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A May I take a message?我可以留个口信吗?B Yes.Say it,Please.可以,请说。A May I come in?我可以进来吗?B Come in please.请进。A One moment,please.请等一下。B OK.好的。A My telephonenumber is6543297.我的电话号码是6543297。B I got it.我记下了。A Hello.This isAlice.你好,我是艾丽丝。B Hello.This isDan.你好,我是丹。英语读吧…  相似文献   

A:Hello,Modern English,Drew speaking.你好,洋话连篇,我是Drew。B:Hello,Drew,It's Marco again.I have some ques-tions to ask you.你好,我是Marco,我有几个问题要问你。A:Yes,goahead.说吧。B:How do you say that when you have a large bill,but you need some change?当你想破钱时用英语怎么说?A:Well,that'seasy,Wesay Can you break a large bill?ie:If you havea$100bill,you just say:Can you breaka$100bill?很简单,你就说你能打开这张大票吗?比如说,你有一张一百的大票要破,你就说您能打开一百的吗?B:And what do y…  相似文献   

Teacher:Hello.你好。Student:Hi, This is Ryan. Is this the phone-in line?你好,我叫Ryan。是声讯台吗?Teacher:Yes, may I help you?是的,有什么可以帮你的?Student:I'm calling to practice my English.我打电话来想练练口语。Teacher:No problem. I'm here to help. What do youwant to talk about?没问题。我随时准备帮忙。你想聊些什么?Student:Can you tell me your name first?能先告诉我你的名字吗?Teacher:Sure. My name is Drew.当然,我叫Drew。Student:That's a good name. Does it have any spe-cial meaning?名…  相似文献   

电话练口语Unit 5 户外运动好潇洒——Outdoor activitiesPaul:Hello, how can I help you?你好,您有什么事儿?Allan:Hey, is that Paul? It's Allan here.是Paul 吗?我是Allan。Paul:Yeah, Paul speaking. What's up, Allan?是的,我是Paul,什么事儿?Allan:I have some questions about outdoor ac-tivities for you.我想问你几个关于户外运动的问题。Paul:No problem, ask away!没问题,说吧!Allan:My first question for you is, what do youcall it when you go and sleep in t…  相似文献   

面试之中有奥秘 [Interview]A:Hello, Modern English. Drewhere.你好,洋话连篇, 我是Drew。B:Hi, buddy, it's Marco。嘿,哥们儿,我是Marco.A:How can I help you today?今天想聊些什么?B:Well. I am going for an interview tomorrow. Can you giveme an idea of what the inter-viewer will ask?明天我要参加面试。你能帮我想想他们都会问什么问题吗?A:well, they may ask you to tellthem about your educationalbackground and your workingbackground.他们会问你关于你的教育背景和工作背景的问题。B:But they can see my re…  相似文献   

President Farrow and Vice-President Reynolds visit theSoftware Development depart-ment and the manager intro-duces them to Amber. What isAmber's reaction to meeting thetop bosses? What is theirreaction to her?(President Farrow and VPReynolds arrive at SoftwareDevelopment department. Theyare met by Ed Blakely andAmber)Ed: Amber, I'd like youto meet our President, TomFarrow.Amber:(shaking hands)Hello, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you.Tom: Welcome to our group, Amber. We're ex-pecting…  相似文献   

Hello!大家好!暑假就要来临了,忙碌了一个学期的大学生们是不是又在考虑怎样利用这漫漫长假来打工挣钱呢?在这里给大家介绍的是近几年来沪上渐渐兴起的一种兼职--幼儿全天陪教。  相似文献   

1. Good morning Guard Hotel. Hello. I'd like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th.  相似文献   

电话练口语Unit 7 闲逛酒吧放个松——Pub crawlDrew: Hello! Is that Chris? 你好!是Chris 吗?Chris: Drew, how did you know it was me? Drew,你怎么知道是我?Drew: I guessed. What can I do for you today? 我一想就是。今天想聊点儿什么?Chris: I want to know if you want to go to the bar with me? 你想去泡吧吗?Drew: Sure, what bar do you want to go to? 当然,你想去什么酒吧?Chris: You choose, but make sure that they have some s…  相似文献   

A:H认厂n、holne. 啦,我回来一了。B:Hi. 11海。尺愁.姗闷曰U.‘如劲翻创引翻A:How are you?你好吗?B:工’m一f ine,thankyou.我很好,谢谢你。能110.你178爬jsL初由盼ar’s尸u厂刀召刃己夕 A:Hello.Myname1 5 L 1 n da.What’syour name? 你好。我叫琳达,你呢? B:Myname 15Jack. 我叫杰克。一 洲姗溯儡姗碱锄︽欲︺﹂一匕10吧加咒组盯口,卜卜‘、们二︺月刁.涵,、十七A:I’m Chinese. 我是~中国万人浪B:I’m Amereean.我是美国人。瑞禁李澳盔{A:N icemeetyOU, .见到你很高兴。 B:N 1 e e t 0 meetyou,too, 见到你我也很高兴。看…  相似文献   

老妈来美国之前,只会3句英语:Hello,Thank you,Goodbye。还别说,这有限的3句英语在老妈刚进美国时,就派上了用场。入关检查时,老妈对窗口内检查证件的"老外"招呼:"Hello!""老外"以为这位热情的中国老太太懂英文,就一连串地说了几句"鸟语"。这下老妈懵了,笑嘻嘻地对着老外连忙摇手,并用中文说:"嘿,  相似文献   

英语中有一种语言现象,在实际生活和英语教学中出现的频率相当高,这就是双重否定(double negation或double negative)。古往今来的文学作品以及现在各大学正普遍使用的英语教科书中,双重否定的例子可说是俯拾皆是。然而对这一频繁出现的语言现象,中外许多语法专著却较少有全面的论述。不仅如此,对双重否定的作用和价值,语法界又众说纷纭,莫衷一是。下面,笔者拟就有关这一语言现象的几个主要问题作一探讨。何謂双重否定? 对这个基本问题,丹麦语言学家奥托。叶斯帕森(Otto Josperson)这样说道:“双重否定一般出现在这种情形中,也就是not位于带有否定意义的词汇或有否定前缀  相似文献   

史泽华 《今日南国》2007,(22):70-71
泰国警方一定做梦也没想到,他们本来觉得是神来之笔的一个对犯错警察的惩罚计划竟然会因为一些狂热的小女孩的抗议而流产.警方本来打算制作一些图案为粉色的吉蒂猫(Hello Kitty)坐在两颗连在一起的心上的可爱袖章 ,任何犯了小错误的警察都得带着这个臂章巡逻或出警.  相似文献   

设计师的椅子意大利出品的Mu。设计师椅简单得过分的线条颇不像崎子备尚白黑两色选择.国皿.110 Kltl,Hello Kitty水晶娃娃200了年了月2刁日日er一。阿.、头厩t .on展在东京三越百货开幕,三丽鸥株式会社推出镶嵌施华洛世奇水晶的。vD播放机、耳机、玩具猫等He引。代.tty系列产  相似文献   

继日本的Hello Kitty和招财猫之后,又一可爱的猫咪——石头猫来了!它土生土长于祖国台湾并席卷整个台湾工艺礼品市场。石头猫的创作者就是曾为迪斯尼动画  相似文献   

快乐初学者初学者鉴定标准: (1)年龄范围:0-150岁。(2)性格:无惧无畏.敢于用自己仅有的一些短语词汇和老外套近平,而对于老外随后的长串回应皆以微笑回答之。(3)英语水平处于能够说出Hello和very love Shanghai之间。对于初学者,“兴趣”是学习英语最大  相似文献   

新手妈妈的贴心老师"Hello,圆圆,你好,圆圆……"伴随着优美的曲调和生动的手势,这是江苏省金马社区计生主任在新生儿走访登记时和刚出生一个月的圆圆打招呼时的情景。  相似文献   

By way of summary, can we formulate any, general rules concerning stress of compound words? As a result of this study, what ways may be pointed to for solving the difficulty? In the first place, the tendency towards stress seems to be different for the two main groups studied, compounds terminating in nouns and those terminating in adjectives. 55 percent of the compounds ending with nouns were single-stressed, 45 percent double-stressed, that is, for compounds ending in nouns, there is no strong tendency either way. 76 percent of the compounds ending, with adjectives were double-stressed and only about, 23 percent single-stressed; that is, for compounds with adjectives as the second component there is a strong tendency towards double stress. In the second place general rules are not much of a help in determining and learning the stress of individual compounds. One must learn the rule for each class of compounds. In classes where the rule for one form of stress is fixed, asfor double stress of compounds consisting of an adjective plus a past participle, the rule is indeed helpful. But such rules are not many. In the third place, a mastery of certain principles that determine stress is important, for instance, the principle that implied constrast tends to make a compouud single-stressed, even if the compound would otherwise be double-stressed, Also the principles that old recognized compounds would be single-stressed, and that compounds of adjective form when used attributively are single-stressed but when used predicatively, double-stressed. In the fourth place, it is wise to look up every newly-met compound in the dictionary and master its stress. Mastery of those compound words will help in determining the stress of, other newly-met compounds by the use of analogy. Awareness of this problem and attention to it are the first steps toward its solution. Finally,. may Ⅰtake the iiberty of setting forth a few points of advice for the Chinese student of English? Start studying the qnestion of the stress of compounds, master every compound you encounter, make lists of them; classify them and find the rules for each class for yourself inductively. These procedures will take you a long way towards the mastery of the stress of compounds.  相似文献   

<正> 英语双宾语(double objects)是指在英语语言中一个双及物动词(ditransitiveVerb)同时要求的两个动作对象.英语中的双宾语现象并不罕见.但其中确有一些复杂之处值得我们注意与认真探讨.本文拟就双宾语的类型、相互位置以及含双宾语句子的被动式等问题作些粗浅的论述.  相似文献   

"吃了吗"与"Hello"是汉英两种语言中具有代表性的传统招呼语。它们所承载的信息不同程度地体现出异国的政治历史、饮食文化、语言变迁、风俗民情及人伦礼仪等文化要素。  相似文献   

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