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赵静 《职业》2013,(15):120-122
农村城镇化已成为中国今后发展的一个必然趋势,是中国经济进一步发展的保证。中国城镇化是以目前农村地区的城镇为基础实现农村城镇化,来实现农业文明向城市化的工业文明的转变。其关键是农民转化为城市居民后素质的改善和提升,防止出现身在现代化城市而人非现代化。依据美国著名教育家杜威的观点,实现农村真正城镇化必须有教育功能的实施。而担当该任务的只能是社区教育。社区教育发挥有效作用的前提是把握被城镇化的农民素质与城镇化要求的差距,也就是说.必须把握住农民究竞缺失了哪些现代化素质,才能有效地实施社区教育。弥补这些缺失的素质也就形成了城镇化中农民的学习需求,清楚了这些学习需求,社区教育才能做到有的放矢。  相似文献   

过渡型社区是我国城镇化的快速推进过程中产生的新事物,是现代城市向乡村扩张的结果。集中表现为村民开始向居民的转变,传统农村社区开始向城市社区的转变。过渡型社区由于尚未发展成熟,其社区党建工作面临诸多新的挑战。从我国新型城镇化建设的大背景出发,通过实地调研总结出过渡型社区特征,然后着重叙述其在社区党建工作中面临着诸如社区党组织设置不合理、社区党组织服务功能薄弱,以及党建未能发挥引领作用等一系列问题。最后,从大党建角度探讨新型城镇化背景下过渡型社区党建模式的创新。通过对芜湖市S社区这一过渡型社区的调研,总结归纳出一些普适性经验,以期对该社区和其他过渡型社区党建工作提供理论参考。  相似文献   

新型城镇化的核心是人的城镇化,教育现代化与县域城镇化的关系渐成研究热点。佛山市南海区是全国工业大区与广东教育强区的耦合。首先分析南海传统城镇化的成就与隐忧,然后剖析南海教育城镇化的发展历程并厘定南海教育现代化水平的核心指标体系。研究认为南海在工业化带动城镇化的传统路径之外,还走通一条教育促进人的城镇化的创新路径。最后以教育现代化助推城镇化转型的内在逻辑为分析框架,提出教育促进人的城镇化机制的三种具体形式:一是全域优质均衡的基础教育,面向所有孩子的素质教育而推动城乡办学质量融合;二是定向精准适需的职业教育,针对青年学徒的职业发展而推动城乡产教实践融合;三是在地潜移默化的社区教育,面向全体市民的文明素养而促进城乡社会文化融合。  相似文献   

曾茂林 《职业》2016,(12):17-19
新中国建立以来,普及初级职业教育的成功经验表明,在新型城镇化社区中普及中职教育需要以教育局牵头,联合县域中职学校和骨干企业,形成超越社区的多方合作普及中职教育宏观机制。如果说宏观合作,主要是政策和组织方式的区域化合作,那么中观上则是以利益共同体方式,对合作各方实施利益捆绑机制,并通过合作理事会专门机构予以实施。根据新型城镇化社区合作普及中职教育参与者承担的责任,实施民主、公平的分配、奖励机制等。同时,根据普及专业规模和学员的需要,及时调整微观分配方案,并以数字化平台为载体,将各方开发的课程融为一体。本文对新型城镇化社区如何协同普及中职教育机制进行了研究。  相似文献   

随着近几年教育布局的不断调整,学校空间对社区空间的影响益发明显。本篇论文以甘肃省庆阳市西峰区的重点小学和普通小学为例,对重点小学学校空间对社区空间的直接影响和非重点小学学校空间对社区空间的直接影响进行了分析,指出学校不仅影响社区的人口,同样影响社区的房价,而社区房价的变化则很可能会导致社区之间的阶层分化。教育调整不仅没有能够解决学生教育机会的公平性问题,反而产生了新的更为激烈的竞争,同时也进一步刺激了城镇化。  相似文献   

张明斗  曲峻熙 《城市》2016,(12):16-20
新常态下新型城镇化进程中的核心问题是发展效率问题,有效地提升城镇化发展效率对于促进经济社会的全面发展及适应新常态要求具有关键性意义.笔者通过对新型城镇化发展状态及其效率的分析,系统阐释了新常态下新型城镇化发展效率提升的响应机制,认为未来新型城镇化发展效率的提升将是实现由数量至上到效率至上、 由城镇优先发展向城乡协调发展、 由非均衡型向均衡型、 由产城割裂向产城融合发展的城镇化转变,并据此从发展道路、 空间结构及功能建设等层面提出新常态下新型城镇化发展效率提升的基本策略.  相似文献   

张红喜 《城市》2013,(6):16-18
一、农村社区的概念农村社区是相对于传统行政村和现代城市社区而言的,是指聚居在一定地域范围内的农村居民在农业生产方式的基础上所组成的社会生活共同体。农村社区是一个比自然村落、社队村组体制更具有弹性的制度平台。二、新型城镇化背景下农村社区的内涵(一)主导产业支撑传统城镇化的农民普遍选择异地转移,进城务工经商。新型城镇化背景下农村社区既要鼓励和支持农民就近就业,更着眼于主  相似文献   

<正>社区是组织和谐共生的人居环境的基本社会单元。我国改革开放三十年来,"以经济建设为中心",行大发展,兴大建设,上大项目,做大规划,原有的社区和社区感在城乡空间大规模变迁中逐渐消失;如今新型城镇化背景下转向"以社会建设为中心",改革步入深水区,经济进入新常态,社会面临转型,建设速度放慢,规划亟待变革。中国的"第五个现代化"——社会治理能力现代化,需要自上而下的制度顶层设计并落实到自下而上的社区基础建设。从社区  相似文献   

回顾社区教育的发展历程,不难看出,社区居民的参与程度是社区教育发展状况的一个重要标尺。一般来讲,居民参与度越高,社区教育发展就越好。本文通过对社区教育的特点剖析,指出了居民参与度对于社区教育发展的重要意义,并提出了增强居民参与度的相关策略。  相似文献   

中国在城镇化转型的过程中面临着严重的乡村社区衰落的问题,为了寻找契合信息化时代背景下乡村社区可持续发展模式,笔者深入遂昌县长期跟踪调研,通过分析总结遂昌县农村电子商务的发展,研究在互联网时代背景下,乡民如何结合新媒体工具与地域认同,再生社区凝聚力,进而实现可持续的乡村发展。  相似文献   

Professionals in a rural community started a service delivery program not in spite of, but because of, economic distress, to counteract the increase in child abuse caused by economic depression. Public education is shown to be a necessary tool in the establishment of new services.  相似文献   

何春霞  王勇 《职业时空》2013,(10):137-140
以佛山职业技术学院“理论学宣会”为个案,简要分析了高职院校学生理论社团存在的问题,提出实现高职院校学生理论社团思想政治教育效能的基本路径:推行社团导师制度,保证思想政治教育的方向;开展特色社团活动,拓宽思想政治教育的渠道;塑造社团论坛品牌,彰显思想政治教育的时代性;促进社团企业文化互动,增强思想政治教育的渗透性;创新社团社会服务平台,拓展思想政治教育的实践性.  相似文献   

This article describes a formative intervention that supported our exploration of contradictions within the area of parental engagement in mathematics education in a low-income community. We draw on the third generation of cultural-historical activity theory as well as research on parental engagement and critical theory to discuss two contradictions in the network of activity systems. Our analysis suggests it is critical to develop a deeper intersubjectivity when working towards the goal of community action to support children’s mathematical learning opportunities. We discuss the expansive learning process evident through the development of a new definition of parental engagement.  相似文献   

This paper examines emerging human service education programs at the community college, baccalaureate, and graduate levels. These programs bear a variety of titles such as mental health, social services, community development, and applied social sciences, as well as the more general human services label. Because they are relatively new phenomena, the nature and purposes of these programs are not widely known or understood. They appear to share some common purposes with social work education, while at the same time the potential for competition or conflict exists. Their significance for social work education programs and their graduates are considered.  相似文献   

立德树人是中华民族的传统美德,新形势下立德树人有其特定时代特征,与时俱进培养适应时代需求的德才皆备人才,已成为教育的根本任务。本文根据古今中外德育教育特点,结合我国教育实际,得出我国新形势下立德树人根本任务及实施方式,即首先是要建立家庭、学校、社会、同龄团体四个方面的德育环境。其次在各环境中以教育心理学的视角培养学生,立德树人。  相似文献   

Community colleges are playing an increasingly important and visible role in higher education in the United States. However, the additional attention to community colleges has not produced the same degree of recognition regarding the importance and needs of the faculty within those institutions, who make up about 27 percent of all faculty members nation-wide. This article examines factors influencing the professional status of community college faculty. We argue that understanding the position of community college faculty in higher education today depends upon understanding that professional status is a dynamic and contested terrain, rather than a series of static characteristics. Following Abbott’s (1998) analysis of the efforts of librarians to achieve professional status, we consider how the changing structure of higher education in the United States may impact community college faculty as professionals, both positively and negatively. As one example of community college faculty raising their issues within a discipline-wide professional organization, we examine the current state of community college faculty with the American Sociological Association (ASA). We consider potential status changes for community college faculty in sociology within the context of the broad threats to the professional status of faculty across the higher education landscape. Paradoxically, these threats might result in an opening for efforts by community college faculty to improve their professional status, perhaps in coalition with faculty in other sectors of higher education.  相似文献   

Drawing on Vygotsky's (1997a) concept of fossilized behavior, this study examines the cultural fault lines between the imagined community (Anderson, 1991) of early childhood education and some Australian Indigenous families. Through creating a social space within which Indigenous families could examine dominant and taken-for-granted discourses within early childhood education, participants could make visible assumptions and beliefs about early childhood education in Australia. Through this study, cultural tools were identified for supporting professionals to re-imagine new landscapes for early childhood education in Australia.  相似文献   

Using data from the 1995 Israeli Census of Population, this study examines the demographic, human capital, and labour force characteristics of the Ethiopian community in Israel and its determinants of employment. The results provide strong evidence for the overall disadvantaged socio‐economic status of the Ethiopian community and reveal substantial gaps in educational and occupational attainment between Ethiopian Israelis and members of other ethnic groups in Israeli society. Ethiopian Israelis have substantially lower levels of education, lower employment rates, and are more likely to have low‐skilled occupations. However, multivariate analyses show that the determinants of employment of Ethiopian Israelis are relatively similar to those of other ethnic groups. Education and veteran status are found to be especially important factors associated with increased odds of employment. Although the rates of return from education are lower among Israelis of Ethiopian origin compared to other ethnic groups, this study suggests that education constitutes the major avenue for upward mobility in the Ethiopian community. Nevertheless, considering their current disadvantaged position, the question of whether Ethiopian immigrants will manage in the long run to climb up the socio‐economic ladder and significantly improve their status, or whether they run the risk of becoming a marginalized ethnic group in Israeli society, remains a major concern. Implications for the formation of a new cleavage in Israeli society and the emergence of a stratification system based on race are discussed.  相似文献   

As the globalization of the economy has accelerated in recent years, the Internet has become an essential part of the infrastructure, primarily as a communications medium. In the Information Age society, the ADC principle (autonomy, distribution, and collaboration) has become an underlying assumption, which also applies to the institution of education. The fading power of Japan may come from its educational system, which emphasizes standardization and uniformity, while discouraging creativity and individuality. Now is the time for Japan to reevaluate its educational system at every level so that it better supports the societal and business needs of the Information Age economy. Therefore, this paper proposes five kinds of changes to the Japanese educational system. They are community networks, digital kids and participatory education, growing up digital and youth education, online higher education, and media literacy education for the elderly. First, community networks provide citizens with better and more convenient access to local services, activities, and information. Second, the notion of the digital kid suggests that it should be participatory, including all members of the community. Third, as digital kids grow up digital using the Internet would enhance both intergenerational and intra‐generational communication in the twenty‐first century. Fourth, online higher education should become widely available in Japanese society in the twenty‐first century. Fifth, although media literacy education for the elderly in Japan is yet to come to its maturity, senior network groups are beginning to receive wider attention as they will provide Japanese elderly with a new avenue for communication. When and only when these educational reforms are pursued, will Japanese people be able to participate effectively in the global society.  相似文献   

Primary health care (PHC) involves community health education. When health priorities in rural communities are focused on the vulnerable under-5-years-of-age group then one has to examine who actually cares for this age group and what are the most appropriate means of reaching them through health education programs. In the context of rural communities in Papua New Guinea the linking of school and community health programs has been taking place. Examples and insights from programs where teachers and health workers attempted to find appropriate channels for integrating child and adult education in order to improve the health status of the very young child are described. The school programs used a child to child approach to develop in children a sense of shared responsibility with adults towards better health for themselves, younger children in their care and the environment of the community. The goal was a health program that applied to the whole community, where division between child and adult learning activities was not so sharply drawn, and where formal school programs and nonformal community education programs were to complement and contribute to each other. A campaign against infant diarrhea and death through dehydration was implemented. As a result of a 3-day planning workshop a program was drawn up for schools and communities. The workshop covered causes of diarrhea, fluid loss and dehydration, simple preventive and curative measures, essential hygiene habits and current community practices. Teachers, health workers and community leaders fashioned a program of activities for school children and adults. It was discovered that adults often feel a barrier between themselves and the child's school learning. Also, a gap often exists between what is taught in school and what is needed and can be applied to community health priorities. Thus, an effective community health education program that includes both children and adults in an integrated program will need to cover the varying ages and groups of community members who, with different degrees of responsibility, take care of themselves and others.  相似文献   

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