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《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(1-2):31-39
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


Some individuals living with disabilities have expressed a need to have spirituality recognized within clinical relationships. Social workers and other professionals have not responded to this need and therefore, there is a growing difference between what individuals with disabilities need and what clinicians, including social workers, are providing. Jean Vanier is a Canadian who has spiritual wisdom gained from over 40 years of living with people who have disabilities. Applying insights from both Vanier and transformational learning theory, this paper demonstrates that Vanier's approach is an important resource as social workers integrate spirituality into the clinical relationship with disabled individuals.  相似文献   

Rural elders face challenges when accessing assistance from family, neighbors, and paid helpers. This support is essential to allow them to remain community dwelling as they develop physical challenges that limit their ability to care for themselves. This qualitative study followed a group of 16 rural elders with physical limitations for 1 year. In-depth interviews were conducted with them and eight members of their support networks, including five family members, to explore how rural older adults create and maintain support networks that allow them to remain community dwelling despite physical challenges that limit their self-care. The research question is, “How do members of the support network connect with each other to maximize the effectiveness of the network?” Family members coordinated assistance to maximize the abilities and availability of various network members. In addition, family members worked together with other family members, neighbors, and paid helpers to assist the elder. These strategies enhanced the ability of the network to assist the rural elder and also lessened the burden of care by dispersing it among network members.  相似文献   


Welfare policy in Australia has undergone a marked shift in direction since the election of the Liberal Coalition (Conservative) Government in 1996. This paper examines welfare policy and, in particular, the disability support pension, in the light of the vocational needs of those with psychiatric disabilities who seek to gain employment. Empirical data is presented concerning a case study of 65 clients participating in a vocational program. These participants had all been diagnosed with psychiatric disabilities, and were assisted to obtain open employment. The paper demonstrates that welfare policy, in conjunction with the recently privatized employment services network, not only fails to address the barriers faced by individuals with psychiatric disabilities, but undermines their efforts to gain employment and recover from the illness.  相似文献   

Forty people living with multiple sclerosis and/or their families were interviewed to assess their knowledge of, use of, needs for, and attitudes towards support groups. The majority of participants were both misinformed about their illness and ignorant of resources available to them, resulting in much stress and anxiety. It is felt that information-both about their disease condition and of support structures-needs systematically to be available and accessible to patients on diagnosis, and is a necessary component for empowerment.  相似文献   

The authors explored the importance of sex for 1,289 women living with HIV in Canada. Approximately half of women viewed sex as “very” (19.6%) or “somewhat” important (32.3%) and the remaining reported “neither important or unimportant” (22.0%), “somewhat unimportant” (5.4%), or “not at all important” (20.1%). Women who had a regular sex partner, identified as African, Caribbean, or Black, were more educated, believed HIV treatment prevents transmission, or had better physical health-related quality-of-life reported greater importance of sex, whereas those who were older, used illicit drugs, or experienced violence in adulthood reported lesser importance. Findings underscore the diversity of women's perspectives within the context of their lives.  相似文献   

Despite the protection provided by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, there remain barriers to inclusion of people with disabilities in institutions of higher education and in particular in professional programmes. Focusing on the case, Ohio Civil Rights Commission v. Case Western Reserve University (1996), this paper presents legal actions that are helping to clarify the policies protecting people with disabilities from exclusion from institutions of higher education. In particular, the paper focuses on a legal decision from the Ohio Supreme court affirming the right of Case Western Reserve's Medical School to reject a blind woman for admission to the medical school. By analysing this case using a policy analysis framework, the paper discusses the present impact and concerns for the future of these pieces of federal legislation on people with disabilities related to inclusion in institutions of higher education.  相似文献   

Neoliberal perspectives, policies, and practices increasingly affect chronically ill and disabled people's embodied experiences of stigma and exclusion. Neoliberalism emphasizes individual responsibility and self-sufficiency, a limited social safety net, and narrow governmental accountability. Examining pivotal experiences of chronically ill people shows how neoliberalism can frame their alternatives, interactions, and actions. This examination prompts reconsidering Goffman's concept of stigma to include how larger social policies and practices affect experiencing stigma and exclusion and, also, illuminates temporal features of receiving a diagnosis, disclosing illness, and dealing with disabilities and unpredictable bodies. The analysis derives from an ethnographic story and published and unpublished personal accounts from first-hand and library research over the course of my career.  相似文献   

Same-sex parents are increasingly a topic of public discourse. A growing number of homosexuals openly speak about their desire to have children or are already living together in different family constellations. The current study examined the decisions for or against having children and the motivations behind those decisions among nonheterosexuals living in Germany. A sample of 1,283 nonheterosexuals participated by means of an online survey. As some nonheterosexual individuals do not identify themselves with a male or female gender identity, a third category, “gender different,” was generated. Motives for (not) having children, perceptions of social acceptance, experiences of discrimination in relation to one's sexual orientation, and levels of internalized stigma were taken into account regarding their influence on the decision about parenthood. Most respondents (80%) reported that they did not have children. However, among this group, 43% stated that they had decided to have children later in their lives, 24% were undecided, and 11% had already decided against having children. The most important influences on the decision of whether to have children were respondents’ age and their desire for emotional stabilization. Negative experiences as a result of sexual orientation and internalized stigma had no impact on the decisions regarding parenthood.  相似文献   

One of the four overarching goals of Healthy People 2020 is to achieve health equity, eliminate health disparities, and improve the health of all groups, including the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) populations. In 2011, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report that drew attention to the unique health disparities experienced by sexual minorities and underscored the need for a comprehensive approach to sexual minority health research. This article proposes a new model of LGBTQ health to help measure, explore, explain, and predict the impact of sexual minority status on health outcomes. The Intersectional Ecology Model of LGBTQ Health (IEM) demonstrates how the relentless hypervigilance of LGBTQ individuals in a heteronormative society impacts health outcomes through the primary vehicles of stigma and chronic, elevated stress. The purpose of the IEM is to guide future research and enhance public health practice for LGBTQ populations.  相似文献   

Researchers have shown that stigma is a fundamental determinant of behavior, well-being, and health for many marginalized groups, but sex workers are notably absent from their analyses. This article aims to fill the empirical research gap on sex workers by reviewing the mounting evidence of stigmatization attached to sex workers’ occupation, often referred to as “prostitution” or “whore” stigma. We give special attention to its negative effect on the working conditions, personal lives, and health of sex workers. The article first draws attention to the problem of terminology related to the subject area and makes the case for consideration of prostitution stigmatization as a fundamental cause of social inequality. We then examined the sources of prostitution stigma at macro, meso, and micro levels. The third section focuses on tactics sex workers employ to manage, reframe, or resist occupational stigma. We conclude with a call for more comparative studies of stigma related to sex work to contribute to the general stigma literature, as well as social policy and law reform.  相似文献   


It is important for social workers to use contextual understandings to guide their work with client systems, particularly those whose life experiences fall under the umbrella of diversity. Thus, integrating women's perspectives/voices directly into the study of their lives is one way to more accurately understand lesbians, whose experiences as women, as partners, and as mothers may be misinterpreted without their own perspectives to guide understanding. This paper presents a model for research that utilizes an eco-systemic perspective, including eco maps and genograms, to collect and organize data. This model is a natural extension of social work interview and assessment techniques, and can illuminate respondents' diverse experiences as well as the socio-cultural environments in which these experiences are embedded.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine social outcomes including social interaction opportunities and self-expression, and how they relate to other quality of life indicators. These indicators include the overall assessment of adaptive skills, and the frequency and severity of challenging behaviour. The social interaction opportunities measured in this research include family contact, hours of habilitation, community outings, hours of employment and hours of education. Self-expression refers to the extent to which the individuals assessed indicated liking and choosing what they do in their everyday lives. The data utilised in this study were obtained from personal interviews from 3781 individuals with developmental disabilities and their caregivers. Interviewers received extensive training prior to conducting the assessments. The results indicate that people with higher adaptive ability had more contact with their families, received fewer hours of habilitation, were reported to participate in community outings more frequently, worked more hours and spent fewer hours in education. These significant correlations, however, were of marginal strength. Overall, the frequency and severity of challenging behaviour were not associated with the social interaction opportunities assessed in this study.  相似文献   

Individuals with physical disabilities are oftenstigmatized because their bodies are assumed to varyfrom norms of physical competence and bodily appearance.Possession of a discrediting attribute may impair social interactions and result in thedevaluation of an individual. The purpose of this paperis to explore how involvement in sport and physicalactivity may be one strategy to manage the stigma of a disabled body. Data were collected throughin-depth interviews with 24 male college students withphysical disabilities. Findings indicate thatrespondents believe this context helps them exceedexpectations associated with their disability throughdemonstration of physical skill, a fit healthy body, amuscular body, and a liberated body. Sport and physicalactivity may be effective in compensating for a spoiled identity as participation in this setting isunexpected and emphasizes an alternative representationof a disabled body.  相似文献   

Childhood obesity has greatly increased in the past 20 years and is highly stigmatized in today’s society. The effectiveness of obesity prevention efforts is threatened by the systemic impact of stigma that surrounds obesity. As childhood obesity increases so to does the responsibility of social workers to implement multi level interventions that not only assist children who are experiencing stigmatization, but are aimed at reducing stigmatization. This article reviews the origins of overweight stigmatization and the psychosocial influences of such stigmatization. The implications for social work practice and research from a systemic approach are addressed.  相似文献   


Indian sexual and gender minoritized (SGM) individuals face marginalization and discrimination. Objectives: This study examines stigma’s effects on sexuality among SGM individuals in urban India. Methods: We conducted 5 focus group discussions and 27 interviews with SGM-identified adults connected to SGM-advocacy organizations in 3 cities (Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata). Results: Stigma affected sexuality in the following ways: gender-specific stigma and behavioral norms, sexual identity-specific stigma, partners’ stigma and buffering effects of partner, heterosexual marriage pressure, and limited sexual healthcare. Conclusions: Although there were similarities with stigma’s effects in Western environments, the unique Indian context necessitates further research for more targeted interventions.  相似文献   

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