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李红杰 《世界民族》2002,5(6):63-70
石勒苏益格 (Schleswig)地区位于德国北部与丹麦南部的交界处 ,包括现德国北部石勒苏益格 -荷尔斯泰因州 (Schleswig -Holstein)北半部和丹麦南部的南日德兰州 (S nderjyllandAmtskommune)。作为从欧洲大陆到北欧、斯堪的纳维亚半岛的战略要地 ,历史上这里曾是丹麦、瑞典、神圣罗马帝国、普鲁士和奥地利等国逐鹿的场所。 1 2世纪时 ,石勒苏益格为丹麦一位公爵的领地 ,并一直是丹麦的封地。到 1 86 6年 ,根据《布拉格和约》该地区被普鲁士吞并 ,与荷尔斯泰因合并成一个州。第一次世界大战…  相似文献   

长期以来美国主流社会对白人种族主义的现实存在与危害的漠视,致使种族歧视行为至今在美国社会各个方面仍普遍存在,不仅给美国黑人造成了难以弥合的精神创伤,而且对美国社会具有非常严重的负面影响.为了修正美国历史上对一些弱势群体的不公正与歧视,20世纪60、70年代美国政府颁布和推行了一系列优惠和照顾黑人等弱势群体的政策、法令,即"肯定性行动"计划.然而,这一计划却激起了从而普通白人男性的强烈反对,引发了"逆向歧视"之争.  相似文献   

随着我区城乡一体化进程的推进,城市近郊的村庄因"撤村改制"、"撤村建居"和"撤村并镇"等,农民变成居民,回迁新建社区既为"村改居"社区.回迁新建社区涉及一个社区及其居民多层面转变,如:身份制"农民"到"居民"的转变;社区居民的物质文化需求:社区居民服务需求和文化需求的转变等方面.本文拟就呼和浩特市回迁新建社区居民文化需求,社区文化建设过程中对社区居民文化需求的满足状况予以探讨,以期为"回迁新建"社区文化建设与发展探索路径.  相似文献   

西 部大开发是强化社会主义现代化建设的重要一环 ,具有多重的目的和意义。在西部大开发战略中 ,如何加快西部少数民族社会经济文化的发展 ,是国内外学者比较关注的课题之一。为此 ,新疆大学、兰州大学西北少数民族研究中心于 2 0 0 1年 10月 8日至 9日 ,在新疆维吾尔自治区首府乌鲁木齐召开了 2 1世纪中西部少数民族经济社会发展学术研讨会 ,出席这次会议的有海内外专家学者四十余人。会议围绕西部大开发与中西部地区发展战略问题 ,西部大开发中国家对中西部的政策问题 ,西部大开发与中西部地区法制建设的问题 ,西部大开发与中西部地区民族…  相似文献   

随着我区城乡一体化进程的推进,城市近郊的村庄因"撤村改制"、"撤村建居"和"撤村并镇"等,农民变成居民,回迁新建社区既为"村改居"社区。回迁新建社区涉及一个社区及其居民多层面转变,如:身份制"农民"到"居民"的转变;社区居民的物质文化需求:社区居民服务需求和文化需求的转变等方面。本文拟就呼和浩特市回迁新建社区居民文化需求,社区文化建设过程中对社区居民文化需求的满足状况予以探讨,以期为"回迁新建"社区文化建设与发展探索路径。  相似文献   

一、嘉绒的来历嘉绒藏族的先民远在西汉就分布于今四川省阿坝州东部的汶川、茂汶;西部的金川、丹巴;北部的黑水、马尔康;南部的雅安等地。分布范围比今天的嘉绒藏族居住地略为辽阔一些。在这些地区的东部和北部蜿蜓着巴颜喀拉山的支脉岷山山脉,中部和南部是邛崃山脉,其山峰海拔均在四千公尺以上,山脚和山腰为茂密的森林覆盖,山间奔腾  相似文献   

抗日战争时期 ,随着沿海沿江经济重心向后方转移 ,沿海内地的高等学校、文化机构和知识分子也向西迁移。文化重心的迁移给西部民族地区文化事业的发展带来了前所未有的机遇和条件 ,其教育、科研和文化均取得较大的进步 ,人们的思想行为也发生了一定的积极的变化。同样 ,这场文化西迁运动也给 2 1世纪的西部大开发提供了值得借鉴的经验和教训  相似文献   

僧伽罗人以自己的雅利安人血统而感到自豪。根据他们的语言结构以及早期编年史中的神话,这种信念是有确切根据的。但是南印度诸王国的入侵以及随着达罗毗荼人的到来而进行的文化传播,使僧伽罗人一直处于达罗毗荼人的影响之下。这一点已经得到广泛的承认。直到十三世纪以前,僧伽罗文明的中心一直是在干燥地区,即岛的北部中区和东南部。十一世纪和十三世纪泰米尔人的入侵可能促使了这些中心向岛的南部和西部湿润地区的迁移。但是向西南迁移并非仅仅由于诸如外来军事入侵以及古代僧伽罗诸王国主管农业灌溉系统机构的衰败所引起的“推动因素”所致。僧伽罗人日益增强的控制热带雨林的能力、西南部自然资源(特别是椰子、槟榔和肉桂)的价值以及依靠雨水浇灌稻田的条件,可能也是这种迁移的重要原因。所谓“牵引因素”正是这些。在大规模泰米尔入侵之前,自十世纪左右开始,西南地区人口就有日益增加的迹象。在  相似文献   

我国北部边疆地区对外开放和对外贸易是对我国沿海地区对外开放和对外贸易的重要补充,是我国对外开放总格局的新发展和重要组成部分。北部边疆地区对外开放与对外贸易既有与南部沿海地区相同之处可供借鉴,更有不同之处不能照搬。本文拟从北部边疆与南部沿海地区经济基础、结构差异、民族文化、地缘对象、运输和交易方式等方面的对比分析来阐明北部边疆地区对外贸易所面临的特殊问题和战略选择。  相似文献   

周泓 《世界民族》2012,(1):77-89
奴隶制随资本体制而扩展是历史的罕迹,这种社会形态在美国南部持续于16世纪初至19世纪60年代。大地产制和对资本的需求、奴隶制对自由劳动力的排斥、代表奴隶主利益的州权与政党的保护、大资本阶层和联邦的妥协、新型阶级的缺位与南部社会文化,一同催生和促发了美国奴隶制与资本制度的并行,19世纪60年代工业资本取代了种植园奴隶制,南北社会文化差异则积淀为一个新的社会形态的传统类型,即一个主流的结构制度可包含有不同基础形态。  相似文献   

中国古代北方民族,迄唐、宋为止,东胡系与突厥系居地接壤,交错分布,因此杂居、融合是常见的历史现象,尤其是东胡系民族走出兴安岭向西迁徙,成为我国北方民族历史上具有规律性重复性的一个历史景观。但是,关于通古斯系民族,按传统看法,由于有一个南北绵延数千里的天然屏障兴安岭的横亘,它除了与南面的中原王朝和东邻的高丽王朝交往甚多以外,与其西部的大漠南北草原部族,则大有“老死不相往来”之相。事实上,通古斯系民族向西迁徙也是很常见的历史事实。本文认为辽金时期迄13世纪初,在蒙古草原活跃的著名的篾儿乞部人在族源上应包含有众多的西迁人之后裔。  相似文献   

略论中国人类学的华西学派   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文认为,学派是一门科学中由于学说与师承的不同而形成的派别。中国人类学是近百年来由国外引进的一门学科,在国内已有相当发展并形成一些学派,如"南派"和"北派"。除此以外,是否还有其他的派别,值得研究。作者论述了中国人类学的华西学派,即以20世纪初到50年代在成都建立的华西协合大学为中心的学派及该学派形成和发展的过程、特点等。  相似文献   

张文 《民族研究》2002,(2):63-72
宋朝的社会救济事业在中国古代历史上是较为发达的,对少数民族的赈济是其中一个重要方面。其对西北(北方)地区少数民族的赈济,以安定边地社会为主要目的,方式上以生活性接济为主;对西南及南方地区少数民族的赈济,则是在国家势力南进及对该地区进行经济开发的过程中配合实施的,因此,方式上以生产型济助为主;对东北及北方地区少数民族的救济,则以笼络怀柔为主,方式上以居养安置为常见。这些措施的实施,对于进一步团结少数民族,稳定和巩固社会政治统治,促进少数民族地区社会经济发展,起到了一定的积极作用。从性质上看,两宋对少数民族的赈济仍属传统怀柔政策的延续,但也发生了明显的转变,即从对少数民族上层分子象征性的笼络逐渐转向对少数民族普通民众务实性的物质援助。  相似文献   


This paper examines nurse migration from India and the Philippines through the lens of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) 4.3 (access to training), 10.7 (orderly and responsible migration) and 3.c (retention of health workers). The international migration of health workers has increasingly featured on the agenda of global health agencies. Ameliorating the negative impact of international nurse emigration from low-income nations has been addressed by several western governments with the adoption of ethical recruitment guidelines, one element of an orderly migration framework. One of the challenges in creating such guidelines is to understand how the emigration of trained nurses influences health education and clinical training systems within nurse exporting nations such as India and the Philippines, and how these relate to various SDGs. This paper maps the connections between India’s and the Philippines’ increasing role in the provision of nurses for international markets and the SDGs related to training and migration governance and the retention of health workers. The paper calls for greater attention to the global structuring of migrant mobility in order to assess national abilities to meet SDG goals in these areas.  相似文献   

湄公河次区域合作在新的形势下已成为建立中国——东盟自由贸易区的重要组成部分, 必须准确地把握西部民族地区在中国与大湄公河次区域国家双边经贸中的地位和作用,正视目前双边经贸合作存在的问题,制定出西部民族地区对外经贸发展的对策。  相似文献   

南、北侗族音乐形态及传承的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
侗族聚居地分为南、北两大方言区,但其先民均来自古越地区,南、北侗族是同源同宗的一个少数民族。由于地域地貌、方言语调、生活习惯和受周边民族尤其是汉民族的影响程度不同,形成了不同的音乐发展路径,导致了两地民歌形态和风格出现差异,这是历史发展的必然结果。本文将对南、北侗族的音乐形态与传承两个方面进行展开论述。  相似文献   


Recent scholarly interventions propose that the principle of jus nexi (effective connections) or jus domicile (domicile) should replace birthright or birthplace considerations when assigning citizenship status and political membership. Nonetheless, both views privilege notions of territorial presence and the ideal of political community. This paper focuses on Mainland Chinese return migration from Canada to metropolitan cities in China. The dual citizenship restriction enforced by China means those that naturalised in Canada have relinquished their right to Chinese citizenship. Should they be considered returnees, immigrants or transnational sojourners in their ancestral homeland? It is this incongruence in migration categorisations compared to migrant life-worlds that this paper aims to examine. The paper also highlights the interface of competing claims to citizenship in the context of Chinese internal migration and new (African) immigration in China, as well as the returnees’ own transnational migration across the lifecourse. It argues that the ordering mechanisms that characterise normative conceptions of citizenship focus on isolated types of migration trends whereas what confronts us more urgently are intersecting migration configurations that underline the incongruence of migration categorisations and the complexity of competing citizenship claims spatially and temporally.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) which has become one of the major global spaces for deliberations on migration but remains informal and non-binding. Drawing from literature on norm diffusion and state socialisation, it debates the role of the GFMD as a stepping stone for a more robust, multi-level and networked global migration governance by bringing together governments, global institutions, civil society and to a lesser degree the private sector. It is argued that the GFMD has the potential to socialise states in two ways that are conducive to establishing a multi-level global migration governance: First, states are exposed to discourses on migration as a truly global issue. The second way in which the GFMD process can socialise states is in the interaction with migrant civil society, thus potentially ‘blurring’ previously distant if not openly antagonistic relations. Since most states regard migration as one of their last ‘bastions of sovereignty’, the GFMD could provide a necessary first step as a trust-building measure. Providing participatory spaces and allowing agency for migrants and their organisations is not a mere optional feature but a crucial component for a truly multi-level and thus multi-stakeholder global migration governance.  相似文献   


The significance of regional consultative processes in the field of migration is well documented. Their popularity for states is typically explained by the opportunity they provide for largely non-binding discussions around sensitive, sovereignty-laden issues such as border control. Since the mid-1990s, a variety of intergovernmental meetings have been sponsored by the EU with the aim of discussing migration with neighbouring countries. European policy frameworks have specifically excluded the countries to the South from the possibility of membership, yet they are now absolutely crucial to the realisation of the EU's migration ambitions. Since the 1999 Tampere European Council relations with these states have been managed through a discourse of ‘partnership’, emphasising the regional ‘Euro-Mediterranean’ character of this relationship. This paper analyses EU relations with Southern Mediterranean states as a specific attempt to construct a geopolitical region—the Euro-Mediterranean area—from and through migration management strategies. It concludes that the development of policy in this area results from a huge number of poorly focused and sometimes contradictory initiatives that collectively make up a far more haphazard approach than the common externalisation critique suggests. This haphazard approach helps to explain the range of unintended consequences of this policy but may also lead to its limited successes.  相似文献   

Migration theory has historically dismissed the role of sending states in labour migration, with theories grounded in social and economic mechanisms that left little room for political interventions. The theory was supported by evidence from major cases, like that of Mexico, in which sending state policies were understood to be either altogether absent, or overridden by other processes. However, migration flows have changed significantly in the neoliberal era, and these changes have produced different policy orientations among sending states. Many sending states – the Philippines is a prominent example – now have explicit migration management policies that are geared towards promoting and facilitating particular types of labour migration. Even sending countries without such programmes have policies to manage relations with their diaspora, whose remittances now play critical roles in their economies. Drawing from primary case studies of the Mexican, Moroccan, and Philippine cases, with additional evidence from a number of key cases, I propose a tripartite typology for theorising sending state interventions in labour migration.  相似文献   

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