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我国加入wTo以后,会计信息对现代企业的发展越来越受到有关部门的重视。但由于受到传统的影响和个体利益的驱使,当前一些企业会计信息失真现象比较严重,严重损害了国家、企业和投资者的利益。会计信息失真是我国会计领域的一大顽疾,其风气之盛、牵涉面之广,匪夷所思。本文简要分析了企业会计信息失真的危害、原因和防范措施,希望对解决我国会计信息失真这一顽疾有所帮助。  相似文献   

随着经济活动及利益主体活动的多元化、国际化,会计信息在市场经济发展中占据着重要的地位和作用.文中分析了企业会计信息失真的现状和会计信息失真产生的主要原因.提出和论述了企业会计信息失真应采取的防治措施.旨在探讨和研究企业会计信息失真的防治控制.  相似文献   

从2001年1月1日起,我国在不同行业不同所有制形式的所有企业统一实行了《企业会计制度》。这是我国会计核算制度的重大改革。《企业会计制度》的实施为规范企业会计核算行为,提高我国企业的会计信息质量翻开新的一页。本文拟就实施《企业会计制度》对乡镇企业的影响作一简单分析。有助于提高会计信息质量近年来,我国企业会计信息失真的现象相当普遍。1999年财政部监督司对全国酿酒行业的会计质量进行跟踪,会计数据失真竟高达92%,乡镇企业问题尤其突出。这严重影响了会计信息的质量,继而影响了经济决策、投资环境甚至社会稳定。究其原因,除利…  相似文献   

会计信息失真是指会计信息的形成与提供违背了客观的真实性原则,不能正确反映会计主体真实的财务状况和经营成果,会计信息失真的危害是十分严重的。宏观会计信息失真,会掩盖经济运行中存在的矛盾和隐患,使国民经济发展所需的正常运行环境受到破坏,影响利益分配和社会资源的合理配置。基层会计信息失真,使微观主体无法掌握实际情况,造成决策失误,给企业的生存和发展带来潜在的危机。同时,会计信息失真必然造成管理混乱,为经济犯罪提供方便,滋生腐败,并增加社会的不安定因素。  相似文献   

导致会计信息失真的原因既有主观方面的因素,也有客观方面的因素,一定时期的法律环境、政治经济环境、文化环境和会计人员业务、道德水平等因素,构成了会计信息失真的外部条件。银广厦造假事件在我国政券市场引起轩然大波,曾一度导致公众对我国上市公司财务信息公信力的巨大挑战,可见会计信息失真的巨大危害。本文对造成会计信息失真的原因及其对策进行简单分析。  相似文献   

邹丹 《职业》2013,(9):41-42
会计是一种经济语言,它所传达的信息是经济管理活动的重要组成部分。近年来,相当部分的会计从业人员违背职业道德,有目的地使会计信息失真,给国家和社会带来了一定程度的危害。因此,提高会计从业人员的职业道德尤为重要。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的迅速发展,会计作为以提供会计信息为基本职能的管理活动在我国市场经济发展中的作用也随之变大。然而,现在一些企业公司的会计信息质量低劣,缺乏一定的真实性、可靠性、相关性,无论是给社会经济秩序,还是投资者的决策,都带来了十分严重的负面影响,在这些现象中,最为重要的表现当属会计信息失真。  相似文献   

本文试从分析会计信息失真的表现、产生的根源,解剖其成因,紧接着又提出了解决会计信息失真的对策与深层思考,最后为会计信息失真的解决提供了对策信息支持。  相似文献   

会计信息失真问题是我国当前会计方面一个严重的漏洞,造成国有资产流失,诚心失真,是国家腐败的温床所在地,更是影响了国民经济的正常发展,因此,近年来,我国实行的《会计法》虽然对打击会计信息失真有一定的效果,但是从根本上来看,当前会计信息失真的现象还是较为严重,预防会计信息失真的工作任重道远。  相似文献   

本文由一名会计人员导致会计信息失真而引发思考,联想到我国目前会计信息普遍失真现象,对导致会计人员素质低下的原因进行了分析,并提出了如何促使会计人员提高素质的一些建议。  相似文献   

With one exception, the accounting principles governing the information reported on the financial statements of nonprofit organizations should be the same as those for business organizations, and trustees should use this information to decide on budgets and analyze actual performance in essentially the same way as do business boards of directors. The exception is that nonprofit organizations receive capital contributions, which are rare in business corporations. In some nonprofit organizations, especially colleges, the information that trustees actually receive is confusing because of the unnecessary use of fund accounting and other peculiarities. Nevertheless, trustees can insist on businesslike financial statements.  相似文献   

Whereas social accounting has been strong in its critique of conventional accounting, to date it has not been as effective in developing accounting frameworks consistent with its principles. This is particularly true for nonprofit organizations. The costs of nonprofits can be easily measured; however, not captured by conventional accounting is the value of their nonmonetized resources such as volunteers. This paper argues that social accounting for nonprofits would benefit by creating accounting statements that combine the economic and social impact of an organization (referred to as an integrated approach). After discussing some historic examples of integrated social accounting, the paper presents a Canadian case study in which the value added by volunteers of a nonprofit organization is combined with its financial statements in an Expanded Value Added Statement. By combining social and economic information, a very different performance story of the organization emerges.  相似文献   

《Journal of Child Custody》2013,10(1-2):31-48

The author reviews research on confirmatory bias, discusses its role in evaluations of comparative custodial fitness, and creates a distinction between confirmatory bias and confirmatory distortion, in which there is an indisputably conscious endeavor to find and report information that is supportive of one's favored hypothesis. Information is provided concerning the dynamics of confirmatory bias and distortion, the ways in which these phenomena manifest themselves, and the ways in which they can be addressed by reviewers and by cross-examining attorneys.  相似文献   

Social return on investment (SROI) is a relatively new approach to assessing the value created by human activity. This paper explores the development of SROI since its creation in 1996 and concludes by outlining areas for future development. SROI is compared with mainstream global approaches to generating standardized information that informs resource allocation decisions, financial accounting in general, sustainability accounting in the private sector and cost benefit analysis in the public sector.  相似文献   

Howard Becker wrote that art is constructed, and understood, according to conventions. However, Becker does not adequately explain how artists negotiate historical circumstances affecting their work. Using the southern Italian phenomenon of tarantism and its music, I address how contemporary musicians employ conventions to transform sounds with deviant connotations. The alteration of musical conventions reflects material social conditions in the Salento region and provides insight into the formation of a Salentinian cultural movement's ideology. By accounting for how social groups contend with history, I argue that sociologists must reconsider the theory of artistic conventions.  相似文献   

Emerging perspectives of control in human service delivery organizations are facilitated by rational accountability formulations whose tenets and assumptions remain basically unquestioned in organizational and accounting literature. This paper critiques the underpinnings of rational accountability formulations and their appropriateness for human service delivery organizations. In turn, a non-rational metaphor of the role of management accounting information is proposed which recognizes uncertainty for what it is rather than assuming the very certainties that cannot be found in the delivery of human services.  相似文献   

Social enterprise has become a key phenomenon in providing public services in many developed countries. The debate on the evaluation of the socio-economic impact generated by this kind of organization has gone hand in hand with the growth of social entrepreneurship. This study provides an exploratory analysis of the emerging practice of measuring the socio-economic impact of social enterprises using the theoretic construct called “Blended Value Accounting” (BVA). Among the models and tools proposed by BVA, we examine in particular the Social Return on Investment (SROI)—an instrument of causal contribution analysis—conducting a literature review on its application to the evaluation of socio-economic impact of social enterprises and on its implications for BVA. Finally, we reach a conclusion as to the role that these tools of mixed accounting and assessment might play—particularly the one examined—with respect to the positivist, critical, and interpretative theories of accounting, thus identifying the areas for further research.  相似文献   

If a group is modelled as a single Bayesian agent, what should its beliefs be? I propose an axiomatic model that connects group beliefs to beliefs of the group members. The group members may have different information, different prior beliefs and even different domains (algebras) within which they hold beliefs, accounting for differences in awareness and conceptualisation. As is shown, group beliefs can incorporate all information spread across individuals without individuals having to explicitly communicate their information (that may be too complex or personal to describe, or not describable in principle in the language). The group beliefs derived here take a simple multiplicative form if people’s information is independent (and a more complex form if information overlaps arbitrarily). This form contrasts with familiar linear or geometric opinion pooling and the (Pareto) requirement of respecting unanimous beliefs.  相似文献   

中国房地产市场的"症结"来自于制度条件下的扭曲。第一是土地制度问题,数字显示资源限制和垄断对住房市场的巨大压力。第二是因为资源垄断而产生的博弈。博弈分不同的方式来说,市场上所谓的规范性力量等都是因为制度造成的。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to demonstrate the theoretical relevance of the concept of “attention” for understanding the social. Against the backdrop of neurological, psychological and philosophical insights into this subject matter, and drawing on both classical as well as current theories on this phenomenon, the article will examine the term’s respective meanings and develop genuinely sociological questions in order to underline the heuristic value of research on this topic. Furthermore, it will be argued that the (post-)modern subject oscillates between being at liberty to bestow his attention at will and being forced to do so, and the social processes accounting for attention gradually becoming an ever more scarce resource will be identified. The field of science is then drawn upon as an example to illustrate the fight for attention, followed by a plea for the comprehensive treatment of attention as a key sociological issue.  相似文献   

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