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Natàlia Barcons Neus Abrines Carme Brun Claudio Sartini Victoria Fumadó Diana Marre 《Child & Family Social Work》2014,19(1):89-98
The attachment pattern of a sample of 168 internationally adopted children was explored in this study using the semi‐structured Friends and Family Interview. The pattern was analysed in relation to the development of adaptive skills as an expression of the children's resilience. The secure attachment pattern rates were slightly lower and the insecure attachment patterns were considerably higher than those of normative samples from the previous studies. The children from Eastern Europe demonstrated a more insecure attachment pattern (odds ratio [OR]= 2.46; confidence interval [CI]= 1.23–3.94), and their scores on the adaptive skills scales were lower than the scores of children from other countries (OR = 2.62; 95% CI = 1.02–6.72). These results help to identify the groups at risk of failing to develop secure attachment patterns and appropriate adaptive skills, and should provide valuable information for designing effective interventions. 相似文献
The paradox of inter-country adoption: analysing Romania's experience as a sending country 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Jonathan Dickens 《International Journal of Social Welfare》2002,11(1):76-83
This article explores the effects of inter-country adoption on the development of in-country services to protect children and support families in Romania. The country's child care legislation gives formal priority to domestic alternatives to institutional care – preventive services, family reunification, foster care and in-country adoption. Despite this, inter-country adoption continues to play a central role in Romania's child welfare system. The article analyses the multiple and complex factors at policy and practice levels that lie behind this situation. It is concluded that whilst inter-country adoption may be used to secure some resources for the development of in-country services, it paradoxically undermines the effectiveness of those services for the children who are left behind. 相似文献
The article presents the findings of an international literature review conducted to examine the factors that drive inter‐country adoption rates within both sending and receiving countries. The authors then consider the implications of these findings for inter‐country adoption policy reform in Australia. The evidence in the literature highlights a distinction between the factors that drive ICA in sending and receiving countries. Factors that drive the practice in sending countries relate to structural forms such as socio‐economic and political conditions. In contrast, it is the growing demand for a child from infertile couples that drives the practice in receiving countries. The article then considers the challenges of domestic policy reform undertaken to increase numbers of inter‐country adoptions in a context of global decline. 相似文献
90年代以来 ,随着冷战的结束 ,科学技术的迅猛发展 ,跨国公司规模的不断扩大 ,经济全球化进程明显加快 ,已成为世界经济发展的必然趋势。经济全球化不仅对各国及各国间的国际经济关系的影响是巨大的和深远的 ,而且不断地冲击着旧的国际经济秩序。经济全球化是一把“双刃剑” ,对全球经济发展既有有利的一面 ,又有不利的一面。为了减少经济全球化带来的经济发展的不平衡和建立新的国际经济关系秩序 ,就应不断完善国际经济法体系。国际经济法律体系的进一步完善 ,必将会为经济全球化创造一个更好的法律环境 ,提供可靠的法律保障 相似文献
Christine Jones 《Child & Family Social Work》2016,21(1):85-93
One significant change in adoption practice that has occurred over the last four decades is the shift away from an expectation of confidentiality towards an expectation of openness in adoption. Openness is typically conceived in terms of the level of contact between adoptive and birth families following adoption or the extent to which adoption is openly discussed within the adoptive family. While these shifts in practice have generated controversy, they are largely supported by research evidence and have become a feature of contemporary adoptive family life. As a result, the narrative that has emerged in relation to openness in adoption is one of historical progress. In this paper, I argue that the lived reality of adoption is less straightforward than this narrative suggests. An analysis of the social and cultural context in which adoption operates suggests instead that the persistent feature of adoption throughout this historical period of increasing openness can be more accurately described as a state of enduring ambiguity regarding the nature of post‐adoption relationships. The paper highlights the potentially damaging consequences of overlooking this aspect of adoptive family life and comments on the role of policy in shaping openness in adoption. 相似文献
Through the use of qualitative data analysis of in‐depth interviews with eight white international transracial adoptive mothers, four properties emerged that describe these mothers' racial views. These properties varied in the degree that they integrated perspectives different from the white dominant culture. The mothers did not experience significant changes in their perspective on race subsequent to adoption. This paper includes a discussion of white racial identity and implications for social work practice with transracially adoptive parents. 相似文献
经济全球化对中国的政治稳定带来双重影响。中国参与全球化、推动社会主义现代化将有助于解决中国社会主要矛盾 ;有助于深化改革 ,实现社会结构全面优化 ;有助于扩大开放 ,发挥后发优势 ,增强综合国力 ,从而对巩固发展中国政治稳定产生积极影响。同时 ,伴随中国参与全球化进程 ,中国国内经济、政治、思想文化领域的非稳定因素也将增多 ,不容忽视。中国参与全球化、全面推进现代化 ,保持政治稳定的战略对策是 :必须树立动态的政治稳定观 ,把握改革、发展、稳定大局 ;积极稳妥地推进政治体制改革 ,加速政治民主化进程 ;大力加强社会主义精神文明的建设等。 相似文献
Transracial adoption was legalized in South Africa through legislative reform as South Africa moved into a post-apartheid era of non-racialism. Transracial adoption offers one option of placement for Black children in need of alternative care. However, adoption continues to face obstacles to implementation, including cultural obstacles which impact on placement of Black African children. This paper reports on adoption statistics on national adoption in the period 2013–2021 and a documentary analysis of the current legal and policy framework governing transracial adoption. We cover international instruments, local laws, including the Children's Act of 2005, and relevant policy documents designed to facilitate the implementation of adoption. We show that the law is supportive of transracial adoption, but that policy documents offer a somewhat contradictory stance to the practice. The lack of success of transracial adoption as a child protection strategy does not lie within the legal framework but may lie in the difficulties in interpreting and implementing the range of different policies by those implementing these policies. More research into the implementation practice of these bureaucrats is required to understand the underutilization of transracial adoption as a placement option for Black children in South Africa. 相似文献
Globalization can seem a remote process, related only to theeconomic and commercial world. However, it impacts (differentially)on the work opportunities and living conditions of populationsaround the world and has also influenced thinking about welfarepolicies, including through state provision. It thus has implicationsfor the practice and education of social and community workersin both affluent and poverty stricken states. In addition tosocial professionals who seek opportunities to work internationally,globalization is also affecting the practices of those who wouldpreviously have seen their work as essentially rooted in localconditions and community needs. This paper therefore gives someexamples of the ways in which local practice may have cross-borderand international dimensions, drawing on experiences in thechild-care field, particularly in the UK and European context.The author indicates how international social work courses areaiming to equip specialist international social workers, whilealso arguing for the development of educational programmes whichprepare local social workers for practice in aninterdependent world. 相似文献
加入WTO后,中国经济的发展将不可避免地融入经济全球化的浪潮。经济全球化也必将给法律制度的发展带来深刻的影响。在经济全球化的背景下,各国法律制度、特别是经济贸易法律制度将逐渐表现出共通性。探索经济全球化与法律共通性的命题成为国际经济法学研究、比较法研究的重要课题。 相似文献
经济全球化过程中存在着贸易和资本的自由化与劳动力自由流动的不对称现象。自由移民虽然在经济上具有明显的合理性,但是由于主权国家体系的存在阻碍了劳动力市场的全球化,由此导致了资本主义世界体系中南方与北方、资本与劳动、人权与主权的根本矛盾,自由主义的经济、政治和道德理念受到了挑战。长远看,自由移民的实现将服从于资本运动的需要,发达国家的国民和发展中国家的少数精英分子将率先实现自由移民。 相似文献
The development of policy on international student welfare and the question of crisis response 下载免费PDF全文
Gaby Ramia 《The Australian journal of social issues》2018,53(1):71-82
The global market in international education has grown almost without interruption over several decades. Increases in international student enrolments in Australia have been among the most impressive in the world, though they declined between 2010 and 2013. The decline was attributable to exchange rate movements and changes to student visa regulations, though an additional factor lay in reputational fallout from a series of violent physical attacks on Indian students, mostly in 2009. In response, Australian federal and State governments undertook diplomatic trips to India, established a raft of public inquiries to investigate the broader question of international student welfare, and made policy changes. Utilising the literature on public policy “crises”, this paper presents government responses to the 2010–2013 downturn in terms of managing a “long‐shadow crisis” (Boin et al., The Politics of Crisis Management: Public Leadership Under Pressure; Cambrtidge University Press, 2005), which typically emerges quickly but has major political consequences, is only seen to be resolved incrementally, and calls for policy change rather than fine‐tuning in response. The adequacy of the policy response to the crisis is not discussed. The article suggests that the crisis and the response acted to elevate the status of international education as an area of policy in general, though not as a mainstream area of social policy. 相似文献
Globalization and its related social, cultural, and economic changes have significant mental health outcomes for young people. However, mental health disorders among youth are seldom included in the range of problems linked to globalization. It is imperative that these multifaceted associations are considered in light of the substantial and increasing burden of disease caused by mental illness, particularly in Asian countries, which are comparatively young and in next few decades will be the major sources of the growth of world’s young population. The evidence reviewed in this study makes an argument that globalization has increased [relative] poverty and deprivation, social and income inequality, migration, occupational stress, educational competition, and educated unemployment in India and China. Simultaneously there is evidence which shows that these variables are causally linked with mental health of young people. Altogether, these phenomena are accompanied by higher rates of suicide among lower class, migrant, and student youth. This substantiates the proposition that globalization has significant consequences for the mental health of young people. Some interventions for debate and discussion are considered. 相似文献
Nick Axford 《International Journal of Social Welfare》2012,21(1):53-65
Axford N. Children and global social policy: exploring the impact of international governmental organisations International governmental organisations (IGOs) seek to influence child welfare policy and practice in individual sovereign states. But do they succeed and, if so, in what way? This article outlines the nature of selected IGOs' work, explores the nature of their impact and seeks to explain the pattern that emerges. It also notes areas for further research. 相似文献
Research with seven local authorities in England provided dataon the care careers of 596 foster-children overthree years (Sinclair et al., 2005). One part of this studylooked at the experiences of disabled foster-children comparedto non-disabled foster-children. The research aimed to identifyif there were any particular difficulties in pursuing permanencyfor disabled looked after children. This article introducesa concept developed by the author from this work: the idea thatdisabled children may be at risk of experiencing a reverseladder of permanency; being less likely than their peersto receive permanent placements such as adoption and returnhome. The results of the study partially supported this hypothesis,reinforcing existing findings and highlighting some new ones.Foster-children with learning but not other impairments wereless likely to be adopted. All disabled children were less likelyto return home and therefore remained in foster-care for longer.Disabled children who were adopted, or who returned home, didso after a greater delay compared to non-disabled children.By contrast, children who were clearly disabledachieved a greater degree of permanence within the care system.The article concludes by considering the implications of suchfindings for policy and practice. 相似文献
马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化是我们党科学总结思想理论建设的成功经验和深化认识马克思主义理论品质的最新成就。马克思主义所固有的实践性、时代性、人民性的内在统一,决定了推进马克思主义的中国化必须同时推进马克思主义的时代化、大众化。全球化语境下,我们对马克思主义的认识应更具辩证性,明确马克思主义的"有所为,才有所位"。马克思主义在当代发展应准确把握世界的时代潮流,马克思主义的中国化应准确把握中国的时代方位,马克思主义的大众化应准确把握大众的时代需求。 相似文献
Philip Mendes 《Asian Social Work and Policy Review》2009,3(2):85-94
Some theories of globalization argue that it is producing a uniform reduction in social spending, while others claim that global influences are mediated by specific national factors. This article argues that the emergence of support for young people leaving state out-of-home care in almost all developed countries provides further evidence for the mediation thesis. Using Australia as a case study, attention is drawn to the commonality of poor outcomes for many care leavers, the different legislative and policy responses to these needs in a range of welfare states, and the role played by local and global researchers and policy advocates in bringing these needs to public and political attention. 相似文献
全球化时代已经形成 ,全球化时代的国际私法也有一系列新的发展趋势 :国际私法的调整范围不断扩大 ,渊源不断充实 ,性质在慢慢转变 ;国际私法内容的集中化、成文化和趋同化不断加强 ;法律选择明确性和灵活性的结合、适当性的增强以及法律选择方法的多元化。全球化时代中国国际私法立法也应顺应国际趋势 ,加强成文化立法 ,增强其灵活性和适当性 ,以促进国际民商事关系的发展 相似文献
金融全球化在 2 0世纪 90年代有了突破性的发展 ,金融资产迅速增长 ,金融资本全球流动 ,金融机构全能化 ,金融成了现代经济的核心。金融全球化激发了全方位的国际金融创新。金融创新是现代商业银行的立命之本。面对金融全球化和我国入世后的新形势 ,我国商业银行要充分利用过渡期 ,以市场为导向 ,全力推进金融创新 ,提高国际竞争力。 相似文献