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In this paper, we consider a new mixture of varying coefficient models, in which each mixture component follows a varying coefficient model and the mixing proportions and dispersion parameters are also allowed to be unknown smooth functions. We systematically study the identifiability, estimation and inference for the new mixture model. The proposed new mixture model is rather general, encompassing many mixture models as its special cases such as mixtures of linear regression models, mixtures of generalized linear models, mixtures of partially linear models and mixtures of generalized additive models, some of which are new mixture models by themselves and have not been investigated before. The new mixture of varying coefficient model is shown to be identifiable under mild conditions. We develop a local likelihood procedure and a modified expectation–maximization algorithm for the estimation of the unknown non‐parametric functions. Asymptotic normality is established for the proposed estimator. A generalized likelihood ratio test is further developed for testing whether some of the unknown functions are constants. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the proposed generalized likelihood ratio test statistics and prove that the Wilks phenomenon holds. The proposed methodology is illustrated by Monte Carlo simulations and an analysis of a CO2‐GDP data set.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the estimation of both the parameters and the nonparametric link function in partially linear single‐index models for longitudinal data that may be unbalanced. In particular, a new three‐stage approach is proposed to estimate the nonparametric link function using marginal kernel regression and the parametric components with generalized estimating equations. The resulting estimators properly account for the within‐subject correlation. We show that the parameter estimators are asymptotically semiparametrically efficient. We also show that the asymptotic variance of the link function estimator is minimized when the working error covariance matrices are correctly specified. The new estimators are more efficient than estimators in the existing literature. These asymptotic results are obtained without assuming normality. The finite‐sample performance of the proposed method is demonstrated by simulation studies. In addition, two real‐data examples are analyzed to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Buckley–James estimator (BJE) is a well‐known estimator for linear regression models with censored data. Ritov has generalized the BJE to a semiparametric setting and demonstrated that his class of Buckley–James type estimators is asymptotically equivalent to the class of rank‐based estimators proposed by Tsiatis. In this article, we revisit such relationship in censored data with covariates missing by design. By exploring a similar relationship between our proposed class of Buckley–James type estimating functions to the class of rank‐based estimating functions recently generalized by Nan, Kalbfleisch and Yu, we establish asymptotic properties of our proposed estimators. We also conduct numerical studies to compare asymptotic efficiencies from various estimators.  相似文献   

The mode of a distribution provides an important summary of data and is often estimated on the basis of some non‐parametric kernel density estimator. This article develops a new data analysis tool called modal linear regression in order to explore high‐dimensional data. Modal linear regression models the conditional mode of a response Y given a set of predictors x as a linear function of x . Modal linear regression differs from standard linear regression in that standard linear regression models the conditional mean (as opposed to mode) of Y as a linear function of x . We propose an expectation–maximization algorithm in order to estimate the regression coefficients of modal linear regression. We also provide asymptotic properties for the proposed estimator without the symmetric assumption of the error density. Our empirical studies with simulated data and real data demonstrate that the proposed modal regression gives shorter predictive intervals than mean linear regression, median linear regression and MM‐estimators.  相似文献   

The authors define a class of “partially linear single‐index” survival models that are more flexible than the classical proportional hazards regression models in their treatment of covariates. The latter enter the proposed model either via a parametric linear form or a nonparametric single‐index form. It is then possible to model both linear and functional effects of covariates on the logarithm of the hazard function and if necessary, to reduce the dimensionality of multiple covariates via the single‐index component. The partially linear hazards model and the single‐index hazards model are special cases of the proposed model. The authors develop a likelihood‐based inference to estimate the model components via an iterative algorithm. They establish an asymptotic distribution theory for the proposed estimators, examine their finite‐sample behaviour through simulation, and use a set of real data to illustrate their approach.  相似文献   

Aalen's nonparametric additive model in which the regression coefficients are assumed to be unspecified functions of time is a flexible alternative to Cox's proportional hazards model when the proportionality assumption is in doubt. In this paper, we incorporate a general linear hypothesis into the estimation of the time‐varying regression coefficients. We combine unrestricted least squares estimators and estimators that are restricted by the linear hypothesis and produce James‐Stein‐type shrinkage estimators of the regression coefficients. We develop the asymptotic joint distribution of such restricted and unrestricted estimators and use this to study the relative performance of the proposed estimators via their integrated asymptotic distributional risks. We conduct Monte Carlo simulations to examine the relative performance of the estimators in terms of their integrated mean square errors. We also compare the performance of the proposed estimators with a recently devised LASSO estimator as well as with ridge‐type estimators both via simulations and data on the survival of primary billiary cirhosis patients.  相似文献   

We study the focused information criterion and frequentist model averaging and their application to post‐model‐selection inference for weighted composite quantile regression (WCQR) in the context of the additive partial linear models. With the non‐parametric functions approximated by polynomial splines, we show that, under certain conditions, the asymptotic distribution of the frequentist model averaging WCQR‐estimator of a focused parameter is a non‐linear mixture of normal distributions. This asymptotic distribution is used to construct confidence intervals that achieve the nominal coverage probability. With properly chosen weights, the focused information criterion based WCQR estimators are not only robust to outliers and non‐normal residuals but also can achieve efficiency close to the maximum likelihood estimator, without assuming the true error distribution. Simulation studies and a real data analysis are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate a new procedure for the estimation of a linear quantile regression with possibly right-censored responses. Contrary to the main literature on the subject, we propose in this context to circumvent the formulation of conditional quantiles through the so-called “check” loss function that stems from the influential work of Koenker and Bassett (1978). Instead, our suggestion is here to estimate the quantile coefficients by minimizing an alternative measure of distance. In fact, our approach could be qualified as a generalization in a parametric regression framework of the technique consisting in inverting the conditional distribution of the response given the covariates. This is motivated by the knowledge that the main literature for censored data already relies on some nonparametric conditional distribution estimation as well. The ideas of effective dimension reduction are then exploited in order to accommodate for higher dimensional settings as well in this context. Extensive numerical results then suggest that such an approach provides a strongly competitive procedure to the classical approaches based on the check function, in fact both for complete and censored observations. From a theoretical prospect, both consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator for linear regression are obtained under classical regularity conditions. As a by-product, several asymptotic results on some “double-kernel” version of the conditional Kaplan–Meier distribution estimator based on effective dimension reduction, and its corresponding density estimator, are also obtained and may be of interest on their own. A brief application of our procedure to quasar data then serves to further highlight the relevance of the latter for quantile regression estimation with censored data.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a new efficient iteration estimation approach based on local modal regression for single-index varying-coefficient models. The resulted estimators are shown to be robust with regardless of outliers and error distributions. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are established under some regularity conditions and a practical modified EM algorithm is proposed for the new method. Moreover, to achieve sparse estimator when there exists irrelevant variables in the index parameters, a variable selection procedure based on SCAD penalty is developed to select significant parametric covariates and the well-known oracle properties are also derived. Finally, some numerical examples with various distributed errors and a real data analysis are conducted to illustrate the validity and feasibility of our proposed method.  相似文献   

Random coefficient regression models have been used to analyze cross-sectional and longitudinal data in economics and growth-curve data from biological and agricultural experiments. In the literature several estimators, including the ordinary least squares and the estimated generalized least squares (EGLS), have been considered for estimating the parameters of the mean model. Based on the asymptotic properties of the EGLS estimators, test statistics have been proposed for testing linear hypotheses involving the parameters of the mean model. An alternative estimator, the simple mean of the individual regression coefficients, provides estimation and hypothesis-testing procedures that are simple to compute and teach. The large sample properties of this simple estimator are shown to be similar to that of the EGLS estimator. The performance of the proposed estimator is compared with that of the existing estimators by Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of estimating a nonlinear statistical model subject to stochastic linear constraints among unknown parameters. These constraints represent prior information which originates from a previous estimation of the same model using an alternative database. One feature of this specification allows for the disign matrix of stochastic linear restrictions to be estimated. The mixed regression technique and the maximum likelihood approach are used to derive the estimator for both the model coefficients and the unknown elements of this design matrix. The proposed estimator whose asymptotic properties are studied, contains as a special case the conventional mixed regression estimator based on a fixed design matrix. A new test of compatibility between prior and sample information is also introduced. Thesuggested estimator is tested empirically with both simulated and actual marketing data.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of estimating a nonlinear statistical model subject to stochastic linear constraints among unknown parameters. These constraints represent prior information which originates from a previous estimation of the same model using an alternative database. One feature of this specification allows for the disign matrix of stochastic linear restrictions to be estimated. The mixed regression technique and the maximum likelihood approach are used to derive the estimator for both the model coefficients and the unknown elements of this design matrix. The proposed estimator whose asymptotic properties are studied, contains as a special case the conventional mixed regression estimator based on a fixed design matrix. A new test of compatibility between prior and sample information is also introduced. Thesuggested estimator is tested empirically with both simulated and actual marketing data.  相似文献   

Local Likelihood Estimation in Generalized Additive Models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT.  Generalized additive models are a popular class of multivariate non-parametric regression models, due in large part to the ease of use of the local scoring estimation algorithm. However, the theoretical properties of the local scoring estimator are poorly understood. In this article, we propose a local likelihood estimator for generalized additive models that is closely related to the local scoring estimator fitted by local polynomial regression. We derive the statistical properties of the estimator and show that it achieves the same asymptotic convergence rate as a one-dimensional local polynomial regression estimator. We also propose a wild bootstrap estimator for calculating point-wise confidence intervals for the additive component functions. The practical behaviour of the proposed estimator is illustrated through a simulation experiment.  相似文献   

Nonnested models are sometimes tested using a simulated reference distribution for the uncentred log likelihood ratio statistic. This approach has been recommended for the specific problem of testing linear and logarithmic regression models. The general asymptotic validity of the reference distribution test under correct choice of error distributions is questioned. The asymptotic behaviour of the test under incorrect assumptions about error distributions is also examined. In order to complement these analyses, Monte Carlo results for the case of linear and logarithmic regression models are provided. The finite sample properties of several standard tests for testing these alternative functional forms are also studied, under normal and nonnormal error distributions. These regression-based variable-addition tests are implemented using asymptotic and bootstrap critical values.  相似文献   

This study treats an asymptotic distribution for measures of predictive power for generalized linear models (GLMs). We focus on the regression correlation coefficient (RCC) that is one of the measures of predictive power. The RCC, proposed by Zheng and Agresti is a population value and a generalization of the population value for the coefficient of determination. Therefore, the RCC is easy to interpret and familiar. Recently, Takahashi and Kurosawa provided an explicit form of the RCC and proposed a new RCC estimator for a Poisson regression model. They also showed the validity of the new estimator compared with other estimators. This study discusses the new statistical properties of the RCC for the Poisson regression model. Furthermore, we show an asymptotic normality of the RCC estimator.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the parameter estimation in partly linear regression models when the errors are dependent. To overcome the multicollinearity problem, a generalized Liu estimator is proposed. The theoretical properties of the proposed estimator and its relationship with some existing methods designed for partly linear models are investigated. Finally, a hypothetical data is conducted to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

Parametrically guided non‐parametric regression is an appealing method that can reduce the bias of a non‐parametric regression function estimator without increasing the variance. In this paper, we adapt this method to the censored data case using an unbiased transformation of the data and a local linear fit. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimator are established, and its performance is evaluated via finite sample simulations.  相似文献   

A general class of multivariate regression models is considered for repeated measurements with discrete and continuous outcome variables. The proposed model is based on the seemingly unrelated regression model (Zellner, 1962) and an extension of the model of Park and Woolson(1992). The regression parameters of the model are consistently estimated using the two-stage least squares method. When the out come variables are multivariate normal, the two-stage estimator reduces to Zellner’s two-stage estimator. As a special case, we consider the marginal distribution described by Liang and Zeger (1986). Under this this distributional assumption, we show that the two-stage estimator has similar asymptotic properties and comparable small sample properties to Liang and Zeger's estimator. Since the proposed approach is based on the least squares method, however, any distributional assumption is not required for variables outcome variables. As a result, the proposed estimator is more robust to the marginal distribution of outcomes.  相似文献   

Abstract. We propose a criterion for selecting a capture–recapture model for closed populations, which follows the basic idea of the focused information criterion (FIC) of Claeskens and Hjort. The proposed criterion aims at selecting the model which, among the available models, leads to the smallest mean‐squared error (MSE) of the resulting estimator of the population size and is based on an index which, up to a constant term, is equal to the asymptotic MSE of the estimator. Two alternative approaches to estimate this FIC index are proposed. We also deal with multimodel inference; in this case, the population size is estimated by using a weighted average of the estimates coming from different models, with weights chosen so as to minimize the MSE of the resulting estimator. The proposed model selection approach is compared with more common approaches through a series of simulations. It is also illustrated by an application based on a dataset coming from a live‐trapping experiment.  相似文献   

Abstract. The conditional score approach is proposed to the analysis of errors‐in‐variable current status data under the proportional odds model. Distinct from the conditional scores in other applications, the proposed conditional score involves a high‐dimensional nuisance parameter, causing challenges in both asymptotic theory and computation. We propose a composite algorithm combining the Newton–Raphson and self‐consistency algorithms for computation and develop an efficient conditional score, analogous to the efficient score from a typical semiparametric likelihood, for building an asymptotic linear expression and hence the asymptotic distribution of the conditional‐score estimator for the regression parameter. Our proposal is shown to perform well in simulation studies and is applied to a zebrafish basal cell carcinoma data involving measurement errors in gene expression levels.  相似文献   

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