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马德 《东西南北》2009,(2):60-60
清晨,有些烟霭,低低地,伏在树梢间。福海从冰箱里取出昨天到蛋糕坊做好的生日蛋糕,放到副驾驶座上。他快乐地吹着口哨,发动了车。车身微微抖动着,红纸盒里的奶油蛋糕,像一捧白白的雪,中央的一个红红的“寿”字,似乎荡漾在了雪浪中。  相似文献   

庞富芸 《生存》2020,(1):0199-0199
随着我国教育体制改革的不断深入,初中体育教学的具体方式也需要重新进行改革和调整,根据体育教学的要求进行对体育教学新模式的构建,在初中体育教学中教师可以通过以快乐体育作为教学的导向,对传统体育教学的模式进行积极的创新,有效激发初中学生的学习兴趣,引导学生参与各种体育活动,掌握相关的体育技巧,提高學生的体能素质,促进学生体育锻炼习惯的培养。本文首先对基于快乐体育为导向的初中体育教学模式的重要作用进行简单的分析,然后重点对基于快乐体育为导向的初中体育教学模式的具体策略进行探究,以供大家参考。  相似文献   

家能包容自己,是属于自己真正的地方。人们都在用自己不同的方式呵护着、装点着自己的家,一点一滴都是快乐,不为别人的赞叹,为的是想起他的时候,心里一片温暖和幸福。  相似文献   

许欢 《北京社会科学》2015,(10):111-118
对于快乐论者来说,快乐是至善;但是他们对于什么是作为目的的善有不同看法。在快乐和明智的关系上,居勒尼学派认为对于快乐的选择并非总是通过明智的判断,而伊壁鸠鲁则认为快乐与明智两者不可分离。在快乐和节制的关系上,居勒尼学派否认作为目的的快乐必须受到节制,而伊壁鸠鲁认为作为目的的快乐必须受到节制。尽管居勒尼学派有可能陷入一种享乐的生活,但是伊壁鸠鲁主义不能被看成是一种享乐主义。  相似文献   

吴痕 《东西南北》2009,(8):66-67
以辛勤的工作来迎接挑战,你会发现这会让你感到快乐和满意。苏震西,墨尔本首位华人市长,墨尔本150年历史中第一位民选市长。同时,苏震西也是国际组织"城市市长"每年一次举办的"世界最佳市长"评选活动中惟一一位获得"世界最佳市长"称号的华裔市长。  相似文献   

我是一位平凡的小学教师,在10年的教学历程中,有辛酸,有失败,有泪水,有苦涩,有甜蜜,如今有更多的却是快乐,快乐是因为学生每天灿烂的笑脸,快乐是因为学生学习成绩有进步,快乐是因为付出有回报,快乐是因为自己在和谐的环境中工作,快乐是因为自己热爱这一行业,快乐就是这么简单!这么多的快乐,我怎么会不拥有呢.  相似文献   

尚之 《东西南北》2012,(5):73-75
家有自闭症患儿,做父母的一定想过这样一个问题:“我死之后,孩子怎么办?”唐纳德·格雷·特里普利特是世界首位被诊断为“自闭症”的患者,现已77岁,一直居住在家乡密西西比州弗里斯特小镇,健康、快乐、独立。唐纳德的幸福一生表明,他需要的并非治疗,而是成长。  相似文献   

曹剑波 《唐都学刊》2002,18(1):23-25
快乐是由欲求引起的心理的适应性、和谐性、不相矛盾性 ,是各种欲求的综合平衡 ,是意志力的顺畅 ;欲求是快乐之源也是痛苦之源 ,欲求越多快乐会越多 ,痛苦也越多 ;肉体快乐是一种肉体自由 ,精神快乐是一种精神自由。由于精神自由受时空、客观条件限制远小于肉体自由 ,所以精神快乐的种类、范围、程度远大于肉体快乐  相似文献   

快乐是什么?快乐是精神的愉悦,心灵的满足。快乐抽象又具体;快乐无形亦有形。 孩童的快乐是放学路上的奔跑,是透过窗户看到母亲忙碌的身影和饭热菜香,  相似文献   

立足于亚里士多德适度的伦理观角度探讨幸福,认为幸福就是适度,就是面对痛苦、超越痛苦,享受必要的快乐,适当享受快乐而不沉溺,并且适当地控制欲望使其成为人生的动力。适度的幸福观对于人生中的痛苦、快乐和欲望都具有重大意义。  相似文献   

The issues of race, color, ethnicity, and class present many challenges for goup workers leading adolescent counseling groups in culturally muted urban areas. These issues are examined in detail in the context of a school-based group work program for middle school teenagers. The role of the group leader in working with this population is discussed, and guidelines are offered for developing biculturalism in group members and for addressing race, color, ethnicity, and class as they arise in bicultural group processes.  相似文献   

The current study seeks to understand the nature of gender relations within a post‐Soviet welfare model in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Russia. On the basis of the analysis of key labour market indicators, parental leave, and childcare policies, it finds that the welfare models in the three countries are hybrid, and neither authoritarianism in Kazakhstan and Russia nor democracy in Mongolia lead to substantive gender equality outcomes. Persistent gender inequality in these countries is underpinned by the neo‐liberal approach to welfare provision, conservative social norms, and limited agency of civil society to influence the policy agenda. Nonetheless, these states have distributed to the population with an emphasis on working mothers, and this policy choice has been driven by economic, demographic, and political considerations, which ultimately serve to support, rather than transform, the patriarchal power structure in these societies.  相似文献   

The largest, the cruelest empire in the history of mankind is rapidly disintegrating. But we must not be deluded. The ruins of great empires do not yet mean the emergence of a new, happier, and wiser society. The empire has not yet disintegrated entirely. But even when it does, this will not mean that the people inhabiting one-sixth of the earth's surface will live better, that life will become happy, and that our countrymen will be freer, richer, healthier, better educated, and more humane. Even the cessation of the activity of the CPSU does not mean that the destructive force of lawlessness, militarism, the suppression of human dignity, stagnation, conservatism, the terrible discomfort of everyday life, unprecedented exploitation, general incompetence, parasitism, and technological backwardness is a museum relic forever consigned to the past.  相似文献   

This article explored the concepts of resilience, equal opportunity, and coping within a person-process-context model among urban Black adolescents in the US. Data were obtained from narrative accounts and interviews among 20 pregnant and 16 nonpregnant Black female adolescents aged 17 and 19 years. Respondents were recruited from prenatal and family planning clinics of a large metropolitan hospital and were representative of a low-income community with many female household heads and at-risk behaviors. The instruments included a 24-item structured interview of demographic data, and the 56 item semi-structured Pregnancy Adulthood Negotiation of Status Interview (PANSI). The interview elicited responses based on concrete experience, dialogue for assessing knowledge, and an ethic of caring and personal accountability. Contextual analysis revealed seven themes: adulthood preparation, role model formulation, decision-making, protective sensibility, sex and gender role commitment, opportunity mobility, and mate selection. All females shared similar demographics. Most resided in female-headed households and were high school graduates. The subsample differed in behaviors and attitudes on church affiliation, college attendance, registered voter status, sense of care and protection of self and others, self expectancies of social mobility, dating, and mate selection. Nonpregnant females were more likely to have part-time work experience and have mothers with post-high school achievement. Low-income nonpregnant adolescents were effective contraceptors and had social mobility aspirations. Narratives suggest that nonpregnant adolescents had an inner strength and belief, and commitment to advancement of career and vocational goals. The affiliations acted as social supports. These women used skillful coping mechanisms. Clinical social workers should reinforce resilience and work values.  相似文献   

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