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Adolescents of Mexican origin have higher than average school dropout rates, but the risk of school non-enrollment among this subgroup varies substantially across geographic areas. This study conducts a multilevel logistic regression analysis of data from the 2005–2009 American Community Survey to evaluate whether spatial heterogeneity in school non-enrollment rates among Mexican-origin youth (n = 71,269) can be attributed to the histories of states and local areas as Mexican Latino/a receiving gateways. This study also determines whether the association between new destinations and school non-enrollment varies within the Mexican-origin population by nativity and duration of residence. Net of background controls, the risk of non-enrollment does not differ significantly between Mexican-origin youth living in states that are newer Mexican Latino/a gateways versus those in more established destinations, in part because Mexican-origin school non-enrollment rates are heterogeneous across newer destination states. At the more local Public Use Microdata Area level, however, Mexican-origin youth in newer gateways have a higher risk of non-enrollment than those in established destinations, revealing the importance of local-level contexts as venues for integration. The disparity in non-enrollment between Mexican-origin youth in new versus established destination PUMAs is apparent for all generational groups, but is widest among 1.25-generation adolescents who arrived in the country as teenagers, suggesting that local new destinations are particularly ill-equipped to deal with the educational needs of migrant newcomers.  相似文献   

Cross-national differences in the association between origins and destinations correspond to differences in both welfare regime type and access to post-secondary education. Socialist and social democratic welfare regimes foster a weaker origin–destination association than liberal, corporatist, or mixed regimes do. Nations with better-educated labor forces tend to also be the nations where the association between origins and destinations is weakest. Furthermore, the social and educational policy interact so that the tendency for educational access to lower the origin–destination association is most pronounced in the liberal welfare setting where the association would otherwise be greatest. Greater access is not necessarily associated with greater equality of opportunity, and we find very weak evidence that equality of educational opportunity itself is a direct influence on equality of occupational opportunity (even though nations that have a strong origin–education association also have a strong origin–destination association).  相似文献   


Tourist satisfaction is one of the key factors in determining the success of a tourist destination, since it affects behavioural intentions, such as the willingness to revisit and recommend the destination. Therefore, much research has addressed the measuring of tourist satisfaction, either eliciting positive or negative evaluations of a holiday or destination. The spread between expected positive and negative characteristics can trigger a tourist experience. And the gap between expectations and perceptions will produce a feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction (Expectancy-Disconfirmation Paradigm, EDP). Under these conditions, this paper adopts a dual approach, considering tourist satisfaction and dissatisfaction as two distinct constructs; it also proposes a practical methodology, termed 4Q, for measuring these constructs in the field of tourism research. Lastly, two distinct composite indicators relating to Tourist Satisfaction (TS) and Tourist Dissatisfaction (TD) are proposed, for comparing the performance of tourist destinations over space and time, and addressing marketing strategies regarding different tourist segments.


This article raises a number of issues that have generally not been addressed in previous studies of migration destination selection. Destination selection is seen as the result of two processes; (1) the sorting among a relatively large number of potential destinations over a lifetime, and (2) the selection among a relatively few (usually one or two) places at the time of the migration decision. Decision rules may differ in the two processes. The actual selection of a destination is based on place utilities derived from a combination of factors including: economic and noneconomic; micro (those attributes unique to one place); and macro (those applicable to larger geographic areas).  相似文献   

This study tests the influence of environmental changes on migration in Burkina Faso. It describes individual migratory pathways in the 1960–1999 period in Burkina Faso, using environmental typologies of origins and destinations based on rainfall variations and land degradation. The study links data from a national longitudinal (retrospective) survey with fine resolution rainfall data and land degradation data. Results suggest that environmental factors influence, but in different ways, both the probability to out-migrate and the selection of a destination once the migration decision has been made. Migration seems to be more influenced by a slow-acting process such as land degradation than by episodic events such as droughts.  相似文献   

Matthew Hall 《Demography》2013,50(5):1873-1896
This article explores patterns and determinants of immigrant segregation for 10 immigrant groups in established, new, and minor destination areas. Using a group-specific typology of metropolitan destinations, this study finds that without controls for immigrant-group and metropolitan-level characteristics, immigrants in new destinations are more segregated and immigrants in minor destinations considerably more segregated than their counterparts in established destinations. Neither controls for immigrant-group acculturation or socioeconomic status nor those for demographic, housing, and economic features of metropolitan areas can fully account for the heightened levels of segregation observed in new and minor destinations. Overall, the results offer support for arguments that a diverse set of immigrant groups face challenges to residential incorporation in the new areas of settlement.  相似文献   


Most studies on international migration examine population movement between a country of origin and a destination. This article aims to show that migrants often change destinations, a less studied pattern of ‘multiple migrations’. This article explores how such migration occurs and analyses the variables accounting for it. Drawing on qualitative fieldwork research amongst Romanian migrants in Portugal, the article concludes that the growth in multiple migrations of Romanian migrants throughout Europe can be explained by a combination of migration policies and social networks, mediated by migrants’ level of education and type of occupation at the destination.  相似文献   


The freedom of movement and right to travel are intrinsic to the growth of international tourism. Notwithstanding the inchoate nature of the right to tourism, the entitlement to travel and to pursue tourism without hindrance is firmly established in advanced capitalist societies. Moreover, the right to tourism has been recently enshrined in the 2017 United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics. Tourists’ ease of mobility contrasts starkly with the movements of less privileged forms of mobility that may be variously constrained by racism, xenophobia and restrictive border controls. This paper contends that rather than a mere reflection of accumulated political rights (citizenship), such unequal and differentiated mobilities are conditioned by a complex assemblage of discursive frameworks and structural forces that are played out in specific historical-geographic contexts. Accordingly, we argue that the rights associated with global tourism must be analysed in the context of the contradictory politics of global mobility, or indeed in terms of the ‘mobility crisis’. This ‘crisis’ is one that is rooted in and shaped by the cumulative legacy of past colonial orders, global capitalism and geopolitical realignments, in addition to multi-scalar systems of governance through which borders are constituted, managed and policed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the destination decision of political migrants who, in spite of having strong cultural, ideological and religious ties to a particular potential destination, choose to emigrate elsewhere. The model presented characterizes the migrants, who have a choice of two possible destinations, by two properties, skill level and financial resources, and identifies those that move to each destination. The paper examines various immigration-encouraging policies and shows that although all of them will increase immigration, in some cases the economic quality of the new immigrants will rise and in some it will fall. This paper includes general evidence on the present immigration to Israel and some suggestions for empirical tests.Supported by the Schnitzer Foundation for Research on the Israeli Society and Economy.We would like to thank two anonymous referees for their valuable comments which simplified the presentation.  相似文献   

郑芳  王乃昂  李钢  侯迎 《西北人口》2007,28(6):63-66
在对嘉峪关市游客进行抽样调查的基础上,采用Excel对原数据进行统计分析与计算,结果显示嘉峪关市客源的地理集中指数G为24.95,比一般的旅游城市或景点的G值大,说明嘉峪关市旅游人口的地域分布相当分散。游客中以男性居多,年龄分布主要集中在26到60岁之间,公务员、企事业单位管理人员和职员、学生占了相当大的比重。出游游客中以中等收入以上水平为主,游客出游时多信息了解渠道、多旅游动机,旅游决策亦呈多样化。出游方式中参团旅游者占了相当大的比例,交通方式也呈多样化。游客行为空间模式主要是单一目的地模式、线性旅游模式和区域旅游模式。  相似文献   

Return migration has been a constant feature of Mexico?CUS migration patterns, but its characteristics have changed sharply with time. We use the Mexican censuses and counts of 1995, 2000, 2010, and the complete set of individual and household records of the 2005 Population Count to explore the demographic characteristics of returnees in the context of tighter border control and rising levels of forced return migration. Involuntary and therefore unplanned return is likely to mean greater difficulties of incorporation into the community of origin. The study of the effects of the militarization of the US?CMexico border on migration patterns has focused on the US side. We contribute to this literature by focusing on the Mexican side. We consider the intensity and type of previous migration to the US as compared to current return migration, and State of origin and destination. Our data suggest that particularly attractive destinations for returnees are border cities, prosperous communities and growing metropolitan areas. Findings suggest changes in the demographic composition and geographic distribution of returnees. The discordance between the patterns of outmigration and return is a telling indicator of changes in the overall migration relationship between Mexico and the US. The patterns for 2005 are also observed in 2010 even if the absolute number of inter-censal returnees increased threefold over the period. Finally, we argue that focusing on destinations of return instead of areas of emigration will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding on the nature of future return migration to Mexico and its policy implications.  相似文献   

杨红  黄森 《西北人口》2016,(2):102-106
本文基于空间计量经济学基本原理,引入地理地貌虚拟变量,对2010—2013年我国城镇化、人民生活水平与旅游业发展的相互作用机理进行了分析。研究结果显示,2010—2013年间中国旅游业发展存在显著的空间相关性,而且在地理区位上已然形成了稳固的差异化集聚群体;城镇化率变化虽未表现出对旅游业发展的显著直接影响,但是却有着潜在推动作用;城镇人民生活水平提高表现出对旅游业发展的显著正向促进,而农村人民生活水平则为不相关。此外,旅游业投资、地理地貌情况也对我国旅游业空间集聚的形成有着显著影响。  相似文献   

Recent research on the linguistic adjustment of minority-language speaking immigrants in several destinations has found that acquisition of destination language skills is inhibited by living in an area where many others speak the same minority language. This paper uses a unique data set for Australia (1988) that includes a variety of ethnic network variables to analyze the role of the language concentration measure. These ethnic variables, in particular, ethnic press, relatives in Australia, and spouse's origin language, are highly statistically significant. Their inclusion in the equation eliminates the effect of the minority-language concentration variable. The model for analyzing the determinants of English reading and English writing skills in Australia is also shown to be very similar to the model for speaking fluency, including the effect of the ethnic network variables. Received July 18, 1994 / Accepted November 21, 1994  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移就业空间决策是农村劳动力在特定目标指引下,通过具体就业途径和就业方式,进行就业地决策的过程。通过SPSS17.0的频率分析、聚类分析、交叉分析等方法,以安徽省四个样本村为例,探讨了农村劳动力在转移就业目标决策、就业途径决策、就业方式决策和就业地决策等方面的基本特征.分析了个体属性差异对转移就业空间决策的影响。研究结果表明,除外部环境外,个体属性因素深刻地影响农村劳动力转移就业空间决策,而提高人力资源,消除阻碍转移的户籍、社会保障、定居等障碍因素是提高劳动力就业质量的重要方面。  相似文献   

文章从农民的福利感受和政策的福利效应两个维度考察新农合的政策效果。全国10个省30个村的千户农民调查数据显示,新农合的福利性并未得到农民高度的认可,部分农民认为制度的最大受益者是医疗机构、基层政府而非农民。新农合在提高农民看病积极性、改善农村卫生条件和农民健康状况等方面已初具成效。新农合在农民的参与,制度的设计与运行、实施与监督等方面存在的突出问题,影响了农民的福利感受和政策的福利效应。  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to explore the relationship between international tourism indicators, crime rate, and vulnerability in a panel of 16 tourist-oriented countries over the period of 1990–2014. The study constructed a vulnerability index by using three socioeconomic factors, (1) poverty, (2) income inequality, and (3) unemployment rate. The results show that crime rate and vulnerability both decreases international tourism demand, which were mediated through inadequate education and health resources. Trade openness moderately supported the international tourism demand under the crime rate and vulnerability index. The results confirmed the crime Kuznets curve that turned into inverted U-shaped relationship between crime rate and per capita income, while this relationship was not confirmed for vulnerability index. The panel causality relationships confirmed the unidirectional causality between crime-vulnerability and international tourism. Growth-fueled tourism demand was analyzed under a crime and vulnerability index. The study concludes that international tourism is an implied solution to reduce human costs by involving tourists to in pleasure activities to at tourists’ destinations.  相似文献   

Using historical census microdata, we present a unique analysis of racial and gender disparities in destination selection and an exploration of hypotheses regarding tied migration in the historical context of the Great Migration. Black migrants were more likely to move to metropolitan areas and central cities throughout the period, while white migrants were more likely to locate in nonmetropolitan and farm destinations. Gender differences were largely dependent on marital status. Consistent with the "tied-migration" thesis, married women had destination outcomes that were similar to those of men, whereas single women had a greater propensity to reside in metropolitan locations where economic opportunities for women were more plentiful.  相似文献   

This paper presents a conceptual‐based discussion dealing with social and geo‐political concerns associated with the tourism experiences and travel encounters of ethnic minority citizens living in member‐states of the European Union (EU). Although EU legislation emphasises that its citizens have freedom of movement throughout member‐states, the prevalence of racialised situations transpiring within, across and beyond EU borders suggests that this commitment is socio‐politically ambiguous. The popular hysteria that has developed towards increased immigration from non‐EU countries extends to those minorities who have legal status of entry, residency and/or citizenship – as they too are visibly different from Europe's white majorities. The paper thus reflects on ways in which the 11 September 2001 attacks in America have had a detrimental impact on people's tourism and travel experiences, particularly in instances where individuals have been treated with high levels of suspicion from institutional bodies and ethnic (white) majorities. The work firmly emphasises that racial prejudice, institutional racism and xeno‐racist practices restrict ethnic minority citizens from appreciating cosmopolitan‐based tourism experiences and engaging in congenial exchanges with other European cultures and societies. One of the main contentions asserts that racialised movements limit ethnic minority citizens from achieving full rights to social and (multi)cultural forms of citizenship. The conclusion suggests ways in which researchers ought to respond to the study of tourism and racism within the EU.  相似文献   

1898-2009年离婚变化历程可以十分直观地折射出中国政治、经济与社会发展的曲折历程。我国从戊戌变法到新中国成立前夕,经历了多次政治运动,诞生了若干部与婚姻相关的法律,离婚由城市最初的星星点点转向农村后来的燎原之势,离婚空间场域变换导致离婚数量增长。从解放初期到"反右"初期,再到"文革"末期,知青返城、新《婚姻法》的修订,《婚姻登记条例》的实施,我国迎来一次次离婚潮。1980年代改革开放并没有停住离婚者的脚步,反而使离婚率呈一路上扬的态势。本研究截取1898-2009年间若干时间截面,选择典型的群体,解析各时期较为典型的离婚事件,阐释国家制度变迁对婚姻离散的影响,进一步阐释婚姻制度对中国社会治理与社会发展的意义。  相似文献   


Medical travel facilitators play an important role in mobilising patients towards transnational healthcare markets. However, little is known about the actual mobilising work of medical travel facilitators located at destination sites, such as Delhi, India. The following ethnographic study suggests conceptualising medical travel facilitators as brokers who are productive of a mobility infrastructure. This allows categorising three mobilisation strategies: direct patient mobilisation, channel partner mobilisation and patient testimonial mobilisation. These strategies draw attention to practices that build trust over distance, the power of word-of-mouth and the importance of nurturing personal relationships that translate into transnational channels that direct people to particular destinations.  相似文献   

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