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We propose a profile conditional likelihood approach to handle missing covariates in the general semiparametric transformation regression model. The method estimates the marginal survival function by the Kaplan-Meier estimator, and then estimates the parameters of the survival model and the covariate distribution from a conditional likelihood, substituting the Kaplan-Meier estimator for the marginal survival function in the conditional likelihood. This method is simpler than full maximum likelihood approaches, and yields consistent and asymptotically normally distributed estimator of the regression parameter when censoring is independent of the covariates. The estimator demonstrates very high relative efficiency in simulations. When compared with complete-case analysis, the proposed estimator can be more efficient when the missing data are missing completely at random and can correct bias when the missing data are missing at random. The potential application of the proposed method to the generalized probit model with missing continuous covariates is also outlined.  相似文献   

The accelerated failure time (AFT) model is an important regression tool to study the association between failure time and covariates. In this paper, we propose a robust weighted generalized M (GM) estimation for the AFT model with right-censored data by appropriately using the Kaplan–Meier weights in the GM–type objective function to estimate the regression coefficients and scale parameter simultaneously. This estimation method is computationally simple and can be implemented with existing software. Asymptotic properties including the root-n consistency and asymptotic normality are established for the resulting estimator under suitable conditions. We further show that the method can be readily extended to handle a class of nonlinear AFT models. Simulation results demonstrate satisfactory finite sample performance of the proposed estimator. The practical utility of the method is illustrated by a real data example.  相似文献   

Binary dynamic fixed and mixed logit models are extensively studied in the literature. These models are developed to examine the effects of certain fixed covariates through a parametric regression function as a part of the models. However, there are situations where one may like to consider more covariates in the model but their direct effect is not of interest. In this paper we propose a generalization of the existing binary dynamic logit (BDL) models to the semi-parametric longitudinal setup to address this issue of additional covariates. The regression function involved in such a semi-parametric BDL model contains (i) a parametric linear regression function in some primary covariates, and (ii) a non-parametric function in certain secondary covariates. We use a simple semi-parametric conditional quasi-likelihood approach for consistent estimation of the non-parametric function, and a semi-parametric likelihood approach for the joint estimation of the main regression and dynamic dependence parameters of the model. The finite sample performance of the estimation approaches is examined through a simulation study. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are also discussed. The proposed model and the estimation approaches are illustrated by reanalysing a longitudinal infectious disease data.  相似文献   

This paper discusses regression analysis of current status or case I interval‐censored failure time data arising from the additive hazards model. In this situation, some covariates could be missing because of various reasons, but there may exist some auxiliary information about the missing covariates. To address the problem, we propose an estimated partial likelihood approach for estimation of regression parameters, which makes use of the available auxiliary information. The method can be easily implemented, and the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimates are established. To assess the finite sample performance of the proposed method, an extensive simulation study is conducted and indicates that the method works well.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the regression analysis of current status failure time data arising from the additive hazards model with auxiliary covariates. As often occurs in practice, it is impossible or impractical to measure the exact magnitude of covariates for all subjects in a study. To compensate the missing information, some auxiliary covariates are utilized instead. We propose two easy-to-implement procedures for estimation of regression parameters by making use of auxiliary information. The asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are established and extensive numerical studies indicate that both procedures work well in practice.  相似文献   

We develop a Bayesian variable selection method for logistic regression models that can simultaneously accommodate qualitative covariates and interaction terms under various heredity constraints. We use expectation-maximization variable selection (EMVS) with a deterministic annealing variant as the platform for our method, due to its proven flexibility and efficiency. We propose a variance adjustment of the priors for the coefficients of qualitative covariates, which controls false-positive rates, and a flexible parameterization for interaction terms, which accommodates user-specified heredity constraints. This method can handle all pairwise interaction terms as well as a subset of specific interactions. Using simulation, we show that this method selects associated covariates better than the grouped LASSO and the LASSO with heredity constraints in various exploratory research scenarios encountered in epidemiological studies. We apply our method to identify genetic and non-genetic risk factors associated with smoking experimentation in a cohort of Mexican-heritage adolescents.  相似文献   

Survival studies often collect information about covariates. If these covariates are believed to contain information about the life-times, they may be considered when estimating the underlying life-time distribution. We propose a non-parametric estimator which uses the recorded information about the covariates. Various forms of incomplete data, e.g. right-censored data, are allowed. The estimator is the conditional mean of the true empirical survival function given the observed history, and it is derived using a general filtering formula. Feng & Kurtz (1994) showed that the estimator is the Kaplan–Meier estimator in the case of right-censoring when using the observed life-times and censoring-times as the observed history. We take the same approach as Feng & Kurtz (1994) but in addition we incorporate the recorded information about the covariates in the observed history. Two models are considered and in both cases the Kaplan–Meier estimator is a special case of the estimator. In a simulation study the estimator is compared with the Kaplan–Meier estimator in small samples.  相似文献   

This paper discusses regression analysis of current status failure time data with information observations and continuous auxiliary covariates. Under the additive hazards model, we employ a frailty model to describe the relationship between the failure time of interest and censoring time through some latent variables and propose an estimated partial likelihood estimator of regression parameters that makes use of the available auxiliary information. Asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are established. To assess the finite sample performance of the proposed method, an extensive simulation study is conducted, and the results indicate that the proposed method works well. An illustrative example is also provided.  相似文献   

Missing covariates data with censored outcomes put a challenge in the analysis of clinical data especially in small sample settings. Multiple imputation (MI) techniques are popularly used to impute missing covariates and the data are then analyzed through methods that can handle censoring. However, techniques based on MI are available to impute censored data also but they are not much in practice. In the present study, we applied a method based on multiple imputation by chained equations to impute missing values of covariates and also to impute censored outcomes using restricted survival time in small sample settings. The complete data were then analyzed using linear regression models. Simulation studies and a real example of CHD data show that the present method produced better estimates and lower standard errors when applied on the data having missing covariate values and censored outcomes than the analysis of the data having censored outcome but excluding cases with missing covariates or the analysis when cases with missing covariate values and censored outcomes were excluded from the data (complete case analysis).  相似文献   

部分线性模型是一类非常重要的半参数回归模型,由于它既含有参数部分又含有非参数部分,与常规的线性模型相比具有更强的适应性和解释能力。文章研究带有局部平稳协变量的固定效应部分线性面板数据模型的统计推断。首先提出一个两阶段估计方法得到模型中未知参数和非参数函数的估计,并证明估计量的渐近性质,然后运用不变原理构造出非参数函数的一致置信带,最后通过数值模拟研究和实例分析验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Summary.  We present a new class of methods for high dimensional non-parametric regression and classification called sparse additive models. Our methods combine ideas from sparse linear modelling and additive non-parametric regression. We derive an algorithm for fitting the models that is practical and effective even when the number of covariates is larger than the sample size. Sparse additive models are essentially a functional version of the grouped lasso of Yuan and Lin. They are also closely related to the COSSO model of Lin and Zhang but decouple smoothing and sparsity, enabling the use of arbitrary non-parametric smoothers. We give an analysis of the theoretical properties of sparse additive models and present empirical results on synthetic and real data, showing that they can be effective in fitting sparse non-parametric models in high dimensional data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a quantile approach to the multi-index semiparametric model for an ordinal response variable. Permitting non-parametric transformation of the response, the proposed method achieves a root-n rate of convergence and has attractive robustness properties. Further, the proposed model allows additional indices to model the remaining correlations between covariates and the residuals from the single-index, considerably reducing the error variance and thus leading to more efficient prediction intervals (PIs). The utility of the model is demonstrated by estimating PIs for functional status of the elderly based on data from the second longitudinal study of aging. It is shown that the proposed multi-index model provides significantly narrower PIs than competing models. Our approach can be applied to other areas in which the distribution of future observations must be predicted from ordinal response data.  相似文献   

By employing all the observed information and the optimal augmentation term, we propose an augmented inverse probability weighted fractional imputation method (AFI) to handle covariates missing at random in quantile regression. Compared with the existing completely case analysis, inverse probability weighting, multiple imputation and fractional imputation based on quantile regression model with missing covarites, we carry out simulation study to investigate its performance in estimation accuracy and efficiency, computational efficiency and estimation robustness. We also talk about the influence of imputation replicates in our AFI. Finally, we apply our methodology to part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data.  相似文献   

Many disease processes are characterized by two or more successive health states, and it is often of interest and importance to assess state-specific covariate effects. However, with incomplete follow-up data such inference has not been satisfactorily addressed in the literature. We model the logarithm-transformed sojourn time in each state as linearly related to the covariates; however, neither the distributional form of the error term nor the dependence structure of the states needs to be specified. We propose a regression procedure to accommodate incomplete follow-up data. Asymptotic theory is presented, along with some tools for goodness-of-fit diagnostics. Simulation studies show that the proposal is reliable for practical use. We illustrate it by application to a cancer clinical trial.  相似文献   

Most feature screening methods for ultrahigh-dimensional classification explicitly or implicitly assume the covariates are continuous. However, in the practice, it is quite common that both categorical and continuous covariates appear in the data, and applicable feature screening method is very limited. To handle this non-trivial situation, we propose an entropy-based feature screening method, which is model free and provides a unified screening procedure for both categorical and continuous covariates. We establish the sure screening and ranking consistency properties of the proposed procedure. We investigate the finite sample performance of the proposed procedure by simulation studies and illustrate the method by a real data analysis.  相似文献   

Summary.  Local polynomial regression is a useful non-parametric regression tool to explore fine data structures and has been widely used in practice. We propose a new non-parametric regression technique called local composite quantile regression smoothing to improve local polynomial regression further. Sampling properties of the estimation procedure proposed are studied. We derive the asymptotic bias, variance and normality of the estimate proposed. The asymptotic relative efficiency of the estimate with respect to local polynomial regression is investigated. It is shown that the estimate can be much more efficient than the local polynomial regression estimate for various non-normal errors, while being almost as efficient as the local polynomial regression estimate for normal errors. Simulation is conducted to examine the performance of the estimates proposed. The simulation results are consistent with our theoretical findings. A real data example is used to illustrate the method proposed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Several testing procedures are proposed that can detect change-points in the error distribution of non-parametric regression models. Different settings are considered where the change-point either occurs at some time point or at some value of the covariate. Fixed as well as random covariates are considered. Weak convergence of the suggested difference of sequential empirical processes based on non-parametrically estimated residuals to a Gaussian process is proved under the null hypothesis of no change-point. In the case of testing for a change in the error distribution that occurs with increasing time in a model with random covariates the test statistic is asymptotically distribution free and the asymptotic quantiles can be used for the test. This special test statistic can also detect a change in the regression function. In all other cases the asymptotic distribution depends on unknown features of the data-generating process and a bootstrap procedure is proposed in these cases. The small sample performances of the proposed tests are investigated by means of a simulation study and the tests are applied to a data example.  相似文献   

Quantile regression can provide more useful information on the conditional distribution of a response variable given covariates while classical regression provides informations on the conditional mean alone. In this paper, we propose a structured quantile estimation methodology in a nonparametric function estimation setup. Through the functional analysis of variance decomposition, the optimization of the proposed method can be solved using a series of quadratic and linear programmings. Our method automatically selects relevant covariates by adopting a lasso-type penalty. The performance of the proposed methodology is illustrated through numerical examples on both simulated and real data.  相似文献   

Joint likelihood approaches have been widely used to handle survival data with time-dependent covariates. In construction of the joint likelihood function for the accelerated failure time (AFT) model, the unspecified baseline hazard function is assumed to be a piecewise constant function in the literature. However, there are usually no close form formulas for the regression parameters, which require numerical methods in the EM iterations. The nonsmooth step function assumption leads to very spiky likelihood function which is very hard to find the globe maximum. Besides, due to nonsmoothness of the likelihood function, direct search methods are conducted for the maximization which are very inefficient and time consuming. To overcome the two disadvantages, we propose a kernel smooth pseudo-likelihood function to replace the nonsmooth step function assumption. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated by simulation studies. A case study of reproductive egg-laying data is provided to demonstrate the usefulness of the new approach.  相似文献   

Flexible regression is a traditional motivation for the development of non-parametric Bayesian models. A popular approach for this involves a joint model for responses and covariates, from which the desired result arises by conditioning on the covariates. Many such models involve the convolution of a continuous kernel with some discrete random probability measure defined as an infinite mixture of i.i.d. atoms. Following this strategy, we propose a flexible model that involves the concept of repulsion between atoms. We show that this results in a more parsimonious representation of the regression than the i.i.d. counterpart. The key aspect is that repulsion discourages mixture components that are near each other, thus favouring parsimony. We show that the conditional model retains the repulsive features, thus facilitating interpretation of the resulting flexible regression, and with little or no sacrifice of model fit compared to the infinite mixture case. We show the utility of the methodology by way of a small simulation study and an application to a well-known data set.  相似文献   

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