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This paper is a study of an emerging environmental decision-making model that attempts to move beyond traditionally adversarial approaches toward consensus building. Consensus-based decision making ostensibly allows activists equal power with industrialists and state actors in environmental policy-making. This research builds upon the growing literature on frame-analysis by demonstrating that there are instances when challengers actually engage in collaborative framing with their adversaries. This does not presume that activists reject oppositional framing altogether. In these cases, environmentalists actually draw on a mixture of confrontation and negotiation in this innovative form of collective action that positions them in contexts most environmentalists never experience—a place at the decision-making table with elites. This study reveals that environmentalists are becoming more sophisticated in their efforts to protect local communities and natural resources.  相似文献   

Many of the world’s largest and most impactful transnational NGOs are registered in the United States where they engage in significant fundraising activities to support their global operations. Their reliance on the external environment for financial support exposes them to resource dependence and the possibility of external control. However, as civil society organizations organized as firms, transnational NGOs attempt to maintain operational independence from the donors upon which they rely for funding. This article contributes to resource dependence theory by identifying the strategies that transnational NGOs employ in response to resource dependence, explaining the emergence of strategic response, and exploring the conditions under which NGOs are capacitated to preserve organizational autonomy. The responses transnational NGOs employ include alignment, subcontracting, perseverance, diversification, commercialization, funding liberation, geostrategic arbitrage, specialization, selectivity, donor education, and compromise. Elements of this strategic repertoire empower NGOs to resist external control, even circumventing and influencing donor preferences. Findings are based on in-depth, face-to-face interviews with top organizational leaders from a diverse sample of transnational NGOs registered in the United States.  相似文献   

Many research findings in the gambling studies field rely on self-report data. A very small body of empirical research also suggests that when using self-report, players report their gambling losses inaccurately. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the differences between objective and subjective gambling spent data by comparing gambler’s actual behavioral tracking data with their self-report data over a 1-month period. A total of 17,742 Norwegian online gamblers were asked to participate in an online survey. Of those surveyed, 1335 gamblers answered questions relating to gambling expenditure that could be compared with their actual gambling behavior. The study found that the estimated loss self-reported by gamblers was correlated with the actual objective loss and that players with higher losses tended to have more difficulty estimating their gambling expenditure (i.e., players who spent more money gambling also appeared to have more trouble estimating their expenses accurately). Overall, the findings demonstrate that caution is warranted when using self-report data relating to amount of money spent gambling in any studies that are totally reliant on self-report data.  相似文献   

Alors que le mouvement nord‐américain des femmes est surtout connu pour ses efforts en vue de transformer les relations sociales entre les femmes et les hommes, ses partisanes ont également mis l'accent sur la reformulation des relations entre les femmes. Utilisant une source de données novatrice, les mémoires du mouvement social, l'auteure souligne la profondeur de la déception que les féministes s'infligent les unes aux autres. Les mémorialistes débattent des notions provenant du mouvement et du courant principal voulant que les femmes soient compétentes socialement. Cet article présente le concept d'«idéation relationnelle» pour décrire la façon dont les mémorialistes féministes analysent d'une manière critique la compréhension de la socialité des femmes tenue pour acquise et aiguisent leurs désirs d'une nouvelle éthique sociale entre elles. While the North American women's movement is most known for its efforts to transform social relations between women and men, its adherents have also focused on remaking relations among women. Using an innovative data source, social movement memoir, this paper indicates the depth of disappointment feminists cause one another. Memoirists dispute notions found in the movement and mainstream that women are socially capable. The paper offers the concept “relational ideation” to describe the way feminist memoirists critically examine taken for granted understandings of women's sociality and amplify their desires for a new social ethic among them.  相似文献   


This article discusses access to and involvement of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing, China, in September 1995. It also looks at the impact on consensus-building of the growing diversity of NGOs participating in these global UN events and at the effect on the international women's movement of the frustrations and difficulties faced in the follow up to Beijing as agreements have been reopened or rolled back. In this climate, women activists and feminist analysts are questioning the future viability of the United Nations as a political space for women's organizing, and under conditions of rapid globalization, are increasingly divided on strategies for implementation and activism.  相似文献   

Despite a long history of gambling amongst many Indigenous peoples, knowledge about contemporary Indigenous gambling is sparse. In Australia, previous studies of Indigenous gambling have been severely limited in number, scope and rigour. The research reported in this paper is based on the first Indigenous-specific quantitative gambling research undertaken in Australia since 1996 and draws on the largest sample to date. This study examined numerous aspects of gambling among Indigenous Australians. After appropriate consultations and permission, the study collected surveys from 1,259 self-selected Indigenous adults in 2011 at three Indigenous festivals, online and in several Indigenous communities. This paper draws on these data to identify problem gambling risk factors by comparing selected socio-demographic characteristics, early exposure to gambling, gambling motivations, gambling behaviour, gambling cognitions, and substance use while gambling, amongst non-problem, low risk, moderate risk and problem gamblers. A logistic regression investigated the difference between problem gamblers and all other PGSI groups. Risk factors associated with being a problem gambler were: being older, commencing gambling when under 10 years old, always being exposed to adults gambling as a child, using alcohol and/or drugs while gambling, having family and friends who gamble, having an addiction to gambling and not gambling to socialise, having a high expenditure on commercial gambling, and living in a state or territory other than NSW or QLD. Public health measures to address these risk factors are identified.  相似文献   


This study extends generational research by delineating actual versus perceived cohort differences through a theoretically grounded model using the Social Identity Approach (SIA). Subjects rated how much they valued 15 workplace characteristics and then provided value ratings for generational cohorts based on their perceptions of said cohorts. This allowed for the determination of actual and perceived cohort differences by characteristics. Results revealed actual cohort value differences across seven characteristics; however, perceived differences exceeded actual ones. Post-hoc, an examination of cohort values by characteristics revealed generational identities and the presence of prototypical distancing between cohort in groups and out groups.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - Within the field of international relations, scholarship supports the notion that international non-governmental...  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to deepen the debate surrounding the practice of evaluation as performed by Brazilian NGOs. In order to accomplish this goal, we examined the results of an investigation conducted between 2007 and 2009 that had two stages: first, a national study and second, a quantitative and qualitative study made in the state of Santa Catarina. We also considered secondary sources of data from two important studies on the national level that were conducted in 2008 and 2009 by the Fonte Institute, with partnership of the Itaú Social Foundation. The results showed that most NGOs use internal rather than external evaluation and conduct evaluations focused on projects and programs. Furthermore, they used evaluation mainly to help decision making about projects. Consequently, the majority of NGOs focused their evaluations on results and were not concerned with creating spaces for self-reflection and learning.  相似文献   

Using data from the 1979–1980 National Survey of Black Americans (NSBA), this study investigates the relationships between religious involvement and two sets of racial orientations: identification , or feelings of closeness and commonality of interests among blacks, and separatism , or support for cultural and institutional distance from whites. Both public religious participation and private religious devotion are strong positive predictors of racial identification, net of the effects of sociodemographic factors. However, the positive effects of devotion on identification are diminished sharply among blacks over 60 years of age. In addition, members of tradition black denominations (i.e., Baptists and Methodists) express substantially stronger black identity than do their unaffiliated counterparts. In contrast to models of racial identification, religious involvement bears little consistent relationship to separatism. Relatively strong separatist sentiment is found among (1) frequent churchgoers ages 30–59 and (2) adherents of nontraditional religions (e.g., Muslims). In general, these results cast doubt on the arguments of some critics of the black church, who claim that religion undermines collective identification. Mainstream black religious culture appears to encourage inclusive, but not exclusive, racial solidarity.  相似文献   

The primary aims of this study were to examine the prevalence of personality disorders in problem gamblers, to explore the relationship between personality disorders and problem gambling severity, and to explore the degree to which the psychological symptoms highlighted in the biosocial developmental model of borderline personality disorder (impulsivity, distress tolerance, substance use, PTSD symptoms, psychological distress and work/social adjustment) are associated with problem gambling. A secondary aim was to explore the strength of the relationships between these symptoms and problem gambling severity in problem gamblers with and without personality disorder pathology. Participants were 168 consecutively admitted problem gamblers seeking treatment from a specialist outpatient gambling service in Australia. The prevalence of personality disorders using the self-report version of the Iowa Personality Disorders Screen was 43.3 %. Cluster B personality disorders, but not Cluster A or C personality disorders, were associated with problem gambling severity. All psychological symptoms, except alcohol and drug use, were significantly higher among participants with personality disorder pathology compared to those without. Finally, psychological distress, and work and social adjustment were significantly associated with problem gambling severity for problem gamblers with personality disorder pathology, while impulsivity, psychological distress, and work and social adjustment were significantly associated with problem gambling severity for those without personality disorder pathology. High rates of comorbid personality disorders, particularly Cluster B disorders, necessitate routine screening in gambling treatment services. More complex psychological profiles may complicate treatment for problem gamblers with comorbid personality disorders. Future research should examine the applicability of the biosocial developmental model to problem gambling in community studies.  相似文献   

Using available data from a variety of secondary sources, this research examines the empirical validity of arguments maintained by conflict theorists about the interrelations among economic inequality, the incidence of crime, and the official crinrinalization of people through arrest. The reported findings, although not definitive, suggest that official criminalization may be a function of the structure of dominant/subordinate relations within populations, rather than the incidence of crime. These findings are dependent, however, on whether the incidence of crime is measured by official or unofficial statistics on criminal activity. The implications of the findings are discussed, and we conclude that they lend some support to conflict criminology and suggest that further aggregate tests using structural variables are desirable.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of image repair strategies and contingency theory perspectives in crisis management. A content analysis of news releases and reports on sexual assaults at the Air Force Academy in 2002 found crisis communication is a dialectic process serving to change the perspectives of the institution and the media over the crisis period. A proactive approach was most effective in generating positive media coverage. Bolstering was the most effective image repair strategy and apologizing was ineffective. The study suggests a complexity approach to crises might better prepare communicative entities to deal with a crisis.  相似文献   

In order to ensure sustainable development, aid donors need to improve the environmental effectiveness of their whole activity. This improvement seems to be influenced by their interactions with environmental NGOs (ENGOs). Faced with a diversity of interactions between these two kinds of actors, a strategic typology is proposed here to describe this multiplicity and, by doing so, to consider their environmental impact. Four relational postures have been identified: (i) external advocacy and (ii) the cooperation–criticism focus on the antagonistic link that exists between environment and development; (iii) environmental collaboration, and (iv) service provision, which focus on synergies that can exist between environment protection and development issues. Win–win solutions need to be continuously sought and enhanced. However, ENGOs and donors are called to recognize the necessity of maintaining a critical position in actors’ interactions vis-à-vis the implementation of development activities that are detrimental for the environment.  相似文献   

The study of bureaucratic-professional conflict has generated empirical findings which strain the explanatory capacities of the functional scheme which has guided much of the research. It is argued here that a dialectical approach should now replace the functional approach to the study of bureaucratic-professional conflict. A dialectical approach linking bureaucratic-professional conflict to fundamental contradictions in organizations is proposed. Research should be focused on the contingencies affecting the occurrence, from, and intensity of conflict. A processual mode of analysis concentrated on the redefinition and re-negotation of order in major event-sequences is suggested.  相似文献   

《Rural sociology》2018,83(1):6-23
The sociology of natural resources and the environment constitutes a major field of inquiry in the research on human–environmental interactions. A constructive debate and dialogue on the relationships between environmental sociology (ES) and the sociology of natural resources (SNR) began at the 2000 International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM) in Bellingham, Washington. Frederick Buttel argued that the two subdisciplines had different subject matters, levels of analysis, spatial focuses, theoretical orientations, policy relevance, and interdisciplinary commitments. These distinctive tendencies have been widely accepted in environmental and natural resource social science but have not been systematically analyzed. The primary objective of this research is to conduct an empirical test of Buttel's differentiating criteria through a systematic review of sample American sociological journal articles published in 2000 and 2014. The multivalue qualitative comparative analysis revealed that there was no clear‐cut divide between the two subfields regarding the combinations of empirical research characteristics, while the general tendencies within both of them became more diverse over time. The overall lack of empirical research evidence for rigid ES–SNR distinctions also indicates that there is more potential than typically realized to build an integrative environmental and resource sociology in the American context and beyond.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - Few would underestimate the role of nondemocratic governments in controlling and steering NGOs. However, this article...  相似文献   

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