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Cassirer’s philosophy of culture is based on profound knowledge of history of philosophy and is the theoretical product of western philosophical anthropology and cultural consciousness.Philosophy of culture,as a basic rational way of thinking innate in western modern mainstream philosophy reflects the value and significance of man as a concrete historical being and realizes the return of philosophy to the life world of man and is an effective way for philosophy to overcome the metaphysical difficulty in modern western reason and way of rescuing and transcending itself.  相似文献   

Heller’s theory of post-Marxism is special: it consists of post-modern ideas on the one hand,and insists on constructing a new kind of utopia on the other hand,namely,to reflect upon socialism and attempt to develop a new kind of idea of socialism in post-modern framework,which is called "post-modern utopia".The theoretical basis of "post-modern utopia" is the transformation of basic paradigm,namely,from philosophy of history to theories of history,which follows pluralistic logics of civil society and makes a choice of it.  相似文献   

Cassirer is the last important philosopher of neo-Kantianism confronted with the problem of human,which is the core of Kant’s thoughts.His creative thinking of and answer to the question posed by Kant promotes the aim of "going back to Kant" to a higher level.Cassirer transforms Kant’s transcendental schema into the work of symbols and endows it with ontological sense,thus the self-knowing of man could be seen as the process of discovering the spiritual forms through understanding and explicating principles in the creatures of human being.The aim of philosophy of culture is to have insight into the modes,formulas and rules hidden in myth,religion,art and science.  相似文献   

The old version of modernity centerson the conquest of nature and control ofnatural resources, leading to discord betweensociety and nature and conflict between so-ciety and individuals. This type of moder-nity forces both society and nature to paytwice the price for its realization. If we saythe new version of modernity comes from apositive and active examination of the old one,the post-modernism which calls for post-modernity is usually a negative and passivereaction to the old version of mo…  相似文献   

Discussions on globalization have been lively since the middle of 1990s. They have replaced, to a certain degree, past contentions on modernity and post-modernity to emerge as a hot topic in the mainstream world of learning. What then is the relationship between globalization and modernity? There are now three different viewpoints on this question in academic circles:  相似文献   

Theoretical consciousness of the philosophy of culture is mainly an outcome of the conscious advance of human culture towards self-conscious real history, rather than of the inherent logical evolution of philosophical rationality. From the last half of the nineteenth century, and particularly from the twentieth century on, two basic facts of Western social history brought culture from the depths of history to the surface. One was the impact of cultural models on individual and social evolution in the course of the advance of rationalization;  相似文献   

Defined by its philosophic implications,the term modernity refers to a complete setof ideological concepts and behavioralmodes. While promoting success in mod-ernization they show themselves as its resultin the modernization process, giving rise tothe distinctive personality of modern man anda modern society’s specific attributes in thefields of economy, politics and culture.Among them rationality is a fundamental fac-tor of modernity. A source of cognition andvalues, it is the highest expres…  相似文献   

Since the era of Plato and Aristotle,Western philosophy has defined the pursuitof universal knowledge as its final goal, lead-ing to the rise of the absolute concept ofuniversality and the world of absolute prin-ciples composed of universal concepts. Tra-ditional philosophy in the West is a learningin search of universal knowledge while thehighest aim for traditional Chinese philoso-phy is to acquire the realm of Tao. This isthe demarcation line dividing the morphol-ogy of the traditional ph…  相似文献   

As a kind of transcendental philosophy,phenomenology is being naturalized.On the one hand,phenomenology can provide some useful insights for cognitive science,psychology etc.;on the other hand,phenomenology needs to learn necessary knowledge from empirical sciences to supplement itself.Therefore,to insist on the rigorous demarcation between transcendental philosophy and empirical sciences is mistimed.When naturalized through communication with empirical sciences,however,phenomenology should also keep its special disciplinary methodology and characteristics.  相似文献   

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) ruled China for 22 years and influenced the development of Chinese history in the 20th century. It is only natural for historians to attach much importance and attention to the study of its history. Study of this field has a long history, but it is only recently that it has unfolded on the Chinese mainland in ever more dimensions and with ever more findings, as a result of the declassification of domestic and overseas archives, changes in researchers’ id…  相似文献   

This paper aspires to understand the true picture of current social life in the Chi-nese countryside through an investigation of social capital in rural Shandong involving a questionnaire survey and personal interviews. The authors divide the investigation into five parts: general mood of society, public participation, philosophy of life, sense of trust and safety, and network of relations and then, with the Parsons model analytical approach and the “traditional-modern” dual analytical frame…  相似文献   

The Communist Party of China has always been paid ample attention to the development of philosophy and social sciences, and been supported to the work of philosophy and social sciences. Hu Jintao, the Chinese president and CPCCC general secretary, made a series of speech about prosperity and development of philosophy and social sciences many times. These expositions and innovation theories not only embody the concept of scientific development in the field of philosophy and social sciences, but also are valuable experience over many years. Therefore, these expositions are very important for the philosophy and social sciences.  相似文献   

A peculiarity of philosophy in China today is the complex division of disciplines and research fields. Philosophy as a discipline is divided into eight "second-order" disciplines: Marxist philosophy, Chinese philosophy, foreign philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of science, logic, and religious studies. As a research field, it comprises three major sub-fields: Marxism, Chinese traditional thought and Western philosophy. Those divisions show a variety of philosophi  相似文献   

In Marx’s critique of capitalism, the economic critique is closely related to the philosophical critique. Marx’s philosophical critique established the  相似文献   

The philosophy of culture became aprominent school of thought in Chinese philo-sophical circles in the 1980s and 1990s.However, one of the major problems con-fronted by studies of the philosophy of cul-ture is its indistinct theoretical boundaries,largely due to the uncertainty of the categoryof culture.  相似文献   

The trend of post-modernist thought represents in-depth reflections on the contradictions brought about by the Western industrial civilization and modernization. Although the keynote of its criticism of the consequences of modernity is rather pessimistic and sometimes tends to go to extremes, many ideas it expounds during its criticism can stimulate our thinking. In our  相似文献   

As a whole, the innovation system building of philosophy and social sciences is still at a groping stage, and still exist several issues in the practice. This paper analyzes the basic frame of innovation sys- tem of philosophy and social sciences, and puts forward the policy proposal for path planning of it in the new times. The author thinks that we should build macro coordination mechanism of the innovation sys- tem, integrate functional orientation of innovative subject and perfect institutional environment of the in- novation system, and so on.  相似文献   

Establishing a dialogue with the Enlightenment spirit has been a constant challenge confronting the intellectual community. A review of human history reveals that whenever social progress comes to a turning point, the topic of Enlightenment will inevitably be raised, giving rise to a new round of heated discussions triggered by doubts, reflections and criticisms in relation to Enlightenment. Today, although Enlightenment and the modem rule of law have not yet been accepted as general social practices, the'modernization that embodies the Enlightenment spirit and the appeal of the rule of law has actually transcended purely academic boundaries. In a sense, it could be said, "modemization" has taken root in the minds of the majority of Chinese, epitomizing almost all their expectations and imaginations about life in the future. In the final analysis, re-opening the discussion of enlightenment represents a new attempt to unravel the complex of contradictions within the dual tensions between ancient times and modemity and between China and the West, identify the causes of intemal and external conflicts, explore the humanistic foundation of modem states ruled by law and the true values inherent in the Enlightenment, and discover the significance of these values for contemporary China in theory and practice, in an attempt to pursue a realistic path and find the intellectual and cultural resources for the establishment of a modem state ruled by law.  相似文献   

Will mankind live forever on this planet? No. Mankind will surely come to an end one day. This sounds like alarmist talk, but if we have a close look at the world around us we will see a lot of evidence that foreshadows the inevitability of the end of mankind. 1. Theoretical basis. "Everything that comes into being is doomed to die out." The natural world does not remain in a static state, but is constantly generating and destroying. This is a law of nature that cannot be changed. Human beings are the wisest of all creatures, their birth occupies a paramount position in the history of organic evolution, their wisdom is unparalleled by all other creatures, and no one would ever think of the fact that human beings are doomed to final extinction. In spite of all this, as a product of nature,  相似文献   

Research on the history of twentieth-century Chinese literature is becoming onelong exposition of intellectual history. Thecentral idea presiding over it is the "moder-nity of a universalistic knowledge system."Any interpretation of history implies the re-writing of accepted views, and research on  相似文献   

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