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妇女问题的历史、现状与未来   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
妇女观是指社会对妇女的看法 ,人类的妇女观经历了从“文化人”、“经济人”、“政治人”到普遍人权及可持续发展观的演变 ;考察妇女问题有三个维度 ,分别以男人、人和妇女自身作为参照系 ,并对应于平等、博爱、自由三个层面内涵 ;从总体上看 ,妇女问题的症结在于生理基础—分工选择—环境强化综合因素的作用 ,因而需从生产力、生产关系与社会文明三个层次着手加以解决。妇女问题的实质是社会分工所导致的人类生产异化的结果 ,解决妇女问题有赖于社会文明的全面进步与社会总异化的彻底消除 ,从根本上有赖于社会全面、自由与和谐的发展。  相似文献   

This article examines the history, current conditions, and future possibilities of psychiatric inpatient group psychotherapy. Attention is directed toward exploring the purpose, structure, theoretical perspectives, and empirical research of inpatient group therapy. Trends in inpatient care are contextualized within a historical perspective and current politics of care. Future challenges to the viability of inpatient groups, including fiscal pressures, high patient acuity, shorter stays, and pressures for evidence-based practices, are considered.  相似文献   

Correspondence to: Neil Thompson, Avenue Consulting Ltd, PO Box 2060, Wrexham LL13 OZG, Wales, UK. Summary This paper explores the relationship between social movements,social justice and social work. It examines the role of socialmovements in promoting social justice and considers the influencesof such movements in the development of emancipatory forms ofsocial work practice. It also considers the question of whethersocial work can be viewed as a form of social movement in itsown right. A central theme of the paper is the fundamental tensionbetween social work as a force for social regulation and asa force for social development and emancipation.  相似文献   

实用主义:过去与现在   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分 4个部分 :1 .经典的实用主义。讲述皮尔斯、詹姆士和杜威这三个代表人物的学说 ,强调他们的自然主义立场和反形而上学唯心论的观点 ;2 .“转向语言”之后的实用主义。介绍2 0世纪美国哲学在接受“转向语言”洗礼之后出现的新趋势 ,特别是奎因、塞拉斯、普特南复活了有实用主义倾向的整体论、反基础论和自然主义 ;3.反再现论的实用主义。实用主义者认为语言是工具而不是再现世界本来面目的图像 ,否认知识是精确再现实在或者符合实在的看法。戴维森更是直截了当地说“信念有真有假 ,但并不再现任何事物”;4.实用主义与人类的自我形象。实用主义者一向反对柏拉图、亚里士多德所主张的以认知为中心的人类形象。在这一方面他们得到了大陆哲学家如尼采、海德格尔、萨特、德里达等人的呼应。全文勾画出 2 0世纪美国实用主义演变的主要脉络 ,是一篇条理分明的历史性概述。  相似文献   

The first symposium in our country on the social problems of cities was held this year at the Institute of the International Workers' Movement of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the theme "Urbanization and the Working Class in the Face of the Scientific and Technical Revolution." The symposium was sponsored by the Scientific Council on Applied Social Research Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences and by the Institute. Approximately 250 persons, to whom a number of papers were presented for discussion, participated in the symposium. These papers discussed theoretical and methodological problems of urbanization, the findings of urbanization studies in the USSR, in capitalist countries, and in developing countries.  相似文献   

郭亚楠 《社会工作》2011,(12):61-64
"郭美美"事件引发了公众对慈善的质疑和热议,将中国慈善推向了风口浪尖。从社会资本的角度分析,中国慈善面临公众慈善意识薄弱,慈善组织数量少、筹款能力弱、公信力较低,慈善立法滞后三大问题。未来中国慈善发展应提高全民慈善意识,积极构建慈善网络和提高慈善组织公信力。  相似文献   

文化与人格研究:历史、现状与未来趋向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文化与人格运动产生于20世纪30年代,它关注文化对人格的影响以及不同文化背景下表现出来的人格普遍性和文化特殊性。文章以论述“文化与人格”研究兴衰、复苏的历史为起点,重点分析了目前这一领域的研究进展和存在的主要问题,并以此为基础展望未来的发展趋向。作者认为,大五人格是连接文化与人格的概念框架,但对大五人格以及人格测量方法展开进一步探讨,用宽阔的理论来整合实证研究,将是未来的发展趋向。  相似文献   

中国非常法律的形成,是为了应对紧急事件。这类法律由法律法规、应急预案和军事法规等组成,规定了战争状态、紧急状态和应急状态三种非常状态,致力于建构专业化大分工基础上的综合统一体制。在实践中,应急预案取代了法律法规,成为紧急事件治理的基本规范依据;政府和武装力量处于主导地位。中国非常法律基于必要而形成,其适用具有临时性,主要内容具有授权性和预防性。非常法律未来发展的主要目标是:与中国特色社会主义法律体系衔接,制定紧急状态下的基本法,完善非常法律的各项具体机制。  相似文献   

中国非常法律的形成, 是为了应对紧急事件。这类法律由法律法规、应急预案和 军事法规等组成, 规定了战争状态、紧急状态和应急状态三种非常状态, 致力于建构 专业化大分工基础上的综合统一体制。在实践中, 应急预案取代了法律法规, 成为紧 急事件治理的基本规范依据; 政府和武装力量处于主导地位。中国非常法律基于必要 而形成, 其适用具有临时性, 主要内容具有授权性和预防性。非常法律未来发展的主 要目标是: 与中国特色社会主义法律体系衔接, 制定紧急状态下的基本法, 完善非常 法律的各项具体机制。

关键词: 非常状态 综合治理 执行主导 预防性法律

China’s emergency laws have emerged as a result of dealing with crises. They comprise laws and regulations, emergency plans, and military regulations, and define three exceptional or emergency states: war, emergency and emergency response, with the aim of constructing a comprehensive integrated system based on the specialized division of labor. In practice, however, emergency plans take the place of laws and regulations and provide the fundamental normative basis for tackling emergencies, with government and the military playing the dominant role. Developing out of necessity and possessing temporary applicability, China’s emergency laws are characterized by authorization and prevention. Integrating emergency law with the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, formulating basic law for emergency situations and improving the specific mechanisms of emergency law should be regarded as major steps in its future development.  相似文献   


R. E. F. Smith and David Christian, Bread and Salt: A Social and Economic History of Food and Drink in Russia (1984), xvi+391 (Cambridge, £32#lb50).

Doreen M. Rosman, Evangelicals and Culture (1984), 262 (Croom Helm, £14.95).

Roger Morriss, The Royal Dockyards during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1983), ix+262 (Leicester University Press, Leicester, £28#lb50).

Robert Bud and Gerrylynn Roberts, Science versus Practice: Chemistry in Victorian Britain (1984), 236 (Manchester University Press, Manchester, £25#lb00).

Roger Fletcher, Revisionism and Empire: Socialist Imperialism in Germany 1807–1914 (1984), vii‐f 223 (George Allen and Unwin, £18#lb00).

Gigliola Dinucci, Una Federazione tra riformismo e sindicalismo : La Federazione Nazionale Lavoratori del Mare 1901–1908 (1983), 201 with statistical tables (Centro Editoriale Toscano, Florence, Lit. 15,000).

(A Trade Union Federation between Reformism and Syndicalism: The National Federation of the Workers of the Sea 1901–1908)

W. H. Greenleaf, The British Political Tradition, vol. I: The Rise of Collectivism (1983), xiii+336 (Methuen, £22#lb00); vol. II: The Ideological Heritage (1983), xii+579 (Methuen, £26#lb00).

Henry Phelps Brown, The Origins of Trade Union Power (1983), 266 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £15#lb00).  相似文献   

演化经济学的思想源头可以追溯到达尔文的进化论之前,由于种种原因,经济学在很长一段时间内排斥了演化思想。20世纪80年代以来,演化经济学得到了快速发展,但仍面临着诸多困难,如缺乏价格理论、分析框架不统一等。演化经济学将从自然科学中继续汲取营养,完成自己的有机整合。  相似文献   

郭亚楠 《社会工作》2011,(24):61-64
"郭美美"事件引发了公众对慈善的质疑和热议,将中国慈善推向了风口浪尖。从社会资本的角度分析,中国慈善面临公众慈善意识薄弱,慈善组织数量少、筹款能力弱、公信力较低,慈善立法滞后三大问题。未来中国慈善发展应提高全民慈善意识,积极构建慈善网络和提高慈善组织公信力。  相似文献   

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