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Much attention has focused in recent years on the use of state-space models for describing and forecasting industrial time series. However, several state-space models that are proposed for such data series are not observable and do not have a unique representation, particularly in situations where the data history suggests marked seasonal trends. This raises major practical difficulties since it becomes necessary to impose one or more constraints and this implies a complicated error structure on the model. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that state-space models are useful for describing time series data for forecasting purposes and that there are trend-projecting state-space components that can be combined to provide observable state-space representations for specified data series. This result is particularly useful for seasonal or pseudo-seasonal time series. A well-known data series is examined in some detail and several observable state-space models are suggested and compared favourably with the constrained observable model.  相似文献   

Time series of counts occur in many different contexts, the counts being usually of certain events or objects in specified time intervals. In this paper we introduce a model called parameter-driven state-space model to analyse integer-valued time series data. A key property of such model is that the distribution of the observed count data is independent, conditional on the latent process, although the observations are correlated marginally. Our simulation shows that the Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization (MCEM) algorithm and the particle method are useful for the parameter estimation of the proposed model. In the application to Malaysia dengue data, our model fits better when compared with several other models including that of Yang et al. (2015)  相似文献   

This paper considers model selection and forecasting issues in two closely related models for nonstationary periodic autoregressive time series [PAR]. Periodically integrated seasonal time series [PIAR] need a periodic differencing filter to remove the stochastic trend. On the other hand, when the nonperiodic first order differencing filter can be applied, one can have a periodic model with a nonseasonal unit root [PARI]. In this paper, we discuss and evaluate two testing strategies to select between these two models. Furthermore, we compare the relative forecasting performance of each model using Monte Carlo simulations and some U.K. macroeconomic seasonal time series. One result is that forecasting with PARI models while the data generating process is a PIAR process seems to be worse thanvice versa.  相似文献   

A new approach is introduced in this article for describing and visualizing time series of curves, where each curve has the particularity of being subject to changes in regime. For this purpose, the curves are represented by a regression model including a latent segmentation, and their temporal evolution is modeled through a Gaussian random walk over low-dimensional factors of the regression coefficients. The resulting model is nothing else than a particular state-space model involving discrete and continuous latent variables, whose parameters are estimated across a sequence of curves through a dedicated variational Expectation-Maximization algorithm. The experimental study conducted on simulated data and real time series of curves has shown encouraging results in terms of visualization of their temporal evolution and forecasting.  相似文献   

Multi-state Models: A Review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Multi-state models are models for a process, for example describing a life history of an individual, which at any time occupies one of a few possible states. This can describe several possible events for a single individual, or the dependence between several individuals. The events are the transitions between the states. This class of models allows for an extremely flexible approach that can model almost any kind of longitudinal failure time data. This is particularly relevant for modeling different events, which have an event-related dependence, like occurrence of disease changing the risk of death. It can also model paired data. It is useful for recurrent events, but has limitations. The Markov models stand out as much simpler than other models from a probability point of view, and this simplifies the likelihood evaluation. However, in many cases, the Markov models do not fit satisfactorily, and happily, it is reasonably simple to study non-Markov models, in particular the Markov extension models. This also makes it possible to consider, whether the dependence is of short-term or long-term nature. Applications include the effect of heart transplantation on the mortality and the mortality among Danish twins.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an identification method of ARIMA models for seasonal time series using an intermediary model and a filtering method. This method is found to be useful when conventional methods, such as using sample ACF and PACF, fail to reveal a clear-cut model. This filtering identification method is also found to be particularly effective when a seasonal time series is subjected to calendar variations, moving-holiday effects, and interventions.  相似文献   

This paper surveys recent developments related to the smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) time series model and several of its variants. We put emphasis on new methods for testing for STAR nonlinearity, model evaluation, and forecasting. Several useful extensions of the basic STAR model, which concern multiple regimes, time-varying non-linear properties, and models for vector time series, are also reviewed.  相似文献   

The basic structural model is a univariate time series model consisting of a slowly changing trend component, a slowly changing seasonal component, and a random irregular component. It is part of a class of models that have a number of advantages over the seasonal ARIMA models adopted by Box and Jenkins (1976). This article reports the results of an exercise in which the basic structural model was estimated for six U.K. macroeconomic time series and the forecasting performance compared with that of ARIMA models previously fitted by Prothero and Wallis (1976).  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce logistic models to analyse fertility curves. The models are formulated as linear models of the log odds of fertility and are defined in terms of parameters that are interpreted as measures of level, location and shape of the fertility schedule. This parameterization is useful for the evaluation, and interpretation of fertility trends and projections of future period fertility. For a series of years, the proposed models admit a state-space formulation that allows a coherent joint estimation of parameters and forecasting. The main features of the models compared with other alternatives are the functional simplicity, the flexibility, and the interpretability of the parameters. These and other features are analysed in this paper using examples and theoretical results. Data from different countries are analysed, and to validate the logistic approach, we compare the goodness of fit of the new model against well-known alternatives; the analysis gives superior results in most developed countries.  相似文献   

It is common to have both regular and seasonal roots present in many time series data. It may occur that one or both of the roots are just close but not equal to unity. Parameter inference for this situation is considered both when the time series has a finite or an infinite variance. Asymptotic char-acterizations of the test statistics were obtained via functionals of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes and Lévy processes. Tabulations for the large sample distributions are obtained. The results will be useful in applications deciding whether both regular and seasonal differencing are needed in fitting a time series model.  相似文献   

This paper compares the forecasting performance of three alternative factor models based on business survey data for the industrial production in Italy. The first model uses static principal component analysis, while the other two apply dynamic principal component analysis in frequency domain and subspace algorithms for state-space representation, respectively. Once the factors are extracted from the business survey data, then they are included into a single equation to predict the industrial production index. The forecast results show that the three factor models have a better performance than that of a simple autoregressive benchmark model regardless of the specification and estimation methods. Furthermore, the state-space model yields superior forecasts amongst the factor models.  相似文献   

Several multiple time series models are developed and applied to the analysis and forecasting of the M1 and M2 money supply aggregates. These models feature a decomposition of the time series into permanent and transient influences or components. This decomposition appears to enhance forecasting accuracy and is associated with a variance-covariance allocation parameter that is also estimated from the data. Conditional maximum likelihood estimates for model parameters are presented as well as a numerical algorithm that is an adaptation of Marquardt's algorithm.  相似文献   

This work presents a framework of dynamic structural models with covariates for short-term forecasting of time series with complex seasonal patterns. The framework is based on the multiple sources of randomness formulation. A noise model is formulated to allow the incorporation of randomness into the seasonal component and to propagate this same randomness in the coefficients of the variant trigonometric terms over time. A unique, recursive and systematic computational procedure based on the maximum likelihood estimation under the hypothesis of Gaussian errors is introduced. The referred procedure combines the Kalman filter with recursive adjustment of the covariance matrices and the selection method of harmonics number in the trigonometric terms. A key feature of this method is that it allows estimating not only the states of the system but also allows obtaining the standard errors of the estimated parameters and the prediction intervals. In addition, this work also presents a non-parametric bootstrap approach to improve the forecasting method based on Kalman filter recursions. The proposed framework is empirically explored with two real time series.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal processes are often high-dimensional, exhibiting complicated variability across space and time. Traditional state-space model approaches to such processes in the presence of uncertain data have been shown to be useful. However, estimation of state-space models in this context is often problematic since parameter vectors and matrices are of high dimension and can have complicated dependence structures. We propose a spatio-temporal dynamic model formulation with parameter matrices restricted based on prior scientific knowledge and/or common spatial models. Estimation is carried out via the expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm or general EM algorithm. Several parameterization strategies are proposed and analytical or computational closed form EM update equations are derived for each. We apply the methodology to a model based on an advection–diffusion partial differential equation in a simulation study and also to a dimension-reduced model for a Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) data set.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the class of beta seasonal autoregressive moving average (βSARMA) models for modelling and forecasting time series data that assume values in the standard unit interval. It generalizes the class of beta autoregressive moving average models [Rocha AV and Cribari-Neto F. Beta autoregressive moving average models. Test. 2009;18(3):529–545] by incorporating seasonal dynamics to the model dynamic structure. Besides introducing the new class of models, we develop parameter estimation, hypothesis testing inference, and diagnostic analysis tools. We also discuss out-of-sample forecasting. In particular, we provide closed-form expressions for the conditional score vector and for the conditional Fisher information matrix. We also evaluate the finite sample performances of conditional maximum likelihood estimators and white noise tests using Monte Carlo simulations. An empirical application is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Several important economic time series are recorded on a particular day every week. Seasonal adjustment of such series is difficult because the number of weeks varies between 52 and 53 and the position of the recording day changes from year to year. In addition certain festivals, most notably Easter, take place at different times according to the year. This article presents a solution to problems of this kind by setting up a structural time series model that allows the seasonal pattern to evolve over time and enables trend extraction and seasonal adjustment to be carried out by means of state-space filtering and smoothing algorithms. The method is illustrated with a Bank of England series on the money supply.  相似文献   

When there is an interest in forecasting the growth rates as well as the levels of a single macro-economic time series, a practitioner faces the question of whether a forecasting model should be constructed for growth rates, for levels, or for both. In this paper, we investigate this issue for 10 US (un-)employment series, where we evaluate the forecasts from a non-linear time series model for power-transformed data. Our main finding is that models for growth rates (levels) do not automatically result in the most accurate forecasts of growth rates (levels).  相似文献   

Two types of state-switching models for U.S. real output have been proposed: models that switch randomly between states and models that switch states deterministically, as in the threshold autoregressive model of Potter. These models have been justified primarily on how well they fit the sample data, yielding statistically significant estimates of the model coefficients. Here we propose a new approach to the evaluation of an estimated nonlinear time series model that provides a complement to existing methods based on in-sample fit or on out-of-sample forecasting. In this new approach, a battery of distinct nonlinearity tests is applied to the sample data, resulting in a set of p-values for rejecting the null hypothesis of a linear generating mechanism. This set of p-values is taken to be a “stylized fact” characterizing the nonlinear serial dependence in the generating mechanism of the time series. The effectiveness of an estimated nonlinear model for this time series is then evaluated in terms of the congruence between this stylized fact and a set of nonlinearity test results obtained from data simulated using the estimated model. In particular, we derive a portmanteau statistic based on this set of nonlinearity test p-values that allows us to test the proposition that a given model adequately captures the nonlinear serial dependence in the sample data. We apply the method to several estimated state-switching models of U.S. real output.  相似文献   

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