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城市客运是交通运输领域重要的组成部分,是能源消耗和碳排放的重要领域,城市低碳出行体系发展对于实现"碳达峰"目标具有重要意义.论文基于低碳出行存在的问题以及面临的机遇与挑战进行分析,从规划引领、设施改造、智慧赋能、政策引导、强化治理等五个方面提出了低碳出行体系发展总体策略.  相似文献   

气温不到摄氏5度以下办公室不开空调,坚持每人每月用电不超过20度、上班选择步行或自行车,这些你能做到吗?这些做法并非都市苦行僧所为,而是时下江西省会城市南昌流行的一种新生活方式,这就是低碳生活。低碳,英文为lowcarbon,意思是减低二氧化碳等温室气体的排放,倡导低能量、低消耗、低开支的环保生活方式。  相似文献   

钟静婧 《城市》2010,(9):34-37
在全球应对气候变暖的背景下,如何既能减小单位经济规模的碳排放,又能保持城市发展及城市建设活动的可持续性,将成为当前国际经济社会发展面临的重要课题。面对温室气体减排和能源安全的严峻挑战,融合低碳经济和低碳社会发展的低碳城市发展路径成为未来城市发展的理想选择。建设低碳城市是节能减排和发展低碳经济的重要途径,是解决当前全球气候变暖问题的迫切需要,也是在能源短缺背景下寻求长远发展的必然选择,将引领未来城市建设的发展趋势。  相似文献   

中国低碳城市发展模式构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盖宏伟  冯昭 《城市》2011,(2):26-29
一、低碳城市的内涵诠释 低碳城市是低碳经济的衍生物,它的科学内涵的界定必须建立在对低碳经济的理解之上。英国早在2003年《我们未来的能源——创建低碳经济》能源白皮书中就提到,低碳经济主要指低能耗、低污染、低排放的经济发展模式,就是通过更少的资源消耗、更少的环境污染和更少的二氧化碳的排放量来实现经济增长。  相似文献   

陈群元  喻定权 《城市》2010,(10):29-32
发展低碳经济是贯彻科学发展观的根本要求,是转变发展方式的必然选择。经济活动的重心在城市,因此发展低碳经济的重点也在城市,建设低碳城市是发展低碳经济的具体体现和重要内容。建设低碳城市应重视城市规划、建筑节能和规划环评等领域。科学的城市规划是建设低碳城市的第一步。  相似文献   

王晶晶 《城市》2018,(3):48-58
低碳社区是建设低碳城市、低碳社会的基础.笔者旨在对我国的城市低碳社区研究背景、基本议题及理论框架进行文献梳理,分析归纳当前的研究谱系,继而探讨如何推动城市低碳社区研究的深入.近十年来,我国的城市低碳社区研究从介绍西方经验、解读低碳政策向研究我国具体问题转变,使我国学者对城市低碳社区研究的自主性逐渐觉醒.未来更深入的城市低碳社区研究可有以下几点方向:一是加强对经验的深层剖析和理论归纳;二是建立基于我国经验事实和情景的本土化理论框架;三是推动多学科研究向跨学科研究演进.  相似文献   

韩玉胜 《城市观察》2011,(6):165-172
面对城市现代化带来的负面效应挑战,“低碳城市”理念应运而生。从伦理学视角来看,“低碳城市”是一种对于人的生存方式和发展模式的道德诠释,它的出发点是“人”,实践理念是人与自然关系的和谐,价值归宿是“人,诗意的栖居”。要实现真正的“低碳城市”必须从根本上进行生产变革,同时,个体要进行“生活革命”。  相似文献   

"十四五"时期是我国碳达峰的关键期、窗口期,乡村人居环境建设中的能源浪费和舒适度等问题越来越受到关注和重视.如何通过建筑和规划手段实现低碳建设目标并改善人居环境品质,成为迫在眉睫的问题.建筑除了自身能耗以外,还需要通过额外消耗能量进行采暖或保温等以应对外界环境侵袭,以创造内部相对舒适的环境.乡村相较于城市,抵御外界环境...  相似文献   

城市功能与低碳化关系的几个层面   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市是未来应对气候变化的主战场。低碳城市建设将成为未来城市化发展的主要方向。鉴于当前关于低碳城市建设的道路尚不清晰,本文从城市周边生态服务体系的培育出发,论述了其对于低碳城市建设的支撑作用,同时从低碳城市的内部建设,包括城市规划与建设的低碳化、城市运行低碳化以及生活方式低碳化三个层面,来论述低碳城市建设的架构及其内在联系。指出全生命周期的碳排放管理是贯穿低碳城市建设各个层面的核心理念,不同层面的低碳化措施可以相互影响、协同作用,从而构成了低碳城市的有机整体。  相似文献   

低碳城市的战略选择与模式探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自2006年起,我国对低碳城市建设进行了有益的理论研究和实践探索。本文在总结分析我国低碳试点城市建设取得的成果、充分借鉴国外低碳城市建设先进经验的基础上,提出了我国低碳城市的建设模式——“六位一体”的低碳城市发展道路,试图为我国的低碳城市建设提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

伴随着金融全球化和能源全球化趋势的发展,国际能源市场金融化趋势日益明显。中东地区能源金融化主要体现在夺取石油定价权、石油美元回流和建立主权财富基金上。能源短缺、能源依赖是中国未来面临的最大风险之一,在很长一段时期内,中东仍将是中国主要原油进口来源地。因此,构建中国能源金融战略是确保中国能源安全、实现经济可持续发展的重要一环。  相似文献   

The paper examines three social dimensions of energy. The first one is cognitive; energy is a way of knowing, a macro-concept which works as a frame. Moreover, energy is conceived as a social product; its physical aspects are inextricably bound up with human interactions and meaning attributions. The second dimension is energy organisation. Energy is an instrument used by human beings in order to achieve a goal. In that sense, energy can be assimilated to a technology: that is, a set of knowledges, tools, and actions assembled according to certain rules and traditions. Of energy as organisation it is interesting to consider how it becomes an institution. Its third dimension is practical: it guides our behaviour. This meaning sums up the other two. Energy consumption makes it possible to understand different lifestyles, different logics of action, different habits or customs. It is intrinsic to the most common practices. Worries about consumption or resources depletion are included in some practices of which energy is one of the most important components. The paper concludes with a comment on the energy crisis as a test for the illustrated multidimensional scheme.  相似文献   

The 21st century will face an increased population with limited resources. The latest projection of the United Nations estimates an additional 1.65 billion people by 2030. The rising population should access to all modern services and welfare. Resources demand is expected to increase dramatically in the 21st century, especially in developing countries, where population growth is fast and billions of people nowadays have no access to these services. If no new, strong energy-policy interventions occur, the world’s energy needs will be well over 50% higher in 2030 than today. Fossil fuels will continue to dominate world fuel mix (IEA, International Energy Agency, in World energy outlook 2007, Paris, 2008). The consequent growth in energy-related emissions of carbon-dioxide is noteworthy. The challenge is to reach an energy system allowing this growth and assuring security, reliability, and environmental protection. With worldwide demand for energy expected to more than double by 2030, the need for safe, clean, reliable energy is essential. Much of greenhouse gasses emissions is due to the energy sector. Energy supply, generation and use (and its environmental consequences) is definitely the issue of our times and the coming. All technologies may be complimentary for fitting the demand. Known means exist to cut energy demand and change the fuel mix. In this paper, we will introduce the energy issue and show which role nuclear energy could have in reducing emissions.  相似文献   

在我国能源安全面临的一系列重大问题中,能源领域的政策规划薄弱,法律保障制度建设与管理体制改革滞后,能源供应与能源安全保障体系缺乏相关政策、法律和制度的保障。只有真正做到政策、法律和管理体制“三位一体”,才能确保国家能源安全。本文从能源安全体系建构的理论和实践出发,借鉴西方能源安全战略实践,从政策、法律和管理体制等角度,对我国能源安全体系的内在机制建构进行分析,旨在为我国与中东能源合作提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

Energy drinks are attractive and readily available in every grocery store and gas station. While most youth verbalize an understanding that too much caffeine is bad for one's health, at an age of multiple demands, an over-the-counter offer of increased energy and alertness is hard to ignore. What makes energy drinks different from regular coffee? Although the heavily caffeinated drinks promise increased energy and stamina and are loaded with healthy natural ingredients, excessive consumption is of concern on many levels. This article will discuss some of the effects of excessive caffeine, as well as risks associated with energy drinks mixed with alcohol.  相似文献   

The energy use in the residential sector is an important area for compaigns to conserve energy. In the first section of this article, a model is proposed that relates personal, environmental (e.g. home) and behavioral factors to energy use. This model is instrumental in relating variables that determine energy use in the home.In the following these determinants of household energy use: socio-demographic factors, family life-style, energy prices, energy-related behavior, cost-benefit trade offs, effectiveness and responsibility, feedback, information, home characteristics are discussed.In the third section several options for energy-saving campaigns and related research are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract We consider here the energy consumption characteristics of migrants and nonmigrants in two northern Wisconsin counties characterized by relatively rapid growth as areas of retirement and recreational activities. Migrants from metropolitan areas use more electricity when measured at the meter and report driving more. Both of these differentials are sustained even after controlling for personal and behavioral variables, appliance ownership, and type of energy use. Metropolitan migrants do not spend more for space heating, although there is again a positive effect on space heating energy consumption net of the other variables. We conclude that metropolitan migrants make an energy impact on the area, due in part, to their characteristics, housing, and type of energy consumption, but also because of differences in the way they use energy. In these ways they add an element of heterogeneity to the rural community, as well as increased demand for energy consumption.  相似文献   

The effort is made to revitalize the search for practice theory which will inform and guide the community practitioner. Ecological theory is used to identify a generic model of community practice and analyze member cohesion in the three traditional modalities. The theory of energy in human ecology is developed to set the stage for an energy assessment, and the selection of strategic energy patterns in phases of organizing. Theoretical propositions with practice implications are offered for research on the relationship between strategic energy-patterns of organizing, energy costs, specialization of function, and styles of intervention.  相似文献   

The family is an open, living system. All open systems have characteristics of organization, control and energy. The family is an organized “whole” with defined boundaries, hierarchy, pattern of relationships, and inherent principles for growth and self-regulation, As a system of Interacting Individuals, it has reactive mechanisms for self-regulation and change in the form of positive and negative feedback loops. These act to maintain the homeastatic balance and permit change under limited conditions. The family, as an organization, is in an exchange relationship with its wider environment, This relationship permits energy and information (as energy) to be exchanged in a way that prevents disintegration and promotes growth and differentiation. Family Therapy uses Family Systems Theory as its primary theoretical framework in attempting to understand, explain and change dysfunctional family systems.  相似文献   

Households constitute an important target group for energy conservation. They not only use energy in a direct way (gas, electricity and fuel) but also in an indirect way (embedded in the production, consumption and disposal of goods). During a period of five months (viz., October 2002–March 2003), direct and indirect energy use and direct and indirect energy savings of 189 Dutch households were monitored. The study examined the relative importance of socio-demographic variables and psychological variables in relation to household energy use and changes in energy use (viz., energy savings). For this purpose, variables from the theory of planned behavior [Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179–211] and the norm activation model [Schwartz, S. H. (1977). Normative influences on altruism. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.). Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 10, pp. 221–279). New York: Academic Press] were used. Results indicate that energy use is determined by socio-demographic variables, whereas changes in energy use, which may require some form of (cognitive) effort, appear to be related to psychological variables. The variables from the norm activation model were able to significantly add to the explanation of energy savings, over and above the variables from the theory of planned behavior. Also, different types of energy use and energy savings appeared to be related to different sets of determinants.  相似文献   

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