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黄凌翔  陈丽杰 《城市》2017,(9):34-41
笔者对天津市2009年~2015年创新型城市发展水平进行评估,分析其创新发展的障碍因素,利用熵权法改进TOPSIS模型和障碍度模型从知识创新、科技创新、服务创新、文化创新和创新环境5个方面选取39个指标构建创新型城市建设评价指标体系,熵权法确定各指标权重,用改进TOPSIS对天津市创新型城市发展水平进行评价,再运用障碍度诊断深入剖析天津市创新型城市建设的障碍因子.目前,天津市创新型城市建设水平一般,近两年主要障碍因素集中于科技创新和环境创新.创新型城市建设需要通过提出增加并合理分配R&D经费投入、提升高新技术集聚区重点产业的关联度、加强人文环境、基础环境和机制环境的建设等提高创新建设水平.  相似文献   

张璐 《城市》2018,(7):36-42
针对山水城市在生态保护与城市发展过程中面临的问题,分析其"城市双修"的目标、 内容和方法.以天津市蓟州区老城更新规划为例,明确了重塑"山—水—城"生态景观格局与优化城市功能布局的规划策略,提出了挖掘存量用地资源、 创新城市治理手段的路径.  相似文献   

"十三五"时期是实现第一个百年奋斗目标、 全面建成小康社会的决胜阶段,是推动美丽天津城区建设、落实西站城市副中心定位的关键时期.天津西站城市副中心是以天津西站交通枢纽为依托,发展针对城市间商业往来的高档商务办公及商业服务,辐射天津市区西北区域,并与天津市中心商务区遥相呼应的城市副中心.笔者根据城市中心发展规律及特点对天津西站城市副中心的发展条件进行分析,并结合"十三五"规划的时代背景提出符合西站副中心建设发展的建设对策,为西站副中心今后的发展提供支持,并将有益经验作为我国其他城市发展的参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

王海天  盛逵  王海鸣 《城市》2008,(3):55-57
经国务院批准,在《天津市城市总体规划(2005年~2020年)》中将天津市的城市性质调整为:天津是环渤海地区的经济中心,要逐步建设成为经济繁荣、社会文明、科教发达、设施完善、环境优美的国际港口城市、北方经济中心和生态城市。建设生态城市、发展生态经济成为天津城市发展的方向。海河横贯天津,作为城市宝贵的资源,河道的恢复、改造、开发,都将对天津市的经济发展、  相似文献   

徐尔康 《城市》2011,(9):85-88
一、天津机动车停车现状、发展趋势及建立停车诱导系统的意义(一)天津机动车停车现状、发展趋势随着中国汽车工业的发展和鼓励轿车进入家庭及一系列相关政策的实施,特别是伴随大城市经济社会的发展和城市现代化水平的提高,城市静态交通问题将越来越突出。城市交通堵塞和停车难的问题,已成为影响和制约城市建设和经济发展的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

王永阳 《城市》2016,(6):56-60
海绵城市建设是目前生态城市发展的重点.笔者结合天津的特点,针对各种低影响开发设施进行了深入的分析.认为湿地、河流的保护改造、可渗透路面以及下沉式绿地的推广对天津海绵城市建设非常重要,并提出了天津市海绵城市建设规划.以推动天津城市生态文明建设发展.  相似文献   

徐绍民  李宇宏 《城市》2007,(10):64-65
建设绿色生态城市已成为当今世界城市发展的方向和潮流.2006年,天津市塘沽区提出用1~3年的时间,把塘沽区建成国家级园林城区,这对塘沽区的城市绿化建设来说,既是一次宝贵的机遇,同时也是一次巨大的挑战.  相似文献   

李全喜 《城市》2008,(3):3-7
2007年.天津市经济社会发展的大好形势对市政基础设施提出新的需求.奥运会和夏季达沃斯论坛对城市环境提出新的标准.广大群众热切期盼城市面貌发生更大变化,为此,城市建设工作必须把握好四个坚持:  相似文献   

张迎五  姚振远  臧强 《城市》2008,(9):59-63
城市供水是城市基础设施的重要组成部分.城市供水的发展水平是城市现代化程度的重要标志,也是城市可持续发展的重要保障。近十年来.天津市城市供水事业经历了由“在发展中提高”向“在提高中发展”的转变过程.发展目标从水量的增长转向水质的提高和供水的安全可靠;从满足基本需求、保障供给转向以人为本、提供优质公共服务.城市供水事业迈上又好又快可持续发展的轨道。  相似文献   

曾丽群  单国彬  彭瑞林 《城市》2016,(12):29-33
笔者通过现场调研发现,北海市中心城区现状公共停车设施主要存在停车泊位构成不合理、 停车场利用不充分和缺乏有效管理3个方面的问题.结合北海市现状与城市发展规划,遵循以人为本的规划原则,采用机动车保有量法、 用地生成率法和交通量生成法综合预测停车需求规模.根据停车需求预测,针对现存问题,提出从社会公共停车场类型划分与管理、 丰富停车设施形式、 完善停车管理政策与法规、 提高配建停车位标准、 加强停车诱导和大力推进公交发展等方面着手,制定一条适应地方特色的停车设施规划模式,同时为其他城市的停车规划提供辅助与参考.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2000,16(3):285-294
We argue that a “free” market — that is, a market in which the state does not intervene — is a theoretical impossibility in a state society. In place of the natural economy view of a market apart from the state, we offer a social economy view of the inescapable social structuring of markets through state regulation. Even when states institute policies which prevent “interference” in a market, the enforcement power of the state is no less required. We thus distinguish between two forms of regulation: negative regulation — regulation which prevents interference — and positive regulation — regulation which enables interference. These two forms of regulation make possible two different conceptions of freedom, what Isaiah Berlin once termed “negative freedom” from agency and “positive freedom” to have agency. We argue that positive and negative freedom and positive and negative regulation are inseparable; freedom is always contextual. Through a discussion of the debate between industrial agriculture and environmentalists, we show that both supporters and critics of the “free” market are alike in their advocacy, often unacknowledged, of both negative and positive forms of regulation. Rather then a lessening of regulation, this debate represents the institution of a new regulatory regime out of the contest of interests. We conclude by considering the implications for democracy of the contextual character of freedom.  相似文献   

Although a number of valuable models of central‐local relationships in the nonprofit sector have been developed, particularly in relation to federal structures, there has been a tendency to assume that in any given organizational relationship central‐local structures will follow one common pattern. We argue that wider strategies are available: central dependency along one dimension may run with greater local autonomy along another. Such mixed tight‐loose structures may be of considerable importance in the “boundaryless” organizational environment of the future.  相似文献   

A generalized adult hostility toward youth derives from the complexities of the parent/child relationship, often mirrored in the helper/client and therapist/patient dyads. Parents derive considerable or little narcissistic gain from the accomplishments of their offspring, and conversely, are disappointed or even mortified by their failures. This is particularly true of narcissistically vulnerable parents—helpers and therapists as well—and accounts for widespread attitudes of competition, disparagement, and outright hostility toward young people. In the extreme, the pathological situations of emotional exploitation, incest, and physical abuse occur, but lesser forms of exploitation, such as personally gratifying advocacy, political gain, cultism, and enhancement of professional status, point to similar, but seemingly less destructive, forms of narcissistic gain. Youth may respond by conforming, defying, disappointing, and deviating. Adults may be either pleased, or enraged.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explore the place of kramats the graves of Muslim saints or Auliyah – in the landscape of contemporary Cape Town. The kramat sites have been proclaimed as heritage sites because of their importance as tangible signs of Islam at the Cape. At the same time, the process of the kramats becoming heritage sites has contained moments of intense, often sensational, public contestation. Offering a reading of the discourses surrounding two contested kramats in Cape Town, this paper explores the way kramats mark out a miraculous space in the prosaic modern city and introduce into the post-apartheid evaluation of heritage, alternative conceptions of space and notions of temporality. They are sites of impossibility where, it is claimed, the laws of nature themselves are interrupted to mark the intangible particularities of the site. This paper explores what happens when this miraculous space is subject to the demands of private property and municipal law and the conflicts that arise from this collision of different conceptual and experiential modalities. It considers the effects of the entanglement of legend and history that result from the production of these sites as heritage in a market-driven economy.  相似文献   


Whilst the fall of state socialism in 1989 opened up a space for the Polish LGBT movement to emerge and develop, over the last three decades the process has taken place against the backdrop of material and ideological constraints of neoliberalization, a point that has been largely overlooked in the scholarship on the Polish LGBT movement. Informed by interviews with Polish LGBT activists this article explores the contradictory ways in which processes of neoliberalization and market logic influence and often constrain the Polish LGBT movement. The argument is that neoliberalization and its logic profusely affect what is possible and desirable for the Polish LGBT movement on a personal, local as well as a national level. The contradictory effects of the processes of neoliberalization combined with the political climate, with minimal or no state support for LGBT organizing, result in a movement that is at the mercy of the market-like environment, under-resourced, dependent almost entirely on voluntary labor and spatially scarce.  相似文献   

论小青年的生命意识及其教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从生命价值角度出发,提出要引导学生正确认识生命、珍惜生命,培养学生的人文关怀情怀,使他们真正理解生活的意义,进而努力实现生命价值;关注与尊重学生生命,在学校乃至全社会开展生命教育,具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

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