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城市经济学作为一门新兴的经济学科,近三四十年来在国际上逐步发展起来,并已在经济学领域扮演了重要的角色,发挥出越来越令人瞩目的作用。对于城市经济学在经济学领域里所作出的新贡献有必要给以正确的评述,以便引起更多人的关注,从而加强对这门新学科的学习和研究,进一步完善、成熟  相似文献   

李锦宏 《职业时空》2008,4(5):125-126
21世纪是一个创新的世纪,创新的动力源于教育,创新的教育需要制度的创新。为此,把制度因素作为一种重要的内生资源,运用制度经济学理论,研究分析我国建立于社会主义市场经济体制背景下的教育体制,对于推动我国教育事业的健康快速发展,具有重大的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

在界定科技服务业内涵的基础上,提出了科技服务业发展动因的理论框架,认为科技服务业与其他高技术行业的产业协同和科技服务业与制度的谐振是科技服务业发展的主要动因。运用统计数据分析了天津市科技服务业的发展历程和现状,对比了天津、深圳、北京和上海的科技服务业发展。分析了天津高新技术产业和制度环境对科技服务业发展的影响,以及这两方面动因与其他城市的差别。天津科技服务业发展与其他城市相比还有差距,主因在于高新技术产业发展和制度环境滞后,未来的发展需要从借力金融创新和滨海新区建设、加大政策倾斜和投入、推进市场化改革等方向入手。  相似文献   

城市经济学性质的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晓玲 《城市》2004,(1):18-21
城市经济学诞生于20世纪60年代,是与经济理论从微观经济学到宏观经济学再到中观经济学这一发展历程一脉相承的.1965年美国汤姆逊的《城市经济学导言》问世,标志着城市经济学在美国首先诞生.  相似文献   

在中国经济结构转变和上海城市发展转型背景下,旨在实现制度创新可复制、可推广的上海自贸试验区的主要目标在于创新开放模式,并实现对外开放与对内开放的相互衔接。对此,产业与地理的一体化发展作为核心的实现机制,决定了上海自贸试验区独特的平台属性及转型倾向。本文通过对转型导向下的上海自贸试验区预期演化路径展开深入的分析,从功能拓展的角度提出上海自贸试验区依托于现代服务业集聚和专业化的未来发展方向,并认为它的建设应纳入到国家深度融入全球价值链分工体系的总体政策框架与上海全球城市的战略转型框架之中,以降低"试错"式改革的成本,提高制度创新与复制的效率。  相似文献   

张仁开 《科学发展》2013,(8):33-40,59
发展知识服务业是环同济知识经济圈优化产业结构、完善创新体系、提升区域竞争力的主要抓手。知识资源丰富、商业服务发达、区位交通便捷、人居环境和谐为环同济知识经济圈发展知识服务业奠定了坚实基础。环同济知识经济圈应紧紧抓住上海创新型城市建设的大好机遇,以科技服务业、教育服务业和创意设计产业为重点,发展知识服务业。  相似文献   

在我们的生活中,经济的运用是非常广泛的,在会计工作中也是如此。其在会计工作中的运用给《会计经济学》的建立创造了一定的条件,并且,进行《会计经济学》的建立是符合会计和经济的客观需要的。并且,进行《会计经济学》的建立也是可能的,在进行建立的过程中可以根据经济理论,并将其和会计本身的特点结合起来。但是进行《会计经济学》的建立是需要一个长期的过程的,并且还需要在实践的过程中进一步地进行探索和改善。  相似文献   

“关系产权”:产权制度的一个社会学解释   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
关于产权制度的讨论大多是在经济学特别是新古典经济学的产权理论框架中进行的。经济学产权理论的基本命题是 :“产权是一束权利” ,即产权界定了产权所有者对资产使用、资产带来的收入、资产转移诸方面的控制权。产权为人们的经济行为提供了相应的激励机制 ,从而保证了资源分配和使用的效率。与经济学的思路不同 ,本文从社会学制度学派的解释逻辑出发 ,提出“关系产权”的概念 ,以此来强调“产权是一束关系”这一中心命题 ,为解释产权在中国转型经济中扮演的角色和有关的经济现象提供一个不同的分析角度。这一思路的基本观点是 ,一个组织的产权结构和形式是该组织与其他组织建立长期稳定关系、适应其所处环境的结果。因此 ,产权结构和形式并不是像经济学家所说的那样反映了企业的独立性 ;恰恰相反 ,产权反映了一个组织与其环境即其他组织、制度环境 ,或者组织内部不同群体之间稳定的交往关联。本文讨论了关系产权的概念、理论思路和实证意义 ,并从这一思路出发 ,重新解释了“模糊产权”在中国乡镇企业发展中的意义。  相似文献   

城市经济学理论与发展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
王明浩  高薇 《城市》2003,(1):15-23
一、城市与城市经济(一)城市目前,国内外专家、学者从不同的角度对城市下了各种定义,归纳起来大约有几十种,但迄今为止还没有定论。究其原因,城市的内涵丰富,是一个包含诸多内容的复杂有机体,表现形式多种多样,有政治的、经济的、社会的、统计的、地理的等等,人们很难对它有一个共性的认识和理解。饶会林先生在他的《城市经济学》中,从经济学的角度对城市的定义作了很好的概括:“城市是 生产力发展到一定阶段的产物,是经济密集的社会有机体,是区域发展的中心”。这个定义从中国城市形成和城市发展的特点出发,突出城市与经济…  相似文献   

很高兴看到了饶会林教授新著《城市经济学》(以下称《城市经济学》)的出版。我用了约半个多月的时间认真读了全书,犹如聆听饶教授给我上了一堂生动精彩的城市经济学课,从中学到了我想学而又很难学到的知识,受益匪浅。在这里,就将我读后的几点感受写下来,权且当作一段读书笔记。 一、对城市经济学的再认识  相似文献   

Systems engineering (SE) professionals strive to develop new techniques to enhance the value of contributions to multidisciplinary smart product design teams. Products and services designers challenge themselves to search beyond the traditional design concept of addressing the physical, social, and cognitive factors. This paper covers the application of embedded user-centered systems engineering design practices into work processes based on the ISO 13407 framework [20] to support smart systems and services design and development. As practitioners collaborate to investigate alternative smart product designs, they concentrate on creating valuable products which will enhance positive interaction. This paper capitalizes on the need to follow a user-centered SE approach to smart products design [4, 22]. Products and systems intelligence should embrace a positive approach to user-centered design while improving our understanding of usable value-adding, experience and extending our knowledge of what inspires others to design enjoyable services and products.  相似文献   

Any analytical framework for understanding actual forms of the intensified incorporation of cities into the world economy needs to go beyond the exclusive focus on advanced producer services, which is characteristic of most of the World City Network (WCN) approach. Simultaneously, an account of the role of advanced producer services will strengthen Global Commodity Chain (GCC) analysis. A combination of the literatures on WCN and GCC can contribute to a broader conceptualization of the connections and connectivities of global cities. In addition, a combined approach will improve our understanding of globalization processes within many so-called 'third-world' cities that are experiencing booms in export-oriented industrialization and in migration from rural hinterlands as they are being integrated into Global Commodity Chains. We illustrate our argument with insights from GCC analyses of the electronics industry located in Ho Chi Minh City and the agricultural sector in its rural hinterland, the Mekong Delta.  相似文献   

Ideas about the importance of knowledge and innovation in the global economy have implications for the changing role of universities – but so too do ideas about the role of place-based knowledge in generating competitive advantage and innovation at the regional scale. As the concern to structure effective innovation systems intersects with the growing interest in distinctive, place-based knowledge, an opportunity emerges to reconsider the role of universities in regions. As institutions specialized in knowledge creation and knowledge transfer, regional university campuses are in a key position to catalyze regional development outcomes by bringing together different forms of knowledge, including place-based knowledge, in new ways. In line with current thinking about open and user-generated innovation, it is arguable that this kind of approach to co-creating knowledge in place can catalyze regional development outcomes. Yet for university campuses to take on this catalyst role, they must move beyond the limitations of their current “engagement” approaches. This paper explores some of the limitations and conflicts in current regional engagement approaches, then considers how the meeting-point between universities and complex regions may be operationalized in practice.  相似文献   

The development of evidence-based practice and programmes (EBP) has led to increasing interest in implementation issues in the field of human services, and specifically how to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and actual practice. However, because EBP are usually connected with social policies, which are political, implementation problems arise concerning resource allocation, ethics and power. Such implementation problems in the field of public administration have been extensively researched. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether and how research into policy implementation in public administration may benefit ongoing research on EBP in the human services to understand, explain and manage common implementation problems. This paper is based on a broad review and comparison of the literatures on policy implementation in public administration and implementation of EBP in the human services. Analysis shows that human services could learn from public administration research to develop a broader theoretical approach for understanding and managing implementation of evidence-based practice and programmes.  相似文献   

Residential landscapes are a common setting of human-environment interactions. These ubiquitous ecosystems provide social and ecological services, and yard maintenance leads to intended and unintended ecological outcomes. The ecological characteristics of residential landscapes and the human drivers of landscape management have been the focus of disciplinary studies, often at a single scale of analysis. However, an interdisciplinary examination of residential landscapes is needed to understand the feedbacks and tradeoffs of these complex adaptive social-ecological systems as a whole. Our aim is to synthesize the diversity of perspectives, scales of analysis, and findings from the literature in order to 1) contribute to an interdisciplinary understanding of residential landscapes and 2) identify research needs while providing a robust conceptual approach for future studies. We synthesize 256 studies from the literature and develop an interdisciplinary, multi-scalar framework on residential landscape dynamics. Complex human drivers (attitudinal, structural, and institutional factors) at multiple scales influence management practices and the feedbacks with biophysical characteristics of residential landscapes. However, gaps exist in our interdisciplinary understanding of residential landscapes within four key but understudied areas: 1) the link between social drivers and ecological outcomes of management decisions, 2) the ecosystem services provided by these landscapes to residents, 3) the interactions of social drivers and ecological characteristics across scales, and 4) generalizations of patterns and processes across cities. Our systems perspective will help to guide future interdisciplinary collaborations to integrate theories and research methods across geographic locations and spatial scales.  相似文献   

Competence approaches are among the techniques that claim to measure the behaviour, skills, knowledge and understanding crucial to effective managerial performance. It is claimed that competence approaches empower and develop managers while enabling them to meet organizational objectives. Since the bases for the techniques are avowedly scientific, they are said to provide organizations with a gender neutral form of assessment. In this paper we construct a theoretical framework in terms of which these claims can be analysed and assessed. Using this framework, we examine the competence approach as it has been implemented in six organizations in relation to the claim to objectivity.  相似文献   

This paper aims to better understand the relationship between young people's aspirations towards education and jobs, and the context in which they are formed, especially to understand better the role of disadvantaged places in shaping young people's aspirations. Policy makers maintain that disadvantaged areas are associated with low aspirations and there is support for this position from academic work on neighbourhood effects and local labour markets, but evidence is slim. Using a two-stage survey of young people in disadvantaged settings in three British cities, the paper provides new data on the nature of young peoples’ aspirations, how they change during the teenage years, and how they relate to the places where they are growing up. The findings are that aspirations are very high and, overall, they do not appear to be depressed in relation to the jobs available in the labour market either by the neighbourhood context or by young people's perceptions of local labour markets. However, there are significant differences between the pattern of aspirations and how they change over time in the three locations. The paper then challenges assumptions in policy and in the literature that disadvantaged places equal low aspirations and suggests that understanding how aspirations are formed requires needs a nuanced approach to the nexus of class, ethnicity and institutional influences within local areas.  相似文献   

A decline in urban forest structure and function in the United States jeopardizes the current focus on developing sustainable cities. A number of social dilemmas—for example, free-rider problems—restrict the sustainable production of ecosystem services and the stock of urban trees from which they flow. However, institutions, or the rules, norms, and strategies that affect human decision-making, resolve many such social dilemmas, and thus, institutional analysis is imperative for understanding urban forest management outcomes. Unfortunately, we find that the definition of institutions varies greatly across and within disciplines, and conceptual frameworks in urban forest management and urban ecosystems research often embed institutions as minor variables. Given the significance of institutional analysis to understanding sustainable rural resource management, this paper attempts to bring clarity to defining, conceptually framing, and operationally analyzing institutions in urban settings with a specific focus on sustainable urban forest management. We conclude that urban ecologists and urban forest management researchers could benefit from applying a working definition of institutions that uniquely defines rules, norms, and strategies, by recognizing the nested nature of operational, collective choice, and constitutional institutions, and by applying the Institutional Analysis and Development framework for analysis of urban social-ecological systems (SESs). Such work promises to spur the desired policy-based research agenda of urban forestry and urban ecology and provide cross-disciplinary fertilization of institutional analysis between rural SESs and urban ecosystems.  相似文献   

What role do national institutions of labor regulation as well as work and employment systems at the company level play for the development of “new economy” industries? The article is based on eleven company case studies in the Swedish, Polish and German video game industry as well as on an analysis of industry-related expert interviews and data. Power relations between hardware, publishing and development companies play a significant role in the industry. Independent development firms are the weakest link in the value chain; they have to carry the greatest risks. The results show that the lack of a financial system for the high risky software development is a decisive factor for the low international competitiveness of the industry in all three countries. They demonstrate as well that, especially in the field of labor regulation, the “Varieties of Capitalism”-approach underestimates the divergence of industries in national economies and a leeway for flexibility in institutional systems. For instance, employment flexibility of video game development firms is very high. The comparison of the “coordinated market economies” of Germany and Sweden reveals differences regarding the integration of the industry into nation-specific institutional systems, such as the establishment of adequate vocational education and interest representation by unions.  相似文献   

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