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Xun Zi (c. 336 BC-238 BC; given name Kuang), who lived in the State of Zhao (now Handan City, Hebei Province) during the Warring States period, was a great thinker and educator. As the last master of Confucianism in the Pre-Qin period, he established his own system of thought by inheriting and developing that of Confucius and assimilating the achievements of other contemporary philosophers. His scholarly thought had a great influence on later ages. The spread of the Five Classics (The Book of Songs, The Book of Documents, The Book of Rites, The Book of Changes and The Spring and Autumn Annals) in the Hart Dynasty owed almost entirely to his disciples. From the Han to the Tang, people such as Sima Qian, Liu Xiang, Wang Chong, Yan Zhitui, Wei Zheng and Yang Jing put Xun Zi ahead of Mencius, showing that his influence outweighed the latter's. Xun Zi's philosophy lay at the heart of thinking on state administration in the Han and Tang, two of the most prosperous dynasties in Chinese history.  相似文献   

In order to broaden the opening up to the outside world and speed up the economic development in Anshan, the mayor of Anshan City gives a comprehensive speech here. The following are his main words. Anshan, a steel capital in China, is very rich in natural resources and strong in industrial foundation. Anshan is an outstanding tourism city in China. The city will encourage foreign investors to take part in the system reform, reorganization and transformation of the State-owned enterprises b…  相似文献   

On 10 April 2002, Professor Qin Yi, Editor-in-Chief of Social Sciences in China Press,interviewed Dr. Klaus Kautzor-Schroder. The influence of China's accession to both of theWTO and China itself, and how China will implement its accession protocol were discussedin the interview. Dr. Kautzor-Schroder served in the GATT from the 1970s to the pre-found-ing period of the WTO. He was Director in the GATT Secretariat for 20 years and responsiblefor tariffs, NTMs, AD, Subsidies, safeguards, FTA and a number of other trade policy-relatedareas. During his tenure of office he took part in the Tokyo Round and Uruguay Round multi-lateral trade negotiations. After retiring in 1991, Dr. Kautzor-Schroder has given his help toa number of developing countries in their accession process. He has visited China many timesin connection with the training of Chinese civil servants and young professionals. This inter-view was conducted during his stay in China.  相似文献   

Lin Duan pointed out in his paper “Lawand Society in Taiwan” published in Qinghuafazhi lunheng, no. 5, that one of our con-cerns is whether the public have faith in thejudiciary in Taiwan and what the public’sopinion is of legal personnel such as judges,procurators and policemen. Forensic soci-ology has put an end to the “forensic myth.”Through forensic sociological studies we notonly have an understanding of the limitedusefulness of lawsuits but know that law-suits are not necessarily …  相似文献   

Samuel Huntington attracted wide atten- tion with his 1993 article “A Clash of Civilizations?” and his 1996 The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order. Indeed, he has built an eye-catching framework for thought about world politics and thence exposed the major problems con- fronting the human race in the contempo- rary world. However, in the same way as the problems themselves remain largely concealed, this framework (or model) of thinking that attempts to touch upon …  相似文献   

1. Why are we choosing the property law of the Continental legal system instead of that of the Anglo-American legal system as our legislative orientation? Up to the present, separate laws have been used in China to regulate all property law problems, as is the practice in the Anglo-American legal system; why are we now going to strike out on a new path? The history of the last hundred years proves that real right legisla- tion will never exhaust the actual problems,  相似文献   

In the process of language study and exploration, human beings' countless successful experience as well as lessons of failure has furthered the understanding of language step by step. An insight into previous research and problems will be likely to help contemporaries know what has been done. The knowledge helps us broaden our horizon, crystallize our thoughts and continue to innovate both in theory and practice; therefore we can avoid making detours in our study. Meanwhile, it can also help us predict the development trend of the subject by summarizing the law of linguistics development in the past to set the direction for which we are heading. This is the reason why the subject--the history of linguistics-- has been the focus of attention in recent years.  相似文献   

Li Shu on Study     
The essence of Li Shu's statements on study, an importantcomponent among his ideas, rests on his advocacy of mental emancipation and the rejection of modern superstitions, new obscurantism, newslavishness, and old and new dogmatism, in order to maintain a freeatmosphere for academic study, holding practice as the criterion fortruth, so that new problems can be recognized, studied and settled in anew context.The Core of Li Shu's Statements onStudy - Mental EmancipationA successful scholar mu…  相似文献   

In order to resist the measures taken by the Wuhan government to weaken their power, the Nationalists in Nanjing represented by Jiang Jieshi began in the spring of 1927 to use underworld forces to indirectly seize party and administrative power in the areas under their control. After repeated consultations with some of the founding members of the Guomindang, Jiang Jieshi, motivated by the desire to establish a separate central organ and to legitimize his own position, launched the so-called "purge" marked by the April Twelfth Massacre. After realizing  相似文献   

( 1 )Preliminary Analysis on the Model of Transactional Analysis in Social Work
Wen Jun Yi Zhenzhen · 3 ·
The transactional analysis (TA) is considered a technique to interpret and analyzed the process of communication. Distinct behaviors and feelings are measured through different ego states that represent the attributes of parent, adult and child. As TA is exchange of expression, so it may be categorized in terms of complementary, crossed and ulterior transactions. The interactive concepts of TA are easy to read and understand, so its applicability is wide, especially in the field of social work in recent years. The author point out that with its development, we should not just be limited to the individual' s inner psychological analysis, but also pay more attention to the role of external factors, and concentrate ef- forts on the self-remodeling of clients.  相似文献   

Will mankind live forever on this planet? No. Mankind will surely come to an end one day. This sounds like alarmist talk, but if we have a close look at the world around us we will see a lot of evidence that foreshadows the inevitability of the end of mankind. 1. Theoretical basis. "Everything that comes into being is doomed to die out." The natural world does not remain in a static state, but is constantly generating and destroying. This is a law of nature that cannot be changed. Human beings are the wisest of all creatures, their birth occupies a paramount position in the history of organic evolution, their wisdom is unparalleled by all other creatures, and no one would ever think of the fact that human beings are doomed to final extinction. In spite of all this, as a product of nature,  相似文献   

Auxiliary verbs belong to an important yet controversial subtype in modem Chinese verbs. Keeping this in mind, the author of A Study of Modern Chinese Auxiliary Verbs, based on a meticulous analysis, proposes his standards for identifying modern Chinese auxiliaryverbs, which focus on their grammatical functions while giving consideration to their meanings. The functional standards include:  相似文献   

The Khmus, a small ethnic group of about 2, 700 people, arescattering across the two counties of Mengla and Jinghong which lie onthe Chinese-Laotian border. Research reports on this community beganto appear in China in the 1980s. The author conducted seveninvestigations in Mengla County over a span of three years, from August1995 to August 1998. The results of these investigations are presentedbelow. I. The Khmus"Khmu," meaning"man" or" people," is the term used by theKhmu to refer to th…  相似文献   

I. Did Chen Duxiu Really Want a"Second Revolution" ?In October 1923, the Soviet adviser Mikhail Markovich Borodin arrived in Guangzhou and Dr. Sun Yat-sen began to reorganize theGuomindang. A group of Guomindang veterans took this opportunity tolaunch another round of attacks on Chen Duxiu for his attempt to"reincarnate the soul of communism into the body of the Guomindang, "1giving rise to new controversies. Under such circumstances, the CentralCommittee of the Communist Party of Ch…  相似文献   

The fixed pattern of thought in stud- ies on laid-off workers and unemployment over recent years is that in talking about this problem people tend to refer only to laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises, or at most include those from enterprises that were originally collectively owned. However, there exists in our society another huge group of the unemployed, known as the “new group of the unemployed,” which has received little attention. For the members of this group we lack not only…  相似文献   

Editors note: The third issue of Social Sciences in China (Chineseversion) published in May 1999 and the third issue of Research on theHistory of the CPC carried an article entitled "A Reconsideration of MaoZedong's Theory on New Democracy" by Hu Sheng. The text is dividedinto six Parts and consists of 19, 000 Chinese characters. Here we havesummarized Parts of the article (in brackets). The remainder is from theoriginal text.(One aspect of Mao Zedong's theory of new democracy has no…  相似文献   

As early as the 1940s, Fei Xiaotong in his Fertility Institutionsexplained the features and changes of family structure by means of atriangle. He designated the three points of the triangle as the father,mother and children, and suggested that the formation of new householdsfrom the old was a "break in the triangle. "2 In this article, I will discussChina's institutions of family division along these lines.I. House Division: The Formingof New HouseholdsI have conducted investigations on t…  相似文献   

The essence and forms of expression of things in the world are oftennot consistent, and in some cases even run counter to each other. Forexample, mirages in the natural world, and the distorted reflection offorms in the economic, political and cultural life of human society. It isprecisely because of this that all types of sciences have reason to exist. AsKarl Marx said, "All science would be superfluous if the outwardappearance and the essence of things directly coincided. "1Of late, "econo…  相似文献   

The emergence of various schools is the most prominent feature of the Western mythological research in the 20th century, which helps to lead the disciplinary integration and construct a new academic paradigm. In the research of civilization origins, Nanno Marinatos' view that there is a symbiotic interaction between the Minoan civilization and the Mediterranean civilization (given in his book, Minoan Kingship and the Solar Goddess: A Near Eastern Koine), solves in some way the long debates on the origin of the Greek civilization. And the interpreting mode of the interdisciplinary comparison between iconographic patterns initiated by him, undoubtedly plays an essential role in guiding the interdisciplinary interaction.  相似文献   

As China's market-oriented economic reforms deepen, an urgent task lying ahead of us is to develop, standardize and improve the system of social security. What, however, is meant by a unified, standardized and perfect social security system? How can we institute such a system? These questions remain urgently in need of study.This then was the setting of a national seminar on "The Theory and Practice of Social  相似文献   

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