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The authors identify a need for a shift in the communication mindset of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to better account for the speed, ubiquity and mobility of human interaction in the evolving communication environment. The leadership requirement to define a new reality when guiding transition and complex change is identified. Three reality-defining truths are drawn from the convergence of leadership and communication theories. First, it is not possible to lead without communicating. Second, it is not possible to not communicate. Third, it is not possible to communicate without influencing others. Analysis of current DoD lexicon, principles and organizational design related to communication activities reveals a technical/monologic mindset. This mindset is evaluated based on the three truths, shortfalls of the mindset are identified, and four concrete leadership actions are proposed to guide a transition to a social/dialogic mindset. Proposed actions include defining a new vision and purpose for the military based on preservation of credibility and trust, creation of a new communication lexicon, creation of universal guiding principles, and revision of doctrine and training to incorporate social-communication thought, theory and practice.  相似文献   

This article is an authentic, unrehearsed, verbatim dialogue between an adult sister and a drug-addicted brother. It deeply reflects the compulsive nature of addiction despite the full comprehension of the consequences of continuing it. It sensitively touches upon the pain and sorrow within the family, although hardly any manifestations of the agony come clearly to the surface. It concludes without any real hope for change. That inevitability brings to the surface the true nature of an addiction.  相似文献   

This article is an authentic, unrehearsed, verbatim dialogue between an adult sister and a drug"-addicted brother. It deeply reflects the compulsive nature of addiction despite the full comprehension of the consequences of continuing it. It sensitively touches upon the pain and sorrow within the family, although hardly any manifestations of the agony come clearly to the suiface. It concludes without any real hope for change. That inevitability brings to the surface the true nature of an addiction.  相似文献   

谁建成并拥有能级可观、影响巨大、功能创新的"低碳智网型"国际航运中心,谁就能在21世纪全球海洋与航空经济,乃至全球经济政治格局中握有更强的主动权.广州具有在全国乃至世界率先探索国际航运中心模式创新的后发优势.  相似文献   

The discussion focuses on the ways in which the 3 panelists in their lives and work embody fourth wave feminism, which combines politics, psychology, and spirituality in an overarching vision of change. Jane Fonda's emphasis on the importance of making narratives of gender a central organizer for personal and societal transformation, Hedda Bolgar's insistence that psychoanalysts recognize the complex dialectic between unconscious dynamics and sociocultural realities in order not to conflate conflicts rooted in social inequalities with individual issues, and Sue Shapiro's understanding of the ambiguous role of individual therapy in situations of historical and social trauma such as the tsunami in Indonesia are all examples of fourth wave feminism in practice. The unfinished business of the first 3 waves of feminism—that is, the inequalities that persist in the political and personal spheres—are discussed with the idea that these unfinished agendas will contribute to the fourth wave, in which social action and spiritual/psychological practice converge.  相似文献   

This introductory paper traces a century of 4 waves of feminism from a psychoanalytic perspective. The first phase focused on political change as the suffragette movement was undertaken at the turn of the 20th century by feminist activists who lobbied successfully for women's right to vote; the second phase, a broad sociopolitical-cultural movement located in the 1960s and 1970s, focused on consciousness-raising around gender issues, women's liberation (Betty Friedan, Kate Millet, Simone de Beauvoir, Bela Abzug, Gloria Steinem), and job and economic parity. With sexual freedom and job opportunities more established for women, the third phase evolved in the 1980s and 1990s, emphasizing women exploring gender pluralities; “having it all”; and juggling career, sex, and motherhood. The fourth wave moved into the 21st century as women turned toward spiritual concerns about the planet and all its beings, putting themselves in the service of the world, ecology, and the downtrodden.  相似文献   

China was the unwilling host of the UN's Fourth World Conference on Women. China held up the entry visas of thousands of women who wanted to attend the conference, the Huairou Forum site was completely unsuitable for a world conference, and journalists were treated like nuisances by the Chinese government. Despite these obstacles, the conference was a success which should produce permanent results. Women managed to get to the conference, ideas were exchanged, woman-to-woman solidarity was expressed, and journalists still managed to report what they saw and learned. Women supported each other at the Fourth World Conference on Women like never before to reach and convey their consensus of a desire for peace and recognition of their human rights and needs.  相似文献   

在以科学、民主为旗帜的"五四"运动猛烈冲击着封建思想与文化的同时,也掀起了探求新思想、新道德、新文化的潮流.这场伟大的运动,对我国音乐艺术同样也产生了深刻的影响,并对音乐艺术的发展起了重要的指导作用.  相似文献   

五四青年是伴随中国近代化进程而产生的,在五四运动中正式形成。青年概念的产生及流行、青年力量的发展壮大,为青年的形成提供了时代条件。中国社会经济形态的变革、近代教育的启蒙、社会运动的不断发展,则为五四青年的成长提供了社会环境。在这样的时代和社会背景下,中国青年的首次大联合促成了五四运动。此后,五四青年在促进民族觉醒、更新意识形态、激发复兴力量等方面继续发挥其主力军的作用,影响了整个中国近代社会。  相似文献   

为深入挖掘五四运动的历史意义和当代价值,继承和弘扬五四精神,激发当代青年的爱国热情,上海社会科学院与中国青少年研究中心联合举办了"纪念五四运动100周年理论研讨会"。与会专家学者认为,百年来,中国的经济和国际地位发生了巨大的变化,中国青年的爱国情怀更加务实、理性、稳定,但青年思想也存在分化、断裂、脱节等问题。在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的指引下,新时代的青年要承继和发扬五四精神,承担起历史责任。  相似文献   

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