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This article introduces the appropriate within estimators for the most frequently used three-dimensional fixed effects panel data models. It analyzes the behavior of these estimators in the cases of no self-flow data, unbalanced data, and dynamic autoregressive models. The main results are then generalized for higher dimensional panel data sets as well.  相似文献   


The locally weighted censored quantile regression approach is proposed for panel data models with fixed effects, which allows for random censoring. The resulting estimators are obtained by employing the fixed effects quantile regression method. The weights are selected either parametrically, semi-parametrically or non-parametrically. The large panel data asymptotics are used in an attempt to cope with the incidental parameter problem. The consistency and limiting distribution of the proposed estimator are also derived. The finite sample performance of the proposed estimators are examined via Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   


This paper proposes an exponential class of dynamic binary choice panel data models for the analysis of short T (time dimension) large N (cross section dimension) panel data sets that allow for unobserved heterogeneity (fixed effects) to be arbitrarily correlated with the covariates. The paper derives moment conditions that are invariant to the fixed effects which are then used to identify and estimate the parameters of the model. Accordingly, generalized method of moments (GMM) estimators are proposed that are consistent and asymptotically normally distributed at the root-N rate. We also study the conditional likelihood approach and show that under exponential specification, it can identify the effect of state dependence but not the effects of other covariates. Monte Carlo experiments show satisfactory finite sample performance for the proposed estimators and investigate their robustness to misspecification.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with sphericity test for the two-way error components panel data model. It is found that the John statistic and the bias-corrected LM statistic recently developed by Baltagi et al. (2011 Baltagi, B. H., Feng, Q., Kao, C. (2011). Testing for sphericity in a fixed effects panel data model. Econometrics Journal 14:2547.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar])Baltagi et al. (2012 Baltagi, B. H., Feng, Q., Kao, C. (2012). A Lagrange multiplier test for cross-sectional dependence in a fixed effects panel data model. Journal of Econometrics 170:164177.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], which are based on the within residuals, are not helpful under the present circumstances even though they are in the one-way fixed effects model. However, we prove that when the within residuals are properly transformed, the resulting residuals can serve to construct useful statistics that are similar to those of Baltagi et al. (2011 Baltagi, B. H., Feng, Q., Kao, C. (2011). Testing for sphericity in a fixed effects panel data model. Econometrics Journal 14:2547.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar])Baltagi et al. (2012 Baltagi, B. H., Feng, Q., Kao, C. (2012). A Lagrange multiplier test for cross-sectional dependence in a fixed effects panel data model. Journal of Econometrics 170:164177.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Simulation results show that the newly proposed statistics perform well under the null hypothesis and several typical alternatives.  相似文献   

Classical omnibus and more recent methods are adapted to panel data situations in order to jointly test for normality of the error components. The test statistics incorporate either the empirical distribution function or the empirical characteristic function, these functions resulting from estimation of the fixed and random components. Monte Carlo results show that the new procedure based on the empirical characteristic function compares favorably with classical methods.  相似文献   

This article extends the spatial panel data regression with fixed-effects to the case where the regression function is partially linear and some regressors may be endogenous or predetermined. Under the assumption that the spatial weighting matrix is strictly exogenous, we propose a sieve two stage least squares (S2SLS) regression. Under some sufficient conditions, we show that the proposed estimator for the finite dimensional parameter is root-N consistent and asymptotically normally distributed and that the proposed estimator for the unknown function is consistent and also asymptotically normally distributed but at a rate slower than root-N. Consistent estimators for the asymptotic variances of the proposed estimators are provided. A small scale simulation study is conducted, and the simulation results show that the proposed procedure has good finite sample performance.  相似文献   

Non-constant variance across observations (heteroskedasticity) results in the maximum likelihood estimators of tobit and probit model parameters being inconsistent. Some of the available tests for constant variance across observations (homoskedasticity) are discussed and examined in a small Monte Carlo experiment.  相似文献   

This article establishes the almost sure convergence and asymptotic normality of levels and differenced quasi maximum likelihood (QML) estimators of dynamic panel data models. The QML estimators are robust with respect to initial conditions, conditional and time-series heteroskedasticity, and misspecification of the log-likelihood. The article also provides an ECME algorithm for calculating levels QML estimates. Finally, it compares the finite-sample performance of levels and differenced QML estimators, the differenced generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator, and the system GMM estimator. The QML estimators usually have smaller— typically substantially smaller—bias and root mean squared errors than the panel data GMM estimators.  相似文献   

The existing studies on spatial dynamic panel data model (SDPDM) mainly focus on the normality assumption of response variables and random effects. This assumption may be inappropriate in some applications. This paper proposes a new SDPDM by assuming that response variables and random effects follow the multivariate skew-normal distribution. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is developed to evaluate Bayesian estimates of unknown parameters and random effects in skew-normal SDPDM by combining the Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. A Bayesian local influence analysis method is developed to simultaneously assess the effect of minor perturbations to the data, priors and sampling distributions. Simulation studies are conducted to investigate the finite-sample performance of the proposed methodologies. An example is illustrated by the proposed methodologies.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a generalized least squares and a generalized method of moment estimators for dynamic panel data models with both individual-specific and time-specific effects. We also demonstrate that the common estimators ignoring the presence of time-specific effects are inconsistent when N→∞N but T is finite if the time-specific effects are indeed present. Monte Carlo studies are also conducted to investigate the finite sample properties of various estimators. It is found that the generalized least squares estimator has the smallest bias and root mean square error, and also has nominal size close to the empirical size. It is also found that even when there is no presence of time-specific effects, there is hardly any efficiency loss of the generalized least squares estimator assuming its presence compared to the generalized least squares estimator allowing only the presence of individual-specific effects.  相似文献   

This article considers a partially linear panel data model with fixed individual and time effects in a setting where both N and T are large. Based on the within transformation and profile likelihood method, we propose an approach to estimating the parametric and non parametric components of the partially linear model. The resultant estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Monte Carlo simulations are also conducted to illustrate the finite-sample performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider dynamic panel data models where the autoregressive parameter changes over time. We propose the GMM and ML estimators for this model. We conduct Monte Carlo simulation to compare the performance of these two estimators. The simulation results show that the ML estimator outperforms the GMM estimator.  相似文献   


This paper considers panel data models with fixed effects which have grouped patterns with unknown group membership. A two-stage estimation (TSE) procedure is developed to improve the properties of the GFE estimators of common parameters when the time span is small. Firstly, the common parameters are estimated. Subsequently, the optimal group assignment and the estimators of group effects are obtained by the K-means algorithm. Monte Carlo results reveal that the TSE estimator has a much smaller bias than the GFE estimator when the values of difference between effects are moderately small or at high variance of the idiosyncratic error.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a partially linear panel data model with nonstationarity and certain cross-sectional dependence. Accounting for the explosive feature of the nonstationary time series, we particularly employ Hermite orthogonal functions in this study. Under a general spatial error dependence structure, we then establish some consistent closed-form estimates for both the unknown parameters and the unknown functions for the cases where N and T go jointly to infinity. Rates of convergence and asymptotic normalities are established for the proposed estimators. Both the finite sample performance and the empirical applications show that the proposed estimation methods work well.  相似文献   

We propose tests for parameter constancy in the time series direction in panel data models. We construct a locally best invariant test based on Tanaka [Time series analysis: nonstationary and noninvertible distribution theory. New York: Wiley; 1996] and an asymptotically point optimal test based on Elliott and Müller [Efficient tests for general persistent time variation in regression coefficients. Rev Econ Stud. 2006;73:907–940]. We derive the limiting distributions of the test statistics as T→∞ while N is fixed, and calculate the critical values by applying numerical integration and response surface regression. Simulation results show that the proposed tests perform well if we apply them appropriately.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the biasing effect of anonymising micro data by multiplicative stochastic noise on the within estimation of a linear panel model. In short panels, additional bias results from serially correlated regressors. Results in this paper are related to the project “Firms’ Panel Data and Factual Anonymisation,” which is financed by Federal Ministry of Education and Research. We would like to thank the anonymous referees for helpful comments.  相似文献   

M-estimation (robust estimation) for the parameters in nonlinear mixed effects models using Fisher scoring method is investigated in the article, which shares some of the features of the existing maximum likelihood estimation: consistency and asymptotic normality. Score tests for autocorrelation and random effects based on M-estimation, together with their asymptotic distribution are also studied. The performance of the test statistics are evaluated via simulations and a real data analysis of plasma concentrations data.  相似文献   

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