the foster care system, this longitudinal study examined the association of religious and spiritual capital to substance use in the past year at age 19. Participants consisted of African American (N = 179) and White non‐Hispanic (N = 133) older youth in foster care. Drawing from social capital theory, it was posited that religious service attendance (a proxy for religious capital) and belief in a spiritual force (a proxy for spiritual capital) would be inversely associated with substance use. Multiple logistic regression results indicated support for the first and second hypothesis for White foster youth only. Among White foster youth, more frequent religious service attendance and greater belief in a spiritual force were associated with a lower likelihood of illegal substance and polysubstance use. No association between religious or spiritual capital and substance use was found among African American foster youth. The findings underscore the importance of conducting spiritual assessments to help ensure older foster youth who have strong religious or spiritual orientations are in environments where they are accommodated and supported.  相似文献   


Evaluating substance abuse services in ordinary treatment environments requires the use of instruments to measure various dimensions of the intervention process in order to link those processes with client outcomes. This paper reports on the further validation of the Alcohol and other Drug Self-Efficacy Scale (AODSES), designed to measure social workers' perceived self-efficacy with regard to the implementation of substance abuse services. In the first validation study, Kranz (2003) employed exploratory factor analysis to reduce the original 98 items to six factors (43 items) that accounted for 76% of the variance, and demonstrated excellent internal consistency. The current study is a reanalysis of the same data using confirmatory factor analysis, a more stringent test of construct validity. Results were strongly supportive of a 5-factor model with seven of eight indices showing excellent fit of the observed data to the model, and high internal consistency for all subscales. Potential practical applications for clinical evaluation in substance abuse environments and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

Family and community social networks act as social resources that promote well-being at advanced ages. In this study, we analyze the association between social support received from personal social networks (social support from various family members and friends) and community social networks (social support from neighbors and the neighborhood, age, ethnic, or religious group peers and formal social support networks) and quality of life (QoL) for a sample of older Chilean persons (n = 777). The results confirm that social support from family (partner, children, and extended family) and friends, integration in the community (neighbors) and social support from informal systems (social groups) are associated with QoL. Moreover, the model including both types of support explains 25.8% of variance in QoL. The results and their possible implications are discussed.  相似文献   


Women born before 1945 are the older women of today. Many of these women were subjected to childhood physical and sexual abuse and spouse battering at a time where there were no laws to protect them and few people discussed such subjects. Some of these women became substance abusers or lived with substance abusers. While there are retrospective studies on the experiences of adult women who suffered abuse in the family, little is known about the experiences of women over the age of 60 years.

Similarly, there is information on substance abuse among young and middle-aged women, but very little information on or about older womens' experiences with substance abuse. In this study, we review the literature on abuse and substance abuse. We present three clinical cases of older women who have experienced various forms of abuse and who in turn abuse substances. The cases are analyzed. Assessment, treatment, and evaluation methods for social workers are discussed.  相似文献   

中国农民工社会网络的凝聚子群结构分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文采用深圳农民工调查的整体网络数据,分析了农民工社会支持网(包括实际支持网、情感支持网、社会交往支持网)和社会讨论网(包括婚姻讨论网、生育讨论网、避孕讨论网和养老讨论网)的凝聚子群结构。研究发现,农民工社会网络中普遍存在子群现象,且子群之间有较大程度的重叠。农民工社会支持网和社会讨论网的子群重叠结构既有利于农民工群体的城市社区融合,也有利于新的婚育、养老文化的传播。  相似文献   

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