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The first cultural cases:heritage This paper selects two typical culturalcases to present a picture of how traditional Chinese culture is metamorphosing under the pressure of globalization. One is a natural endowment while the other was developed by human beings; one represents visible tra-dition and the other the invisible tradition; one shows a point that remains and the other an aspect that is universal. First is “cultural heritage” as defined by the UNESCO. If we say that it is the un…  相似文献   

In the new organizational and institutional design of townships and villages, a village is defined as an autonomous entity and the village level organization as the administrator of public affairs of the village. However, townships and towns on one side and villages on the other have moved in op- posite directions since 1990. On the one hand, autonomous resources and organiza- tional structures have been coming into being and developing within the villages and farmers' desire to govern themselves is increasing, On the other,  相似文献   

The old version of modernity centerson the conquest of nature and control ofnatural resources, leading to discord betweensociety and nature and conflict between so-ciety and individuals. This type of moder-nity forces both society and nature to paytwice the price for its realization. If we saythe new version of modernity comes from apositive and active examination of the old one,the post-modernism which calls for post-modernity is usually a negative and passivereaction to the old version of mo…  相似文献   

It is an advisable and strategic move for the 13 cities in the eastern part of northeast China to join hands, give each superiority into full play, enhance the cooperation among one another, and build up together the Economic Belt in Eastern Part of Northeast China. Only through regional economic cooperation can the 13 cities succeed in deep development. Dandong, in particular, should develop the service industry, and heighten the level of service. In the development, Dandong should pay att…  相似文献   

Cassirer’s philosophy of culture is based on profound knowledge of history of philosophy and is the theoretical product of western philosophical anthropology and cultural consciousness.Philosophy of culture,as a basic rational way of thinking innate in western modern mainstream philosophy reflects the value and significance of man as a concrete historical being and realizes the return of philosophy to the life world of man and is an effective way for philosophy to overcome the metaphysical difficulty in modern western reason and way of rescuing and transcending itself.  相似文献   

Cassirer is the last important philosopher of neo-Kantianism confronted with the problem of human,which is the core of Kant’s thoughts.His creative thinking of and answer to the question posed by Kant promotes the aim of "going back to Kant" to a higher level.Cassirer transforms Kant’s transcendental schema into the work of symbols and endows it with ontological sense,thus the self-knowing of man could be seen as the process of discovering the spiritual forms through understanding and explicating principles in the creatures of human being.The aim of philosophy of culture is to have insight into the modes,formulas and rules hidden in myth,religion,art and science.  相似文献   

If viewed from the angle of sociological ethics, a social system is a standard institution of social relations and social behavior. Once coming into being, the institutional norms of a social system must impose a certain  相似文献   

No proposition can dispense with essential elements such as actors, factors and premises; the omission of any premise or factor in any level and any part may give rise to the failure or one-sidedness of the discourse. If there is no background of the current events that make the discourse or proposition viable, almost every proposition will lose its purported meaning.  相似文献   

The amount of thought given to the death penalty is almost equal to that which the entire field of humanities and social science has expended on life itself, and shows no signs of flagging. The question may be formulated as a purely philosophical one, but it has also drawn the attention of political scientists. Naturally, it is also an important legal issue.Papers presented in this special issue on the death penalty cover both substantive and procedural law. In "On the 'Criterion' of Proof in Capital Cases and the Revision of the Code of Criminal Procedure," Professor Wang Minyuan discusses the trial hearing from the perspective of the Criminal Procedure Law, arguing that whether a capital case meets the most rigorous requirements for proof is the basic standard by which its quality should be measured and the key to solving quality problems in capital cases. In "The Death Penalty and Human Rights," Professor Chen Zhonglin reflects upon the legitimacy of the death penalty from the perspective of substantive law, and emphasizes the need for a correct understanding of the conditions for application of the death sentence and the suspended death sentence stipulated in the Criminal Law of China.  相似文献   

高驰 《学术交流》2002,(4):117-120
企业的竞争力是由商品力、销售力和形象力三者构成的,特别是进入“感性消费”时代后,企业形象愈来愈显现出其重要作用。良好的企业形象是企业重要的无形资产,也是潜在的销售业绩。忽视企业形象的作用,是难以在日益激烈的市场竞争中获胜的。  相似文献   

从中观尺度视野下,结合天鹿湖地区“天、地、人、时”脉络,参考广州都市旅游市场需求的生态、乡村旅游发展态势,进行天鹿湖地区旅游形象的CIS策划。首先,根据该区优势旅游资源定位其旅游总体形象;其次根据旅游总体形象策划理念设计宣传口号;最后在上述基础上,进行该区旅游形象的CIS策划。  相似文献   

费孝通晚年有关中国社会学方法论的思考开启了超越社会学既有传统的崭新空间,这笔精神遗产值得进一步阐释。在费孝通看来,中国传统文化和智慧中深藏着的许多观念性资源,诸如天人合一、将心比心等,都需要做进一步的界定,并应以此作为超越社会学既有传统的支点。  相似文献   

陶卫宁 《唐都学刊》2010,26(5):88-92
旅游目的地形象作为一种特殊的社会表象,是刺激旅游行为产生的重要因素之一。在旅游目的地社会表象形成过程中,影视传媒起着十分重要的作用。影视传媒区别于其它媒体的特点、议程设置功能、受众文化心理结构等特点以及大众传媒背景等都会影响旅游目的地影视社会表象的形成。影视社会表象的"社会共享性"与"行为说明性"决定了影视旅游是一种必然的大众旅游行为。  相似文献   

闵兢 《社会工作》2009,(12):16-18
戈夫曼的印象管理理论为高校教师提高教学的艺术水平提供了极大的启发。高校教师作为“表演者”,要实现成功的印象管理,需要从外部设施和个人装扮两个方面为自己进行门面装点;分清表演的区域,注意保持前台与后台之间的距离并学会在前台与后台之间自如转换;与学生进行通力合作,善于通过舞台上下的表演一致性来营造自身的权威形象,并注意观察学生的反应以及时调整自己的表演。  相似文献   

国学即中国传统学术虽然经受了西学的强烈冲击,但其命脉仍葆有生机。中华民族对于在自己的生产生活中所形成的差异互补“关系”与和谐“整体”的重视,以及通过这一关系和整体把握自己命运的努力,构成了国学的思想实质。国学之“学”是围绕着“人”展开的,儒学的“仁”道思想就是鲜明的体现。如果说中国的现代化无非是中华民族在外力作用下的“自我”变革与超越,那么,它恰恰可以通过对仁道思想继承和扩展,为现代中国人的安身立命提供重要的思想资源,但这必须经过文化与学术的充分“自觉”。  相似文献   

闫顺英 《阅江学刊》2013,5(2):137-141
“使”有两种用法:一是表动词的“役使”,是常语;二是表“致使”,为连词,分别相当于英语的“enslave”和“cause”。古代文献中表“役使”和表“致使”的“使”都是动词。汉语中词和句法结构不是一一对应的,这两个不同的意思是由语境赋予的:如果前面是人,施事性比较强,表示主观情况,则表示“役使”;如果前面是一种客观情况,是一种行为导致另一种行为发生,则表示“致使”。表“役使”既可以表示动作实现,也可以表示动作没有实现,而表“致使”则表示动作一定实现了。  相似文献   

尹铁超  范岭梅 《求是学刊》2005,32(5):102-106
艾丽斯.默多克是当代英国最有影响的女作家之一。作为一个长期从事哲学教学的研究者,她高超的思辨能力使其能站在比普通人更高的位置上,深入思考世界表象背后的本质问题。本文通过分析她与维特根斯坦语言哲学的关系,呈现出她对文学作品中现实世界的认识;她独特的创作角度使其作品充满智性与经验。  相似文献   

龚颖 《唐都学刊》2013,(6):31-34
福泽谕吉是日本近代最具影响力的启蒙运动家,他在强调掌握科学规律的重要性的同时,主张人类的道德世界有其独特性,解决道德问题不能依靠当时流行的“生存竞争”的进化论、功利主义等学说。人只有在遵从“自发”的规定、超越一切“他律”性规矩时,才会成为真正的人,才有可能不必刻意地去做符合道德的事情而自然采取正确的言行、不必介意道德为何物而自然成为道德性存在。  相似文献   

沙先一 《阅江学刊》2010,(4):103-106
"选本学"是中国古代"书写文学史"和文学理论特有的一种建构方式。作为选本批评的一种,所谓"选词",是指根据一定的需要和意图,有意识地选取词家、词作汇集成书。清代选词学的成就较为突出,对清词流派的形成、清代词学的建构具有重要的价值。探讨清代选词学应关注以下三个方面的问题:一是清代选词学的选源和选则;二是清代选词学与清代词史建构的关系;三是清代选词学与清代词学理论建构的关系。总之,通过对清代选词学的系统研究,可以深入地认识清代词学的建构及中国古代选学批评。同时,20世纪以来人们接受的"词史",最初在相当程度上是清代的"选词学"提供的。因此,以清代"选词学"研究为基础和起点,进而回溯唐五代至清以前的选词学,不失为一条扎实的学术路径,有利于梳理古代"选词学"从早期的音乐文学立场逐渐向文本文学立场的转移,有助于更切实地阐释音乐文学向文本文学蜕变的历史走向,也有助于对古代"文学史"的建构方式予以更深入的理解。  相似文献   

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