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香港对外贸易在世界贸易中占有重要地位。1984年,香港对外贸易总值占全球贸易总值1.57%,排名第13位。上海是中国的一个重要出口基地,1980年上海口岸出口值占全国出口总值的一半以上,但在世界贸易中所占份额甚微,与香港的差距很大。如以两地出口贸易(不包括转口)的情况进行比较,可以看到上海发展出口贸易的优势和弱点,并可借鉴香港的经验和做法,改进工作,这对振兴上海出口贸易具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

香港经济的有序发展,与其完备的法律制度密切相关。本文将上海、香港的法律结构和立法机制,立法程序作了比较,介绍了香港的法律改革委员会的职能,提出了香港法制建设方面可供上海借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

本文认为,上海和香港的经济合作,在我国对外开放中有着重要的意义。上海在同香港合作的过程中要借鉴香港的经验,而要借鉴,就得比较。作者从产业结构入手,着重在经济功能上将上海与香港进行比较,寻找其问的比较优势,从中找出上海的差距。作者在借鉴香港成功经验的同时,还探索在改革与开放条件下,恢复上海作为中国和亚太地区重要贸易中心和金融中心的途径,並寻求上海与香港两大经济中心在“一国两制”下进一步进行跨体制、多层次经济合作的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文通过对解放前后上海财政税收政策与实践的演变和二次大战后香港财政税收状况的对比分析研究,论述两地由于经济环境的差异而实行不同的财政税收政策。作者根据我国国情及上海的具体情况,提出参考与借鉴香港的某些财政税收措施,例如设想上海与中央合理分配财政收入,扩大上海地方财政管理权限,制订适应改革开放要求的上海地方财政支出管理制度,降低直接税率以及开拓间接税等等,来改革与完善上海的地方财政体系。  相似文献   

目前国有企业中层管理者难以充分发挥作用的原因为领导者缺乏正确的权力观,越权干涉、重放权和轻考核等.权力结构是企业中层管理者充分发挥作用的关键,充分发挥国有企业中层管理者的作用,必须在管理岗位上引入竞争机制,改革管理模式,以交流轮岗的形式合理配置人才资源,加强培训教育的力度,通过健全监督机制,规范管理者的职务行为.  相似文献   

一、引言 在中国,家庭寄养模式最早可以追溯到清代(常宗虎,2001),新中国成立伊始,像山西大同乳娘村那样的寄养模式就已经存在了。然而,这种模式得到政府的广泛关注,还是最近几年的事情。家庭寄养作为孤儿、弃婴的一种照料模式受到充分的肯定,说明我国儿童福利事业从“重机构发展”到“以人为本”的指导思想的重大转变(王素英,2002)。  相似文献   

石丹理  韩晓燕  李美羚 《社会》2006,26(3):137-157
本研究最基本的问题是:香港和上海的青少年在父母控制,亲子关系质量,以及心理健康方面是否存在着差异。香港(3,017名)和上海(3,022名)的中学生对以下几方面表达了自己的观点:父母行为控制、父母心理控制、透过中国文化本土观念评估的父母管教、父母对传统中国文化亲职信念的认同、亲子关系质量,以及心理健康。从数据中可以得出以下结论:1)相对于上海的父母,香港父母的行为控制较弱,就传统中国文化管教观念而言的管教较弱,对传统中国文化管教子女信念的认同较弱,但他们的心理控制较强;2)相对于上海的青少年,香港的青少年认为亲子关系质量较差,他们的心理健康较差,并不太愿意在放学后回家,与父母或其他成年人在一起。  相似文献   

在现代城市化文明飞速发展的过程中,同为亚太大都市的香港和上海都拥有丰富的老年资源,也都面临着人口老龄化的严峻形势.  相似文献   

居委会作为街道办事处“派出机构”的角色在客观上已经凌驾于“群众性自治组织”的法律定位之上。相应地,居委会工作人员在长期担当政府代理人角色的路径依赖之下,主观上已经把与社区发展息息相关的日常政务工作建构为社区内部事务。因此,社区建设的实质是基层社会治理结构的建设,它需要国家力量给基层社会的自我运作让渡出一定的空间,而要实现这一目标,关键性的基本前提是政府职能部门的基层管理和服务工作一定要到位,创造性的制度变革是顺应不同性质组织功能的要求,构建“社区建设指导委员会(政府)-社区管理委员会(社会联合体)-社区工作者(专业服务组织)-社区居委会(自治性组织)”的社区治理结构体系。  相似文献   

Risk and its Management in Post-Financial Crisis Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the 1970s and up until the financial crisis occurred in the late 1990s, Hong Kong prospered in a relatively stable social, economic and political context. Since the financial crisis, however, its population has been increasingly exposed to risk: there has been job uncertainty and decreasing capacity for self‐reliance, leading to a growing reliance on public welfare and on families at a time when both are under pressure. The old welfare policies, unable to cope with the new risks, have been replaced by neo‐liberal reforms, redistributing the roles and responsibilities of the individual and the state, with a greater burden falling on the former. Individuals are required to be prudent to manage risk. While these reforms have relieved some of the burden on the state, both new social risk groups and ‘net taxpayers’ considered themselves to have borne disproportional costs. Society is facing serious problems resulting from ineffective old welfare policies, new social risks due to new policies, and the political upheavals arising from increased social conflicts and weakened social cohesion and solidarity. A further complication is that there is no acceptable platform or agent to negotiate a compromise between the polarized groups. This article argues that reliance on publicly funded risk coping strategies or on neo‐liberal risk prevention and mitigation strategies is not a desirable and sustainable policy. A commonly accepted political platform is required to negotiate a compromise which emphasizes shared and balanced roles and responsibilities, and a well‐conceived combination of risk prevention, mitigation and coping strategies.  相似文献   


Objective: We extended the volunteer process model (Omoto & Snyder, 1995) to identify factors influencing the persistence of volunteer activities in older Chinese.

Method: We individually interviewed 318 older Chinese volunteers about their demographic information, history of volunteer activities, subjective health status, perceived social support, motivation for volunteering, integration into volunteer group, satisfaction from volunteer work, and intention to continue volunteering in the coming year.

Results: Bivariate correlation analyses generally supported the volunteer process model. In particular, intention to continue volunteering was related to antecedent factors of high educational attainment, mental well-being, social support, and fulfillment of altruistic and self-oriented motives as well as volunteer experiences of integration into the volunteer group and satisfaction with volunteer work. Results of a multiple regression analysis indicated that fulfillment of self-oriented motives was the most salient factor in predicting the persistence of volunteer activities when shared variances of various factors were also considered.

Discussion: Research and practical implications were discussed to facilitate the retention of older Chinese volunteers.  相似文献   

Deprivation and Poverty in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite high and rising real incomes, the poverty rate in Hong Kong remains a cause of community concern. The government has been reluctant to set a poverty line, although the recently (re‐)established Commission on Poverty has recommended that a poverty line for Hong Kong is developed. Against this background, this article reports results derived from a new deprivation study designed to shed new light on the living standards of the poorest in the community. Reflecting international studies, deprivation is identified as existing when people do not have and cannot afford items regarded by a majority in the community as being essential for all. A list of 35 basic needs items is identified as meeting this definition, the results indicating that around 30 per cent are deprived of at least two items, over 18 per cent are deprived of at least four items and 10 per cent are deprived of at least eight items. Deprivation rates are particularly high among items that meet basic health needs. A mean deprivation score index (MDIS) is then used to compare the degree of deprivation experienced by different groups, and indicates that deprivation is most pronounced amongst those receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA), people affected by a disability and recent migrants. The overlap between deprivation and income poverty is also relatively low, which suggests both measures have a role to play in identifying who is most vulnerable and guiding where policy change is most urgently needed.  相似文献   

田蓉 《社会》2013,33(1):195-224
全球第三部门正处在发展的十字路口,面临转型的挑战。本文运用个案研究方法,试图探讨20世纪90年代以来新管理主义如何影响香港社会福利领域NGO的发展。研究发现,尽管新管理主义的价值观已深植于NGO领域,但不同个案机构对其影响的回应不尽相同;组织的社会倡导价值对于市场化价值的妥协在本研究中虽有体现,但如何使商界更加关注社会福利的改善正日益成为香港NGO实践其倡导价值的新关注点。  相似文献   

香港文学和大陆文学 ,历史上本就关系密切 ,大陆改革开放后则交流愈加。其间 ,两地小说创作的交流 ,小说读者的接受情形和审美反响 ,尤其引人注目。大陆的当代小说创作和研究 ,对香港文学界和大众读者一直颇有影响 ;反之 ,当代香港的武侠小说和言情小说等 ,在大陆亦有很大读者市场 ,并为评论界高度重视。由于同一母体文化 ,加上两地各种联系密切 ,因此两地小说创作在题材选择、严肃小说领域、通俗小说领域、作家心态等方面 ,便有不少共同点。但因为社会制度毕竟不同 ,文化消费毕竟有异 ,两地小说的作家创作与读者接受便又存在不少差异。这些异同处 ,都有不少耐人寻味的地方。对它们进行比较研究 ,可以更清楚地发现当代大陆小说和香港小说各自的创作特点和审美短长。但长期以来这种富有意义的比较性研究却又很缺乏 ,确实需要加强  相似文献   

深港两地的城市青年有很强的创新意识与接纳新事物的能力,青年流行文化作为青年文化的重要组成部分反映着他们的思想状态.研究深港青年流行文化有助于两地文化的融合与交汇,也有助于一国两制的实践和发展.文章指出两地文化交流互动过程中存在的问题.旨在探讨深港两地青年流行文化相互影响发展情况与发展趋势.  相似文献   

Prior foreign research showed significant positive relationship between geographical accessibility, gambling advertising and gambling behaviors. This paper, using data from two studies, describes and discusses the change in prevalence of gambling in Hong Kong with the liberalization of gambling activities in Macau. Results mirror the findings of foreign studies. Analysis showed that the groups who indicated that they were mostly influenced by the increased number of Macau casinos and gambling advertising were those aged 20–39, those with tertiary or above education, and the problem and pathological gamblers. Policy makers and gaming operators' effort to implement responsible gambling policies to prevent gambling addiction are discussed.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in the application of Townsend's deprivation approach to provide estimates of poverty that more directly reflect the living standards of those on low income. The consensual approach is applied here using data from the second wave (conducted in 2015–2016) of the Trends and Implications of Social Disadvantages in Hong Kong survey. The article draws on a related study that identifies separate lists of items deemed “necessary for all” by a majority of adults (aged 18 years or older) and children (aged 10–17 years). Those unable to obtain at least three of these items are identified as deprived, and the profile of household deprivation is examined in terms of the family types most affected, age groups, and numbers of children. Further analysis focuses on the disparity between children identified as living in households identified as deprived according to information provided by adults and children whose deprivation status reflects their own views. Finally, the overlaps between deprivation and four measures of poverty—two objective and income based and two subjective and perception based—are examined and discussed. The results indicate that deprivation and poverty are different but that, however it is measured, more needs to be done to address poverty in Hong Kong, including further improvements in the coverage and adequacy of health service provision and social security benefits.  相似文献   

实行立法起草的专门化是香港法治经验之一:香港法律改革委员会是为了从制度上保证社会各方对立法活动的参与而设立的,是专业研究立法的机构,为法律草拟科提供研究成果,在香港立法活动中发挥着重要的作用。广东省与香港有着不同的法律制度和法律体系,在立法制度方面是不能进行机械比较和模仿;但我们可以学习其法治精神,从技术上学习其先进经验,提高我省的行政立法水平.  相似文献   

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