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This article presents part of the findings of a study of psychological abuse and physical violence in couples who voluntarily entered therapy. The study found that most of the men exhibited patterns of deception, devaluation, and dictatorial attitudes with their women partners and that these patterns were a considerable barrier to mutuality, reciprocity, and accommodation in the partnership. The researchers developed four interventions to challenge the men to change these patterns: true intentions, no free rides, the perception paradox, and the infallibility fallacy. The study was based on intimate justice theory, a developing clinical approach to therapy based on ethical theory.  相似文献   

There are few ways in which comparable measures of sexual arousal may be obtained from males and females. Because latency to orgasm is an objective measure that is equivalent for both sexes, it may be a useful dependent variable for the investigation of response patterns and differences in men and women. To explore this possibility 24 men and 18 women participated in experimental sessions during which they masturbated to orgasm while viewing sexually explicit films and then rated the film for its arousal value. Male orgasmic latency was not significantly different across rating categories, whereas female research participants showed a significant quadratic trend in which films perceived as being average in arousal quality resulted in the longest latencies. Possible reasons for this sex difference are discussed, and it is suggested that using latency to orgasm as the dependent variable may be a valuable technique in researching sex differences in response to psychosexual stimulation.  相似文献   

Patterns of change on three intervention targets were examined in 151 families that participated in a family intervention designed to reduce and prevent children's aggressive behavior. Measures of parents' alliance and parenting skills and children's aggressive behavior were obtained at five times during the intervention. Three cluster analyses were conducted to identify patterns of change on each target. Linear and nonlinear patterns of improvement as well as two distinct patterns of no change were obtained. The patterns were differentiated by net improvement, overall level of skill, and trajectory of change. Family characteristics also differentiated the patterns and relations were found among patterns across intervention targets. The clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper has operationalized family systems theory to explicate the interfacing dynamics between family dissolution and child custody disputes. The authors suggest that clinical assessment and intervention in these matters which focus solely on individual and marital, or child dimensions, fail to recognize the powerful influences of systemic family process. A family assessment model, evolved from clinical work with over 200 court-referred custody cases, is described. The model involves a cross-sex therapy team with each member responsible for a specific family subsystem. The role of each therapist and the functioning of the team is outlined. Specific criteria for determining custody recommendations are identified based on patterns of family process and dissolution.  相似文献   

The digital age has brought with it new and powerful computer-based methods of analyzing heretofore elusive patterns of nonverbal behavior. C-BAS (Meservy 2010) is a computer-assisted behavioral observation tool for identifying and tracking nonverbal behaviors from video. THEME (Magnusson, The hidden structure of interaction: from neurons to culture patterns, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp 4–22, 2005) is a software program that discovers patterns among discrete events in time-ordered data. Together, these tools enable more precise measurement and analysis of nonverbal behavioral dynamics. Applications to three corpora derived from interpersonal deception experiments reveal unique nonverbal patterns that distinguish deceptive from nondeceptive interactions. The first and second experiments produced serial, hierarchically related patterns of behaviors that differed in length and complexity between truthful and deceptive participants during interviews about a theft and cheating, respectively. The third experiment produced differential patterns by and among group members completing a task. Deceivers were inclined toward strategic initiations and interactional control, whereas suspicious group members adopted a more passive, possibly watchful stance. Discovery of these patterns challenges the prevailing view that nonverbal behaviors are too faint and inconsistent to identify deceptive communication. Results have numerous implications regarding the following: the development of new measurement tools locating significant effects of nonverbal behaviors, support for theory that coherent and repetitive relationships exist within and among interactants’ communication, demonstration of the role of nonverbal behaviors in deceptive communication and the dynamic and strategic nature of deception.  相似文献   

Work by Rapoport and his colleagues in the 1950s and early 1960s developed the idea of biased/random nets as a theory of social network structure. It aims to explain variation in aggregate network patterns by appeal to differences in local properties affecting linkages between nodes and how these differences cascade to affect the overall structure of the total network. While the theory is set out mathematically and uses formal logic to analyze the general model, the complexity of the compound outcome makes exact theory impossible. Consequently, plausible approximations and approximation formulas are used to link up the local properties to global structure. Research reported in this paper attempts to check these approximations through simulation studies. Programs are developed which generate specific networks over a reasonably large (S=100) population consistent with certain parametric specifciations which govern (coal patterns of connection. Properties of these networks are then compared with those predicted from the approximation arguments in an effort to refine those arguments to the point at which they can be used with confidence in other theoretical inquiries, such as recent applications of biased net theory to Blau's influential ideas on the social structural determinants of relational patterns.  相似文献   

Attachment theory and clinical social work   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Recent additions have rendered attachment theory potentially viable for clinical social work practice. The author examines its formulations and possible use, seeing it as an important alternative to other psychosocial approaches that attempt to explain how early childhood experiences may affect later mental health. The emphasis of this theory on the cognitive makes it congenial to those who favor cognitive approaches to individual therapy, and its emphasis on patterns of attachment makes it of appeal to family therapists.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of the socialization of aggression among different gender and social class groupings and the influence of psychosocial stage on cognitive developmental play preferences among groups of school aged children. Observations of 143 play groups were coded for play preference (symbolic play, practice play, games with rules) and play performance (cooperative or competitive). Findings of the log-linear data analysis suggest a middle class and masculine bias in Piaget's cognitive model (i.e., that as age increases children prefer more games with rules). This model held only for middle class and affluent boys. Girls (both latency and prepubertal) and lower socioeconomic groups tended to prefer practice play. Girls were more likely to play cooperatively; boys more likely to play competitively. Implications for theory development and clinical practice are explored.  相似文献   

Dialogue between conversational partners, including mothers and their children, is precisely timed. The predictability of this timing is important for establishing and maintaining interaction, communication, and learning. This longitudinal study examines changes in the response latency of utterances in dialogue between mothers and their normal hearing and hearing‐impaired children between 4 and 60 months of age. Mothers and their children showed parallel developmental trends, responding to each other more quickly at older ages. Beyond these age‐related group effects, significant dyadic effects were found in which individual children's latencies were related to those of their mothers, and vice versa. Developmental patterns did not significantly differ across hearing status groups, which may reflect the role of early identification and intervention in promoting positive developmental outcomes.  相似文献   

John Bowlby developed attachment theory to explain connections between infant and caregiver behavior and how these impacted children’s behavior. Extended and researched heavily in a variety of contexts, attachment theory has advanced clinical thinking over time. Its core ideas regarding infant and caregiver connections are very useful to mental health practitioners today and have particular ramifications for clinical work with adults. This paper discusses the application of Bowlby’s attachment theory to the clinical treatment of adult depression and explores a relevant case example.  相似文献   

This paper will illuminate one dimension of self-disclosure as it relates to the inescapable presence of the body in treatment, and the female clinician’s ability to bring her physical body into clinical discussions during an encounter with a female client with an eating disorder. Although the clinical literature on eating disorders validates that transference and countertransference issues are particularly powerful, it generally neglects the exploration of these issues specific to the body’s physical presentation. Since body dissatisfaction is increasingly normative for women today, female clinicians need to have a theoretical road map on which to rely when they encounter a shared body experience. Thus, in order to encourage discussions of the therapist’s body in clinical social work practice, the body needs to be situated in a larger theoretical framework within which it can be explained and located; this framework is object relations theory viewed through an intersubjective lens. Concepts from object relations theory will demonstrate the importance of the body in the clinical exchange by highlighting the parallel between Winnicott’s ‘good enough’ mother and the ‘good enough’ therapist’s body. When the therapist is able to judiciously invite discussions of her body into the clinical arena, the client is given the opportunity to move from object relating to object usage. A case presentation exemplifies how this conceptual framework can be applied to clinical social work practice, strengthening the relationship between knowing and doing.  相似文献   

In this review, we summarize and critically evaluate the major empirical, conceptual, and theoretical directions that studies of aging families have taken during the first decade of the 21st century. The field has benefited from an expanded perspective based on four overarching themes: (a) complexity in emotional relations, (b) diversity in family structures and households, (c) interdependence of family roles and functions, and (d) patterns and outcomes of caregiving. Although research on aging families has advanced theory and applied innovative statistical techniques, the literature has fallen short in fully representing diverse populations and in applying the broadest set of methodological tools available. We discuss these and other frontier areas of scholarship in light of the aging of baby boomers and their families.  相似文献   

This paper traces the emergence of the therapeutic use of sunlight in medicine during the first half of the twentieth century. This was a period of considerable flux in medicine with various strands of practice and theory competing. Drawing on two case studies of sunlight therapy, both artificial (actinotherapy) and natural (heliotherapy), in the treatment of rickets and tuberculosis this paper will explore how medicine was constituted within these regimes. The paper will argue that therapeutic and clinical applications of sunlight helped establish an association between sunlight and health but also defined a particular and specific performance of medicine.  相似文献   

Recently in Australian and New Zealand systemic therapy forums, there has been a tentative renewal of interest in psychoanalytic thinking. These local discussions have tended to reference psychoanalytic ideas as part of the struggle to understand emotional experience, and the therapy relationship. This paper reviews the patterns in these discussions, and then considers the wider context of the appearance of this interest in terms of the history and development of systemic theory. Some tentative comments are made about the project of using psychoanalytic ideas in systemic theory and practice.  相似文献   

A substantial body of literature demonstrates how within‐school patterns serve to maintain and perpetuate racial inequality in education. This occurs as well‐meaning teachers and administrators tend to hold lower academic expectations for students of color; engage in racially biased discipline patterns; employ alienating curricula; and fail to address racial issues in meaningful ways when they surface in classrooms. In this paper, I review literature on these and other inequitable patterns and subsequently summarize research exploring how these issues are confronted teacher training programs. While some pedagogical models show promise, many studies suggest that multicultural education and programs for pre‐service teachers fall short in promoting perspectives and practices to address inequity in schools. I apply tenets of critical race theory to scrutinize oppression within schools and the shortcomings of initiatives claimed to redress them, and moreover, to suggest how teacher education can be improved to encourage pedagogy for social justice ends.  相似文献   

Guided by self‐determination theory, the aim of this study was to examine whether adolescents’ autonomous motivation for making healthy diet choices mediates the association between parenting practices regarding diet and adolescent food choices. We analyzed data from the NCI FLASHE study, a survey of demographically diverse parents and their adolescent children (N = 1,646 dyads). Path models supported self‐determination theory’s assertion that indirect, encouraging parenting practices fostered internal motivation; in contrast, regulation was both positively and negatively linked to motivation depending on the model. Models also yielded direct paths between parenting practices and healthy and unhealthy diet choices. Overall, regardless of what predicted motivation, adolescents’ autonomous motivation was linked with their consumption of healthier foods and drinks. As such, cultivating a sense of internal motivation during these formative years may put young people on a path toward healthy patterns of self‐regulation later in life.  相似文献   

Cybernetic theory, social learning theory and psychodynamic theory often have been put forth as competing models of the maintenance of family problems. It is argued here that the relative absence in the field of attempts to integrate these perspectives has restricted severely the development of family assessment and therapy. After highlighting the essential features of these three models, an integrative model of family problem maintenance is proposed, and the model's applicability is demonstrated in an illustrative discussion of three major types of clinical problems: symptomatic spouse, symptomatic child, and conflictual couple. Implications of the model for clinical practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

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