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The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and UN Women held a two-day training on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in Beijing on August 21-22, 2014. Organizers provided information about CEDAW to promote mainstreaming of gender awareness and the importance of implementing China's basic State policy of gender equality.  相似文献   

最近,看到中国人民大学一位教授的文章,认为当今中国“劳动力市场上的性别歧视被离估了”。我的观点恰恰与之相反,我认为当今中国劳动力市场上的性别歧视被低估了。  相似文献   

在我们国家,无论是政府、妇女组织还是公民社会各种组织,应该拿出像反对家庭暴力一样的努力,甚至付出反家暴数倍的努力,反对一切形式的对妇女的暴力。  相似文献   

50多年来,中国妇女参与国家和社会事务管理的程度有了很大提高,目前31个省市领导班子中都有女性。然而男女参政不平等的现象仍然存在,妇女参政面临新的挑战。  相似文献   

"Everything is so new!" said, Hon. Zippora J. Kittony, National Chairman of MYWO, on this, her third visit to China. She was amazed at the number of new developments in China-particularly those concerning Chinese women. At the invitation of the ACWF, Madam Kittony led the KenyanWomen's Delegation to China this autumn, to observe Chinese women's participation in political affairs and economic activities. During the 11-day tour of Jiangxi, Shanghai and Beijing, the six-person delegation personally visited rural farming projects run by women, as well as inspecting community services and the development of cities. The Kenyan visitors expressed their support and mentioned how touched they were by the warmth of the Chinese people.  相似文献   

肩负着中国各族各界妇女的殷殷嘱托,承载着推动中国妇女事业发展的历史重任,1300多名来自祖国各地、各条战线的妇女代表相聚北京,出席新世纪召开的第一次全国妇女代表大会。这次大会必将鼓舞中国亿万妇女以更加奋发有为的精神状态投身全面建设小康社会的伟大实践。  相似文献   

"The reestablishment of diplomatic relations between China and Senegal in 2005 has presented new opportunities for women of the two countries to develop their friendly contacts with each other." Gu Xiulian (right), Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), made the remarks while talking to Viviane Wade, wife of Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade, at the  相似文献   

打破计划经济下的终身就业制度后,中国政府正在推行多种就业形式以减轻沉重的就业压力,这种就业制度的改革给妇女带来了多方面的影响。本文认为,在推行多种就业形式时应当确立性别意识,同时提出,面对妇女就业中的新问题应当采取7项对策。  相似文献   

中国深圳经济特区,一枚挂在共和国胸前的勋章:美丽迷人的自然景观,振奋人心的深圳精神,令世人瞩目的发展成就。在特区蒸蒸日上的燃气事业发展过程中,深圳市燃气集团有限公司党委副书记、总经理于剑做出了杰出的贡献。这位走上联合国讲台的优秀女企业家,刚毅果敢、细腻柔韧。让我们走近她,走进她的生活……  相似文献   

中——加妇女法加方项目经理黛安·泰勒曾去过中国许多的乡村和街道小区。在那里,在她卓有成效的妇女发展工作过程中,她亲眼目睹了中国基层妇女的生活和发展。  相似文献   

本文的研究表明,现代传媒在妇女参政的进程中发挥着重要作用。它可能正确或者不正确地反映女领导干部的形象,也可能积极或者消极地影响公众对妇女参政的态度。因此,如何改善传媒的功能是一个不可忽视的课题。  相似文献   

Director:Gu Changwei Screenplay:Li Qiang Cast:Jiang Wenli,Zhang Yao,Li Guangjie and Jiao Gang Rview:"And the Spring Comes"is the second film from Chinese director Gu Changwei,who won the Berlin International Film Festival's Jury Grand Prix for his film"Peacock"in 2005. Everyone has a dream.While most people care about daily life  相似文献   

Director:Ning Ying Cast:Hong Huang,Li Qinqin,Liu Sula,Ping Yanni and Zhang Hanzhi When Niuniu,a successful magazine publisher,realizes that her husband is having an affair with one of her friends, she invites her three best friends to a gettogether in an effort to find out who is sleeping with her husband. The gathering takes place,during Chinese New Year,in Niuniu's luxurious residence in a traditional Chinese courtyard.The  相似文献   

By Jiang Rong(Translated by Howard Goldblatt) Penguin Press HC,2008 Wolf Totem is set in 1960s China,at the time of theGreat Leap Forward(1958-60)and on the eve of theCultural Revolution (1966-1976).Searching for spirituality,Beijing intellectual Chen Zhen travels to the grasslands of Inner Mongolia to live among the nomadio  相似文献   

将性别观点纳入社会发展各领域的主流,在《北京行动纲领》中被确定为促进男女平等的全球战略。中华全国妇女联合会,忠实履行“代表和维护妇女权益,促进男女平等”之职能,同其他妇女组织和广大妇女一道在促进社会性别主流化中做出积极努力。  相似文献   

应西班牙妇女局和英国“亚洲之家”邀请,以全国妇联副主席沈淑济为团长的中国妇女代表团一行5人于2005年11月3日至12日对上述两国进行了正式友好访问。  相似文献   

应全国妇联邀请,以尚德国际妇女会西南太平洋分会主席艾琳·米切尔女士为团长的澳大利亚尚德国际妇女会代表团一行12人,于2004年7月7-13日访问了内蒙古自治区的鄂尔多斯、包头和赤峰等地。  相似文献   

全国妇联副主席、书记处第一书记黄晴宜代表第九届执行委员会在中国妇女第十次全国代表大会上提交了工作报告。报告就妇女事业今后五年的发展目标与工作要求各提出了五方面指导性原则。  相似文献   

In recent years many Chinese women have started their ownbusinesses, playing an important role in the national economicconstruction. "Over 21 percent of Chinese women have started theirown businesses, which is close to the level of their male counterparts…  相似文献   

本文回顾了中国妇女贫困和反贫困的状况、中国政府在反贫困中付出的巨大努力以及非政府组织对妇女扶贫的贡献,力求用性别视角分析妇女贫困问题、国家的反贫困政策和行动,提出从收入贫困、时间贫困和资产贫困角度来综合分析妇女贫困问题的框架。  相似文献   

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