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张磊  刘丽敏 《社会》2005,25(1):144-163
This investigation report mainly displays a new public space of property management with the characteristics of civil society, by analyzing a typical case--Qing Shui Yuan. The new public space has already separated from the state and is managed by both the state and the society together. Position-exceeding power of the state and deficient position-stimulated rights of the society result in the tension between the state and the society. Position-exceeding power is a pivotal perspective to interpret the relation between the state and the society.Instead of paying excessive attention to the institutional construction of civil rights, we should focus on how social rights stimulated by institutions and laws are turned into reality.  相似文献   

Material wealth and cultural resources in present China are partly separated from the state monopoly and enjoyed by citizens and social organizations. A folk society (or civil society) is gradually taking shape and  相似文献   

( 1 ) Status and Function of Social Work in Innovating Social Governance System: A Basic-Service Type Social Governance Wang Sibin
This paper aims to discuss the following issues from two dimensions: First, the rationale of a reform from social management to social governance in the context of modernizing state governance system and state capacity of governance; Second, the logic behind social governance from social work perspective; Third, the main areas of social work profession in participating social governance from ideological, institu- tional and principal dimensions. Based on the above issues, the author argues that social work has a spe- cial role in social governance with a basic and service-oriented feature. Moreover, it is important for so- cial work professionals to strengthen their capacities by effective service delivery and policy advocacy in order to realize the objectives of social governance  相似文献   

This paper aspires to understand the true picture of current social life in the Chi-nese countryside through an investigation of social capital in rural Shandong involving a questionnaire survey and personal interviews. The authors divide the investigation into five parts: general mood of society, public participation, philosophy of life, sense of trust and safety, and network of relations and then, with the Parsons model analytical approach and the “traditional-modern” dual analytical frame…  相似文献   

民间组织兴起:转型期法治进程的新兴动力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the 30 years since the adoption of reform and opening up policy,Chinese nongovernmental organizations rise rapidly and show special way of development against a complicated social background.The great number of nongovernmental organizations become an important force to overcome the "polarization tendency" in the relation pattern and mode of thought in Chinese tradition,as well as in the democratic rule by law process,resulting in a "flexible" vertical power division mechanism,organized and group-oriented right protection mechanism,nongovernmental order generating mechanism marked by autonomy and balance and citizen moldering mechanism based on grass root quality.Although there are still some difficulties and problems in the development of these organizations,its role and functions can not be underestimated and its bright future can not be neglected.  相似文献   

The term "community" bears totally different meanings at different times in China.
In the era of the planned economy, social welfare, social services, and even political mobilization and social control, were largely the responsibilities of the danwei (work units) that were subordinate to the government in China. Every danwei, whether economic in nature (e.g., factories, shops and people's communes) or a public institution (e.g., schools, hospitals and nursing homes) had to provide its members with an economic livelihood, medical care, education, and an old-age pension, in addition to undertaking its designated business. This extended to members' dependent children, for whose medical insurance and other benefits the danwei was responsible. A danwei was even responsible for matters in its members' private life such as marriage and funerals and mediating family disputes, in addition to ideological control and political education. Such being the case, all members of society were directly and closely bound to their danwei in terms of interests. In other words, every member of society was a typical "'danwei man." It was very hard for neighborhoods to play any social, cultural, political or economic role and form any "community" in the real sense of the word. Therefore, the economic, political and social institutions of that era are now called "danwei-based institutions."  相似文献   

The position of globalization in the Chinese social context is quite different from that which it holds in Western society and academic circles, where it is called into question and subject to criticism. In China, it is a concept with basically positive significance and is linked with the Chinese undertaking of going out into the world, as if serving as proof that China is being admitted by the outside world.  相似文献   

(1)An Introduction of Professor Yuan Fang' s Social Work Educational Thought and Practice in Pro- moting Professional Development
Professor Yuan Fang is one of the forerunners in the restoration of social work profession in China and has profound social work educational thought. He defines social work as a professional discipline which should have solid sociology theory foundation and be supported by the social welfare and social security system in responding multiple needs of vulnerable population. Sociology can be viewed as a broader vision of social work. Social welfare and social security system is the institutional base to prac- tice social work and professional social work provides an important way to solve problems of the vul- nerable. He argues that social work should be professionalized and social work education should be closely tied with practical sectors. His thought plays an important role in directing social work' s resto- ration and its future development in China.  相似文献   

The old-age pension system is an important constituent part of the social security system in China, but in this respect revenue and expenditure are increasingly out of balance and the pressure in financial expenditure is increasing. At present, old-age pension institutional restructuring has become a hot topic in society and in academic circles,  相似文献   

Regarding the approach of reducing risks of settlements, a system is considered to be resilient if it can address temporary and permanent risks and adapt itself to rapidly changing conditions without losing its functionality. To this end, a dynamic management approach on a local scale is needed for realizing resilience. Due to the importance of local management in improving resilience in cities, this study aims to assess the resilience capacity of the local risk management in terms of exposure t...  相似文献   

Alongside the rapid social transition in contemporary China and anincrease in the openness of society, there has also been a significantincrease in social mobility. On the basis of the results of a samplequestionnaire survey conducted among the residents of five prefecturallevel cities in Shandong province, in this paper the authors will analyzethe current characteristics and development trends of the social mobilityof urban residents and examine the main factors affecting social mobility.I. …  相似文献   

The share of labor income in China's national income shrank dramatically from the mid- 1990s onwards, accompanied by the shrinking of the share of household income and a continuing rise in the shares of corporate and government income. As income distribution is closely related to social stability, public well-being and economic development, changes in this regard and the related policy suggestions have attracted wide attention. The four articles in this special issue are devoted to answering three questions: a) what has caused the decline in labor income share? b) what factors have contributed to the changes in the distribution of national income among the corporate, govemment and household sectors? and c) what impact does the changing distribution of national income have on the national saving rate?  相似文献   

In the new organizational and institutional design of townships and villages, a village is defined as an autonomous entity and the village level organization as the administrator of public affairs of the village. However, townships and towns on one side and villages on the other have moved in op- posite directions since 1990. On the one hand, autonomous resources and organiza- tional structures have been coming into being and developing within the villages and farmers' desire to govern themselves is increasing, On the other,  相似文献   

Huludao is rich in resources of ocean, mine and advantaged tourism. It has a strong backing in industry, and many large-sized State-owned enterprises. The city has made great achievements in the opening up to the outside world, but it has a lot of work to do in the opening wider and further. The Party secretary of the CPC Huludao Committee has a new thinking for opening up in an all-round way. He says that one of our important tasks is to give our superiority at position and resources into …  相似文献   

Building contemporary Chinese culture is a very important research topic in the context of globalization. It involves almost the entire domain of philosophy, the humanities and the social sciences, coveting every aspect of life in Chinese society. The three aspects below are the most important for this task.  相似文献   

The relationships between state and society underwent tremendous changes dur- ing state building from the late nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century in China. The gradual establishment of the so- cialist planned economic system from the 1950s to the 1990s and of market economic system after the 1990s had a great impact on state-society relationships. Overall, in the interactions between state and society the government as a proxy of the state is always active and in a dominant positi…  相似文献   

It has been two decades since the Third Plenary Session of theEleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Twosignificant events occurred during this period: a shift in emphasis from"class struggle" to economic development; and a shift in the economicsystem from a planned to a market economy. These events have had aprofound influence on China's socio-economic development, and led tospeculation on the relationship between the state and society, public lawsand private laws.The…  相似文献   

The historian’s morality and the impartiality in the writing of history are widely regarded as im-portant factors in the field of the historiography.Starting from the discussions about the difficulties of com-piling historiography,the scholars in Ming Dynasty have paid special attention to "Xinshu"and gradually make a nomenclature of it in the field of the historical criticism.They also consider that the historical work should be endowed with the public benefit of specifying "Gongyi",while the historians should be endowed with the social responsibility of holding "Gongyi".These discussions have enriched the understanding of historiography in the ancient time to a certain extent,and have their significance to the society.Through an elaboration of the discussions of "Xinshu" and "Gongyi" of the scholars in Ming Dynasty,an evaluation of the achievement of these discussions in the field of the historical criticism will be made.  相似文献   

One of the major contradictions con- fronting Chinese rural areas today is the con- stant increase in farmers' individual needs and the equally rapid growth in their public needs on the one hand, and on the other the double shortage of private and public goods. As a low-income group, individual farmers bear too much of the burden of supplying public goods and have to put their limited funds into the production of public goods. As a result, not only have they not solved the problem of shortage of public goods,  相似文献   

The old version of modernity centerson the conquest of nature and control ofnatural resources, leading to discord betweensociety and nature and conflict between so-ciety and individuals. This type of moder-nity forces both society and nature to paytwice the price for its realization. If we saythe new version of modernity comes from apositive and active examination of the old one,the post-modernism which calls for post-modernity is usually a negative and passivereaction to the old version of mo…  相似文献   

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