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文学世家历史还原的过程,也是一个逻辑建构的过程。以政治文化制度变革为核心动力,通过家族史与文学史演变的双重梳理,可以对中国通代文学世家发展演变历程进行历史还原,即前中后三大时段三重形态的相互衔接与有序推进:两汉至南北朝“经学一文学世家”与“门阀一文学世家”双重形态的衔接与演进;隋唐时期“门阀一文学世家”与“科宦一文学世家”混合形态的交替与演进;两宋至明清“科宦一文学世家”主流形态的承变与演进。在上述主体形态之外,尚有其他类型文学世家的多元存在。文学世家史学术范式的建构,需要通过特定个体、时代、区域以及通代文学世家史四个层级的链接而融合为有机整体。  相似文献   

槐树是唐代长安一道颇具都城色彩的自然景观,在其形成的过程中逐渐浸染上帝都文化色彩而具有特定的人文含义。文章以白居易为中心,通过其不同时期诗歌中槐树意象所具有的不同含义,来考察中唐新兴知识分子在长安的生活经历及生存状态。由此进一步研究在科举文化背景下槐树所具有的时代含义,以及由此反映的科举士子在长安的生活情状,从一个特殊的视角观照中古时期由以经学为中心的贵族文化到以文学为中心的科举文化转变的过程。  相似文献   

北宋末年,粱氏家族迁入平遥梁官村。金末,四世粱瑛降蒙,被封为五路万户,子孙承继,成为平遥当时最显赫的家族之一。后由武转文,明清时期成为科举世家。梁家从元到清,曾进行过修建家佛堂、建家庙、修族谱、修祖坟等宗族建构活动,乾隆年间更是达到了宗族组织化建设的最高峰。本文试图从长时段的角度,对梁氏家族的历史变迁进行梳理,探讨宗族发展与时代背景、地域特性等问题的内在联系。  相似文献   

综观20世纪以来海内外对宋代科举的研究,科举制度本身研究较多、较深入,其次,是关于宋代科举对社会的影响,即宋代科举与教育、文化、生活等研究也比较重视,成果日见增多.但是,对于科举的上游——宋代皇帝、政府,研究者却很少,尤其是宋代皇帝与科举的研究更少.下面分别论述述之,期以增进读者对宋代何以成为科举社会,两宋科举何以最兴盛、登科人数达十余万,成为一个空前绝后的科举社会的了解.  相似文献   

朱斌 《社会》2017,37(5):193-216
本文利用CGSS2006的数据,基于不同类型资本继承与转化的特点,考察了配偶父亲的社会经济地位对城市居民精英地位获得的影响,结果显示:第一,由于文化资本的传递需要长时间累积,配偶父亲的文化资本对个体成为专业精英没有帮助;第二,在中国,政治资本依然是具有支配性作用的,更容易转化为经济资本,但经济资本难以转化为政治资本;因此,配偶父亲的政治资本有助于个体成为市场精英,反之则比较困难。第三,资本的使用可能存在边际收益递减规律,婚后配偶的父亲带入的异质性资本效用可能会强于已被多次使用的父亲资本,因此,婚后配偶的父亲的社会经济地位对个体精英地位的获得具有更强作用。此外,配偶的父亲的影响对于不同性别的个体而言有所差异,虽然精英代际转化同时适用于不同性别,但精英代际继承更适用于男性。  相似文献   

王琪 《唐都学刊》2006,22(3):119-122
“公”“私”是两个出现较早的亲属称谓。祖父、父亲、夫之父、夫之兄均可称“公”,这与公有制下年长男子在父系氏族内部所处的领导地位有关,他们拥有安排和处理公共事务的权力。“私”是女子对姊妹之夫的称呼,源于建立在生产力水平低下的普那路亚婚制,反映了姊妹共夫、女子与姊妹之夫存在着合法的性关系的事实。透过二者,可以揭示古代的社会制度和婚姻制度的实质。  相似文献   

浙江海宁查氏是明清江南望族,名人辈出。查氏家族之所以能够长期鼎盛、历劫不衰,原因主要在于成功的教育。良好的家族教育培养出一大批文化精英,他们在诗歌、古文、经学及书法、绘画等领域取得了突出成就,促进了明清时期浙江文化的繁荣。查氏家族功利性的科举教育和素质性的文化教育并重的教育理念和丰富多样的手段颇为值得关注与研究。  相似文献   

本文从生死之间的抉择、海瑞精神、"大丈夫"人格三个方面,对明清时期民族精神的演变作了系统的考察.作者认为,自上古以至明清,民族的真精神一脉相承.在明清时期,社会的巨大变动显然导致了精神观念层面的多样性.这种多样性既有对传统的继承,又出现了诸多基于新的社会土壤的新观念.以民族精神为例,无论是忠孝、生死、节义精神,还是为国为民而"实心"任事的担当精神,乃至对忠臣、清官、英雄豪杰人格的追求,无不是在继承儒家真精神基础之上,出现了一些新的转向.  相似文献   

鲁应龙的《闲窗括异志》是宋末的一部志怪小说集.书中对以当湖为中心的嘉兴府地区进行了集中书写.围绕着当地的民间传说与怪异故事,鲁应龙记述了式微科举世家鲁氏的家族记忆、当湖文化空间中的自然人文景观以及宋末嘉兴、海盐、华亭诸县的地方民间信仰.《闲窗括异志》嘉兴书写这一个案,比较典型地体现了志怪小说对于地方家族、文化、信仰的独特书写方式.与同时期的方志相比,志怪小说的地方书写多是一种具象的呈现和个人化的叙述.这种具象呈现和个人化叙述更有助于我们重构当时真实的信仰、文化图景.  相似文献   

明清时期的礼生与王朝礼仪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以正史、政书、地方志等资料为基础,对中国历史上、尤其是明清时期官僚体制中的仪式专家——礼生及其与王朝礼仪的关系进行了初步考察。文章认为,在中国古代的王朝礼仪中,礼生扮演着受人忽视但不可或缺的角色。他们从属于太常寺系统,主要职能是准备祭品、赞相礼仪、唱读祭文,是引导王朝礼仪的导演。他们在以王朝礼仪为核心的儒教仪式中的地位,类似于道士在道教科仪,僧侣在佛教科仪中的地位。本文详细分析了礼生与明清文庙释奠仪式之间的关系,认为礼生为整个礼仪过程,为主祭官与神明的沟通提供了一个必不可少的仪式框架,这个仪式框架是公开性的,并很容易被复制,这为王朝礼仪向乡村社会的渗透提供了很大的可能性。  相似文献   

Although there is a growing body of international work on barriers to engaging fathers in child and family services, there is limited research on factors that promote father engagement. In this article, we draw on case study data from the Australian Baby Makes 3 (BM3) programme to explore factors that promote father engagement in parenting support programmes. Our analysis shows single‐gender group work supported father engagement. BM3's father group work provided a safe space in the parenting support context where men could form intimate connections with other fathers and talk openly about their parenting experiences without fear of criticism from partners. These findings suggest that men often feel silenced and marginalized in the parenting sphere.  相似文献   

景风华 《社会》2016,36(2):31-57
在发生母杀父的人伦惨剧时,子女应当如何作为是困扰中国传统法律的难题。中国传统士大夫就这一问题的论争主要围绕着对《丧服》等经典的诠释展开。在“继母杀父”的案件中,孔季彦由“绝生母”推导出“绝继母”,而汉武帝从“继母如母”的经义本身得出继母身份的存废依据,魏晋丧服学家则进一步提出继母可能因失去配父之义而丧失母名,然亲生母子关系却不会断绝的观点。在“亲母杀父”的立法之争中,窦瑗立足于父系伦理,强调“父尊母卑”,要求人子“为父绝母”,控告母亲;封君义则站在孝子的服制立场上,认为子女对于父母的情感是相同的,理应保持缄默。后一观点的阶段性胜利使中国传统法有关母子关系的规定在父系家族伦理秩序中呈现出别样的面貌。  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study explored the relationship between violent video game exposure (VVGE) and aggression in left-behind adolescents (LBAs) in China, taking into account the effects of moral sensitivity and father presence. A cluster sampling design was applied in this study; we recruited 615 adolescents (45.85% male, age range 12–18 years, Mage = 14.70 years, SD = 1.66) from China. The results by using SPSS 25.0 and the PROCESS macro showed that VVGE was positively associated with LBAs' trait aggression and its items, and moral sensitivity played a partial mediating role in these relationships. Moreover, father presence moderated VVGE and LBAs' trait aggression, verbal aggression and hostility. Specifically, at a high level of father presence, the direct effect of VVGE on trait aggression was significantly moderated by increasing the level of father presence, whereas this moderating effect was not significant at a low level of father presence. The results were similar for verbal aggression and hostility. Thus, moral sensitivity and father presence should be considered in prevention and intervention strategies aimed at reducing LBAs' aggression.  相似文献   

While there is a growing body of work on using fatherhood as an opportunity to engage men in strategies to prevent child maltreatment and further acts of domestic violence, there is limited research on engaging fathers in strategies to prevent domestic violence from occurring. To fill this gap in the literature, this paper explores existing father engagement frameworks used in child and family services and supports a multi‐level model of father engagement for domestic violence primary prevention. Drawing together evidence about father engagement from a range of studies, including the more general parenting literature, we describe factors that influence father engagement based on an analysis of the literature. These factors include accessibility, staff attitudes and behaviours, programme marketing and the format of service provision.  相似文献   

王正 《唐都学刊》2013,29(1):53-58
舜在中国历史上堪称第一个人格形象完整的人,他的故事中蕴含着丰富的道德哲学问题,而这些问题的解决在现代社会仍有启示意义。首先是父子关系的问题,舜的父亲因为偏爱不是个慈父,但舜秉承着父子天性的认识,以不变的孝心来对待父亲,最终得以处理好父子关系。而兄弟之间因为出现了继承权之争,即利益问题,所以舜的弟弟象一直想杀死舜,但舜坚持兄弟之间的血缘亲情,始终以让的美德来感化兄弟。舜对于夫妻关系,认识到其中的异姓和异性问题,因此"内行弥谨",谨慎地与妻子相处,最终得以使家庭和睦。  相似文献   

The transfer of advantage and disadvantage across multiple generations is receiving increasing attention in the international literature; however, transfers of resources across multiple generations in Australian families are less well understood. Using a longitudinal dataset of Australian children, we have the opportunity to not only investigate the transfer of educational resources across three generations in Australia, but also investigate the gendered nature of these transfers, which has been a limitation of other studies. We find no evidence of individual grandparent education effects on numeracy and reading scores for grandchildren in Year 3, independent of parent educational attainment and other covariates. However, significant effects on numeracy and reading scores were observed for children in families where both the grandmother and grandfather in maternal and paternal grandparent sets had high educational attainment (a diploma or university qualification), and where either or both the mother and father had a university qualification. These results suggest that the contribution of grandparents to the academic achievement of grandchildren cannot be fully explained by the parent generation and that the concentration of human capital in families contributes to educational inequalities across multiple generations that can be observed by eight years of age.  相似文献   

Objectives. This article considers how becoming a father affects men's employment levels and tests whether the effects of fatherhood differ by the relationship of the father to the child's mother at the time of the birth. Methods. We use data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study to fit growth curve models of new fathers' employment trajectories for the first five years after they become fathers. Results. Prior to becoming a father, married men worked more hours per week and more weeks per year than cohabiting and nonresident fathers. By five years after the birth, differences in employment between unmarried and married fathers had diminished. Conclusions. The transition to fatherhood is associated with an increase in employment for unmarried fathers but is not associated with significant changes in employment for married fathers.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the narratives of adolescents who have experienced domestic violence. It focuses on what we can learn about being an adolescent who experiences domestic violence, using a narrative approach. Attentive to both form and content, the paper sheds light on why the narrative is being told, who the actors in the narratives are, who are positioned in the forefront/background and what the point of the narrative is. The analysis shows that through the storytelling, the father's position as the reluctant/dangerous/weak aggressor is negotiated, the mother is positioned both in the background as a victim and in the forefront as an actor resisting his violent behaviour. The children position themselves as actors with power to alter the progress, to protect and stop the violence. The point of the narratives is to describe the father as the aggressor, and to describe the important role of the children. This picture of the father, mother and child questions the traditional understanding of the father as the aggressor, the mother as the victim and the child as a powerless bystander being exposed to the violence, and underlines the complexities of the dynamics in families living with domestic violence.  相似文献   

Father Custody and Social Development in Boys and Girls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of father custody on children's social development are being studied by comparing children whose fathers have been awarded custody, children whose mothers have been awarded custody, and children from intact families. Half of the subjects are boys, and half are girls aged 6–11 years. Families are matched on SES, family size, and sibling status. The data presented here were based primarily on videotaped observations of parent-child interaction in 60 families. The most intriguing findings to date suggest that children living with the opposite sex parent (father custody girls and mother custody boys) are less well adjusted than children living with the same sex parent. However, in both father custody and mother custody families, authoritative parenting by the custodial parent was positively linked with the child's competent social behavior. Also, in both sets of divorced families, contact with additional adult caretakers was associated with positive social behaviors shown by the child.  相似文献   

周喜峰 《求是学刊》2004,31(4):111-116
在后金———清政权建立和兴起过程中 ,努尔哈赤及皇太极父子对生活在黑龙江地区的蒙古、索伦、东海女真等民族非常重视。他们根据黑龙江地区的不同民族 ,分别采取了联盟、联姻、征服、招抚等不同策略 ,基本上完成了对黑龙江地区各民族的统一。这些策略是成功的 ,它不仅使黑龙江地区各民族成为后金———清政权的臣民 ,也为清政权的强大和入主中原创造了条件。  相似文献   

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