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Dans cette communication, nous étudions le rôle du sexe dans l'organisation des rapports de production sur le marché du travail post-industriel au Canada. L'article s'appuie d'abord sur les données des recensements de la période de 1941 à 1986 pour décrire les spécificités liées au sexe de la transition au post-industrialisme telle que vécue par les hommes et les femmes. Le post-industrialisme a entraîné un départ d'un grand nombre d'hommes de l'agriculture et les industries du secteur primaire, mais le secteur manufacturier est resté jusqu'à récemment relativement stable. Pour les femmes, le post-industrialisme a surtout provoqué le passage du travail domestique non rémunéré au travail salarié dans les industries de services. Par conséquent, la répartition de l'emploi chez les hommes demeure essentiellement celle d'une économie industrielle traditionnelle; or, dans les industries de services ‘post-industrielles, ce sont les femmes qui prédominent. Done nous analysons les données de l'Enquête sur les structures de classe et démontrons que la prédominance numérique des femmes dans les services n'a strictement rien changéà l'écart entre les sexes en ce qui concerne l'accès aux postes de pouvoir et d'autorité. Dans les secteurs traditionnels, producteurs de marchandises, les hommes commandent généralement aux hommes, tandis que dans le secteur des services, les hommes commandent maintenant aux femmes. Nous terminons par une analyse des données de recensement qui montre en quoi les différences entre hommes et femmes en matière d'accès au pouvoir et à l'autorité ont évolué dans le temps. In this paper we examine the gendered nature of production relations in the context of Canada's postindustrial labour market. We begin by describing gender-specific features of the transition to postindustrialism with census data for the period from 1941–1986. For men, postindustrialism brought considerable movement out of agriculture and other extractive industries but, until recently, relative stability in the manufacturing sector. For women, postindustrialism has mainly meant a shift from unpaid domestic labour to paid employment in the service industries. As a consequence, male employment patterns continue to resemble those of a traditional industrial economy while women predominate in the ‘postindustrial’ service industries. We then use data from the 1982 Class Structure Survey to show that women's numerical dominance in services has in no way altered the gender gap in access to positions of power and authority. In the traditional goods-producing sectors, men mainly rule other men while the service economy is the site where men now rule over women. We end with an analysis of change over time in male-female differences in access to power and authority using census data.  相似文献   

As the US labour market shifts towards project‐based, contractual and contingent work, the importance of intermediary brokerage organizations will continue to grow. In this article, I use Joan Acker's theory of gendered organizations to examine Hollywood talent agencies as one case of these powerful intermediary organizations. The power structures, promotion process, mentoring networks and discourses described by the talent agents I interviewed privilege white men. The agents interviewed for this study described their top management as being overwhelmingly composed of men, they discussed the patrimonial systems of mentorship and exclusive male networks that advantage white men, and talked about colleagues and clients in ways that valorized elite masculinity and disparaged femininity. Thus, the organizational structures and culture of these talent agencies collectively create an environment that reproduces itself, encouraging white men to join and persist, and presenting barriers to women and racial minority men. Although the focus of this article is on Hollywood talent agencies, the findings from this research help explain how inequality is reproduced in the non‐traditional work arrangements that characterize the new economy.  相似文献   

Although the prevalence and severity of dating violence among college students is well known, the relationship between past victimization and perceptions of future dating situations has not been examined. Using both qualitative and quantitative research methods, this study investigated gender differences in the relationship between intimate partner violence victimization and the perceptions of dating situations. The study found that the more psychological, physical, or sexual violence that was experienced by females, the more likely they perceived dating situations as inappropriate. Males, on the other hand, were more likely to report aggressive behaviors in dating situations only if victimized by sexual violence. Implications for professionals working with college students or community prevention programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Laplanche distinguishes the sexual [le sexuel] and the sexuated [le sexué]. He goes on to ask whether the current tendency to speak of gender identity merely a lexical change or something more profound. If it is a change, is it positive or the sign of a repression? If the latter, where is the repression to be found? There follows an outline of how the triad, gender/sex/sexual, functions in the human being's early history. Four hypotheses serve as conclusion: (1) The precedence of gender over sex, which overturns the habits of thought that place the “biological” before the “social.” (2) The precedence of assignment over symbolization. (3) Primary identification, which, far from being a primary identification “with” (the adult) is a primary identification “by” (the adult). (4) The contingent, perceptual, illusory nature of the anatomical difference of sex, the true destiny of modern civilization.  相似文献   

Based on ethnographic fieldwork with female migrants in the United Arab Emirates, the focus of this article is on the confluence of human trafficking discourses, gendered migration, domestic work and sex work in the UAE. I explore three main findings. First, domestic work and sex work are not mutually exclusive. Second, women choose to enter sex work in preference to domestic work because of poor working conditions in the latter. Third, global policies on human trafficking that seek to restrict female migration have inspired female migrants in the Gulf in search of higher wages and increased autonomy to look for employment in the informal economy. Employing a theoretical lens that emphasizes structural violence, the article chronicles the individual and macro social factors structuring the transition of female migrants from the formal economy of domestic and care work into the informal economy of sex work.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of density, posters, sex of subject, and group composition on anagram solving and also the perception of oneself and the physical and social environment. There were four major findings: (1) The addition of posters to a room in a high density nonsocial situation led to enhanced perceptions of crowding for males but not for females. These results were interpreted in terms of sensory overload. (2) Females rated themselves more positively in high density while males rated themselves more positively in low density. (3) Subjects rated the physical environment more negatively in high density than in low density. (4) There was no density effect on anagram solving.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between colonial oppression in pre-famine Ireland and the development of gender patterns that fostered uncommon social and familial roles for women. In post-famine Ireland women's traditional family roles illustrate cultural empowerment that combined with the pull factors of employment opportunities to spawn higher female than male emigration at the same time that patriarchal oppression restricted women's full social participation in Ireland and limited their authority to specific domains of family life. Cultural changes in post-famine Ireland, including increased power for the Catholic Church, mothers' socialization of children to the moral teachings of the Church, delayed marriage, and permanent celibacy among large segments of the population, intersected to produce unique patterns of migration. For women who immigrated to the United States, the cultural background of colonial oppression instilled values that respected independence and employment. In the case of the Irish, colonial oppression initiated gender patterns that pushed women to greater familial power and occupational independence than was typical of other ethnic groups.  相似文献   

In this article we present a comparative study of media texts in Sweden and Finland, two societies traditionally viewed as Nordic welfare states. Focusing on the controversial question of introducing gender‐based quotas on the boards of companies, we analyse how representations of gender and management are affected in Sweden and Finland by contemporary market discourse. We argue that market discourse takes different forms in the two societal contexts and that the space for questioning and criticizing it from a gender equality perspective remains different. Our analysis thus complements recent contributions stressing that both societal particularities and transnational processes must be considered in studies of gender and management ( Calás and Smircich, 2006 ).  相似文献   

Hill Collins (1997, 1998, 2000) argues that because of their position within the intersecting hierarchies of race, gender, and class, black women as a group possess a “unique angle of vision” on the social world. Rooted in the everyday experiences of black women, the “black women’s standpoint” is marked by an intersectional understanding of oppression and a “legacy of struggle” against such oppression. In this article, I employ quantitative analyses of data from the National Survey of Black Americans (1992) and the National Black Feminist Study (2004–2005) to investigate the black women’s standpoint. I ask: “Do black women as a group tend toward the black women’s standpoint that Hill Collins describes?” and “Do black women embrace this perspective more than black men?” Results from numerous χ2 and logistic regression analyses suggest that, within the black community, gender is not a significant predictor of the standpoint that Hill Collins describes, with black men and black women being equally likely to embrace many of the core ideas associated with the black women’s standpoint. I conclude by discussing the implications of this finding for gender and race‐based standpoint theory.  相似文献   

I examine the interactive processes by which women and men negotiate family time schedules. Based on fifty interviews with seventeen dual‐earner couples, I focus on the ways men and women define time in gendered ways, exert different controls over the way time is used, and align their time strategies in the course of managing everyday family life. The results indicate that there are both continuities and discontinuities with the past: women continue to exert more control over the organization of time in families, but time negotiation itself has become a more complex and demanding activity. The way that couples carry out these negotiations reflects a variety of adaptive strategies, with some couples being very reactive in contending with present demands and others being highly structured and seeking to anticipate and control the future. Although some couples worked to negotiate balance in their time responsibilities, it was wives who maintained control over time and, ultimately, the orchestration of family activity.  相似文献   

《Home Cultures》2013,10(2):171-188

The boundary between home and work was very blurred in early modern England. Domestic production was an essential element of early modern life and many families had servants and apprentices living and working with them under the same roof. But, to date, little investigation has been conducted into the impact that these practices had on the character of domestic space and how experience varied between different household members. This article attempts to redress the balance by focusing on the ways in which early modern middling householders organized eating and sleeping in the spaces that they shared with their servants. It argues that fixed social patterns were not inscribed upon early modern homes. Rooms were multifunctional; their use and meaning constantly shifted. Moreover, lack of space in most households meant that separation or segregation according to rank or gender was not possible or practical. Nonetheless, the organization of space for these everyday activities played an important role in the expression of the social, age, and gender hierarchies that ordered the early modern domestic world.  相似文献   

Although social scientists have written much recently about environmentalism, feminism, and gender, insufficient systematic examination of their interrelations has been done. The lack of adequate research on links among these three concepts limits their usefulness for both grassroots mobilization efforts and general theory development. The present exploratory study surveys a college student sample ( N = 393) clarifying the relationships between liberal environmentalism, gender, and feminism. Relationship between feminism and attitudes toward human use of the environment and between gender and environmental regulation are found suppressed by a relationship between feminism and environmentalism. Although tentative, these findings suggest new directions for the study of ecofeminism.  相似文献   

This article discusses the link between gender, globalization and democracy in relation to women?s empowerment. Analyzing gender relations within the processes of development planning involves five approaches: 1) welfare, 2) equity, 3) anti-poverty, 4) efficiency, and 5) empowerment. In addition, a new approach, which combines efficiency and empowerment, must be added to highlight the problematic nature of the direction of causality assumed by traditional theory of development. The rise on women's representation in national parliament can be attributed to the increase of women's economic power and women's political struggles. However, promotion of globalization produces new opportunities for feminist politics, as well as difficulties, which include: the emergent position of productive engagement in which an efficient economy and democratic society are seen as interdependent; and increase in parliamentary representation correlates with increased paid employment for women. In conclusion, the author underscores that globalization is a gendered process which is restructuring social relations on a large scale and the challenges it bring provide opportunities for women in development.  相似文献   

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