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Nation and diversity are often cast in oppositional terms. The present joint intervention explores the limits and possibilities of what we call ‘inclusive nation’, i.e. a nation which embraces rather than expunging diversity. To reflect on this idea, the Loughborough University Nationalism Network (LUNN) organized a symposium, bringing together both academics and relevant stakeholders, to explore both theoretically and practically the feasibility of the inclusive nation. For reason of space, here we present only the theoretical views of academics. While Billig and Yuval-Davis highlight the inherent exclusive thrust of nationalism, Kaufmann and Hearn suggest two distinct ways to move away the traditional understanding of nationalism as a site of singularity, oppression and exclusion. A final rejoinder by Nyhagen pushes the debate further interrogating the boundaries of national belonging.  相似文献   

2 evaluative views of worker remittances draw opposite conclusions. The negative one posits that remittances increase dependency, contribute to economic and political stability and development distortion, and lead to economic decline that overshadows a temporary advantage for a fortunate few. The positive view sees remittances as an effective response to market forces, providing a transition to an otherwise unsustainable development. They improve income distribution and quality of life beyond what other available development resources could deliver. The implications are tested for labor supply countries to Europe and the Middle East. The implications of the negative are not supported. Although the dire predictions of the pessimistic view have not materialized, the converse - contributions of remittances to economic performance - should not be overstated due to a lack of data.  相似文献   

This paper uses the 1980 Census data to estimate the size of the economic transfers associated with the 1985 to 1990 interregional migration of older persons. Total economic transfers are estimated by multiplying interregional migration flows of older persons by the average income of older persons in each migration stream. Assuming an average life expectancy of 15 years for elderly migrants and an expenditure multiplier of 2, the total redistribution of income as a result of 1985 to 1990 elderly migration is estimated to be over $600 billion. The South Atlantic and Mountain regions are the recipients of the largest positive net transfers; the East North Central and West North Central regions have the largest negative net transfers.  相似文献   

Migration has a profound impact on a person's life. The author attempts to establish that dealing with the loss of country resembles the developmental task in late adolescence of mourning the childhood parents and may, in fact, serve as a parallel process. Mourning as a result of loss of country is examined; this is followed by a look at the threat to identity posed by the migration process. The point is made that a country is an object, a nonhuman object, with which one develops a relationship. Attention is paid to nostalgia, in which the ideational content tends to be nonhuman rather than human. Similarities of a parent and a country are pointed out, as well as similarities between parent loss and loss of country. Finally, the parallel between mourning the childhood parents and mourning following loss of country is highlighted in a case vignette.  相似文献   

International migration represents just one type of spatial population mobility, along with inter‐regional, rural‐urban, or intra‐urban migration. The possible connections among various forms of migration are, however, only rarely traced in the professional literature on the political and social determinants as well as consequences of international migration. Against this background, an attempt is made in the present paper to identify possible associations between internal and international migration in the case of Poland.  相似文献   

This article describes the social and economic organization of migration for begging from Romania to Norway. Drawing on a survey among homeless Romanians in Oslo and qualitative interviews conducted in Norway and migrant-sending communities in Romania, we describe how migrants gain access to resources such as information, transport, places to beg and places to sleep, as well as social and emotional support when abroad. We argue that the particular, clustered structure of these migration flows makes migration available to persons who otherwise would not have opportunities to migrate, eases their adaptation in cities of destination and serves to protect the migrants from exploitation and abuse from external actors. This migration structure does, however, reflect a strong dependence on kinship networks, which may create vulnerabilities in itself.  相似文献   

徐全军 《城市》2010,(2):74-76
一、导言随着京津冀城市一体化进程的推进,京津冀的发展越来越紧密地联系在一起。城市要发展,人才是关键,自2005年以来,京、津、冀三省市逐步在人才交流服务、高层次人才智力共享、紧缺人才培训、博士后工作站建设、专业技术职务任职资格和国际职业资格互认、专业技术人员继续教育资源共享、公务员互派交流学习、引进国外智力、编制人才开发规划、  相似文献   

The complex growth patterns of children with learning disabilities place them at significant emotional and social risk in interpersonal, family, and institutional relationships. Programmatic interventions that address specific ego functions as well as an approach to a remedial and preventive program design to strengthen social and interactional skills are explored. The author proposes a program design to pair schools with community centers in order to provide opportunities for developing these skills.A version of this article was presented at the NASW School Social Work Conference, New Orleans, LA, January 31-February 3, 1985.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been growing awareness and concern about the number of patients who do not fit the standard diagnostic criteria for neurosis or psychosis. As the state of knowledge about borderline personality disorders has grown, its enlarging literature has become filled with metapsychological abstractions which attempt to clarify subtle and complex data. In general, research on borderline phenomena differentiates this syndrome from other diagnostic groups according to its special characteristics of transference and countertransference, difficulties in treatment, patients' problems in intimate relationships, and patients' uses of primitive defense mechanisms including splitting and projective identification.This paper will explore a particular theoretical perspective on the borderline phenomenon, as well as a specific treatment modality, both developed by James Masterson, M.D. It will also discuss major developmental issues which contribute to the difficulties experienced by the borderline patient population, including issues of early mother-child interaction, arrests in the rapproachment stage, and the failure of empathic responses. Finally, the author will present a case to illustrate how the use of a developmental approach can facilitate treatment.  相似文献   

First Nations (Native American) children are greatly overrepresented in the Canadian child welfare system, and disproportionality in the substantiation of maltreatment contributes to this overrepresentation. This study explores the factors driving disproportionality in the substantiation of maltreatment and, more specifically, neglect. Data from the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (2008) are used in multivariate analyses which examine the relationship between the substantiation of maltreatment/neglect and worker assessments of case, child, household, and caregiver characteristics. These case factors fully explain disproportionality in maltreatment substantiation for First Nations and non-Aboriginal children; the disproportionality reflects underlying differences in the case, child, household and caregiver characteristics identified in First Nations and non-Aboriginal investigations. However, case factors do not fully explain disproportionality in substantiation of neglect-only investigations. Further analysis indicates that the weight that workers assigned to caregiver substance abuse, housing problems, and presence of a lone caregiver when substantiating neglect also differed for First Nations and non-Aboriginal children. Discussion of these findings explores possible explanations for these differences, and links to broader discussions around definitions of neglect and the role of substantiation in child welfare decision making processes.  相似文献   

An analysis of the role of households in the process of migration between the Dominican Republic and the United States is presented. Several propositions are explored. "Principal among these is the claim that the structure within which Dominican migration occurs is capital's requirement for a continuous stream of cheap, vulnerable labor and the need of households to reproduce themselves at an historically and culturally prescribed level of maintenance. The article's emphasis on household strategies clarifies several important issues, such as variation in the rates of migration among groups in the same peripheral area, the increased impoverishment of nonmigrant members of sending communities, and the intensified dependency of emigrant households on the core economy."  相似文献   

These three papers on the future of migration make up a summary report on the Conference of National Experts held at the OECD in Paris, May 13-15, 1986. The papers concern possible policy options, international migration as a basic element of economic development, and conclusions about migration trends from the present to the long-term future. The author of the concluding paper remarks that "the Conference brought representatives of all of the Organization's Member countries together with eminent economists and social scientists to discuss the possible and probable outlook for migratory movements in the years to come. The purpose was not to define international norms in this respect, nor to draft one or more international agreements or a legal instrument having the force of law, but to review all the problems raised by that outlook."  相似文献   

"The term counterurbanisation is frequently used to describe the redistribution of a population away from major cities and metropolitan areas and towards more rural areas. The widespread nature of this phenomenon has attracted much attention, yet the concept remains relatively under-developed, and even the basic definition lacks rigour. It is not surprising, therefore, that there has been a lack of cumulative evidence as to the extent of the process and little agreement as to its significance. In essence, ambiguity surrounds the types of movement that should be admitted, the necessary motives for movement and the appropriate measures for both. This paper offers some preliminary suggestions for a more structured approach to the problem. It draws on original survey data from Devon [England], a county which has experienced substantial net in-migration, both to examine the contribution of three alternative definitions of counterurbanisation and to consider how these issues relate to motivation."  相似文献   

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