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李鑫  罗彦 《城市》2017,(10):41-48
在经济发展“新常态”、快速城镇化导致城市病、灾害风险多元复杂、人口老龄化逐步凸显的新背景下,传统公共安全规划思路出现诸多不适应,韧性城市建设的意义尤为重大.在梳理韧性城市理论与演进的基础上,总结了韧性城市的基本特征及韧性视角与传统视角的主要差异.结合国际城市实践经验,提出我国发展韧性城市的总体目标和风险识别优化原则和策略建议.  相似文献   

刘艳勤 《城市观察》2011,(6):143-148
环境灾害的频繁发生,已成为当前阻碍我国城市经济社会发展进步的巨大病源。本文从政府职责、和谐社会的构建及可持续发展三方面分析提升城市政府环境灾害应对能力的必要性,从而提出了提升我国城市政府环境灾害应对能力的四条路径:一是培育正确积极的灾害意识;二是健全灾害法律制度;三是有效实施科技减灾;四是完善政府为主导,多主体参与的灾害应对体系。  相似文献   

在极端雨洪灾害日趋频繁和我国城市持续推进绿色发展理念的时代背景下,本文提出了以海绵城市理念,推进蓝绿灰基础设施结合,系统构建雨洪韧性城市体系的框架,从空间管控、工程建设以及制度建设等方面阐述了构建思路,并建立了雨洪韧性城市的风险适应、风险防治及灾害应急实施策略与措施。在此基础上,结合我国多个新区规划建设案例从理想蓝绿空间结构、洪涝统筹治水体系和功能复合的用地布局等角度探讨了构建和谐“人水城”关系的规划解决方案,以动态发展的全过程视角制定目标,多专业、多角度、多手段制定治水方略,推进海绵城市理念的落实,实现城市雨洪韧性的提升。  相似文献   

城市景观设计与城市生态平衡关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市规划是城市发展的战略、纲领和管理城市的依据。按照深入贯彻落实科学发展观的要求,现代城市规划更加注重城市生态的内涵,包括生态城市规划、生态城市设计和生态城市建设。生态城市设计是以真实地实现城市生态化目标,较好地体现不同城市拥有的城市生态环境、城市文化、城市形象和城市风格为基本出发点和归结点。城市景观设计与城市产业设计、城市住区设计一起,构成生态城市设计的三大基本设计方面。本文主要是从城市景观设计方面来探究与城市生态平衡的关系,发挥和提升城市景观设计在规划、设计、建设和管理生态城市中的功能性作用。  相似文献   

上海应加强城市治理,提升城市作为复杂系统的稳定性。要实现经济规模效应和范围效应,做大做强市场主体,提升经济密度,提升产业链的丰富度和多样性,增强城市经济的韧性。要完善城市内部交通网络,保障城市对外交通的通达性,增强基础设施韧性,完善灾害预警系统,提升应对各类灾害疫情的能力。要加强与周边城市的合作,实现错位竞争、共同发展和利益分享,提升上海网络节点的辐射半径。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,不稳定的因素逐渐增多,灾害发生的风险还有加大的趋势。而非政府组织作为新兴的公民自治组织,在突如其来的灾害应对中,发挥着越来越重要的作用。城市政府作为城市管理的主体,与非政府组织进行资源整合,加强二者的合作,成为城市应急管理中的重要任务。  相似文献   

牛飞飞 《科学发展》2011,(3):104-107
减灾防灾能力的提升,是城市可持续发展的必备条件。而城市减灾防灾能力提升的前提是公众灾害意识的培育。针对当前频繁发生的各种灾害,本文就培育公众灾害意识的路径,从教育、演练、制度等层面进行探讨。  相似文献   

人民网北京7月11日电,7月7日以来,四川盆地西部、西北地区东部、华北地区中南部、黄淮北部、华南南部出现明显降雨过程,引发洪涝、风雹、山体滑坡、泥石流等灾害。据国家减灾办统计,截至7月11日9时,北京、河北、山西等16省(自治区、直辖市),28人因灾死亡、66人失踪。因为暴雨和灾害天气,而出现了人员伤亡,固然与灾害的强度大有关,但近些年来,自然灾害的频度不断增多,而一向安居乐业的城市,却因此屡屡出现淹没汽车、吞噬行人等新闻,这就不得不将生态城市观提升到重要位置。所谓生态城市观,是指我们的城市管理和规划,一定要遵循人与生态和谐相处的自然规律,一定要尊重本地的地  相似文献   

本文对目前我国城市创建进程中的园林城市、生态园林城市及生态城市,从由来到内涵进行辨析,明确了园林城市、生态园林城市、生态城市是我国城市生态建设进程中三个渐进的不同发展阶段.  相似文献   

应对全球化和气候变化背景下的城市风险,需要思维方式和理论范式的转型.韧性城市是近十年来,国内外兴起的新的城市发展理念.然而,对于韧性城市的理论、 评价方法及政策实践还处于研究和探索阶段.笔者通过国内外文献综述,分析了韧性城市的内涵、 理论基础及评价方法.在我国应对气候变化和城镇化的背景下,可基于韧性理论和IPCC风险评估框架,区分不同灾害类型,开展我国韧性城市的分类评价.笔者的研究有助于推进国内对韧性城市的研究和关注,并为我国正在开展的海绵城市和气候适应型城市试点工作提供一些理论依据和方法.  相似文献   

城市发展路径研究的主要观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王枫云 《城市观察》2009,3(3):186-192
自20世纪80年代以来,与整个国家快速现代化的进程相一致,我国城市呈现出加速发展的趋势。为了推进我国城市沿着科学的方向快速、稳步、健康地发展,学者们从不同的视角对中国城市发展的路径提出了各自不同的观点。文章对有代表性的观点进行了梳理,并简短地陈述了从中得到的启示。  相似文献   

Destruction, notes David Harvey, “is often required to make the new urban geography out of the wreckage of the old.”2 The history of San Francisco's Chinatown following the 1906 earthquake and fire and New Orleans' public housing following Hurricane Katrina in 2005 reveal how powerful class interests collude with the fog of disaster to lay claim to the urban spaces of the poor and marginal. In two historic U.S. disasters we witness the concerted efforts of urban elites to confiscate the spaces of two politically vulnerable populations: the Chinese in 1906 and low‐income African‐Americans in 2005. The widely varying outcomes of these two attempts reveal a good deal about the intersection of calamity, class, race, and citizenship in American history.  相似文献   

It is argued that Nigeria must focus on effective environmentally protective intensive farming, resource management methods, and strong family planning programs. Other contributory factors are recognized as the lack of democracy and the "ill-advised" internal policies of the government. The emphasis is on man-made decisions about migration, natality, and land use practices that have ecological consequences that significantly affect the economy. Land degradation in Nigeria is attributed to improper agricultural and husbandry practices. Land degradation has severe ecological, economic, and human costs. Awareness of environmental problems in Nigeria is growing. Natural disasters such as the droughts of 1984-85, continued soil depletion, accumulations of soil wastes, increased flooding in urban areas, and land erosion in Anambra state are evidence of the growing environmental problems. Agricultural development should involve changing rural land use practices, using technology that is "appropriate" to the climate, crops, and culture of the people, and introducing agroforestry. Population growth in Nigeria puts pressure on the fragile ecosystem. Actual carrying capacity is a rough calculation. Nigeria's population growth patterns follow a pattern that suggests population pressure on carrying capacity. The acceleration of population growth has strained the traditional system of agriculture. Land is overused, and cultivation continues on unsuitable land. Domestic policies during the oil boom encouraged rapid industrialization at the expense of the environment. Migration increased to urban centers, but cities did not provide suitable housing, waste disposal, safe water supplies, and other basic facilities.  相似文献   

生态城市的建设理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶立梅 《城市观察》2012,(1):125-131
确立起正确的建设理念,是生态城市建设在认识层面的基础性环节,是指导生态城市建设全面推进的依据和实施正确人工干预的前提。为此本文从城市发展与运行、城市规划建设、城市区位选择与规模、城市绿化、资源利用和生活方式6个方面提出了生态城市的基本建设理念。  相似文献   

The paper outlines a concept of integrated urban management and demonstrates with an example the importance of applying scientific principles in urban management including planning control to achieve efficiency and equity in urban development. It is argued that the principle of productivity, which is the essence of management, is equally applicable in urban management at various levels, to achieve the goals in the urban sector and of the urban organizations, ensuring efficient use of resources which are scarce quantities. Some techniques of urban management to improve productivity are discussed and two optimizing urban development models are presented which can be used as tools to improve productivity at the urban development project level. Application of the models is illustrated with example problems.  相似文献   

The effects of disasters may predispose many adolescents to psychological stress, which can interfere with their growth and development and disrupt their intrapsychic homeostasis. This may lead to negative long-term health outcomes and hamper normal development. Many nurses view traumatic events involving children, including adolescents, as the most frequent and stressful critical incidents. There is a need to address psychological emergency preparedness for mass disasters with the development of protocols and practice guidelines. Assessing and managing physical injuries may take priority in emergencies, but incorporating rapid, cost-effective mental health assessments for children and adolescents is essential.  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,知识的产出、产地、生产方式与生产者是一座城市的生活质量和竞争力的最主要决定因素之一。在世界各个角落,作为知识产出中心的那些城市有着各式各样的称谓,譬如:知识城市、创意城市、泛生态城市、智能城市等。本文主要研究这些城市的核心建筑群——“知识区”,它是指对知识生产既有“催化”作用又有“磁铁”作用的基础设施。作者首先在知识经济的范畴内探讨以知识为基础的城市发展的重要性,以及为知识生产奠定根基的知识社区的角色;其次研究以知识为基础的城市发展,尤其是知识社区的发展,并以波士顿为参照,分析悉尼、墨尔本和布里斯班三座城市的潜力。文章最后还就以知识为基础的发展问题为其他城市总结规律并提出建议。  相似文献   

本文以增城绿道建设为例,通过对绿道发展情况的分析,阐述了绿道对于改善城乡居民生活方式、破解统筹城乡发展难题和促进区域和产业协调发展的重要作用和意义。  相似文献   

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