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The existing centralized resource allocation models often assume that all of the DMUs are efficient after resource allocation. For the DMU with a very low efficiency score, it means the dramatic reduction of the resources, which can cause the organizational resistance. In addition, in reality, it is particularly difficult for the DMUs to achieve their target efficiencies in a single step, especially when they are far from the efficient frontier. Thus, gradual progress towards benchmarking targets is gaining importance. In this paper, we present a new approach for resource allocation based on efficiency analysis under a centralized decision-making environment. Through our approach, the central decision-maker can obtain a sequence of intermediate benchmark targets based on efficiency analysis, which provide a level-wise improvement path to direct the DMUs to reach their ultimate targets on the efficient frontier in an implementable and realistic manner. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the application procedure of the proposed approach. 相似文献
The efficient and effective management of nursing personnel is of critical importance in a hospital's environment comprising a vast share of the operational costs. The adopted nurse workforce practices and policies highly affect the nurses' working conditions and the provided quality of care. Policy decisions on the staffing level have an impact on the outcome of the scheduling level and vice versa. Isolated reasoning typically leads to suboptimal decisions often resulting in ineffective outcomes of care. In order to overcome these inefficiencies, we propose in this paper a new integrative nurse staffing and shift scheduling approach. We test and assess the benefits of our approach in a reallife environment. Moreover, we examine the impact of several personnel policies on the staffing decision. 相似文献
The estimated cost of fire in the United States is about $329 billion a year, yet there are gaps in the literature to measure the effectiveness of investment and to allocate resources optimally in fire protection. This article fills these gaps by creating data‐driven empirical and theoretical models to study the effectiveness of nationwide fire protection investment in reducing economic and human losses. The regression between investment and loss vulnerability shows high R2 values (≈0.93). This article also contributes to the literature by modeling strategic (national‐level or state‐level) resource allocation (RA) for fire protection with equity‐efficiency trade‐off considerations, while existing literature focuses on operational‐level RA. This model and its numerical analyses provide techniques and insights to aid the strategic decision‐making process. The results from this model are used to calculate fire risk scores for various geographic regions, which can be used as an indicator of fire risk. A case study of federal fire grant allocation is used to validate and show the utility of the optimal RA model. The results also identify potential underinvestment and overinvestment in fire protection in certain regions. This article presents scenarios in which the model presented outperforms the existing RA scheme, when compared in terms of the correlation of resources allocated with actual number of fire incidents. This article provides some novel insights to policymakers and analysts in fire protection and safety that would help in mitigating economic costs and saving lives. 相似文献
战略国际人力资源管理与企业绩效关系研究——基于在华跨国企业的经验证据 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
企业国际化中人力资源实践如何影响绩效,既是一个国际企业管理问题,更是人力资源管理领域的中心问题;因为任何一种国际化战略的成功都离不开恰当的人力资源管理方式,而成功的跨国公司对人力资源管理的导向选择也主要取决于它能否更好地支撑其国际化战略的实施.本文以100家在华跨国企业为研究样本,在战略国际人力资源管理(SIHRM)的框架下,将人力资源管理系统和国际化程度对企业绩效的影响作为主要研究问题,构建层级回归模型,通过实证检验考察人力资源管理与企业绩效的关系.研究结果表明,企业绩效不仅同人力资源管理与企业战略的整合程度有关,而且同人力资源管理系统与国际化程度之间存在积极的联系.该研究结论为中国企业在国际化过程中如何实施有效的战略国际人力资源管理以提升组织绩效并获取持续竞争优势提供借鉴与参考. 相似文献
基于场景分析的应急资源布局模型研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
突发事件越来越频繁地发生,对应急物资保障提出了更高的要求,好的资源布局方案对地区需求的保障程度至关重要。本文利用场景分析的方法,给出一个适于多点需求,多点救助的应急资源布局多目标规划模型,并根据资源的具体配置情况决定选址,以期为选址决策者提供选址的依据。求解该问题时,针对模型设计了算法,并进行了算例分析。 相似文献
In the fast moving software industry, projects have been increasingly developed by distributed teams, which are located in geographically remote offices and collaborate using information communication technologies. In such environments, project distribution presents specific challenges, as work in distributed teams increases project technical complexity, communication lines multiply and stakeholders’ interests may be divergent. Despite the importance and complexity of this type of problem, it seems that there is a lack of reports, in the literature, of systems that could support these decisions. This paper presents a real-world case study, where we developed a multi-criteria model for supporting the distributed team work allocation decision for a major global software company. It was developed with a group of software development project managers, using decision conferencing and multi-attribute value analysis. The model deals not only with software engineering attributes, but also “soft” and strategic issues, like team satisfaction and training opportunities. We also discuss some issues and challenges faced during this modelling process. 相似文献
A. Tharumarajah 《生产规划与管理》2013,24(1):58-68
Distributed manufacturing systems are more flexible in their arrangement and use of their resources. This permits a more dynamic and opportunistic allocation of manufacturing resources to work elements than is possible with today's centralized allocation systems. However, unlike solving the problem from a single solver view, there is no absolute control or tight coordination over how and when to decompose the problem, when to undertake a solution or the procedure for verifying consistency. Such activities will largely be left to the distributed entities to decide either individually or jointly. As a consequence the resulting allocations may suffer and induce myopic behaviour lacking in stability and regularity in the performance of the total system. Thus, the issues connected with solving the problem often move beyond the pure algorithmic focus of computation to include how the problem is decomposed, how or to whom it is assigned, and the organization for solving the subproblems, strategies used for resolving conflicts, the manner in which communication is conducted, etc. These issues, in fact, highlight the holistic nature of the solution and are used here as parameters to compare and contrast the approaches reported in the literature. 相似文献
研究企业中资源配置部门的剥离条件问题.首先,建立了企业资源配置部门的控制模型,并定义了效率概念;然后,分别对企业中的单一资源配置部门和多资源配置部门的剥离条件进行分析,给出判断这2种资源配置部门的剥离分界点公式.由此得到结论:完全竞争市场中,企业根据剥离分界点,把要配置的资源分为稀缺程度较高和稀缺程度较低2类,前者应由企业资源配置部门来配置,后者应由市场来配置;如果市场配置某种资源的效率低于企业部门的配置效率,则企业部门是市场的替代,反之,市场则替代企业部门. 相似文献
当今世界,科学技术作为第一生产力的作用日益突出,科学技术作为人类文明进步的基石和原动力的作用日益凸显,而国立研究机构作为中国科研体系的国家队和中坚力量,它的地位和规模在整个科研体系中是举足轻重的,因此合理配置国立研究机构的人力资源具有重大的理论和现实意义。目前的人力资源配置研究多针对企业,而中国的国立研究机构有其自身的特点,不能套用企业的人力资源配置方法。中国科学院作为国家在科学技术方面的最高学术机构,作为科技事业的国家队和火车头,具有代表性,因此本文以中国科学院为例,利用问卷调查、专家访谈、文献调研等方法,对影响我国国立研究机构人力资源配置的因素进行研究,并将人力资源的配置看作一个决策问题,综合考虑了发展战略、人均经费当量、人员结构、学科建设等多个约束,采用自上而下和自下而上相结合的方法,建立了面向国立研究机构的人力资源配置模型。该模型克服了以往国立研究机构对子机构人员数量通过简单趋势外推等方法进行预测的做法,集成了历史数据和专家经验,既不脱离历史情况又能够反映机构的发展战略,是一种适合国立研究机构的人力资源配置方法。该方法在中国科学院的应用实践,验证了模型的有效性。 相似文献
This research examines a heuristic, rule-based approach for setting due dates in a multiproject, multijob, or assembly shop. Due date estimation is a challenging problem because the operating environment is capacitated, involves the allocation of multiple resources, and allows for the preemption of resources from one project or job to another. The dynamic, continuous arrival of new jobs or orders frequently results in the preemption of resources through the application of managerially determined priority policies. These preemption policies have a significant impact on the ultimate completion time of a job or a project. A three-factor, full-factorial computer simulation experiment is used to assess the relative effectiveness of combinations of four due date setting heuristics, five resource assignment heuristics, and three resource preemption heuristics. Recommendations are made for the selection of due date and resource assignment heuristic combinations under the three preemption policies examined. 相似文献
Vicki M. Bier Naraphorn Haphuriwat Jaime Menoyo Rae Zimmerman Alison M. Culpen 《Risk analysis》2008,28(3):763-770
This article describes the results of applying a rigorous computational model to the problem of the optimal defensive resource allocation among potential terrorist targets. In particular, our study explores how the optimal budget allocation depends on the cost effectiveness of security investments, the defender's valuations of the various targets, and the extent of the defender's uncertainty about the attacker's target valuations. We use expected property damage, expected fatalities, and two metrics of critical infrastructure (airports and bridges) as our measures of target attractiveness. Our results show that the cost effectiveness of security investment has a large impact on the optimal budget allocation. Also, different measures of target attractiveness yield different optimal budget allocations, emphasizing the importance of developing more realistic terrorist objective functions for use in budget allocation decisions for homeland security. 相似文献
Nowadays, the business environment is characterized by great uncertainty and variability. In this environment, information technology (IT) has proved to be an important strategic ingredient for the creation of competitive advantage. This role of IT has been widely accepted during the past few years [Feeny D. Creating and sustaining competitive advantage with IT. In: Earl M, editor. Information management the strategic direction. Oxford, 1990; Ives B. Wingtip Courriers, Southern Methodist University Case Study #SMY/MIS/90-01, Edwin L. Cox School of Business, Dallas, TX, January 1990]. 相似文献
建立公平的社会群体利益分配机制是解决当前由利益失衡引发的社会矛盾与冲突的关键所在.基于对蚁群劳动分工在任务分配中所表现出柔性特征的分析,提出借鉴该任务分配柔性来实现利益分配柔性的新思路.首先从分配的角度对利益的概念进行界定,给出了其形式化描述,引入相对剥夺感来衡量利益分配的公平性.随后根据社会群体利益的特点,对基本蚁群劳动分工模型进行扩展,借助恢复因子来协调不同利益群体,建立了面向利益分配的蚁群劳动分工模型,给出了该模型的算法实现流程.选取一个具有代表性的利益分配实例进行仿真实验,从恢复性和分配柔性两方面验证本文模型的有效性.通过仿真分析发现,利益实现能力在利益分配过程中具有主导作用;对于利益分配不公的情况,恢复因子能够起到有效的恢复作用,且在动态环境下显示出良好的利益分配柔性.最后给出了利益型群体事件演化过程的描述,定量分析了其中的恢复情况,阐述了现实中利益型群体事件的演化规律. 相似文献
Economic analysis of life-saving investments in both the public and private sectors has the potential to dramatically improve longevity and the quality of life, but only if the analyses on which decisions are based are done well. In this article, we analyze a data set that provides information on the content and quality of journal articles that measure the cost-effectiveness of life-saving investments. Our study is the first to provide a detailed multivariate analysis of factors affecting objective measures of quality. We also explore whether a series of recommendations by an expert panel convened by the U.S. Public Health Service affect the way analyses of specific life-saving investments are done. Our results suggest that four factors are positively correlated with an index we construct to measure analytical quality: (1) having at least one author affiliated with a university, (2) publication in a journal that has experience in publishing these analyses, (3) if the life-saving investment is located in the United States, and (4) if the analysis considers a measure of social costs or benefits. Somewhat surprisingly, a study's funding source and whether it is affiliated with industry are not significantly correlated with the quality index. Finally, neither time nor the panel guidelines had an impact on the index. 相似文献
Decision analysis and risk models for land development affecting infrastructure systems 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Coordination and layering of models to identify risks in complex systems such as large-scale infrastructure of energy, water, and transportation is of current interest across application domains. Such infrastructures are increasingly vulnerable to adjacent commercial and residential land development. Land development can compromise the performance of essential infrastructure systems and increase the costs of maintaining or increasing performance. A risk-informed approach to this topic would be useful to avoid surprise, regret, and the need for costly remedies. This article develops a layering and coordination of models for risk management of land development affecting infrastructure systems. The layers are: system identification, expert elicitation, predictive modeling, comparison of investment alternatives, and implications of current decisions for future options. The modeling layers share a focus on observable factors that most contribute to volatility of land development and land use. The relevant data and expert evidence include current and forecasted growth in population and employment, conservation and preservation rules, land topography and geometries, real estate assessments, market and economic conditions, and other factors. The approach integrates to a decision framework of strategic considerations based on assessing risk, cost, and opportunity in order to prioritize needs and potential remedies that mitigate impacts of land development to the infrastructure systems. The approach is demonstrated for a 5,700-mile multimodal transportation system adjacent to 60,000 tracts of potential land development. 相似文献
冗余资源配置条件下的企业技术创新激励合约研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
基于多任务委托代理模型的分析框架,建立了企业同时采用新增资源投入和搜寻企业冗余资源进行技术创新的信息不对称条件下的委托代理模型。通过对模型的分析,得出了企业技术创新所需的新增资源和冗余资源投入的优化配置条件,以及2种资源组合配置模式下的企业员工技术创新活动的最优激励合同条件。企业可以根据新增资源的边际收益、边际成本,以及各行动之间成本函数的相互依存性的不同组合,采取适度激励、重度强化激励、轻度强化激励、重度弱化激励和轻度弱化激励等优化激励组合方案来激励员工进行技术创新活动,从而使企业技术创新资源的配置有更多优化方案选择,以降低企业创新的风险和成本,提高资源效率和创新绩效。 相似文献
J. Miltenburg 《生产规划与管理》2013,24(2):198-209
An enterprise resource planning system (ERP) is the information backbone of many manufacturing companies. At the core of ERP is a conventional material requirements planning (MRP) production planning system or a variation of MRP when just-in-time (JIT) principles are used in manufacturing. MRP and JIT both organize production planning into a hierarchy of long-, medium- and short-range problems. In all there are eight different problems. Some are common to MRP and JIT, others are specialized for a particular system. This paper analyses the computational requirements of these problems. This is important for ERP because it plans for large numbers of products (e.g. 50 000 products at 3M Company and 44 000 products at States Industries in Oregon) at large numbers of locations (e.g. 82 locations in 21 countries for Visteon Automotive Systems of Michigan and 19 locations at Boeing). We show that adequate algorithms exist for some problems, but better algorithms are needed for other problems if ERP is to provide useful production plans. 相似文献
战略联盟模式选择的分析框架:资源、风险与结构模式间关系的概念模型 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
本文从公司在战略联盟中投入的不同种类资源的风险评价角度,综合考虑资源、风险及战略联盟的结构模式选择间的关系,形成了战略联盟结构模式选择的新的分析框架,提出了揭示三者间关系的概念模型及理论假说。本文认为,公司对战略联盟结构模式选择的偏好会受到管理者对未来公司在战略联盟中的各类风险的主观评价的影响,而公司对战略联盟投入的各类资源及其重要性是影响管理者对风险主观评价的重要因素。因此,应综合考虑战略联盟中所投入的不同种类资源及其所引发的风险大小以选择战略联盟的结构模式。 相似文献
This article presents a new methodology to implement the concept of equity in regional earthquake risk mitigation programs using an optimization framework. It presents a framework that could be used by decisionmakers (government and authorities) to structure budget allocation strategy toward different seismic risk mitigation measures, i.e., structural retrofitting for different building structural types in different locations and planning horizons. A two‐stage stochastic model is developed here to seek optimal mitigation measures based on minimizing mitigation expenditures, reconstruction expenditures, and especially large losses in highly seismically active countries. To consider fairness in the distribution of financial resources among different groups of people, the equity concept is incorporated using constraints in model formulation. These constraints limit inequity to the user‐defined level to achieve the equity‐efficiency tradeoff in the decision‐making process. To present practical application of the proposed model, it is applied to a pilot area in Tehran, the capital city of Iran. Building stocks, structural vulnerability functions, and regional seismic hazard characteristics are incorporated to compile a probabilistic seismic risk model for the pilot area. Results illustrate the variation of mitigation expenditures by location and structural type for buildings. These expenditures are sensitive to the amount of available budget and equity consideration for the constant risk aversion. Most significantly, equity is more easily achieved if the budget is unlimited. Conversely, increasing equity where the budget is limited decreases the efficiency. The risk‐return tradeoff, equity‐reconstruction expenditures tradeoff, and variation of per‐capita expected earthquake loss in different income classes are also presented. 相似文献
A. M. Birk 《Risk analysis》2014,34(6):1139-1148
A simplified risk and cost‐benefit analysis is presented for the application of thermal protection (TP) on propane and LPG highway tanker trucks operating in North America. A risk analysis is performed to determine the benefits of risk reduction by TP, relative to the costs of applying and maintaining TP on a tanker truck. The results show that TP is cost effective if the tanker truck spends enough time (or travels enough distance) in areas of moderate or high population density. The analysis is very sensitive to a number of inputs, including: (i) value of life, (ii) hot boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion frequency, (iii) public exposure to severe hazards, and (iv) life cost of TP. With this simplified analysis, it is possible to generate tanker truck exposure times to the public that justify the application of TP based on cost and benefit considerations. 相似文献