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《The Social Science Journal》1988,25(2):167-177
In February 1986, the levee of the Yuba River broke, flooding the towns of Linda and Olivehurst in northern California. Besides the personal tragedies, were economic disasters. Property values of the houses plummeted. While theories of natural hazards predict that the market will capitalize the risk of flooding into the value of residential property, in areas where the probability is low the risk may be ignored. Factors are the history of past floods, socioeconomic conditions, and the real estate market. Housing prices in Linda and Olivehurst did drop (effectively to zero) immediately after the flood, then recovered relatively quickly to a level significantly lower than before the catastrophe. This suggests that the previous prices did not fully capitalize the risk of this intermittent hazard. 相似文献
11月18日,经过近两年的策划与筹备,青啤地产品牌战略智库正式宣布成立,同时成为国内首家房地产企业智库。以"汇聚智慧,酿造品牌,引领行业,奉献社会"为宗旨的青啤地产品牌战略智库将主要围绕中国房地产行业的相关命题进行市场调查和理论研究,同时对青啤地产的企业发展和产品提升也将起到积极的指导和推动作用。在经济全球化和国家宏观调控政策的大势下,企业只有站在行业发展的高度,积极实施品牌战略,才能做到以优质的产品和服务回馈社会,才能获得自身的发展壮大。正如青啤地产总经理王建军在智库成立仪式上所说,"中国房地产行业发展很快,早以‘住宅大国’闻名于世,实践远远走在前边,而理论研究相对滞后;在房地产市场尚未发育成熟的状态下,理论和政策的支持与引导有待完善。" 相似文献
《The Social Science Journal》1986,23(1):43-53
A 1982 survey of Anglo, Black, and Hispanic real estate agents in the Denver metropolitan area suggested that race and ethnicity influence the attitudes and business practices of real estate agents. Minority real estate agents tended to gain listings from minority sellers and in areas of minority concentrations. They also have closer business relationships with other agents of the same minority group. One possible indicator of their integration into the dominant community, however, is the finding that minority agents were more likely to select personal residences in non- minority neighborhoods. 相似文献
企业社会责任,特别是房地产企业社会责任是一个非常重大的、有意义的话题。由于房价较高、住房质量差、虚假广告、恶性拆迁等问题屡禁不绝,使得房地产企业在社会上的形象普遍不佳。这句话说得有点沉重,恐怕是把很多该政府承担的社会责任,包括社会转轨过程中、利益关系调整过程中的矛盾冲突,以及社会发展不足带来的与人们预期之间的差距,都加到房地产企业之上,以为这是它们的社会责任。以为房地产企业可以在一 相似文献
The seriousness of the current demographic situation in Russia is reviewed, with the focus on the deteriorating health of the nation's children. The author notes that "a drastically diminished level of reproduction of the population has taken shape in Russia, one in which every generation of children born is smaller in number than the generation of its parents and cannot make up for the loss in population. Such reproduction is characteristic only of Russia, and it is extremely persistent. In 1994, the true coefficient of reproduction of the population fell to figures that are catastrophic in terms of demographic consequences--0.651. Moreover, among the urban population the figure is even lower--0.570. Such an unprecedented low level of reproduction has never before been recorded either in our country or in other countries of the world, even during wartime." 相似文献
我是最喜欢‘熊’的一个人,‘熊’来了,我就拥抱这个‘熊’。香港恒隆地产有限公司董事长陈启宗的这一段表白,似乎得到了市场的回应。熊真的来了。但并不是所有开发商都如陈启宗一样做足了准备。对大多数开发商来说,是该做出选择的时候了。不过,是加速出仓,还是挺过寒冬?是坚守住宅,还是进军商业?是发展旅游地产,还是研究养老地产?是借力民间资本,还是寄望信贷的放松?一时间,太多的选择摆在面前,有点为难。 相似文献
Lotteries in the real world 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
Observed patterns of lottery play suggest that many players believe they can improve their chance of winning by adjusting their bets according to which numbers have won in recent drawings, or in response to their dreams or other portents. This skill orientation is encouraged by state lottery advertising, which tends to be misleading in other respects as well. Patterns of lottery play and the content of lottery commercials provide readily available illustrations of psychological tendencies in risky decision-making that have been documented in laboratory experiments.This article is based on an informal presentation the authors gave at the Fifth International Conference on the Foundation and Application of Utility, Risk, and Decisions Theories at Duke University, June 11, 1990. 相似文献
辩证法在古希腊最初主要指一种谈话艺术,是通过揭露对方论断的矛盾以求得真理的论辩技术.康德认为辩证法是理性误用的结果,是形而上学的幻象.通过整个德国古典哲学的理论探索,黑格尔集传统哲学之大成第一次把辩证法提升为哲学的自觉原则和绝对的方法.辩证法不仅是一种思维方法,同时也是一种宇宙观.马克思汲取了黑格尔的辩证法的合理内核,从抽象的无人身的理性过渡到现实的具体的人,实现了从解释世界到改变世界的哲学变革. 相似文献
We use Asian International Input–Output Tables 1995 in measuring trade dependencies of 10 Pacific Rim economies within a regional general equilibrium model. We develop two sets of metrics in measuring the trade dependencies of the economies. First, we use final demand elasticity of exports in measuring the sensitivities of the economies in the model to autonomous changes in the final demand in any other economy in the region. Second, we use a final-demand-weighted index of export elasticities that are induced by variations in the final demand vector of any economy in the model as indicators of the strength of the shocks transmitted across countries.The estimated coefficients have important policy implications. First, these coefficients identify the most vulnerable sectors of the economies in terms of the export/import dependency. Second, these coefficients may be readily used in bilateral and regional trade negotiations. Using these coefficients, policy makers can provide mutual trade concessions in dampening the effects of real and financial shocks transmitted from the trading partners. 相似文献
Franco Spinelli 《Journal of Policy Modeling》1985,7(1):157-180
The paper discusses the macroeconomic literature on the relationship between real wage rigidity and the case for protectionism. First, it gives an account of the analytical arguments that lie behind the protectionist position of the Cambridge Economic Policy Group (CEPG). Then, it provides a critical appraisal of the model of the CEPG; the discussion is focused on its supply side, on the role it assigns to financial markets as well as on the issue of retaliation. Finally, the paper considers and evaluates the subsequent work by Eichengreen, which incorporates aggregate supply and wealth effects into the CEPG analysis. 相似文献