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略说古代史家史学批评的辩证方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LIU Zhi-ji,as a historian of the Tang Dynasty,writes the book Shi Tong on the basis of summa- rizing the former development of historiography,which indicates that the ancient Chinese historical criticism has developed into a stage with more self-consciousness. The advancement in the theory and the expansion in the discussion of certain issues,inheriting from the Wei and Jin Dynasty and initiating the Song,Yuan and Ming Dynasty, mostly reflect the dialectical method and understanding, and greatly enriches the conno- tation,historical merits and the theoretical significance of the historical criticism in ancient Chinese criticism of historiography. Summarizing the tradition of using this dialectical method will inspire the development of today's historical criticism.  相似文献   

The Qia-Jia period of Qing dynasty is a period when brilliant achievement is made in narrative theory of history books.The historiography theoreticians and textual historians distinguish between literary narrative and historical narrative and then propose "narrative as painting"——the theory of the state of lively narrative.They argue the comprehensiveness of genres and polishing of narrative as well as tact,grace and rhythmical prose with parallelism and ornateness adopted in the writing of history.Historians affirm that "feeling" in the aesthetics of narrative is very important.They also emphasize "feeling requiring justice"and prudent management of the relationships between the objective historical facts and the feeling and value orientation of historians.  相似文献   

In the Spring-Autumn and Warring States period,Confucians and scholars of Tao all regard"Tao" as the ultimate goal,which they are seeking and longing for.However,the former’s "Tao" is a combination of "Heaven’s Way" and "Deceased Kings’ Way",which is a typical faith of respect for the God of the "religious teaching" while the latter’s "Tao" shows something beyond the reality,which is a typical metaphysical ideal.Nevertheless,the "Tao" that they both worship has the nature and characteristics of the "speech".The "Tao" that is reflected in the society shows a return to an ideal society: "a small country with a few inhabitants"of Lao Tzu and "utopia" of Confucius seem to have no difference in essence.As for governance of the ideal society,Confucius and Lao Tzu both advocate the attitude and strategy of "ruling by inactivity".The main difference between the two schools is their attitude toward "ritual":Confucians respect and try to keep the ritual,while scholars of Tao prefer to destroy it.  相似文献   

An article entitled "The Significance of Intellectual History" by Mr. Li Zehou in the 5th issue of Dushu, 2004, touches on the significance of "'what if' historiography." He said, "'Revolution' can be said to be the theme of 20th century Chinese history. The Revolution of 1911, the 'Great Revolution' in 1927, the Revolution of 1949 and the 'Cultural Revolution' starting from 1966-these were simply the greatest ones…Of them all,  相似文献   

Establishing a dialogue with the Enlightenment spirit has been a constant challenge confronting the intellectual community. A review of human history reveals that whenever social progress comes to a turning point, the topic of Enlightenment will inevitably be raised, giving rise to a new round of heated discussions triggered by doubts, reflections and criticisms in relation to Enlightenment. Today, although Enlightenment and the modem rule of law have not yet been accepted as general social practices, the'modernization that embodies the Enlightenment spirit and the appeal of the rule of law has actually transcended purely academic boundaries. In a sense, it could be said, "modemization" has taken root in the minds of the majority of Chinese, epitomizing almost all their expectations and imaginations about life in the future. In the final analysis, re-opening the discussion of enlightenment represents a new attempt to unravel the complex of contradictions within the dual tensions between ancient times and modemity and between China and the West, identify the causes of intemal and external conflicts, explore the humanistic foundation of modem states ruled by law and the true values inherent in the Enlightenment, and discover the significance of these values for contemporary China in theory and practice, in an attempt to pursue a realistic path and find the intellectual and cultural resources for the establishment of a modem state ruled by law.  相似文献   

( 1 )Organizing and Professionalizing: Double Developing for Social Work in China
Social Work in China needs to develop both in organizing and professionalizing. Firstly, social work institutions themselves need to promote in organizing, staff educating, working styles selecting. They are required to find some way to professionalizing and specializing in social work. Secondly, the persons who are the clients of social work are in the state of lowing, marginalization, atomization and helplessness. Contrary to the Western Social Work styles which focus on solving personal problems, China social work should be anxious to organizing the persons, setting up a network for "to help then to be helped ", we should create a new system of "help banks", in which people can save their helping when they are active and energetic, and draw help when they are in old age and infirmity.  相似文献   

(1)An Introduction of Professor Yuan Fang' s Social Work Educational Thought and Practice in Pro- moting Professional Development
Professor Yuan Fang is one of the forerunners in the restoration of social work profession in China and has profound social work educational thought. He defines social work as a professional discipline which should have solid sociology theory foundation and be supported by the social welfare and social security system in responding multiple needs of vulnerable population. Sociology can be viewed as a broader vision of social work. Social welfare and social security system is the institutional base to prac- tice social work and professional social work provides an important way to solve problems of the vul- nerable. He argues that social work should be professionalized and social work education should be closely tied with practical sectors. His thought plays an important role in directing social work' s resto- ration and its future development in China.  相似文献   

The amount of thought given to the death penalty is almost equal to that which the entire field of humanities and social science has expended on life itself, and shows no signs of flagging. The question may be formulated as a purely philosophical one, but it has also drawn the attention of political scientists. Naturally, it is also an important legal issue.Papers presented in this special issue on the death penalty cover both substantive and procedural law. In "On the 'Criterion' of Proof in Capital Cases and the Revision of the Code of Criminal Procedure," Professor Wang Minyuan discusses the trial hearing from the perspective of the Criminal Procedure Law, arguing that whether a capital case meets the most rigorous requirements for proof is the basic standard by which its quality should be measured and the key to solving quality problems in capital cases. In "The Death Penalty and Human Rights," Professor Chen Zhonglin reflects upon the legitimacy of the death penalty from the perspective of substantive law, and emphasizes the need for a correct understanding of the conditions for application of the death sentence and the suspended death sentence stipulated in the Criminal Law of China.  相似文献   

( 1 )Preliminary Analysis on the Model of Transactional Analysis in Social Work
Wen Jun Yi Zhenzhen · 3 ·
The transactional analysis (TA) is considered a technique to interpret and analyzed the process of communication. Distinct behaviors and feelings are measured through different ego states that represent the attributes of parent, adult and child. As TA is exchange of expression, so it may be categorized in terms of complementary, crossed and ulterior transactions. The interactive concepts of TA are easy to read and understand, so its applicability is wide, especially in the field of social work in recent years. The author point out that with its development, we should not just be limited to the individual' s inner psychological analysis, but also pay more attention to the role of external factors, and concentrate ef- forts on the self-remodeling of clients.  相似文献   

Chinese Culture and Cultural China Zou Guangwen Abstract: Cultural construction has become a national strategy in contemporary China. It is exactly at the right time to propose the blueprint of "cultural China" under this context. The goal of building a cultural China should be "down to earth"; namely, the premise is the conscious identity of Chinese traditional culture. On this basis, efforts need to be made in building a cultural China, such as arousing Chinese spirit, stimulating the creativity of national culture, cohering social morality and building national belief. Key words: culture; Chinese culture; cultural China; neutral wisdom  相似文献   

The term "nongmin gong" (migrant workers, or literally, peasant/farmer-workers) was non- existent in any Chinese dictionary before the 1970s, and no equivalent may be found in an English dictionary even today. The seemingly contradictory combination of "peasant" and "worker" most accurately expresses the nature and social status of a large group in today's Chinese society. Members of this group are industrial workers in term of occupation, yet remain peasants in terms of status: they do not share the same rights as urban residents in the state redistributive system, even though they have "washed the mud off their feet," and left their farmland to find employment in cities.  相似文献   

Industrialization and urbanization are stages that no nation’s economic development can bypass.They should be complementary and coordinated,but since the founding of New China in 1949,including the decades since reform and opening up in 1978,the two have become decoupled.On one hand,as has been widely noted,urbanization has lagged behind industrialization;on the other,people are uneasy about the race to urbanize,and especially about new-type urbanization,fearing that it may lose impetus unless supported  相似文献   

Before his death Lu Xun was sub-jected to every kind of taunt, abuse, cursesand attack, and even after his death he couldnot rest in peace: unintentional misunderstand-ings and deliberate distortions have followedone another without end. Lu Xun’s failureto be understood by others is rooted in hisideological “heresies.” These heresies arerelated to the progressiveness, rebelliousspirit and tenacity of the Yue culture, a localculture of the Chinese nation, and are morecorrelated spiritually…  相似文献   

民间组织兴起:转型期法治进程的新兴动力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the 30 years since the adoption of reform and opening up policy,Chinese nongovernmental organizations rise rapidly and show special way of development against a complicated social background.The great number of nongovernmental organizations become an important force to overcome the "polarization tendency" in the relation pattern and mode of thought in Chinese tradition,as well as in the democratic rule by law process,resulting in a "flexible" vertical power division mechanism,organized and group-oriented right protection mechanism,nongovernmental order generating mechanism marked by autonomy and balance and citizen moldering mechanism based on grass root quality.Although there are still some difficulties and problems in the development of these organizations,its role and functions can not be underestimated and its bright future can not be neglected.  相似文献   

Cassirer is the last important philosopher of neo-Kantianism confronted with the problem of human,which is the core of Kant’s thoughts.His creative thinking of and answer to the question posed by Kant promotes the aim of "going back to Kant" to a higher level.Cassirer transforms Kant’s transcendental schema into the work of symbols and endows it with ontological sense,thus the self-knowing of man could be seen as the process of discovering the spiritual forms through understanding and explicating principles in the creatures of human being.The aim of philosophy of culture is to have insight into the modes,formulas and rules hidden in myth,religion,art and science.  相似文献   

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