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AS a metropolitan resident who is used to seeing towering buildings, an incessant stream of vehicles and people, I've always longed to have a taste of an ancient civilization, which is vigorous but exquisite, bold but elegant, natural but mysterious. I realized my dream when I went to Xi'an, a capital with a history of over 1,000 years. Xi'an was once the capital for eleven dynasties, including the Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang. This is the place where China's ancient civilization developed. Ancestors at Banpo created exquisite painted pottery; the Western Zhou Dynasty (about 1,066-771 B.C.) saw the height of the splendors of the bronze culture; the Qin Emperor Shi Huang (Qin Dynasty, from about 221-206 B.C.)  相似文献   

Fish in Mutton     
Ingredients:500 grams mutton and 750 grams live fish Condiments:Salt for taste, ginger, scallion, soup, water chestnut powder, gourmet powder Method: 1.Quick-boil the clean mutton. then put scallion, ginger, salt, gourmet powder and pepper powder into it and cook until  相似文献   

Firm in Spirit     
IN July of 1992, Henan Province was ravaged by floods. A farmer from Xidianzi Township, Suizhong County, Liaoning Province, sent 100 yuan there, the money she had just earned by selling peaches on the market.  相似文献   

IN recent years in Beijing, milky white buildings with red crosses have risen from the ground one after another as have clinics and wards. Those that have opened will offer better services for patients. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Beijing's medical policy has been to "stress grassroots organizations, put prevention first, balance urban and rural areas and  相似文献   

The participants of the Fourth World Conference on Women manage to find time to go sightseeing at Tian'anmen  相似文献   

南昌人的特点之一是:热衷于尝试新鲜事物,酷爱美食和购物,有着令人意想不到的消费热情。今年10月23日,全球极品冰淇淋品牌——哈根达斯正式进驻南昌,让南昌的哈迷们大饱眼福和口福了。与哈根达斯以往城市的开业典礼不同,素有冰淇淋中"劳斯莱斯"之称的哈根达斯,在开业典礼举办了其一场"寻找舌尖上的甜蜜奢华——极品冰淇淋品鉴会"。  相似文献   

AS she stuffed her family's belongings into the back of the car waiting for them at the Beijing International Airport, Yoshie Saito was not sure what was waiting for her and her family in the next three years. She looked at her two children, Hiroki, 11, and Akane, 6, and worried. Will the children be able to cope with the life in a foreign country?  相似文献   

The highest peak of Mt. Emei, Wanfoding, rises 3,099 meters above sea level. Mt. Emei, at the southwest comer of Sichuan Basin, Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang, Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui, and Wutai Mountain in Shanxi are known as the Four Famous Mountains of Buddhism.  相似文献   

Drawing on qualitative research with 28 young people in Australia, this article explores children and young people's views and experiences of participation in decision-making while in out-of-home care. It initially examines the value of participation, before focusing on two key questions. First, do young people feel they had the opportunity to participate in decisions made about their lives during their time in out-of-home care? Second, on which issues do children and young people in care want to have a say?  相似文献   

Venus in China     
Those small carved pottery or stone sculptures of nude women, date back to the period from the late Old Stone Age to the early Bronze Age. They have also been discovered in other countries where they are called Venuses. These sculptures symbolize the worship  相似文献   

Roam in Yan'an     
YAN'AN, located in the center of the Loess Plateau, is an ancient, hilly city established in the Sui Dynasty (581-618). The city has a history of more than 1,300 years. In October 1935, the Central Red Army led by Chairman Mao Zedong accomplished the 25,000 li (1,250 k.) Long March and arrived at Wuqizhen in the north of Shaanxi Province. In Januar, 1937, the Central Party Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) moved to Yan'an. Yan'an then became the base for the Chinese Liberation.  相似文献   

Located at the eastern side of Helanshan Mountain, the tombs for the kings of Western Xia regime (1038 1227) are 30 kilometers to the west of Yinchuan. capital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.  相似文献   

Qigong in China     
3435Qigong in China~~  相似文献   

Bazaar in Kashi     
52This open market is a good example of how commerce and trade are booming in Kashi,an open city in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of western ChinaBazaar in Kashi  相似文献   

IN 1912, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen establishedthe provisional government inNanjing after he led the Revolutionof 1911, the Chinese bourgeoisdemocratic revolution to overthrow thelast feudalist dynasty in China.Meanwhile 10 women became members  相似文献   

The earth, with its diversity andvariety, is a total ecology that has givenlift to and sustains the lives of all ofhumanity. Protecting that ecology hasbecome a major concern for peoplearound the world. With an eye towardsenvironmental protection, the Chinesegovernment and tourism agencieslaunched Ecotour China '99. Thetheme of this year of environmentaltourism is "Walking Towards Natureand Protecting the Environment." To match this theme, we havepublished here a story introducing twonuture preservation zones for birdhabitats in China and with publishmore stories of this sort in the futurealso. We believe that these stories Willlend our readers majestic scrolls ofimagery as well as pass on a commonfeeling of humility towards nature.  相似文献   

Tourists can find food stands with special local flavors everywhere along Yan’an’s streetskfkJn-Illl,LIl^』哥 ■Touring in Yan'an  相似文献   

THE Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is located in the middle of China. To the east lies the Helan Mountains. At the eastern bottom of the mountains, covering an area of 50 square kilometers, is the  相似文献   

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