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How will tighter controls over health expenditures, an increased supply of qualified doctors, and clinical acumen becoming more critical in allocating health resources under market-driven, capitated payment-type plans affect physicians? Throughout the world, they will play a greater role in the management of health facilities and services. To train doctors to provide leadership in these new, more market driven environments, education should focus more on the integration and coordination of clinical and managerial processes, an approach outside the scope of most curricula now offered. New managerial competencies will be required by the paradigm shift away from simply delivering quality health services to tighter cost containment efforts. Physicians will play an increasing role in how medical facilities and services are organized and financed--the blending of clinical and managerial-financial-information science processes will be paramount in these educational pursuits.  相似文献   

The glass ceiling is a form of organizational bias and discrimination that prevents qualified professionals from achieving positions of top governance and leadership. This article examines glass ceiling barriers that keep physicians from the upper reaches of management. While these factors apply mainly to women and minority physicians in academia, and are attributable to sexual harassment and discrimination, physicians as a class are frequently denied executive management positions. Such denial results from inadequate preparation for a career in health care administration. Important issues in the professional development of physician executives include mentoring, training and education, administrative experience, and cultural and personality factors. All of those must be considered when making the transition from medicine to management.  相似文献   

Which degree should physician executives pursue to enhance their careers--an MBA, MHA, MPH, MS in Administrative Medicine, JD, or other graduate degree? While options abound and the debate continues over which graduate degree physicians preparing for senior management roles in the health field should select, several variables are analyzed in this article that must be considered. Physicians need to be trained to provide leadership in the new, more market-driven environment--their education must focus more on the integration and coordination of clinical and managerial processes. New managerial competencies will be required by the paradigm shift away from simply delivering effective and efficient health services to one that emphasizes improved access, social equity, and particularly on cost containment and quality of care efforts.  相似文献   

The effort to reduce the cost of medical, hospital, and ancillary services increasingly focuses on shifting the financial risk for the cost of these services to those who provide them. Shifting arrangements include capitation for physicians classified as "primary care" physicians; capitation arrangements that include primary and specialty services; risk shifting to medical groups, IPAs, and other physician organizations; as well as the packaging of physician and hospital services on a "full risk," "per case," or other basis. Accepting financial risk for the cost of medical and other health care services, as well as the responsibility for managing the provision of services, may very well be the only remaining opportunity for providers to maximize reimbursement and maintain administrative and clinical self-direction. However, physicians must work with managed care organizations (MCOs) through negotiation of contracts and throughout the relationship to make sure: Unnecessary financial and legal risks to the MCO and physicians are eliminated. Risks that cannot be eliminated are apportioned between the MCO and physicians. All risks are managed in a coordinated fashion between the MCO and physicians.  相似文献   

The substantial changes in the organization and financing of health care services that have occurred in the United States over the past decade have helped to facilitate a growing role for physicians in health care management. These administrative roles for physicians are becoming increasingly important within many health care institutions with regard to such issues as cost containment and cost effectiveness, quality assurance and professional standards, and access to care. The growing complexity and diversity of the delivery system have created the need for more physicians to become involved in "orchestrat(ing)" the management of the medical-industrial complex."  相似文献   

When paying a physician for medical or surgical services, most patients expect the traditional bill or charge for that encounter or visit. While most people also pay health insurance premiums, few patients expect to prepay for their health care. But that is the foundation of most managed health care systems-prepaid medicine. PPOs, IPAs, and HMOs are typically health care providers linked together to provide services to a set population for a specific prepaid fee or "capitation" payment. Other providers contract with these managed care insurers to receive a predetermined and often "discounted" professional fee for services. These managed care organizations have already gone through a number of stages in determining how physicians are to be compensated for their services, and further changes loom on the horizon.  相似文献   

The profound changes in the health care industry have led to the anger, frustration, and unhappiness that physicians are feeling. It is important to examine physicians' responses to the threats to their professional autonomy, image, lifestyles, and relationships with their patients. The "learned helplessness" behavior exhibited by physicians is astounding, considering the education, status, and reputation of physicians as healers for those in need. This article explores the concept of resiliency among physicians and describes why physicians as a group may be less resilient than other individuals. In fact, the structure and training of the medical profession stacks the deck against those who want to change or to be resilient in the face of the changing environment.  相似文献   

Physicians today need to be effective managers, as well as clinicians. In previous years, physicians gained managerial experience either through on-the-job training, degree programs, or continuing medical education courses. The specialty of emergency medicine began its first administrative fellowship in 1990 in California. Currently, three administrative fellowships exist nationally in emergency medicine. This article will describe the purpose of the fellowships and their curricula. Each fellowship has a different emphasis, with the goal to educate physicians who are interested in developing administrative skills to manage emergency departments or management groups or accept roles in hospital leadership. The existence of these fellowships will ideally influence the establishment of administrative fellowships in other specialties.  相似文献   

The need for physicians in management roles in the health care system has never been greater. And the years ahead will see that need broadened and intensified. To maintain their leadership role in medical affairs in hospitals and other types of health care delivery organizations, physician executives will have to envision provider organizations and systems that have not yet been conceived, let alone developed and implemented. They have to become totally open-minded and futuristic in their thinking. And they will have to help other physicians accommodate this new way of thinking if the medical profession is to continue in a leading role in health care matters. Although numerous factors will have to be anticipated and analyzed by these new physician leaders, the ascendancy of primary care in a managed health care world long dominated by the technical and technological superiority of hospital care will present a particular challenge to the physician executive.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the extent to which topical planning issues of informality and illegality are incorporated into the educational curricula in Nigerian planning schools. Given the scale and enormity of informal and illegal settlements in Nigeria and other African cities, these issues should be emphasized in the education and training of planning professionals. Yet, few curricula in Nigerian planning schools, including the Nigerian Town Planners Registration Council’s professional curriculum, incorporate informal urban issues. The paper recommends an educational interventionist approach based on recognition of the potential of indigenous knowledge as a means of producing critical and reflective planning graduates who possess the competencies to deal with contemporary settlement challenges. It presents the institutional landscape for planning education and the processes of planning curricular reform and accreditation with a view to revitalizing planning education in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Today's health care climate creates increased potential for conflict between hospital administrators and hospital-based physicians. Voluminous regulations, increasing operating costs, professional liability exposure, changing methods of reimbursement, constraints on capital expenditures, and similar constraints on bed expansion have caused hospitals to explore new and innovative sources of revenue. Hospitals have become more eager to provide "bundled" services and health care "packages" in order to compete for discounted reimbursement contracts demanded by large-volume purchasers. While the impact of these changes is clearly felt in the private sector, similar fiscal constraints also may require university hospitals to modify their traditional role as leaders in education, research, and community service. In short, all hospitals are under intense pressure to increase revenues, reduce operating costs, and maintain the scope and quality of services provided.  相似文献   

Societal and technological changes experienced in the past few years have been instrumental in the creation of a new medical specialty--medical management. In this age of scarce resources for health care, physicians must be involved in management and leadership roles in the financial, managerial, and strategic planning aspects of their institutions.  相似文献   

The conventional wisdom strongly suggests a health care provider food chain for the future: Primary care physicians (PCPs), principally family practitioners, on the top playing the lead role, distantly followed by specialists, with hospitals and other ancillary services even further down the line. Is this a reasonable expectation? Will PCPs dominate the new systems? Or will they be but one of many equally necessary components of these developing integrated health care delivery organizations? Looking at the various models now developing, it would seem that future integrated delivery systems will utilize both PCPs and specialists, but with strong augmentation from a diverse assortment of other health care professionals, including nonphysician providers, educators, and administrators. To separate the illusion of primary care dominance of the coming health care system from the likely reality, we should first determine what is driving the apparent present demand for primary care physicians. Next, we will examine the possible and probable reactions to that demand from an economic standpoint and from the points of view of both health care professionals and the public. Finally, we must try to picture how health care provider organizations of the future are likely to look and how they will integrate their health care professionals.  相似文献   

As the business role of health care delivery expands and complex reform is imposed, physicians must assume leadership roles and imprint medical expertise on business dynamics. Before the end of this century, health care and its delivery will likely become unrecognizable to those who ended their practices only a decade ago. Traditional management will wither away to be replaced by self-managed, self-trained, and self-motivated workers, no longer employed in jobs but working through processes, projects, and assignments in integrative health care delivery systems. Becoming a leader is an active and arduous process that can no longer be approached haphazardly. To be effective, the physician must plot a course with clear and calculated intent and effort, which requires acquiring organizational tools and administrative skills to innovatively alter medical care for the good of all.  相似文献   

The last half of the 20th Century has been witness to numerous changes in the delivery and financing of health care services. These changes have impacted the one-to-one doctor-patient relationship that may have existed in the past to become a complex of relationships. The contemporary physician collaborates with many other professionals to assist in the delivery, financing, and monitoring of health care services. These clinicians and other professionals require access to patient information to deliver care and secure payment. The patient understands this. Yet the patient has concerns about the widening circle of persons authorized to access his or her information. These concerns have been amplified by the development of community health information networks--(CHINs). This article focuses on CHINs, both patient concerns and the role physicians can take in developing them.  相似文献   

The literature is replete, many would say depressingly so, with accounts of the changes that are rocking the health care delivery system. The demands on the system's leadership increases with every change. And the future holds even more changes, with a level of uncertainty that will makes today's demands seem childplay. Physicians, especially physician executives, will surely be key factors in helping the system maintain its fundamental charge of high-quality patient care provided at reasonable cost, but what exactly is expected of them? One point is clear: While their clinical backgrounds will continue to arm them well for reaching the executive suites of health care organizations, physicians who hope to fully succeed in management will have to acquire and master a widening range of management skills. An indication of just how demanding the health care management job will be is provided in this report, based on interviews with physician executives and the people who seek and sell their services.  相似文献   

Research into the management of professional service quality, other than in health care, has been very limited, despite being particularly problematical. This paper focuses on the interactive, highly customized and labour-intensive service offered by solicitors to their commercial and corporate clients. The intangible nature of legal services, the natures of the professionals themselves and the firms within which they operate, and the perceptions of risk brought to the service by the client create additional difficulties in managing the service and measuring client perceptions of it. Yet solicitors must understand the requirements of the group of clients they seek to serve in order to design their service to match those needs. Clients have to assume the technical competence of their solicitor. Moreover, they seek confidence when buying legal services. Our research, therefore, sought to gain an understanding of the process used by commercial and corporate clients when evaluating legal service, and of the factors that are key drivers in the creation of confidence.  相似文献   

Physicians and other medical professionals undergo extensive professional training for the privilege of obtaining their professional licenses. For most physicians, clinical training is conducted in extremely competitive circumstances. Many physicians endorse competition as an appropriate method for producing greater individual and collective competence within the profession. Competition, however, is a very limited way to resolve conflicts. And, in the current environment of greater resource restrictions and reform, the competitive model, at best, seems short-sighted. Many of the current relationships involving physicians and others are transitional, involving various partners in numerous practice and professional relationships. For example, medical practices are merging; hospitals are engaging physicians in numerous business structures, even employment. However, longer term relationships are enhanced by mutual respect and collaboration, rather than chronic competition to "win" one's rights over another. Thus, the need among physicians to enhance their conflict resolution skills is expanded in today's environment.  相似文献   

In only a decade, anesthesiology has reversed its fortunes from an underrepresented specialty in the 1980 Graduate Medical Education National Advisory Committee report to "a specialty in trouble" featured in The Wall Street Journal. This article focuses on anesthesiology and its work force dilemma as an evolving specialist model for change. What is happening to anesthesiology will not be unique--managed care competition will affect all physicians. Most specialties will have to reshape curricula and redesign education programs and academic delivery systems concentrating on fewer trainees. What are the options for coping with physicians grieving over lost dreams, such as autonomy and solo practice, while redesigning a medical specialty? The authors untangle fact from fear, mission from myth, and offer strategic thinking and solutions.  相似文献   

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