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跨国公司对华直接投资特点、趋势及我国的对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘家磊 《学术交流》2005,(12):111-114
中国加入WTO后,伴随跨国公司对华直接投资在行业分布、区域分布等方面出现的新特点,跨国公司对华直接投资呈现了向服务业、本地化和独资控股方向转变的新趋势。对此,我国应采取相应对策:加快服务业市场的开放;构筑中西部开发的新优势;促进跨国公司参与国企改造;组建企业集团维护国家经济安全。  相似文献   

近年来 ,日本跨国公司步欧美之后开始不断加强在华R&D的投资活动。在国际竞争环境驱动下 ,日本跨国公司在华R&D投资首先被认为是其海外投资阶段性发展战略的必然 ,同时也是其全球化R&D投资战略的一环。在市场需求驱动下 ,作为技术换市场的方式之一 ,日本跨国公司在华R&D投资是其应对我国产业政策和市场特点的手段。在获取资源驱动下 ,包括丰富的人力资本在内的中国技术资源积累是日本跨国公司在华R&D投资获取利益的必要保障。  相似文献   

本文拟从我国经济发展、经济改革和经济开放三者相统一的角度,研究90年代以来跨国公司尤其是发达国家跨国公司对我国工业化、市场化和国际化(即“三化”)进程的影响。研究结果表明,跨国公司对我国“三化”进程的影响是深远重大的,其中在工业化方面,跨国公司主要从产品、产业、技术这三个方面以及相应线路“产品产量增加→产业结构提升→工业技术进步”,来推动我国工业化进程由工业化中前期阶段向工业化中后期阶段转化;在市场化进程方面,跨国公司重点从企业、政府和生产要素这三个方面以及相应的线路“企业改革→政府职能转换→生产要素市场化”,来推动我国市场化进程由市场经济初步形成阶段向逐渐成熟阶段转化;在国际化方面,跨国公司从贸易、市场、投资三个方面,以及相应线路“贸易国际化→市场国际化→企业国际化”,来推动我国国际化进程由单向开放型阶段向全方位开放型阶段转化。研究结果还表明,跨国公司对我国“三化”进程的影响也具有复杂性,一些方面还存在潜在的负面效应。对此,本文提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代中期迄今,日本跨国公司在对中国投资的不同战略阶段,选择了不同的R&D投资组织形式.日本跨国公司对中国R&D投资的行业结构是伴随其对中国投资战略变化而不断发展变化的.目前,日本跨国公司在中国制造业设立的R&D投资企业主要集中在电机与电子机器、机械、化工医药和汽车及零部件四个行业.从投资地区结构来看,日本跨国公司对中国R&D投资企业则主要集中在长江三角洲地区.针对日本跨国公司对我国R&D投资的结构特征及其变化趋势,我们应构筑包括吸引跨国公司R&D投资政策、改善R&D支撑环境政策和促进跨国公司R&D溢出政策在内的吸引外商R&D投资的政策体系.  相似文献   

根据日本经济的发展阶段以及跨国公司对外直接投资的规模、行业、地域结构的发展变化,可将日本跨国公司的发展历程大致分为三个阶段,即第一阶段:50、60年代的贸易导向型对外直接投资时期;第二阶段:70年代的调整过渡时期;第三阶段:80年代以后的全球经营战略时期。本文拟就对日本跨国公司这三个不同发展阶段的特征及其成因作初步探讨。一、50、60年代的贸易导向型对外直接投资时期所谓“贸易导向型对外直接投资”,是日本经济学家小岛清在1971年初次发表的宏观经济对外直接投资理论中,对50 、60年代日本对外直接投资的基本形态所作的理论概括。他说:“所谓(顺)贸易导向型(以区别于美国的逆贸易导向型)对外直接投资,其内  相似文献   

伴随中国服务业对外开放进一步深化和日本产业结构的调整,日本服务业跨国公司对中国直接投资结构发生了较大变化:总括公司正在成为对中国服务业直接投资主体;投资行业主要集中在生产性服务业领域;投资独资化趋势进一步加强;投资区域主要集中在东部沿海地区。预计日本服务业跨国公司对中国直接投资组织结构将从垂直一体化向网络化转变;行业结构将从生产性服务业向知识密集型服务业转变;进入方式将从独资向并购转变;地区结构将从东部沿海地区少数超大型城市及特大城市向中西部主要商业城市拓展。  相似文献   

京港地区吸引跨国公司地区总部聚集比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于跨国公司(MNCs,Multinational Corporations)地区总部(RHQs,Regional Headquarters)聚集所涉及到的经济学相关理论,学界及实业界目前的相关研究还并不充分。在国际经济政治竞争日益激烈的今天,对此作深入研究有助于从事经济实践的人们“知己知彼”,从而更好地理解MNCs与RHQs的操作行为和战略意图。本文对已有的理论成果进行了初步综述,对香港吸引跨国公司地区总部集聚的经验加以总结,并在此基础上分析了北京在吸引跨国公司总部进入方面存在的差距,指出:当前北京加速建设“四个中心”,大力建设发展总部经济,就必须虚心学习其他国际大都市的成功经验,切实把握总部经济的实质内涵,制定长远视角的整体战略目标,积极吸引跨国公司设立地区总部集聚北京。  相似文献   

有效应对经常发生的跨国公司对华知识产权案件,应明确必须遵循的原则,即确保应对行为合法的原则;必须避免给企业或国家带来负面影响的原则;有利于保护各种知识产权权益的原则;有利于扩大知识产权产品或服务进出口的原则;有利于扩大招商引资的原则;有利于维护与知识产权有关市场秩序的原则;有利于促进和谐世界的原则;有利于促进国际交流与合作的原则.还应明确应对已发生跨国公司对华知识产权案件期间应追求的目标,包括弄清跨国公司对华知识产权案件的严重程度;迅速获取到与应对跨国公司对华知识产权案件有关的有效证据;避免或减少在应对跨国公司对华知识产权案件中承担的责任;弄清并追究跨国公司等方面应承担的责任;尽快结束应对跨国公司对华知识产权案件的处理.以及应对跨国公司对华知识产权案件结束后应追求的目标,包括弄清应对跨国公司对华知识产权案件的经验教训;迅速培养并培训应对跨国公司对华知识产权案件的人才;迅速构建应对跨国公司对华知识产权案件防控体系;减少跨国公司对华知识产权案件发生;使知识产权成为无障碍的促进经济社会和科技发展的核心动力.这既是确保我国有关社会主体都能按正确方向应对跨国公司对华知识产权案件的需要,也是确保我国当今特别是未来的对外开放,尤其是与知识产权有关的国际交流与合作继续向正确方向发展的需要.  相似文献   

近年来,日本跨国公司步欧美之后开始不断加强在华R&D的投资活动.在国际竞争环境驱动下,日本跨国公司在华R&D投资首先被认为是其海外投资阶段性发展战略的必然,同时也是其全球化R&D投资战略的一环.在市场需求驱动下,作为技术换市场的方式之一,日本跨国公司在华R&D投资是其应对我国产业政策和市场特点的手段.在获取资源驱动下,包括丰富的人力资本在内的中国技术资源积累是日本跨国公司在华R&D投资获取利益的必要保障.  相似文献   

跨国公司垄断行为及防范对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过对国外跨国公司投资的市场结构与进入壁垒效应的分析 ,发现跨国公司在我国已经具有行使垄断行为的可能性 ,同时对其可能发生的具体垄断行为进行了初步分析 ,并在此基础上提出了相应的应对措施  相似文献   

朱斌  李路路 《社会》2014,34(4):165-186
在关于政府研发补助政策对企业研发投入影响效应的争论背景下,本文通过分析第9次全国民营企业抽样调查数据,发现政府研发补助政策对中国民营企业研发投入具有激励效应,但这一效应受到企业决策者、企业资源禀赋结构以及企业环境等企业系统相关属性的影响。本文认为,为了进一步推动企业创新研发活动,政府需要继续改善市场环境,并在补助政策上向那些在企业决策和资源禀赋结构上更趋向于自主研发创新的民营中小企业倾斜。  相似文献   

R&D(研究与开发)部门与市场营销部门的界面管理是顺利实现技术创新目标的前提条件和根本保证。R&D部门与市场营销部门的界面障碍主要存在于创新构思的产生阶段、难题解决阶段和创新实现及扩散阶段,其成因主要是专业化、信息粘滞、目标差异、文化冲突等。应建立适应R&D部门与市场营销部门界面管理的文化模式和管理机制,并加强信息沟通管理。  相似文献   

Starting from the premise that firms are distinct in terms of their capacity to create innovations, this article explores the rationale for R&D cooperation and the choice between alliances that involve information sharing, cost sharing or both. Defining innovative capability as the probability of creating an innovation, it examines firm strategy in a duopoly market, where firms have to decide whether or not to cooperate to acquire a fixed cost R&D infrastructure that would endow each firm with a firm-specific innovative capability. Furthermore, since emerging industries are often characterized by high technological uncertainty and diverse firm focus that makes the exploitation of spillovers difficult, this article focuses on a zero spillover context. It demonstrates that asymmetry has an impact on alliance choice and social welfare, as a function of ex-post market competition and fixed costs of R&D. With significant asymmetry no alliance may be formed, while with similar firms the cost sharing alliance is dominant. Finally, it ascertains the settings under which the equilibrium outcome is distinct from that maximizing social welfare, thereby highlighting some conditions under which public investment in a technology park can be justified.  相似文献   

教育财政充足的内涵是在保证教育服务均衡和学生学业成就基础上的财政投入量,这与北京市优质义务教育均衡的政策目标基本一致.教育财政充足度的投入指标和产出指标显示,目前北京市义务教育财政投入在国内已经处于领先地位,但与国际发达国家相比仍旧存在不充足的问题.利用Odden-Picus指数计算北京市义务教育财政投入的充足性水平和实现充足的资金缺口,结果表明:小学的财政充足性低于初中,学校层次的财政充足性低于区级层次;实现区层次的义务教育财政充足还需增加投入180.97亿元.以朝阳区为例,实现学校层次的义务教育财政充足还需增加投入28.43亿元.面对财政投入缺口,北京市政府应筹划总量,优化结构,保证财政投入的绝对增长;细化规则,透明管理,绩效问责,实现财政投入相对增长.  相似文献   

The Frostbelt–Sunbelt shift in the US, which is thought to have accelerated during the 1970s, corresponds with recent findings that invention and innovation in the Southern and Western parts of the country have come to rival the traditional manufacturing belt. Whether research and development (R&D), a key input to new technology, shows a similar pattern is the focus of this study. It is found, that there was a shift in R&D activity to the Sunbelt during some decades, but not all, and that the manufacturing belt has maintained a slight R&D lead in the country. Still, parts of the Sunbelt rivalled the Northeast for R&D already in 1963. Thus, any national shift in the location of R&D must have occurred prior to the 1960s and before it might be thought to have happened. In the US, R&D production associates well with places that have an educated, professional, and technically specialized labor force. Those states that continue to build on these and similar techno-societal conditions will arguably be in a better position to grow.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates the relationship between innovation and Research & Development expenditure in European Union countries over the period 1995–2014. The findings of the empirical analysis show that there is a co-integration relationship between innovation and R&D. The results also reveal the existence of a positive and significant effect of business, public and higher education R&D on innovation. Business R&D is the sector with the highest positive effect on innovation. The results indicate that EU should strengthen the cooperation between business, public and higher education R&D through the encouragement of partnerships between the private sector, R&D and innovation system.  相似文献   

The game theoretical approach to R&D cooperation does not investigate the role of trust in the initiation and success of R&D cooperation: it either assumes that firms are non-opportunists or that the R&D cooperation is supported by an incentive mechanism that eliminates opportunism. In contrast, the present paper focuses on these issues by introducing incomplete information and two types of firms: opportunist and non-opportunist. Defining trust as the belief of each firm that its potential collaborator will respect the contract, it identifies the trust conditions under which firms initiate R&D alliances and contribute to their success. The higher the spillovers, the higher the level of trust required to initiate R&D cooperation for non-opportunists, while the inverse holds for opportunists.JEL Classification code: C720 Non-cooperative games; L130 Market structure, firm strategy and performance; D320 Management of technology, innovation and R&D.  相似文献   

The four major considerations for a pharmaceutical R&D quality program are discussed—protection of resources, compliance, documentation, fitness for use. Viewing R&D as an enterprise necessitates that R&D be seen as making products—data, analysis and interpretation. The applicability of the quality program to these products is discussed.  相似文献   

Half a century of centrally planned policy in the Central and Eastern European countries resulted in outdated technologies, inefficient allocation of resources and low productivity. Following the end of communism there was a fifteen year process of transition which ended in 2004 with eight post-communist countries joining the European Union (EU) of which Poland was the largest. As part of the EU these countries now face the challenge of the common EU strategy Europe 2020, which has set the target of achieving R&D expenditure to GDP ratio (called the R&D intensity) of 3% by 2020 for the Union as a whole in an effort to increase the competitiveness of the region. Poland, like the other post-communist countries, faces a lower target of R&D intensity, set at 1.7%. Nevertheless, the challenge is immense, since the country is still at only half that level and has little experience in developing policies to help achieve it. In this paper we tested two possible policy options to achieve the target: (1) to increase government expenditures on R&D and; (2) to provide tax relief on R&D to businesses. The method applied to assess the options is a recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model for Poland with an explicit link between productivity and R&D stock. The results show that achieving the R&D intensity target via the use of tax relief is 2.5 times more costly to the government budget, but it has a greater impact on the economy in terms of a higher GDP growth. Tax relief proved efficient in the short run while in the long run the government expenditure policy provides better value for money.  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2019,41(6):1057-1076
This paper evaluates the role of public R&D support on Italian manufacturing SMEs’ innovation activities, focusing on innovation output rather than innovation input. Combining information from EPO records and the Capitalia survey, the new data set enables a counterfactual assessment of R&D policy from 2001 to 2003 (2009 is the final year of the post-treatment period). We find that publicly supported firms have higher R&D expenditure regardless of their characteristics, confirming a strong additionality effect of public policies on innovation inputs. However, this additional spending does not increase firms’ probability of patenting or the number of patents in comparison with privately financed R&D.  相似文献   

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