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It has been two decades since the Third Plenary Session of theEleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Twosignificant events occurred during this period: a shift in emphasis from"class struggle" to economic development; and a shift in the economicsystem from a planned to a market economy. These events have had aprofound influence on China's socio-economic development, and led tospeculation on the relationship between the state and society, public lawsand private laws.The…  相似文献   

传统农区走新型工业化道路分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The path of economic development in traditional agricultural areas should explore the road of new industrialization of agricultural areas according to local conditions,with the premise of promoting agricultural modernization,industrialization and urban industrial.Traditional agricultural areas taking a new road to industrialization are not simply the same as running industry in the traditional agricultural areas,but building and development of industrial and other non-agricultural industries with the new industrialization of the concepts and approach in the context of rural communities,transforming the rural economy including traditional agriculture even the entire rural community,and ultimately realizing the process of economic and social unification.Promoting this development path has its reality and feasibility,and probably are achieved by cultivating predominate industry,accepting industry to transfer,gathering industry cluster and ecosystem industry to develop the path.  相似文献   

Labor relations in China are now undergoing an institutionaltransition from a planned economy to a market economy. This transitionis based on the fact that a market economy can coordinate the interests ofthe subjects of labor relations and realize the optimal allocation of humanresources more efficiently and with lower transactional costs and bettereconomic results. By means of an analysis of labor relations, this paperwill explore methods of achieving institutional innovations in laborrelatio…  相似文献   

Reflection and Prospect of Ecological Civilized Development Path with Chinese Characteristics
The building of ecological civilization in China should follow the development path of socialist ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics,which requires our reflection and prospect on the ecological civilized development path featuring economic growth, well-off life and good environment. This article analyzes the position and value of existing development path and focuses on its problems and disadvantages. Finally,it proposes that China should follow a new ecological civilization development path featuring good environment, economic growth and happy life ,which provides helpful reference for the theory and practice of ecological civilization development path in China.  相似文献   

略说古代史家史学批评的辩证方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LIU Zhi-ji,as a historian of the Tang Dynasty,writes the book Shi Tong on the basis of summa- rizing the former development of historiography,which indicates that the ancient Chinese historical criticism has developed into a stage with more self-consciousness. The advancement in the theory and the expansion in the discussion of certain issues,inheriting from the Wei and Jin Dynasty and initiating the Song,Yuan and Ming Dynasty, mostly reflect the dialectical method and understanding, and greatly enriches the conno- tation,historical merits and the theoretical significance of the historical criticism in ancient Chinese criticism of historiography. Summarizing the tradition of using this dialectical method will inspire the development of today's historical criticism.  相似文献   

To meet the requirements of the rapid development of the social sciences in China, reflect the latest research results in this field and provide more and better academic articles, the China Social Science Digest will change from bimonthly to monthly publication from 2008, with 160 pages per issue. We hope that in this new incarnation we will continue to gain the support and assistance of our readers in academia and the publishing world and all those who engage in or follow the social sciences.  相似文献   

The main themes of the Chineseeconomy since the 1980s have beeninstitutional reform, structura readjustmentof industry, and resulting economic growth.With China's accession to the WTO thegovernment will not change the generaldirection of economic development in thenew century. China will instead go on withinstitutional reform and structuralreadjustment and try to maintain a high rateof economic growth along a clearer directionand in accordance with a tighter schedule.As China develops its economy in a newinstitutional environment, it will be of  相似文献   

Defined by its philosophic implications,the term modernity refers to a complete setof ideological concepts and behavioralmodes. While promoting success in mod-ernization they show themselves as its resultin the modernization process, giving rise tothe distinctive personality of modern man anda modern society’s specific attributes in thefields of economy, politics and culture.Among them rationality is a fundamental fac-tor of modernity. A source of cognition andvalues, it is the highest expres…  相似文献   

Shao Rongdi,board chairman of Liaoning Securities Co.Ltd.,said, ”The cardinal method for solving the problem in deviant assets of Liaoning is to set up a new pattern for economic development so as to meet the needs of market economy and reduce the ratio of the deviant assets."  相似文献   

祝福恩 《阅江学刊》2012,4(5):82-86
近年来,中央高度重视农村工作,并把“三农”难题作为重中之重,但“三农”难题至今仍未取得历史性突破,已严重制约了我国经济社会的又好又快发展。黑龙江省绥化市创造性地提出发展乡镇村经济及异地经济,极大地推动了农村经济社会的发展,为破解“三农”难题提供了一把钥匙。  相似文献   

李剑力 《创新》2010,4(6):61-63,68
创业型经济是主要靠创新和创业驱动发展的新经济形态。鼓励创新与创业,发展创业型经济,已成为包括我国在内许多国家的政策取向。目前我国创业型经济发展总体态势良好,但还存在着一些问题,其因在于文化、制度、机制和资源四大制约,因此需要从制度、机制、战略规划与途径等多个方面入手整体设计,才能有效促进我国创业型经济发展,加快经济发展方式转变。  相似文献   

同工业经济一样 ,知识经济也存在区域发展不平衡问题。我国不同地区之间社会经济发展水平存在的极大差异 ,决定了知识经济必须从少数发达大城市起步 ,北京在这方面更具优势。论文从北京经济发展水平、知识产业规模、科研和教育实力、区域创新能力和人才资源等方面 ,对北京发展知识经济的有利条件进行了全面分析。指出 ,北京率先进入知识经济时代 ,既是北京自身发展的内在要求 ,也是国家整体知识经济发展战略的需要 ,是北京应当和可以肩负的重大历史责任  相似文献   

黄锡富 《创新》2009,3(5):45-48
工业化、城镇化是实现我国经济发展战略目标的重要途径。工业化和城镇化的互动发展有利于我国经济发展和现代化的实现,而非公有制经济发展有利于加快工业化、城镇化发展步伐。党和国家为加快非公有制经济发展而制定的各种政策措施,为非公有制经济快速发展创造了良好的政治和社会环境。加快非公有制经济发展,需要把非公有制经济发展同工业化、城镇化发展结合起来,需要进一步拓宽融资渠道,加大对非公有制经济的财政金融支持力度,积极支持非公有制经济的扩展战略,做大做强民营骨干企业。  相似文献   

从国家经济政策的视角看南宁市工业经济可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李荣建 《创新》2008,2(1):113-117
近年来,国家不断出台一些宏观调控经济政策,旨在防止经济过热,2007年的密集程度尤甚。通过理解、分析国家经济政策,提出着力在集约利用土地、提升工业园区建设、节能减排、优化产业结构等问题上破解难题,促进南宁市工业经济可持续发展的思路。  相似文献   

论资源经济运行及其宏观调控   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨艳琳 《求是学刊》2006,33(3):56-62
资源经济的增长和发展对于一个国家的经济社会发展具有十分重要的现实意义,但是现代主流经济理论对资源经济及其运行问题的研究很少。由于资源经济是整个国民经济的一个重要组成部分,因而资源经济运行就成为整个宏观经济运行的重要组成部分;进一步说,资源经济运行就是资源经济增长和发展的宏观表现形式或制度表现,是有关资源经济总量和结构变化、有关资源经济运行的体制和机制发挥作用的状况。  相似文献   

发展低碳经济 建设低碳南宁   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙晋华 《创新》2009,3(9):94-96
低碳经济是应对全球气候变暖和能源危机而出现的一种新经济形态,强调低能耗、低污染、低排放和高效能、高效率、高效益,符合科学发展观理念和生态文明建设要求。南宁市低碳城市建设显得尤为必要,可从能源结构调整、技术更新、制度建设等方面尝试推进。  相似文献   

旅游业发展应该打破单一发展模式 ,向其他经济领域融合渗透 ,形成多元化发展趋势。黑龙江是农业大省 ,生态资源十分丰富 ,近几年 ,绿色食品产业迅速崛起 ,为旅游业提供了更广阔的发展空间。发展农业生态旅游 ,有利于形成农村地区特色经济 ,提高农民生活水平。旅游经济与农业经济相辅相成 ,不可分割 ,旅游部门与农业部门应该打破行业界限 ,联手协作 ,共同开拓旅农相结合的发展道路 ,推动我省整体经济向前发展  相似文献   

对我国目前过剩经济的若干思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国经济发展目前已由卖方市场转为买方市场,由短缺经济过渡到过剩经济.其成因包含着总供给因素和总需求因素.过剩经济对整个国民经济运行产生了深远的影响,给生产者和经营者既带来了发展机遇,也提出了严峻挑战.要实现我国经济持续增长和良性循环,必须根据宏观经济走势,制定和实施相应对策.  相似文献   

袁玮  宋志方 《创新》2009,3(4):36-39
桂林作为国际旅游名城,经济基础却比较薄弱,单靠旅游业不足以支撑整个城市发展的需要,而楼宇经济的兴起给桂林带来了新的发展契机。即利用城区新开发楼盘和闲置用房,通过出租、售卖、合作等形式,招商引进现代服务企业和都市型工业,从而培植新税源和新的经济增长点,以促进城市经济的发展。  相似文献   

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