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The present study evaluated the effects of limited and unlimited stakes on motivational and cognitive activities of roulette players. Earlier studies have shown that irrational thinking dominates rational thinking during gambling. It was hypothesized that subjects in the limited stakes condition would be less motivated to play and would verbalize fewer irrational cognitions than subjects who were allowed to bet freely. Two groups of 15 individuals played 50 trials of American roulette. The results showed that, although each group emitted more irrational than rational thoughts, there was no difference between the groups in the percentage of irrational verbalizations. One unexpected difference between the groups was found. Subjects in the limited stakes condition made riskier bets than subjects in the unlimited stakes condition. Possible explanations for this difference are discussed.The authors wish to thank Valerie Lorenz for her helpful comments and Michel Dumont and Serge Leclerc for conducting the study.Acknowledgement: this research was supported by a grant from the Consel Québécois de la Recherche Sociale.  相似文献   

A large proportion of adolescents engage in gambling activities and the prevalence of pathological gambling is high. This study presents a factor analysis of responses from 122 college students who obtained a score of 3 or greater on the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS), the most widely used instrument to identify probable and potential pathological gamblers. The analysis showed five dimensions: Illegal Behaviors, Heavy Gambling, Eating Disorders, Parentally Modelled/Less Impulsive, and Worry. Analyses revealed that except for the Eating Disorders factor, all factors clearly differentiated the probable from potential pathological gamblers, as identified by the SOGS. Results raise important questions about the relationship of pathological gambling to other psychopathological or antisocial behaviors. Thus the probable pathological gambler category represents a wide-ranging behavioral profile that goes beyond gambling per se. Avenues for future research as well as clinical implications are discussed.This research was partially supported by grants from Le Fonds Richelieu, le Conseil Québécois de la Recherche Sociale and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the level of arousal (Heart Rate) and the number of erroneous perceptions among video poker players. Twelve regular and twelve occasional gamblers participated in a gambling session conducted in a natural environment. It was hypothesised that 1) a significant positive correlation would be observed between arousal and the number of erroneous verbalizations, 2) regular players would show a higher level of arousal than occasional players, and 3) they would emit more erroneous verbalizations. Results showed that hypotheses one and three were confirmed. Theoretical and practical implications of these results for the psychology of gambling are discussed.This study was supported by a grant from Loto-Québec.  相似文献   

Recent empirical studies have evaluated if modifying electronic gambling machine (EGM) structural features could encourage safer gambling behaviors and decrease gambling-related problems. Several of these studies refer to Harm Reduction (HR), suggesting that the HR paradigm is useful to design, implement and test the efficacy of various prevention and treatment programs applied to EGM users. After reviewing the origins of HR and specifying its operational definition, this paper discusses the relevance of the HR framework for the study of measures related to EGM use and gambling in general. Examples are given to illustrate the arguments. The results show that HR has been over-inclusive in the field of gambling. A specific and operational definition and application of the HR framework is required for HR to be useful for the advancement of research in the gambling field. Disclosure: At the time of the study, Michael Cantinotti held a scholarship from the Loterie Romande (public-benefit lottery in Switzerland) for his doctoral studies. This study was funded by the Fonds pour la prévention et le traitement du jeu of the Fondation de l’Université Laval. During the study, the Centre québécois d’excellence pour la prévention et le traitement du jeu received financial support from the Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux du Québec, the Fonds Québécois de la Recherche pour la Santé et la Culture, Loto-Québec, the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Center, and Harrah’s Operating Funds.  相似文献   

Losses disguised as wins (LDWs) appear to reinforce gambling persistence. However, little research has examined this phenomenon with real gamblers in natural gambling settings. We aimed to examine the relationship between within-session outcome size and subsequent gambling persistence. Account-based gambling data of individuals playing LDW games over a randomly selected day (2,035,339 bets made by 8636 individuals) was examined. We used a logistic mixed effects model to examine the relationship between the outcome of the previous bet (loss, LDW and real wins) and the odds of continuing betting in a game session. The odds of continuing betting in a game session were positively associated with the outcome of the previous bet. Compared to LDWs, losses lowered the odds of continuing a game session. In contrast, real wins implied greater odds of continuing a game session compared to LDWs. It is concluded that LDWs increase the likelihood of continuing betting compared to losses, but decrease the likelihood of continuing to gamble compared to real wins. As LDWs increase the number of bets made within a gambling session, and hence within-session gambling persistence, LDWs may potentially play an etiological role in the development of gambling problems over time.  相似文献   

Internet gambling is growing rapidly, as is concern about its possible effect on the public’s health. This paper reports the results of the first prospective longitudinal study of actual Internet sports gambling behavior during eight study months. Data include recorded fixed-odds bets on the outcome of sporting contests and live-action bets on the outcome of events within contests for 40,499 Internet sports gambling service subscribers who enrolled during February 2005. We tracked the following primary gambling behaviors: daily totals of the number of bets made, money bet, and money won. We transformed these variables into measures of gambling involvement. We analyzed behavior for both fixed-odds and live-action bets. The median betting behavior of the 39,719 fixed-odds bettors was to place 2.5 bets of €4 (approximately $5.3 US) every fourth day during the median 4 months from first to last bet. This typical pattern incurred a loss of 29% of the amount wagered. The median betting behavior of the 24,794 live-action bettors was to place 2.8 wagers of €4 every fourth day during the median duration of 6 weeks at a loss of 18% of the amount wagered. We also examined the behavior of empirically determined groups of heavily involved bettors whose activity exceeded that of 99% of the sample.  相似文献   

Plusieurs sociologues et psychologues sociaux estiment que le concept definition de la situation peut diffkilement se preter a une analyse empirique. Cette attitude a considerablement reduit le nombre des tentatives serieuses pour operationaliser le processus par lequel les hommes conferent des significations a l'ensemble des situations dans lesquelles ils agissent dans leur vie quotidienne. On construit ici plusieurs etapes dans le but de concretiser l'etude de la definition de la situation. On presente, en premier lieu, quelques ajoutes a la theorie de la definition de la situation, y compris quelques definitions operatoires et, en second lieu, quelques strategies possibles de la recherche empirique. Une experience de terrain est decrite dans le but de demontrer ces principes. Par apres, on souligne les implications qu'entraine cette theorie elargie sur une theorie sociologique de la motivation, ainsi que l'importance et la legitimite d'une conception moderne des predispositions a l'interieur de ce scheme conceptuel. Many sociologists and social psychologists believe that the concept of the definition of the situation is not amenable to empirical treatment. This belief has discouraged serious efforts to operationalize the process by which men give meaning to the multitude of settings in which they find themselves in everyday life. Several steps are taken toward the goal of making it possible to study the definition of the situation, first by presenting some additions to the theory of the definition of the situation, including certain operationalizations, and second by offering a number of field research strategies. A field experiment is presented as a means of demonstrating these principles. Implications of the expanded theory for a sociological theory of motivation follow, and the importance and legitimacy of a modern conception of predispositions within such an approach argued.  相似文献   

The prevalence of pathological gambling in Canada   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This paper critically reviews prevalence estimates of problem and pathological gambling in Canada. Populations studied are adults, adolescents and primary school children. The proportions of pathological gamblers found in Canadian studies (ranging from 1.2% to 1.9% for adults) are similar to prevalence rates reported in the United States. Given the apparent link between gambling availability and increases in the prevalence of problem and pathological gambling, it is hoped that provincial and federal authorities in Canada will make investments in research and treatment of pathological gambling in the future.The author wishes to thank Mark Freeston for his helpful comments. Portions of this paper were written while the author had grants from Counseil de Recherche en Sciences Humaines du Canada (410-91-1514) and from Loto-Quebec.  相似文献   

Most comparisons between personality traits of gamblers and non-gamblers have yielded no significant differences (Kusyszyn & Rutter, 1985). But from a behavioral standpoint, gamblers have consistently placed heavier monetary bets than non-gamblers. Furthermore, past researchers have clearly shown that the level of risk-taking behavior increased as a function of the number of trials (Ladouceur, Tourigny, & Mayrand, in press). The present research compared the level of risk-taking behavior of gamblers and non-gamblers during prolonged exposure to American roulette (four sessions of 50 trials each). Subjects of each group (N=8) were matched on sex, age and academic level. Risk behavior was operationally defined as 1. Total amount of money bet at each trial; 2. types of bets; and 3. monetary risk coefficient. The statistical analysis of the results showed that the monetary risk coefficient was greater for the gamblers than the non-gamblers. Furthermore, for the three dependent variables, risk level increased as a function of the number of sessions and of trials. The overall results confirmed that exposure to gambling activities increased the level of monetary risk-taking behavior in gamblers and non-gamblers.Part of this paper was presented at the Sixth National Conference on Gambling and Risk-Taking, Atlantic City, 1984. This research was supported by a grant from the Gouvernement du Québec (FCAR).  相似文献   

Objective: To examine behavioral patterns of actual Internet gamblers who experienced gambling-related problems and voluntarily closed their accounts. Design: A nested case–control design was used to compare gamblers who closed their accounts because of gambling problems to those who maintained open accounts. Setting: Actual play patterns of in vivo Internet gamblers who subscribed to an Internet gambling site. Participants: 226 gamblers who closed accounts due to gambling problems were selected from a cohort of 47,603 Internet gamblers who subscribed to an Internet gambling site during February 2005; 226 matched-case controls were selected from the group of gamblers who did not close their accounts. Daily aggregates of behavioral data were collected during an 18-month study period. Main outcome measures: Main outcomes of interest were daily aggregates of stake, odds, and net loss, which were standardized by the daily aggregate number of bets. We also examined the number of bets to measure trajectory of gambling frequency. Results: Account closers due to gambling problems experienced increasing monetary loss as the time to closure approached; they also increased their stake per bet. Yet they did not chase longer odds; their choices of wagers were more probabilistically conservative (i.e., short odds) compared with the controls. The changes of monetary involvement and risk preference occurred concurrently during the last few days prior to voluntary closing. Conclusions: Our finding of an involvement-seeking yet risk-averse tendency among self-identified problem gamblers challenges the notion that problem gamblers seek “long odds” during “chasing.”  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to find out what is the prevalence of pathological in Romanian teenagers. We questioned one thousand thirty-two teenagers in Cluj-Napoca and Harghita counties. Participants completed a questionnaire with 40 items including gamblers anonymous twenty questions. The sample included teenagers aged 11–19 years; 65.57% were male and 34.43% were female. The subjects were divided into three groups: non-gambling/recreational gambling or occasional gambling (0–1 positive answers —Level 1)—753 subjects (72.96%) [316 females and 437 males]; problem gambling (2–6 points—Level 2)—243 subjects (23.54%) [43 females and 200 males]; pathological gambling (above 7 points—Level 3)—36 subjects (3.48%) [3 females and 33 males]. The mean age of pathological gamblers was 16.48 years. Gender differences were as expected, males engaging in pathological gambling (91.66% from pathological gamblers) more than females did (8.33% from pathological gamblers). Data revealed that the most encountered games practiced weekly were sport bets and slot machines in the case of 36.11% of the pathological gamblers; lotto, internet casino and pool bets each with 25%, followed by roulette and black-jack with 22.22%.From those who reported practicing gambling at a pathological level 66.66% engaged in alcohol consumption, 13.88% illicit drug use and 19.44% licit drugs. Just 16.66% smoke cigarettes. Data revealed higher rates of prevalence in Romanian teenagers than in other Central and Eastern European countries. A prevalence study at a national level should be designed.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of an online survey conducted among a sample of 161 online sports bettors in which their return-on-investment (ROI) performance as computed on the basis of their last 20 bets was used as the main dependent variable. A regression analysis showed that the online gamblers’ ROI performance is positively associated with their experience in sports betting, the degree of information search and analysis performed prior to betting, and their propensity to consider that events that happen in their life are the results of chance forces. These research results are discussed in the context of a general theoretical model where gambling performance is seen as depending on four types of determinants: the gambler's experience, personality, motivation and cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

Un problème social représente la géneralisation d'une déviation sérieuse par rapport au comportement normatif et comprend des aspects tant objectifs que subjectifs; c'est-à-dire, d'une part, des actes de transgression objectivement vérifiables et, d'autre part, la consience répandue quant à la nature et aux conséquences indésirables de ces comportements. Selon ces critères, le jeu d'argent est généralement considéré - par l'opinion professionnelle non moins que par la non-professionnelle - comme un problème social sésrieux. Un examen de la situation du jeu d'argent mene a la conclusion qu'il n'est pas un problème social et qu'une telle désignation ne répond pas à une analyse critique mais plutôt à un certain ensemble de croyances - une idéologie La conception publique du jeu est analogue à celle que l'on se fait d'autres phénomènes sociaux qui sont de la meme façon dévalues au plan moral. Les aspects problématiques de plusieurs tels phenomenes, surtout dans la ‘societé de masse,’ sont examinés brièvement dans le texte. Dans tous les cas, les données empiriques indiquent clairement que de telles activités constituent une adaptation sociale rationnelle de la part de groupes qui sont généralement des objets de stigmatisation. A social problem is understood to imply a generalized serious departure from normatively sanctioned behaviour, comprising objective as well as subjective aspects; the former manifest by means of objectively verifiable acts of transgression, and the latter consisting of a widespread awareness of the undesirable nature and consequences of the relevant conduct. On these criteria, gambling is by general assent - professional no less than lay - considered to qualify as a serious social problem. Examining the rightful status of gambling as a social problem, this paper concludes such designation does not stand up to critical analysis but derives from a particular set of beliefs - an ideology. The public concept of gambling is analogous to the view taken of other social phenomena, similarly morally devalued. The problematic aspects of several such phenomena, especially of ‘mass society,’ are briefly examined in the present paper. In all instances, empirical evidence clearly suggests such activities constitute socially adaptive rational behaviour for such social groups as generally find themselves the principal targets for stigmatization.  相似文献   

In its predominant form, the understanding of the neurosciences, which stand in high public esteem, is a naturalistic one. The critique of this naturalism concerns the technical modelling of brain functions as a syntactic or control loop machine. Adequate solutions to the mind-body problem are not found in this way.An alternative exists in the shape of the methodical-culturalistic approach, which describes the neurosciences as human practice, modelled on the pragmatism of medicine: Starting from (diagnosed and described) defects, the medical practitioner searches for the causes of the disorder.The neuroscientists naïve focus on the central nervous system is replaced by the reflection on the actions and objectives of the neuroscientist himself. This results in a number of conclusions with regard to human/animal comparisons and to the importance of brain research for the self-image of human beings, for instance concerning free will.
Zusammenfassung Das Verständnis der öffentlich hoch geschätzten Neurowissenschaften ist in vorherrschender Form naturalistisch. Kritik an diesem Naturalismus betrifft die technische Modellierung von Hirnfunktionen als syntaktische oder als Regelkreis-Maschine. Adäquate Lösungen des Geist-Körper-Problems werden dadurch nicht gewonnen.Eine Alternative bietet der methodisch-kulturalistische Ansatz zur Beschreibung der Neurowissenschaften als menschliche Praxis. Der Pragmatismus der Medizin bietet hierfür ein Vorbild: Ausgehend von (erkannten und beschriebenen) Defekten wird nach Störursachen gesucht.Der naive Blick des Neurowissenschaftlers auf das Zentrale Nervensystem wird ersetzt durch die Reflexion auf die Handlungen und Ziele des Neurowissenschaftlers selbst. Daraus ergeben sich einige Folgerungen zum Mensch-Tier-Vergleich und zur Tragweite der Hirnforschung für das menschliche Selbstverständnis etwa hinsichtlich der Willensfreiheit.

Résumé La compréhension des neurosciences tenues en haute estime par le public est naturaliste dans sa forme prédominante. La critique formulée à lencontre de ce naturalisme concerne le modelage technique des fonctions du cerveau en tant que machine syntactique ou à circuits de régulation. Il ne permet pas daboutir à des solutions appropriées sur le problème du corps et de lesprit.La démarche méthodologique culturaliste servant à décrire les neurosciences comme pratique humaine présente une alternative. Le pragmatisme de la médecine propose ici un modèle : à partir de défauts (identifiés et reconnus), on recherche les causes de la perturbation.Le regard naïf du neuroscientifique sur le système nerveux central est remplacé par une réflexion sur les actes et les objectifs du neuroscientifique lui-même. Il en résulte quelques déductions sur la comparaison homme-animal et sur la portée de la recherche sur le cerveau pour la compréhension humaine de soi, par exemple en ce qui concerne la liberté de la volonté.

Gambling participation rates among older adults (65+ years) have been increasing in recent years. Very few studies have compared older and younger gamblers on gambling motivation and problem gambling. This study compared 41 male and 63 female older gamblers (66-87 years; median 73) to 20 male and 85 female younger gamblers (17-34 years; median 20) in New Zealand on gambling involvement, gambling motives and number of gambling related problems in the previous 12 months. The questionnaire included the Gambling Motivation Scale (GMS) and the Revised South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS-R) of current problem gambling. There were between-group age differences but no significant gender or gender by age interaction effects. While older adults had significantly lower scores on all the measures, except they gambled more frequently, for both groups frequency of gambling, number of activities, largest amount spent in a single session and all motives were correlated with SOGS-R scores. Preferences for electronic gaming machines and bingo were related to SOGS-R scores for both age groups. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that after statistically controlling for age, gambling involvement and other motives, tension release uniquely predicted SOGS-R scores. For both age groups, increasing severity of problem gambling is more likely to be associated with releasing tension than with winning money or seeking sensation.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with how public health policy makers should respond to the public’s perception of risks. I suggest that we can think of this issue in terms of two different models of responding to the public’s view of such perceived risks. The first model I will call the “public perception” view (PP view) and the second the “public good” view (PG view). The PP view suggests that the public’s perception of any risks is so important that public health policies should be formulated in direct response to knowledge about them. I will consider two possible ethical arguments that might be offered in support of such a view: the first argument is an “autonomy” argument and the second a “consequences” argument. I suggest there are serious problems with both arguments. I then outline an alternative model of public health policy formation that I call the “public good” or PG model. This model focuses on drawing distinctions between the clinical and the public health context, and argues that most of public health policy is primarily concerned with the creation and maintenance of various public goods. This latter fact means that the PP model is inappropriate for public health policy formation.
Zusammenfassung  Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich damit, wie Entscheidungsträger in der Gesundheitspolitik der Wahrnehmung von Risiken in der Öffentlichkeit begegnen sollten. Mein Vorschlag ist hier, diese Frage im Rahmen zweier verschiedener Modelle der Reaktion auf die öffentliche Sichtweise solcher wahrgenommender Risiken zu betrachten. Das erste Modell bezeichne ich als die Perspektive der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung (“PP (Public Perception)-Modell”), das zweite als die Perspektive des öffentlichen Nutzens (“PG (Public Good)-Modell”). Nach dem PP-Modell sind allgemeine Risikowahrnehmungen von solcher Wichtigkeit, dass Gesundheitspolitiken als direkte Reaktion auf das Wissen über solche Wahrnehmungen zu formulieren wären. Ich betrachte zwei mögliche ethische Argumente, die zur Stützung dieses Standpunkts angeführt werden könnten, das erste ein “Autonomieargument”, das zweite ein “Folgenargument”. Ich zeige auf, dass beide Argumente mit ernsten Schwierigkeiten behaftet sind. Dann skizziere ich ein Alternativmodell zur Gestaltung öffentlicher Gesundheitspolitik, das so genannte PG-Modell, in dem der öffentliche Nutzen im Vordergrund steht. Dieses Modell konzentriert sich auf die Unterschiede zwischen Fragen des klinischen Gesundheitswesens einerseits und solchen der öffentlichen oder Volksgesundheit. Das Argument lautet dann, dass es in der Politik zur öffentlichen Gesundheit weitgehend und in erster Linie um die Schaffung und Erhaltung verschiedener öffentlicher Güter geht, was allerdings bedeutet, dass das PP-Modell für die Politikformulierung zur öffentlichen Gesundheit ungeeignet ist.

Résumé  Le présent article s’interroge sur la manière dont les décideurs dans le domaine de la politique de santé publique devraient répondre à la perception des risques par l’opinion publique. Je suggère que nous réfléchissions sur ce thème dans le cadre de deux modèles différents de réaction à la vision de l’opinion publique des risques ainsi perçus. J’appelle le premier modèle le point de vue de la perception publique (point de vue PP (Public Perception)), et le deuxième le point de vue de l’intérêt public (point de vue PG (Public Good)). Le modèle PP suggère que la perception publique des risques revêt une telle importance que les politiques de santé publique devraient être formulées en réponse directe à ce qu’on en sait. Prenons deux arguments éthiques possibles pour étayer ce point de vue : le premier argument est un argument ≪ d’autonomie ≫ et le second un argument ≪ de conséquences ≫. Je montre que ces deux arguments posent de sérieuses difficultés. J’esquisse ensuite un modèle alternatif pour l’élaboration de politiques de santé publique, le modèle PG ou ≪ d‘intérêt public ≫. Ce modèle se concentre sur les différences entre l’aspect hospitalier de la santé et son aspect public, et argue que la politique de santé publique porte essentiellement sur la création et la préservation de biens publics. Ceci signifie que le modèle PP ne convient pas à l’élaboration d‘une politique de santé publique.

Angus DawsonEmail: Phone: +44-1782-584082Fax: +44-1782-584239

Since 1977, when gambling was legalized in Spain, the amount of money spent on it has increased each year. Expenditures on gambling are now more than 3 billion pesetas per year. This paper provides the results of a study on the prevalence of pathological gambling in the Galicia region of northwest Spain, with a representative random sample (N=1,615) from the seven largest cities of Galicia. The prevalence of pathological gambling was 1.7% utilising the DSM-III-R diagnostic criteria. An additional 1.6% were problem gamblers, 0.6% excessive social gamblers and 1% exexcessive gamblers. The results suggest that slot machines are the most addictive form of gambling. Pathological gamblers are homogeneously distributed in the population with the exception that males and upper income family membership are overrepresented. Alcohol and cigarette consumption were higher among pathological gamblers than in the general population.This research was funded by the Service of Mental Health and Drug Abuse of the Health Authority of Galicia (SERGAS, Consellería de Sanidade). The author is grateful to M. José Fuentes, M. Carmen Carro, M. Angeles González, M. Carmen Lorenzo, Ana Pérez, Ana Sáinz, and Beatriz Torres for her help in collecting the data. I also thank Iain Brown for his helpful comments and English revision of this article. Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Gambling, London, November 1991.  相似文献   

Procedures designed to select alternatives on the basis of the results of pairwise contests between them have received much attention in literature. The particular case of tournaments has been studied in depth. More recently weak tournaments and valued generalizations thereof have been investigated.The purpose of this paper is to investigate to what extent these choice procedures may be meaningfully used to define ranking procedures via their repeated use, i.e. when the equivalence classes of the ranking are determined by successive applications of the choice procedure. This is what we call ranking by choosing. As could be expected, such ranking procedures raise monotonicity problems. We analyze these problems and show that it is nevertheless possible to isolate a large class of well-behaved choice procedures for which failures of monotonicity are not overly serious. The hope of finding really attractive ranking by choosing procedures is however shown to be limited. Our results are illustrated on the case of tournaments.I am grateful to Hervé Raynaud and Jean-Claude Vansnick for stimulating discussions. Jean-François Laslier, Thierry Marchant, Bernard Monjardet, Xavier Juret and an anonymous referee made very helpful comments on earlier drafts of this text. Special thanks go to Patrice Perny who introduced me to the subject and to Olivier Hudry for his help with Slater orders. The usual caveat applies. Part of this work was accomplished while I was visiting the Service de Mathématiques de la Gestion at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels, Belgium). I gratefully acknowledge the warm hospitality of the Service de Mathématique de la Gestion as well as the support from the Belgian Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique and the Brussels-Capital Region through a Research in Brussels action grant.  相似文献   

Deux des principaux types de programmes relatifs à la 'qualité de la vie au travail' sont la participation à la gestion et la redefinition de la tache. On interprète habituellement ces programmes comme étant des réponses de la direction à l'agitation des travailleurs, qui visent à augmenter la motivation de la main d'oeuvre. Cet article s'attache aux programmes de redéfinition de la tache, et soutient que ces programmes (a) ne sont pas principalement des réponses à l'insatisfaction des travailleurs, et (b) atteignent les buts de la direction non par une alteration de la conscience des travailleurs, mais par une rationalisation du procès de travail. Les conditions économiques et technologiques qui fondent les décisions des patrons sont illustrées et débattues. De plus, une évaluation critique est presentée, de la thése selon laquelle les programmes de redefinition de la tache profitent autant aux travailleurs qu'à la direction.
Two major types of QWL programs - participative management and job redesign - typically are understood as corporate responses to worker unrest intended to develop a highly motivated workforce. This paper concentrates on job redesign and argues that it 1/ is not primarily a response to employee discontent and 2/ achieves corporate goals not by altering workers' consciousness but by rationalizing the labour process. Economic and technological conditions which underlie corporate decisions to modify the division of labour are discussed and illustrated. The claim of QWL proponents that job redesign equally benefits labour and capital is also critically assessed.  相似文献   

Les études récentes portant sur le patronat québécois avancent que ce dernier a modernisé son discours, passant du néolibéralisme à une concertation et à une coopération positive avec les syndicats et l'État. Ces études suggèrent que le patronat québécois est en train de développer une économie politique distincte du modèle libéral en vigueur ailleurs au Canada. Cet article analyse le discours du Conseil du patronat du Québec (CPQ) depuis sa création pour évaluer la pertinence de ces arguments. Il conclut que la vision stratégique du CPQ est restée néolibérale depuis le début des années 1980, ce qui suggére la nécessité de la prudence dans la formulation des arguments sur l'exceptionnalisme économique du Québec. Recent studies of the Quebec patronat argue that it has “modernized” its discourse, moving from neo‐liberalism to the embrace of positive‐sum concertation and co‐operation with unions and the State. These studies suggest Quebec's employers' associations are developing a different political economy than the liberal one found in the Rest of Canada. This article assesses these arguments using the discourse of the Conseil du patronat du Québec (CPQ) since its inception. It argues that the CPQ's strategic outlook has remained steadfastly neo‐liberal since the early 1980s, which suggests the need for caution in developing accounts of Quebec's economic exceptionalism.  相似文献   

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