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黎冲森 《经理人》2006,(10):48-50
既然国美收购不了苏宁,那有没有可能被苏宁收购?做好企业总裁,应保持什么心态?“答案你可能猜不出来!”9月11日,苏宁电器股份有限公司总裁孙为民接受《经理人》采访时说,“是斗志!因为很多问题不是想出来,而是做出来的。”苏宁电器已走过了16年,开设了近400家连锁店,员工达8万人,且获得了国家开发银行还贷期为15年的政策性贷款75亿元,其中8亿元前期贷款已启动。这些都为苏宁电器的后期发展提供了强大保障。但家电连锁市场的竞争也不断加剧,一级市场被瓜分后,二三级市场也开始狼烟四起。家电连锁企业虽然斗志激昂,但却备受业内外质疑与误读等…  相似文献   

黎冲森 《经理人》2010,(6):76-77
“我曾说,在EMC干不了三年,就是我的失败!但我从2006年7月进入EMC,至今已超过了三年,而且我还没打算走!”EMC全球副总裁兼大中华区总裁叶成辉接受《经理人》采访时自信地表示,“EMC现在在国内的市场份额已超过30%,而我当初来EMC时只有17%~18%。”  相似文献   

卫威 《经理人》2010,(1):98-98
“太宇的并购基本可以说是成功的。”金融危机后,沈阳太宇机电有限公司连续收购了上海、吉林两家企业,公司首席执行官王军在接受《经理人》的采访时说,他认为花1亿元收购产生10个亿的增值效应才是成功的并购。  相似文献   

平台共赢 一朋友问:海豚会,从商业模式上说,属什么模式?我答:平台模式。 海豚会的平台,基本构成,是由《经理人》、海豚会、海豚网、海豚会APP、海豚会微信公众平台、海豚会微博构成,即刊会网一体化、线上线下交互的商智互助平台。  相似文献   

韩洁  田高良  杨宁 《管理科学》2014,27(2):15-25
基于连锁董事的信息传递功能,选取2000年至2012年并购公司和目标公司均是中国A股上市公司的并购事件作为真实并购样本,以配对的方式选取潜在并购样本,通过Probit回归实证检验与并购公司存在连锁董事关系的潜在目标公司是否更可能成为并购目标公司,并进一步检验并购公司与潜在目标公司(包括目标公司)的信息不对称程度以及并购公司的实际控制人性质对上述关系的影响。研究结果表明,与并购公司存在连锁董事关系的公司更可能成为并购目标;当并购公司和潜在目标公司(包括目标公司)属于不同行业和不同地域时,或者当并购公司属于非国有企业时,这种关系表现得尤为显著。连锁董事的信息传递功能对于并购公司确定目标公司的决策发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

2008年9月19-20日,《经理人》独家主办的第二届中国CEO年会在北京好苑建国酒店隆重举行,年会主题为“开放创新驱动力——企业转型生死之战”。  相似文献   

2009年9月5日,北京,由《经理人》杂志主办、博思会承办的第三届中国CEO年会在中国大饭店隆重举行。本届年会主题为“中国式机会:后危机时代的管理变革”。  相似文献   

百年一遇的经济危局,有一个有趣的现象:有些公司逆势成长,称雄市场;有些公司虽然短期受影响,但经济好转时,很快恢复;有些公司却濒临困境,关门大吉。一样的环境,不一样的结局。原因何在?《经理人》杂志本期封面文章讨论“反周期领跑”,正是探讨企业谷底领先的内在规律。在这里,我作为《经理人》客座总编辑,也非常愿意跟大家分享自己的心得。  相似文献   

黎冲森 《经理人》2012,(1):78-81
“我们靠技术创新在中国市场取得了产能优势地位,但产能越高,市场占有率越大,市场风险也就越大,因为那些跨国公司都实现了全球布局。”烟台万华聚氨酯股份有限公武简称烟台万华)董事长丁建生接受《经理人》采访时语重心长地说,“中国要做出在全世界受尊重的企业,没有救世主,没有捷径可走,只有靠自己去不断创新。”  相似文献   

黎冲森 《经理人》2010,(11):30-32,34
“我在这里做一个预测:两年后可能就没有人去关心或谈论公司治理这个概念或问题。”作为2010中国CEO年会主讲嘉宾的弗雷德蒙德·马利克(Fredmund Malik)先生接受《经理人》记者专访时表示。  相似文献   

针对评价指标数据的特点,构造了一种基于云模型的数值型关联规则挖掘算法,并将其运用于企业转型战略风险预警。首先运用云模型约简评价指标;然后,采用属性空间软划分方法对定量型属性的定义域进行划分,使定量型关联规则挖掘转换为定性关联规则挖掘,此基础上提取规则模版;最后采用有规则约束的Apriori算法挖掘云关联规则,并对检验样本风险等级进行判别。实证分析结果表明,与标准BP神经网络模型相比,该模型是一种更为有效和实用的战略风险预警工具。  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper, by distinguishing between the decisions made by the workers and those made by the firms, we provide a probabilistic evaluation of the transition from temporary to permanent employment in a regional context. Specifically, by exploiting a multinomial nested logit strategy of estimation, we find that the transition to a permanent job is far from certain, especially for women and older workers.  相似文献   

D Scott  G Cullingford 《Omega》1974,2(6):793-803
It is becoming increasingly common to specify preferred manpower structures for company use. Associated with such specification is the problem of achieving the desired state. The transition procedure is important both from the economic and social points of view. A Machiavellian approach to change can result in an unbalanced and dissatisfied workforce; a result which despite short term economic gains is undesirable. By taking into account the behaviour of company and workforce, together with the costs, it is possible to plan a satisfactory transition. The work reported here deals with a method of investigating the transition from the existing state to the target state. Provision is made for the consideration of all likely costs and constraints. By variation of the control variables, managers may investigate the effects of changes in policy. Cost is used as a measure for comparing alternative methods of transition. It is possible to predict the minimum cost transition for a given set of costs and constraints.  相似文献   

This article argues against the merger folklore that maintains that a merger negatively affects well‐being and work attitudes primarily through the threat of job insecurity. We hold that the workplace is not only a resource for fulfilling a person's financial needs, but that it is an important component of the self‐concept in terms of identification with the organization, as explained by social identity theory. We unravel the key concepts of the social identity approach relevant to the analysis of mergers and review evidence from previous studies. Then, we present a study conducted during a merger to substantiate our ideas about the effects of post‐merger organizational identification above and beyond the effects of perceived job insecurity. We recommend that managers should account for these psychological effects through the provision of continuity and specific types of communication.  相似文献   

Dario Pozzoli 《LABOUR》2009,23(1):131-169
This study is focused on the transition from university to first job, taking into account the graduates’ characteristics and the effects relating to degree subject. A large data set from a survey on job opportunities for the 1998 Italian graduates is used. The paper uses a non‐parametric discrete‐time single‐risk model to study employment hazard. Alternative mixing distributions have also been used to account for unobserved heterogeneity. The results obtained indicate that there is evidence of positive duration dependence after a short initial period of negative duration dependence. In addition, a competing‐risk model has been estimated to characterize transitions out of unemployment.  相似文献   

Horror stories abound about providers that have failed to modify their incentive systems and have exhausted their annual capitation budget in the first six months of the plan year. Aligning the business strategy and financial incentives in advance is the best way to ensure that your integrated delivery system's transition to capitation is a success story. Rarely are physicians or hospitals with experience limited to the fee-for-service arena prepared to jump into a managed care or capitated compensation system. The transition can be eased by implementing a "shadow" capitation or similar arrangement that will test physician performance under a risk arrangement in advance. The information can be used to restructure the compensation system to ensure that the behaviors being encouraged will promote successful care and fiscal management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An important question for the development of the East German labour market in the transition to a market economy is whether wage differentials by qualification, industry or region (which were relatively small in the former GDR) adjust to those in market economies which are more in line with differences in productivities and economic conditions. We estimate empirical earnings functions to quantify the contribution of various important factors shaping the earnings distribution in the East German transition process. Estimation is based on the first six waves of the Labour Market Monitor which is a representative panel data set of the East German working-age population covering the period 1990 to 1992. The specification of the estimated earnings functions is motivated by the various hypotheses of the development of the East German wage structure in the transformation process. Although we find some similarities with the existing wage structure in West Germany, the East German wage structure still differs in some important dimensions.  相似文献   

Society is looking to business to help solve our most complex environmental and social challenges as we transition to a more sustainable economic model. However, without a fundamental shift in the dominant virtues that have influenced business decision making for the past 150 years to a new set of dominant virtues that better fit today's environment, it will be more natural for companies to resist the necessary changes than to find the opportunities within them. We use the term “virtues” quite broadly to describe dispositions to think, feel and act in skillful ways that promote the aims of a practice. Addressing this deeper level of cultural change is essential to cultivating new instinctive behavior in business decision making. In this article, we describe five clusters of virtues that facilitate effective response to the transition challenges—adaptive, collaborative, frugality, humility, and systems virtues. To illustrate the application of these virtues, we present a detailed case study of Green Mountain Power, a Vermont electric utility that has embraced the shift to renewable energy and smart‐grid technology, and is creating an innovative business model that is disrupting the industry. After distilling key findings from the case, we outline an approach to leadership development that can help accelerate the infusion of transitional virtues across an organization.  相似文献   

从乡土中国到城乡中国——中国转型的乡村变迁视角   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过分析中国近百年结构转变及其由此带来的人地关系与乡村制度变革,得出中国已经从以农为本、以土为生、以村而治、根植于土的"乡土中国",进入乡土变故土、告别过密化农业、乡村变故乡、城乡互动的"城乡中国"。在城乡中国阶段,一方面是农民的高度异质化及其与乡村的经济社会关系发生分野,农二代引发代际革命,农业走向劳动集约和多功能化;另一方面是要素在城乡间配置活跃,城乡分工与融合增强,乡村在分化的同时也迈向业态、产业、功能多样化。在历史分析基础上,本文提出"城乡中国"有必要成为理解转型中国结构形态的一个重要范式,任何基于"乡土中国"或"城市中国"的公共政策都不利于中国完成伟大的转型。  相似文献   

目前,区域创新系统的研究主要集中于对区域创新系统的解构,对于其形成及演化的分析较少,而演化研究中,借用生物学隐喻类比区域创新系统的研究,则由于语义转化导致的困境,解释力较弱。本文尝试引入秩序变迁的视角,对区域创新系统的演化过程进行分析,理清其脉络关系。  相似文献   

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