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金永亮 《城市》2012,(5):58-61
一、广州企业发展取得新成就 近年来,随着国际经济环境越来越复杂,我国国内经济“小气候”也出现了波动.2011年,面对日本大地震导致的13年来工业首次负增长、企业经营成本大幅度上升、内外需求不足等一系列重大挑战和考验,广州工商业企业仍然呈现平稳增长、质效提升、转型加快、结构优化、保障增强的良好态势,进一步提升了工商经济的总量和质量,突出体现在以下几点:  相似文献   

王建军 《城市观察》2009,1(1):179-186
本文借鉴当前城市转型和公共交通引导发展(TOD)的理念,探讨了TOD模式在广州黄埔区转型中的适应性,并在此基础上提出TOD的转型规划策略,为当前我国大都市轨道交通发展背景下的近郊区转型规划提供参考。  相似文献   

基于创新型城市发展的视角,分析总结了广州创新型城市发展的特征,认为广州具有创新型产业快速发展、创新驱动产业转型升级、企业创新创业势头强劲、创新发展布局更趋优化以及创新基础条件日趋坚实等特征。  相似文献   

转型发展是地方本科高校的必经之路,学校要根据自己的实际科学地确定转型发展的具体方式。转型发展的关键是教师转型,核心是教师应用实践能力的提升,学校和教师都必须注重实践应用能力的培养。  相似文献   

在社会转型的加速期与西部大开发战略的深入推进过程中,西北地区的社会结构转型特征愈发明显,主要表现为城乡结构转型、人口与家庭结构转型、就业与收入结构转型。由政府、市场及社会等多方主体共同作用下形成的良性协调的发展模式是西北地区从乡土走向城市的社会结构转型之路的重要动力。应坚持以人为本的发展理念,统筹城乡发展,优化人口与家庭结构,扩大就业与增加居民收入,以促进地区社会结构转型深入。  相似文献   

原芳 《公关世界》2022,(3):96-97
在"互联网+"出版融合发展的时代背景下,传统出版面临前所未有的机遇与挑战,亟待转型升级,实现高质量发展."互联网+"时代,出版融合发展是必然趋势,知识付费凸显了出版融合发展的价值,传统出版社需走出版融合发展之路,提升知识服务水平.出版社应积极进行发展路径的转型构建,以内容建设为根本,打造"互联网+出版"融合发展产业链;强化技术支撑,将新技术应用于出版融合发展中;培养复合型人才,建设出版融合发展的人才队伍.  相似文献   

2008年4月,广州市社会工作协会走上筹备和探索发展之路。在5·12抗震救灾社工行动中,广州社工寻找到了适合自己发展的道路,开创了“政府+高校+社团”的社会工作“广州模式”。三方的优势联合,使社会工作这株幼苗在广州这片包容、和谐的土地上更加茁壮地成长。2009年5月27日,拥有419位个人会员、30名单位会员的广州市社会工作协会正式成立了,从此,广州社工将秉承着“助人自助、点燃希望”的行动宗旨,在广州和谐社会建设的路上高歌前行。  相似文献   

民政部继2009年颁布《民政部关于促进民办社会工作服务机构发展的通知》后,近期,又公布了《民政部关于进一步加快推进民办社会工作服务机构发展的意见》,支持发展民办社会工作服务机构再一次被提上重要议程。得益于毗邻港澳的区位优势,广州在实践中以“先行先试”的方法推进社会工作,探索出了培育和发展民办社工机构的“广州模式”。  相似文献   

8月24日,由广州开发区管委会、萝岗区委区政府主办,《职业》杂志协办的"新型城市化·人才发展论坛"活动在广州市顺利闭幕。该论坛旨在推进新型城市化发展,加快人才特区建设步伐,助推区域产业转型升级。广州开发区萝  相似文献   

高职教育教学人才培养的核心是发展学生的职业能力,文章以广州城市职业学院为例,分析总结近三年来,学校如何以学生职业能力发展为中心,在人才培养模式、课程体系建构、工学结合、教学方法等方面进行的一系列改革,探索出一条具有地方特色的高职教育教学改革创新之路。  相似文献   

The economic impact of disability on employment, earnings, and education appears to be more devastating for women than for men. Women with disabilities who are making the transition either back into the workforce or into the workforce for the first time often face barriers that are unique to this population. Many researchers have described women with disabilities as having a "double disadvantage" that results in social and psychological barriers to their transition back to work. The purpose of this article is to help vocational and career development programs better address the psychosocial needs of women with disabilities by (a) describing key psychosocial barriers faced by women with disabilities in their transition back to work and (b) providing career development strategies designed to ease this transition process for women with disabilities and enhance their employment outcomes.  相似文献   

周国平 《科学发展》2011,(10):12-16
当前上海肩负着率先转变经济发展方式的历史任务。推进经济转型发展,必须适当降低经济发展速度,加大经济结构调整的力度。上海经济转型发展主要表现为城市功能高度化、经济结构合理化、运行质量集约化和发展环境优质化,并呈现出运行阶段的一些主要特征。对上海来说,处理好转型发展与经济增长的关系是贯彻落实科学发展观、加快建设“四个中心”和实现“四个率先”的关键。  相似文献   


This paper applies a knowledge-based approach to study the role of circular economy (CE) for sustainable development. An analysis of publications from practice-oriented CE advocates is deployed to study the types of knowledge actors foster when they pursue the transition towards a CE. With the proposed term ‘circular literacy’ (CL), an analytical framework is provided to differentiate between different types of knowledge relevant for a transition towards the CE: system, target, and transformation knowledge. The main emphasis is on identifying knowledge-related prerequisites that prevent or stimulate the transformative potential of CE thinking and practices for sustainable development. The analysis reveals how the CL in the sample is confined by a narrow economic vision of the CE, lacking a reflection of political and sociocultural aspects that are needed to be addressed in future research to gain a robust concept of a CE-driven systemic transition towards sustainability.  相似文献   

“1·25革命”后,埃及的政治转型一度为中东政治发展带来一丝曙光,但之后更剧烈的社会动荡又为民主转型带来了巨大的不确定性。事实上,在西方民主转型理论的诱导下,埃及的民主化走向误区具有必然性,西方民主转型理论注重即时性的结果,片面地将民主制度的建立及公民政治权利尤其是选举权的实现视作民主转型的终点,而忽视了民主的深刻内涵。民主某种程度上就是各种公民权利,包括基础权利、政治权利及社会权利,依次实现的漫长过程。三种权利互相支撑,构成三位一体的民主。穆巴拉克时代的民主转型缺乏基础权利和社会权利的支撑,最终导致民主的空心化。革命后的埃及尽管在民主制度建设上取得实质性进展,但公民权利的匮乏对民主的成熟构成严重制约,从选举到善治,埃及的民主转型任重而道远。  相似文献   

Youth development in the United States is making a transition from social movement to emerging profession. This article marks the path of this transition; charts achievements in developing core competencies and skill standards, training and education programs, career ladders, evaluations, and public awareness; and suggests the next steps in staff development that managers of nonprofit youth and human service organizations should consider.  相似文献   

杨上广 《科学发展》2010,(11):90-96
在对西方发达国家经济增长方式演化规律及中国经济增长模式和结构转变研究回顾的基础上,探讨在开放经济条件下,当前中国发展面临的困境及未来可能的模式转型和政策选择。同时,根据理论研究和实践调研结果,提出基于宏观经济发展模式转型和国情变化背景下,未来企业可能的一些发展方向。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between the carbon extractive sector in Canada and renewable energy development. Specifically, it examines the strategies employed by Canadian carbon‐capital firms to shape and control alternative energy and considers if we are witnessing signs of “transition capture” as some oil, gas, and coal firms invest in a gradual shift toward “climate capitalism.” I investigate first, investments by large Canada‐based fossil fuel companies in renewable energy and second, interlocking directorate relations between the fossil fuel sector and the renewables industry. Findings suggest the possibility of a long‐term strategic orientation toward a climate capitalist model of development by some carbon‐capital firms; however, this alignment remains highly tentative, with evidence pointing to an industry that is largely without plans for energy transition.  相似文献   

陆小成 《城市观察》2013,23(1):125-132,168
纽约城市转型表现为由制造业到服务业再到高端知识型服务业和绿色发展的城市演变轨迹,其特征主要表现为重视创新驱动、高端服务业集群、人才教育培养、城市功能融合、城市绿化建设等。借鉴纽约城市转型经验,北京应加强城市功能的均衡化疏解、基本公共服务均等化,加强产业多中心集聚和分散布局,大力发展教育、医疗、卫生、文化休闲等服务业,完善公共交通系统,加快绿色产业、绿色技术创新和城市绿化建设,促进城市转型与绿色发展。  相似文献   

Responding to national and local initiatives, the career development profession has been engaged in efforts to aid understanding and facilitation of the school-to-work (STW) transition process. Vocational theory has been cited as one especially important area in which the career development field can contribute to the STW movement, yet career development theories do not typically highlight their relevance to the STW transition process. This special issue of The Career Development Quarterly features a set of articles that examine how several prominent career development theories (person-environment fit, social learning, developmental, and social cognitive) can be brought to bear on the STW process. Three discussants assess the theories' utility as templates for studying and facilitating the transition from school to work.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to empirically examine the relationship between banking sector development and economic growth in 16 transition countries in Central and Southeastern Europe in the period from 1995 to 2010. We apply fixed-effects panel model and control for other relevant determinants of economic growth and endogeneity. We measure the level of banking sector development using the amount of bank credit allocated to the private sector as a share of GDP. The second variable for the level of financial sector development is the margin between lending and deposit interest rates. According to our results the amount of bank credit allocated to the private sector, apparently does not speed up economic growth in transition countries. The second variable, interest rate margin is negatively but not significantly associated with economic growth.  相似文献   

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