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中国房地产政策回顾与探析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
自建国以来,中国的房地产政策经过了计划经济时期住房制度阶段,住房制度改革阶段,住房制度市场化阶段三个时期.伴随着房地产制度性政策和调控性政策的不断配合推出,我国的房地产市场取得了可观的成绩,同时也出现了一些问题.通过回顾并梳理各个阶段的房地产政策,认真分析不同时期房地产政策的作用和影响,针对中国房地产政策的一些问题,提出相应对策,国家制定和完善相关政策,房地产开发企业及相关企业的经营决策,消费者解读政策、理性消费等,应充分考虑到不同阶段不同政策的匹配性和实际影响.随着房地产制度性政策的不断完善,房地产市场的发展会越来越健康,房地产调控政策的数目会逐步减少,中国将建立适应市场经济法则,体现中国国情又符合国际惯例的房地产市场体系.  相似文献   

21世纪第一个十年的后半期,是我国也是山东省房地产市场发生深刻变革的时期,即纠正前几年过度市场化的倾向,改变粗放式经营方式;建立适合中国国情的住房建设模式和消费模式,住房建设向"集约型、资源节约型"发展,发展节能省地型住宅;住房政策理念向民生转变,在强调住房的市场经济属性的同时,也更重  相似文献   

解海  靳玉超  洪涛 《学术交流》2013,(1):112-116
在目前中国四层次城镇住房供应体系下,城镇居民的住房支付能力体现出了显著差异:最低收入阶层和低收入阶层在住房市场上根本无法实现经济适用房的住房需求,更不用说普通商品房;高收入群体则对大户型商品房也具备完全的住房支付能力。供求结构失调是问题产生的根源之一。通过构建五层次城镇住房供应体系可以解决居民收入层次与住房供应层次不匹配的问题,即把住房供应体系分为廉租房、公共租赁房、经济适用房、政策性商品房和商品房共五个层次,尽可能覆盖到包括低保困难户和"夹心层"在内的绝大多数城镇居民家庭。在此基础上完善住房市场过滤机制,理顺住房供求结构,实现"低端有保障、中端有支持、高端有市场"的政策目标。  相似文献   

胡浩 《创新》2012,6(5):88-93,128
住房市场是一个分散、区域性分割的市场,中央政府无法直接调节,对住房市场的微观调控是地方政府的职责之一。地方政府在住房市场的职责贯穿从住房生产到房屋消费的各个环节,涉及确定需求、土地供应、存量管理、基础设施建设等众多领域,有时甚至直接给特定群体提供住房。以地方政府行为视角建立一个分析框架,重点剖析地方政府在住房市场中的职责,住房市场利益相关者及管制创新,住房健康发展的内在机制,中央—地方在住房市场既分工又协作的二级管理模式有效运转的约束条件,地方住房战略制定及其有效性等问题,有助于促进我国住房市场的健康发展。  相似文献   

对住房市场相关研究的回顾表明,既有研究并没有对住房市场本身和行动者给予足够的关注,而经济社会学的市场理论能为理解和认识真实的住房市场的构建与运作提供诸多启发。基于住房属性的"商品-权利"维度和经济社会学市场理论突显的"结构-实践"维度,可以构建出一个理解住房市场的综合框架,借此可提出新的研究议题,并达成对炒房等现象的理解。  相似文献   

论房价调控与房地产市场板块化设计——以北京市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京市特殊的城市性质和定位决定了其房地产市场调控和管理的复杂性。本文从分析我国房改以来国家层面主要的房价调控措施以及北京市细化执行情况入手,探讨北京市房地产市场现状,板块化设计发展思路,即高端商品房、廉租房和最大比例的普通保障性住房三个板块。提出房地产市场板块化发展的意义在于促进社会公平,维护社会稳定,使各路资金各行其道,既可使房价合理又能保障整个市场经济的活力。  相似文献   

浙江是一个市场大省,也是一个制造业大省,在改革开放30多年的发展中,专业市场与制造业在相互影响中演化出多种空间集聚模式。总结起来,浙江经济空间集聚模式可以分为三个阶段,即"小企业、大市场"空间集聚模式、专业市场与制造业协同发展的空间集聚模式、地理网络空间集聚模式,这是一个从"位空间集聚"逐步向"流空间集聚"的演进过程。因此,在信息时代,浙江应该加强"流空间集聚",实现地理网络空间集聚和区域发展模式的再创新。  相似文献   

正近日,2020年世界企业家年会暨"五星钻石奖"颁奖典礼在北京举行。青岛银行再次摘得"五星钻石奖"桂冠,这是该行第五次入围这一全球服务领域的最高奖项,是山东省唯一入围企业。连续五年摘得"五星钻石奖"的背后是青岛银行服务理念不断升级,敢于打破服务"内卷",以标准化"减法"换取服务"加法",是青岛银行一群执着的一线员工实现信仰的故事。  相似文献   

住房问题是中国重要的民生问题,而住房保障制度是解决这一问题的重要举措.将住房保障事业看作是由政府主导的"住房保障公共事业",其提供的产品是具有准公共物品性质的保障性住房以及住房保障政策,借用"PEST"分析方法具体分析影响中国住房保障制度的政治因素(P)、经济因素(E)、社会因素(S)和政策有效性因素(T).从政治因素来看,我国住房保障制度在取得一定成绩的同时存在管理不足与法律约束力差的问题.房价收入比、保障性住房供需矛盾两个经济因素,反映出我国住房保障制度覆盖面窄、保障不足,保障性住房供需矛盾严重的问题.人口结构、城市化、传统习俗三个具体的社会因素再次印证住房保障制度保障力度小,供给不足的缺陷.政策有效性因素,反映出住房保障制度本身制度的有效性差,而这一制度缺陷致使道德风险问题频发,带来负外部效应.基于此,完善中国住房保障制度应采取的对策为:增强政府住房保障能力、倡导新型住房供给与消费模式、增强住房保障制度的政策有效性.  相似文献   

近年来,中国房地产价格增速增幅超过了相当一部分人的承受能力,备受各方关注,被喻为新"三座大山"之一,中央多轮出台调控政策,房地产市场问题有了一定改善,但调控效果还不能令社会各界满意,调控机制尚待建设和完善.近期由于受到美国次贷危机、紧缩政策、保障性住房等政策的影响,深、沪、京三地房地产价格有不同程度的下降,但从内在张力来看,房地产价格上行趋势明显.如何构建房地产价格的内在调整机制,成为房地产健康持续发展的前提.房地产转轨时期的房地产问题是一个复杂的问题,捋清以下十大关系是制定科学调控政策的基础.  相似文献   

A social stakeholder model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Corporate governance is a concept that attracted the attention of jurists and economists in the US in the 1970s and 1980s. The concept then became widespread on the European continent in the 1990s. More recently, corporate governance elements have turned up in other fields as well. When applied to social institutions, this model is referred to as 'social governance'. The (corporate) governance concept can be valuable in the social area. The debate on corporate governance is much more fundamental than the debate on the relationship between shareholders and management or between minority and majority shareholders. The essence of corporate governance can be found in the pursuit of a situation of 'checks and balances', which gives the stakeholders the possibility to complement and control each other. This article analyses the different stakeholders in the social area, their legitimisation as stakeholders and the practicability of a social stakeholder model.  相似文献   

Ambivalence is a widely experienced psychological state, but inter-disciplinary studies, to a certain extent, define and conceptualize ambivalence independently. In spite of its lack of clarity, ambivalence has become an increasingly popular concept, utilized in hypotheses concerning a variety of social phenomena. This study provides an overview of extant studies on ambivalence, and summarizes the similarities and differences in how practitioners of social psychology, political science, and sociology have adopted the concept. A survey of literature from the three fields suggests four distinctive definitions of ambivalence or antecedents that have caused ambivalence: (1) co-activation of both positivity and negativity; (2) co-emergence of conflicting attitudes; (3) co-constraint of conflicting values; and (4) co-existence of conflicting reference groups. Some potential problems, such as inconsistent findings and lack of relevant measures or indices are indicated, and alternative methods are suggested. The paper concludes by suggesting a more sophisticated and precise integrative model of ambivalence.  相似文献   

The East Asian welfare model   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
This article aims to outline main features of the East Asian welfare model, to understand its past development and assess lessons that can be learned for other developing and developed countries. It describes the particular path of welfare state development in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, by focusing particularly on developmental and political aspects of welfare state development. In the final part of the study, particular features of the East Asian welfare model are outlined, and thus the existence of a distinct, ideal-typical welfare regime in East Asia substantiated.  相似文献   

The formal framework of social choice theory is generalized through the introduction of separate representations of preferences and choices. This makes it possible to treat voting as a procedure in which decisions are actually made by interacting participants, rather than as a mere mechanism for aggregation. The extended framework also allows for non-consequentialist preferences that take procedural factors into account. Concepts such as decisiveness, anonymity, neutrality, and stability are redefined for use in the new context. The formal results obtained confirm the universality of strategic voting.  相似文献   

The paper characterizes axiomatically a class of temptation-driven preferences. The key (but not the only) novelty of the paper is the idea that the alternative which tempts when an item x is consumed may not be the same as the alternative which tempts when another item y is consumed. For any single item to be ultimately consumed, the other items can be ranked by how much they tempt. An individual contemplates, as an alternative consumption, only the item that tempts most. The utility of a menu is then equal to the utility of the item that is consumed less a (psychological) cost of resisting temptation; this cost depends on both: the item to be consumed and the item that tempts. Unlike most of the existing literature, the axioms are imposed on deterministic menus, not on menus of lotteries.  相似文献   

Policy analysts and citizen groups have long struggled with the complexities of the implementation process. The model presented here empowers students, community organizers, and consumers with theoretically sound and practically useful procedures for assessing the extent to which social agencies are implementing any particular policy or piece of legislation. It also identifies key implementation processes for citizens to target in their agency change efforts. Specific research results are presented to illustrate the practical utility of the model.  相似文献   

This article provides an empirical test of a model of gubernatorial leadership. The model includes personal, political, institutional and environmental factors that leadership theorists have asserted are important to leadership success. Utilizing a longitudinal design, ordinary least squares regression is employed to relate these variables to two distinctive measures of leadership success: one quantitative, one perceptual. The explanatory value of the model varies with the measure of gubernatorial success: it is a better predictor of perceived success than it is of success with the state legislature. One variable, gubernatorial skill and experience enters both models successfully. Gubernatorial personality, the nature of the strategy employed by the governor when announcing his policy priorities, and electoral margin also explain some of the variance in perceived success.  相似文献   

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