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Attachment to Volunteering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wilson  John  Musick  Marc A. 《Sociological Forum》1999,14(2):243-272
We propose that volunteers' attachment to their work is determined by the level of resources they bring to it, the rewards they derive from it, and the context in which the work is carried out. We test this theory using two waves of the Americans' Changing Lives panel study (1986–1989). The resources part of the theory is supported: the likelihood of remaining in the volunteer labor force across the two waves is greater for the more highly educated, those who report higher rates of formal and informal social interaction, and those who have children in the household—the last effect is stronger for women. Respondents reporting an increase in regular working hours across the two waves are more likely to cease volunteering. However, declining functional ability has no effect on attachment. The reward part of the theory is not consistently supported. Commitment to volunteer work in the first wave (measured by hours volunteered) predicts being a volunteer in the second, but enjoying the work has no effect, and being satisfied with the results of the work decreases attachment. Compared to a number of other work contexts, church-related volunteering in the first wave is the strongest predictor of being a volunteer in the second.  相似文献   

Social scientists have documented the influence of family statuses on volunteering, ignoring intrafamily effects. Using newly issued data from the Current Population Survey on the volunteer behavior of 19,626 American couples, we test two competing theories concerning spousal influences on volunteering. Substitution theory predicts that spouses will trade off volunteer work; complementarity theory predicts that spouses’ volunteer work is positively linked. Using structural equation methods to control for simultaneity bias, we find support for the complementarity theory. The wife’s influence, however, is stronger than the husband’s. Spousal influence is stronger if both spouses volunteer in the same domain. The findings underline the importance of close relationships in mobilizing volunteer workers.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - This paper explores how ethnographic approaches to third sector and nonprofit studies allow for context-based...  相似文献   

Age at first marriage in the United States has consistently increased while age at cohabitation has stalled. These trends present an opportunity for serial cohabitation (multiple cohabiting unions). The authors argue that serial cohabitation must be measured among those at risk, who have ended their first cohabiting union. Drawing on data from the National Survey of Family Growth Cycle 6 (2002) and continuous (2006–2013) interview cycles, the authors find that serial cohabitation is increasing among women at risk. Millennials, born 1980 to 1984, had 50% higher rates of cohabiting twice or more after dissolving their first cohabitation. This increase is not driven by the composition of Millennials at risk for serial cohabitation. This work demonstrates the importance of clearly defining who is at risk for serial cohabitation when reporting estimates as well as continuing to examine how the associations between sociodemographic characteristics and serial cohabitation may shift over time.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - Volunteers are a critical operational resource for not-for-profit organisations in the health and welfare sector. However,...  相似文献   


The present investigation examined the effects of three public service announcements (PSAs) on undergraduates’ willingness to volunteer to assist the homeless at a local emergency shelter. A PSA designed to arouse empathy in listeners generally yielded a higher rate of volunteering to assist the homeless than either a self-oriented PSA or an unemotional, other-oriented PSA. The PSA designed to arouse empathy was found to be especially effective in promoting volunteering in individuals who scored relatively high on trait affective empathy and who, in turn, reported a relatively strong empathic response to this message.  相似文献   


A growing number of agencies involve volunteers via home or work computers and the Internet. The Virtual Volunteering Project [http://www.serviceleader.org/vv/] has researched and worked with more than 100 organizations involving online volunteers to document the benefits of online service for agencies, volunteers and audiences served, and to disseminate ways agencies can incorporate virtual volunteering into their organizations. This paper describes the Virtual Volunteering Project and summarizes data from a variety of sources that highlight the activities of agencies and volunteers engaged in virtual volunteering and the factors associated with success in virtual volunteering programs.  相似文献   

Financial education sans opportunities for hands-on experience and knowledge operationalization may be insufficient for promoting healthy financial behaviors. Financial capability combines financial education with financial inclusion via a savings account, thereby giving an opportunity translate knowledge into practice. This study used data from the 2012 National Financial Capability Study to examine relationships between the financial capability and financial behaviors of United States Millennials (N = 6865). Compared to their financially excluded peers, Millennials who were financially capable were 176 % more likely to afford unexpected expenses, 224 % more likely to save for emergencies, 21 % less likely to use alternative financial services, and 30 % less likely to carry burdensome debt. Interventions that focus solely on financial education or inclusion may be insufficient for facilitating Millennials’ healthy financial behaviors; interventions should instead develop financial capability.  相似文献   

Reputation, image, prestige, and goodwill areconcepts used by different disciplines, e.g., economics,marketing, sociology, and accounting, to denote thegeneral standing of organizations among their counterparts. In this paper, the variousconcepts are reviewed and compared in terms ofsemantics, organizational cost, determinants, andimplications, among others. An interdisciplinary,multiconstituency framework of organizational standing isdeveloped, and research propositions aredelineated.  相似文献   

Previous research on volunteering finds significant differences by race and social class. We augment these findings by examining a largely ignored measure of social class: tenure status, the distinction between renters and homeowners. We test a theory that predicts people volunteer more if they have a “stake” in their community and we use the value of their home as a measure of the size of this stake, with renters having no stake at all, using data from the 2003 Panel Study of Income Dynamics. We find that although homeowners volunteer more than renters, the value of their home has no influence on their volunteer work. Length of residence in the neighborhood has a positive effect on volunteerism. Tenure status partially mediates the influence of race and family income on volunteering but not education.  相似文献   

The study examined positive and negative responses to volunteering (satisfaction with volunteering, perceived contribution to beneficiaries, and burnout) among 102 adolescents in Israel. The conceptual framework for explaining those responses was the ecological approach to the study of human development. In that context, the paper deals with the combined contribution of two ecological systems—the ontogenic system and the microsystem. The ontogenic system included sociodemographic variables (gender and religiosity), as well as empowerment resources. The microsystem included variables related to family context (parental volunteer activity and family support for volunteering), as well as to the context of volunteer activity (perceived rewards, difficulties with volunteering, and professional supervision). Sociodemographic variables and difficulties in relations with the provider organization predicted burnout, whereas rewards and professional supervision predicted satisfaction with volunteering. Empowerment contributed most to explaining volunteers’ perceived contribution to the beneficiaries of services.  相似文献   


Despite volunteering being a feature of community life in the UK, differences as to who volunteers are evident. Reporting on a rapid review of the evidence on volunteering and inequalities, the aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the breadth and interconnectedness of barriers to volunteering for potentially disadvantaged groups. Sixty-seven articles were identified, to produce a map of factors affecting volunteer participation. Findings suggest that whilst different demographic groups experience specific barriers to volunteering, there are areas of commonality. Analysis shifts the onus of volunteering away from the level of individual choice (a dominant emphasis in policy and practical discussions around promoting volunteering) and towards the influence of structural factors related to broader exclusionary processes. Those who potentially have the most to gain from volunteering are the least likely to participate. Whilst the benefits of volunteering are increasingly documented by research and championed by policy, there are questions about the success of this approach given that the underlying social inequalities present substantive barriers to volunteering and must be addressed to promote greater access.


VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - We examine the relationship between likelihood to volunteer and a range of human capital, social capital, religious...  相似文献   

历史文化名城的保护与房地产开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐惠蓉  王岚 《城市》2004,(6):42-45
我国历史悠久,幅员辽阔,民族众多,经济文化发展曾居世界前列,内外交往频繁,因此历史文化名城较多.历史文化名城具有很高的品牌价值,同时,与其他优势相结合,又会产生新的优势,使城市形象进一步提升、城市文化竞争力进一步提高,城市更加辉煌.历史文化名城的房地产特别值得关注.  相似文献   

The transfer problem is by now well understood. In an important book Chichilnisky-Heal provide an example of a related paradox — the destroy paradox — in the context of a Walrasian stable economy. It is evident, however, that the paradox depends on the underlying data — tastes, preferences, and net export positions — of the economy. This paper gives necessary and sufficient conditions on the underlying data of a globally Walrasian stable Leontief economy for the occurrence of this paradox. The relationship between the transfer and destroy paradoxes in an economy with Leontief preferences is explored.I am grateful to John Donaldson, Duncan Foley, Giulio Ponte corvo, participants in the Colgate-Hamilton Economics workshop and especially, an associate editor and an anonymous referee of this journal for helpful comments. The usual disclaimers apply.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - This paper should have appeared in the special issue presented here, but was previously published.  相似文献   

旺财 《安家》2006,(7):52-53
追风是媒体必须具备的素质,所以从6月到7月,我们都必须痛饮世界一杯.很不幸的是,对于房地产销售而言,世界杯是一杯不折不扣的票房毒药.  相似文献   

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