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李子霄 《领导文萃》2020,(11):113-114

报喜藏忧是一些领导干部久治不愈的一大顽症。报喜藏忧现象主要是围绕“忧”字在做文章,概括起来主要有三种表现:有忧不报,大忧小报,急忧缓报。要找准报喜藏忧的原因,必须从领导和基层两个方面来分析。从基层单位看,是内因促其“冒险”而为。有的基层党员干部不能坚持实事求是的思想路线,工作中出现矛盾和问题时,喜欢粉饰太平,回避矛盾,掩盖问题。他们在报忧问题上往往存在害怕心理,既怕如实报忧给领导留下不好的印象,影响对本单位工作的评价,影响各种先进的评选,影响个人的提拔使用,又怕如实报忧影响上级领导的政绩。在这种错误思想的引导…  相似文献   

当前,地方人大、政府、政协领导班子换届工作正在进行.中央强调,在换届工作中要严肃组织人事纪律,进一步匡正用人风气.贯彻落实中央要求,一个重要方面,就是要采取有效措施,坚决防止和纠正拉票行为.  相似文献   

<正> 中共中央组织部最近发出通知,要求各地组织部门坚决纠正用职务和职级待遇奖励领导干部的做法。 《通知》指出,近年来,一些地方把完成或超额完成经济工作任务指标,作为提任职务、职级的唯一条件,将一些县(市)、乡(镇)党政主要领导干部提拔担任副地级、副县级领导职务,或让其在原岗位上享受副地级、副县级干  相似文献   

中央纪委副书记、监察部部长、国务院纠风办主任马馬(文)近日在全国纠风工作会议上表示,今年将坚决纠正公务员考录和国有企事业单位招聘中的不正之风。马馬(文)介绍说,  相似文献   

信息报忧难是报送负面信息、问题类信息难的俗称.近年来,一些地区的部分信息工作者感到报忧难度大,不好把握,"费力不讨好",不愿投入精力.尽管负面信息报送越来越重要,容易被采用和得到领导批示,但总体来讲仍然偏少.这种情况与中央对信息工作的要求和新的复杂形势是不相适应的,必须引起高度重视,找准症结,对症下"药",及时解决.  相似文献   

党员干部要努力做到去贪求廉、去庸求进、去懒求勤、去俗求雅。人民选择我们做公仆,我们都应该有股积极进取、踏实干事的劲头。不要平庸度日。不能无所事事,不可碌碌无为。脑袋里来不得半点懒惰懈怠的念头。要通过高雅健康的业余爱好,培养情怀,把对人民的感情。变成一种自觉行为。  相似文献   

沈小平 《领导科学》2005,(11):44-45
党的十六届四中全会要求各级领导干部“重实际、说实话、办实事、求实效,坚决反对形式主义、官僚主义和弄虚作假”。但是,现实令人深思。因一些领导干部头脑中缺少实事求是、执政为民这根弦,形式主义、弄虚作假的为官之道还相当有市场,讲假话这股祸国殃民之风,一段时间以来还屡禁不止。分析干部说假话的形成原因,提出相应的治理措施,对加强党的执政能力建设具有重要意义。一些干部为什么不说真话而是想方设法要说假话呢?其原因是多方面的,既有干部本人思想意识方面的原因,也有本地、本部门政治环境方面的原因,与上级领导机关的工作作风也有…  相似文献   

组织部长要全力当好党委选贤任能的重要把关人。一要明确选贤任能的标准。坚持“德才兼备,以德为先”的用人标准,以科学发展观引导正确用人观,对表面上政绩很好但没有做到科学发展的干部,组织部门在考核过程中要拿出数据来,存在严:重问题的坚决不予重用,真正榭立选贤任能的正确导向。  相似文献   

在考虑中国投资者行为特征的基础上,运用前景理论建立具有有限理性的信息交易者和噪声交易者的动态投资决策模型,通过对模型均衡点的稳定性进行分析并结合计算实验的方法研究利好、利空信息在市场低迷、过渡和繁荣3个不同时期的作用情况及其作用机理.研究结果表明,在市场低迷时期,由于流动性风险过大带来的交易成本大幅增加,导致市场对利空信息的反应大于利好信息;在过渡时期,信息交易者成为调控市场的有效主体,市场对利好、利空信息的反应都是敏感的,利好信息使市场走向繁荣,利空信息使市场走向低迷;当市场处于繁荣时期,由于信息交易者和噪声交易者的交互作用,导致利好信息不但会降低市场的稳定性,还很容易引发大规模的市场波动,而市场对利空信息的反应却不大.研究结果可对市场实施信息调控提供理论指导,以维护中国证券市场长期良好发展.  相似文献   

Allan Mazur 《Risk analysis》2009,29(6):793-795
Sudden onset of front-page news about the U.S. financial crisis, beginning September 6, 2008, may have exacerbated underlying financial problems and facilitated the spread of risk panic to other nations.  相似文献   

We examine the role of managers in controlling the positive impact of stakeholder management (SM) on firm financial performance (FP) in the long term. We develop and test competing hypotheses on whether managers act as “good citizens” or engage in “self‐dealing” when allowed greater discretion. We test our assertions using dynamic panel data analysis of a sample of 806 U.S. public firms operating in 34 industries over 5 years (2005–2009). Our results indicate a nuanced influence of managerial discretion contexts on the SM‐FP relationship. We infer that given more latitude in decision making, as long as the “going is good” managers act as good citizens, but otherwise they revert to managerial self‐dealing. In light of our results, firms designing governance mechanisms to encourage managers to balance the needs of both shareholders and stakeholders must remain cognizant of contextual contingencies.  相似文献   

仇童伟  罗必良 《管理世界》2019,35(8):97-109
本研究利用"委托—代理"模型探讨了宗族代理人在村庄地权变更中的行为特征及其转换机理。分析表明,随着社区开放程度的提高,宗族代理人将从村民公平诉求的响应者转换为地方行政指令的执行者。使用2014年CLDS数据的检验结果表明,宗族组织的存在或宗族越团结,农地调整发生的可能性越高,也更可能根据村民需求实施。但随着村庄开放程度的提高,宗族按照村民需求进行农地调整的可能性不断下降。采用村主任是否为宗族成员刻画宗族代理人的进一步分析表明,宗族代理人在社区开放过程中根据行政指令实施农地调整的可能性不断增加。本研究指出,宗族内部分化或宗族精英与地方政府合作是村民土地权益受损的重要诱因,亟须严格限定行政干预的边界。应该正视和发挥宗族在村民权益保护和基层自治中的积极作用,助推乡村振兴战略实施。  相似文献   

Extending the growing interest in the relationship between affect and workgroup processes, we propose that groups make better use of their distributed information and therefore make better decisions when group members are higher in negative affectivity. In an experiment, we studied the influence of negative affectivity when information was distributed among group members and when group members had fully shared information. Results indicated that negative affectivity indeed stimulates group information processing and decision quality when information is distributed among group members.  相似文献   

We use evidence from a natural experiment in Greece to study the effect of the announcement of austerity measures on road traffic accidents (RTAs). We use daily RTA data from 2010 and 2011, during which a number of austerity measures were announced, including salary and pension cuts and an increase in direct and indirect taxes. We find that controlling for other factors potentially influencing RTAs, the number of RTAs increased significantly on the first two days following the announcements of austerity measures. We put forward some tentative suggestions for why this happens.  相似文献   

Questionnaires distributed to 154 holiday-makers on beaches in Southwest England assessed awareness of local hazards or incidents associated with either the electricity supply industry or the water and sewage industry and examined the relationship between awareness and evaluations of the industry, current and future levels of pollution on the beach in question, and general levels of concern about environmental pollution. With respect to electricity, those respondents who were more aware of reports claiming a higher incidence of childhood leukemia in the vicinity of a nearby nuclear plant evaluated the electricity industry as less competent or trustworthy, showed higher levels of environmental concern, and were more pessimistic in their estimates of present and future levels of specific pollutants on their beach. With respect to the water industry, similar effects were associated with greater awareness of an accident at a water treatment plant and agricultural pollution of a nearby estuary. These findings are interpreted as suggesting a cyclical relationship between risk awareness and concern. On the one hand, reports about environmental hazards may lead to generalized concern across specific contexts; on the other hand, greater levels of concern may sensitize individuals to such reports.  相似文献   

Thomas Oscar 《Risk analysis》2021,41(1):110-130
Salmonella is a leading cause of foodborne illness (i.e., salmonellosis) outbreaks, which on occasion are attributed to ground turkey. The poultry industry uses Salmonella prevalence as an indicator of food safety. However, Salmonella prevalence is only one of several factors that determine risk of salmonellosis. Consequently, a model for predicting risk of salmonellosis from individual lots of ground turkey as a function of Salmonella prevalence and other risk factors was developed. Data for Salmonella contamination (prevalence, number, and serotype) of ground turkey were collected at meal preparation. Scenario analysis was used to evaluate effects of model variables on risk of salmonellosis. Epidemiological data were used to simulate Salmonella serotype virulence in a dose‐response model that was based on human outbreak and feeding trial data. Salmonella prevalence was 26% (n = 100) per 25 g of ground turkey, whereas Salmonella number ranged from 0 to 1.603 with a median of 0.185 log per 25 g. Risk of salmonellosis (total arbitrary units (AU) per lot) was affected (p ≤ 0.05) by Salmonella prevalence, number, and virulence, by incidence and extent of undercooking, and by food consumption behavior and host resistance but was not (p > 0.05) affected by serving size, serving size distribution, or total bacterial load of ground turkey when all other risk factors were held constant. When other risk factors were not held constant, Salmonella prevalence was not correlated (r = ?0.39; p = 0.21) with risk of salmonellosis. Thus, Salmonella prevalence alone was not a good indicator of poultry food safety because other factors were found to alter risk of salmonellosis. In conclusion, a more holistic approach to poultry food safety, such as the process risk model developed in the present study, is needed to better protect public health from foodborne pathogens like Salmonella.  相似文献   

In the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) decision, the Supreme Court rendered an opinion verifying the legality of unions and corporations to spend funds from their general treasuries to finance independent expenditures related to political and electioneering communications. Such speech and communications are constitutionally protected by the First Amendment, according to Justice Kennedy, who wrote the majority opinion (558 U.S. 22, 2010). The dissenting opinion questioned whether such rights should accrue to corporations, since corporations differ from constitutionally‐protected “natural persons” (dissent, 558 U.S. 50 at 2, 2010; Johnson 2011 ). The decision ignited a firestorm of controversy, which renewed interest in the legal concept of corporate personhood. This article reviews key findings in the Citizens United v. FEC case, then describes the historical, legal, and theoretical concepts of corporate personhood with the goal of unbundling the nuanced consequences of the majority and dissenting opinions of the Citizens United v. FEC case. The analysis then turns to a shareholder perspective, with particular emphasis on the implications for shareholders’ rights and responsibilities. It concludes with an exploration of options available to shareholders concerned about how to respond when a corporation uses its resources to communicate political opinions at odds with their own.  相似文献   

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