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国资委直接持股具有诸多正面效应,但也面临法律风险。当前应对和处理国资委直接持股的法律风险问题,主要有依据“角色理论”确定诉讼程序等5项措施。重点在于,应建立防范和化解国资委直接持股法律风险的长期制度安排,如建立有效的上市公司制衡机制等。  相似文献   

刘小麟  金钢 《职业时空》2008,4(9):78-78
对于因国有企业管理不善、缺乏有效的激励机制等原因导致的国有资产的显性流失,政府可以通过统计方法记录和控制,但对于在国企改革中由于人为操纵导致的“国有资产隐性流失”,政府监管难度就要大了许多。一方面,政府进行监管的技术难度大,成本较高;另一方面,政府监管部门对国企的隐性资产流失难以发觉,难控制,而且防不胜防。在我国,政府监管和管理国有资产的行政机构是各级国有资产监督管理委员会(简称“国资委”)。近年关于国有资产流失有很多的争论,  相似文献   

上海国资在战略性新兴产业发展中有其独特的优势,同时也存在一系列问题。明确提出上海国资发展战略性新兴产业的战略目标、战略定位,正确选择上海国资战略性新兴产业的重点发展领域,系统论述上海国资引领战略性新兴产业发展的具体路径,提出六种发展模式和七大产业平台建设,以及上海国资引领战略性新兴产业发展的主要配套政策措施等。  相似文献   

中国拟三年构建新的国资管理体制框架我国将用三年或者更多一点的时间,构建起新的国有资产管理体制的基本框架,重点解决国有资产出资人到位和有效监管的问题。其思路:一是加强国有资产监督、管理的法制建设。二是加快现代企业制度建设的步伐,推进国有企业进行规范的公司制改革,完善法人治理结构。支持具备条件的国有大中型企业,通过重组上市、中外合资等多种形式,实现股份制改革,实现投资主体的多元化,使股份制成为中国公有制的主要实现形式。三是积极推进国有经济的布局结构和战略性的调整,以适应世界产业结构调整的大趋势。按照有进有退,…  相似文献   

2012年1月6日的中国股市继续了之前两年的颓势,沪深两市早盘照例双双低开,略显特别的是,跌幅居前的是医疗器械行业,18只上市交易个股全部下跌,行业平均跌幅2.47%。分析师们在这一数字下面注明了这些企业利空的原因:在1月5日召开的2012年全国卫生工作会议上,卫生部部长陈竺指出,“十二五”期间深化医改需要进一步突破“以药补医”等关键问题,争取“十二五”期间在全系统稳妥有序地革除“以药补医”的弊端。  相似文献   

据经济学家杨帆披露,改革以来,我国的国有资产流失已达5000亿元以上,平均每天损失1个亿。姑且不论这个数字的权威性,但国有资产在流失是个不争的事实。而在流失的渠道中,产权交易的暗箱操作不可小视。为了堵住这个缺口,1996年,中央决定国有资产的产权转让要经产权交易市场运作。中国的产权交易市场由此逐步发展起来。7年后的今天,当中纪委明令“产权交易必须进场”,新近挂牌的国资委也将对国有资产进一步加强监控之时,作为产权交易的大市场,是否能担起如此重任呢?  相似文献   

安徽省政府办公厅日前印发老龄事业发展“十二五”规划,就“十二五”期间安徽省老龄事业发展总体目标和主要任务等作出部署。  相似文献   

2011年8月,浙江省政府发布了《浙江省老龄事业发展“十二五”规划》,详细列出了“十二五”期间浙江老龄事业的具体发展目标和主要任务。近日,本刊记者专访了浙江省民政厅副厅长、省老龄办主任苏长聪。就《浙江省老龄事业发展“十二五”规划》中构建惠及全体老年人的社会保障体系、打造覆盖城乡的社会养老服务体系.为老服务八大重点工程等重点内容进行了详细解读。  相似文献   

<正>阅读提示2019年以来,耕地占用税历经征收机关、征收依据、协征部门等调整变化,其征收工作难免存在不协调的情况。特别是部分地区开展综合行政执法工作以来,相关协税职责规定不明确,非法占用耕地行为立案查处后,税务机关无法及时掌握案件涉税信息,进而致使国有资产流失且部分行政机关被追责。这类案件该如何处理为宜?业内人士结合具体案例进行了解析,以供参考。  相似文献   

“十四五”时期上海国资国企深化混合所有制经济改革,要以国有经济高质量发展为目标,以国资国企资本化混合所有制经济综合改革为主线,以国资授权经营体制改革为中心环节,以国资国企综合改革试验区为突破口和“双百企业”为抓手,进一步促进国有经济提质增效,为努力提升城市发展能级和核心竞争力、转型高质量发展、推进高水平开放、加强高效能治理和满足高品质生活发挥先锋队和主力军作用.  相似文献   


This article investigates the puzzle of women of color's proportionately higher percentage of office holding in state legislatures compared to white women legislators by testing the predictive capacity of variables commonly used to explain percentages of women at the state level. Using an original dataset that includes characteristics for all 50 U.S. states, the results suggest that standard indicators of women's office holding do not work equally well for all groups of women. The study demonstrates that race and ethnicity do make a difference in regards to women's office holding at the state level when the racial and ethnic characteristics of female legislators are considered.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to find an empirical connection between the striking increase in the use of fixed-term contracts in Spain and the observed delay in the age at marriage and maternity. Using the eight waves of individual information from the European Household Panel for Spain, we find that for men, the decision whether to get married is strongly negatively affected by holding unstable contracts or not working, relative to when an indefinite contract is held. However, for women, results suggest that holding fixed-term contracts is not a deterrent for the decision whether to get married. With respect to the decision of whether to enter into parenthood, results indicate that for all childless women, either with no partner, holding fixed-term contracts delays entry into motherhood relative to the holding of indefinite contracts. The discouragement effect is stronger for women with no partner, though.JEL classification: D1, J1  相似文献   

Since the late 1960's bank holding companies have become a dominant force in U. S. banking; they now account for over 2/3 of the nation's total deposits. This paper tests the hypothesis that the holding company form of organization leads to relatively risk-taking behavior by affiliated banks. A major finding is that holding company banks react to monopolistic market situations by choosing risker portfolios and by leveraging to a greater extent than their independent counterparts. Such a behavioral characteristic has important implications for the allocation of resources in the country's 2600 local banking markets and for the regulation of financial institutions in general.  相似文献   

Using data from the 2000 Health and Retirement Study (HRS), this study examined the probability of older Americans holding consumer and mortgage debt. The specific objectives of this study were to identify to what extent individuals aged 65 and over hold consumer or mortgage debt and to investigate factors that influence the probability of holding consumer or mortgage debt in old age. The results of logistic regression analysis indicated that older individuals who had larger households, had higher levels of education, were aged 65–74, were married, were Black, and were employed, were more likely to hold consumer or mortgage debt. This study concluded that holding one kind of debt is associated with probability of holding another kind of debt.  相似文献   

Forty newborns (M age = 27 hr old) of depressed and nondepressed mothers were habituated to a cold or warm temperature tube by hand. Both groups of infants habituated the temperature of the tube, as indicated by a decrease in holding, and dishabituated, as indexed by an increase in holding when the temperature of the tube changed. However, the newborns of depressed mothers (a) required twice as long to habituate; (b) showed a sensitization effect, as indexed by an increase in holding from the second to the third trial of habituation; and (c) passively handled the objects with their hand.  相似文献   

As fake news continues to abound on the Internet, the need for theorizing on the impact of misinformation on individuals’ perceptions of various social issues is dire. Using the issue of vaccine negativity in the United States, this study proposes the idea of lacuna individuals as issue-specific active publics holding negative attitudes and having deficient issue-specific knowledge. Results reveal that knowledge-deficient, vaccine-negative individuals display higher levels of perceptions, motivations, and active communication behaviors about vaccines. Results, therefore, support the conceptualization of lacuna individuals, and publics, as knowledge-deficient activists holding high levels of negative attitudes.  相似文献   

Manual skills such as reaching, grasping, and exploring objects appear months earlier in infancy than locomotor skills such as walking. To what extent do infants incorporate an old skill (manual actions on objects) into the development of a new skill (walking)? We video recorded 64 sessions of infants during free play in a laboratory playroom. Infants’ age (12.7–19.5 months), walking experience (0.5–10.3 months), and walking proficiency (speed, step length, etc.) varied widely. We found that the earlier developing skills of holding and exploring objects were immediately incorporated into the later developing skill of walking. Although holding incurred a reliable cost to infants’ gait patterns, holding and exploring objects in hand were relatively common activities and did not change with development. Moreover, holding objects was equally common in standing and walking. However, infants did not interact with objects indiscriminately: Object exploration was more frequent while standing than walking, and infants selectively chose lighter objects to carry and explore. Findings suggest that the earlier appearance of some skills may serve to motivate and enrich later appearing skills.  相似文献   

The basic thesis of this paper is that effective use of therapeutic metaphor can provide a holding environment within which the client can both address and recontextualize clinical issues. The use of therapeutic metaphor can serve to bolster the empathic connection between therapist and client, providing the client with a new feeling of being understood, in part through a new use of language. Therapeutic metaphor is also particularly well-suited to promoting dialectical understanding and analysis of everyday problems in living. The inner edge of possibility is a construct that illustrates the link between the clinical efficacy and structure of therapeutic metaphor.  相似文献   

The American diet has changed substantially over the last few decades. These changes provide a test for social theory and have substantial effects on the demand for various food products, thus impacting U.S. agriculture. In this paper a rapidly growing dietary choice—vegetarianism—is explored. Prevalence of various forms of vegetarianism is estimated in a representative sample of a suburban population and factors that influence choice of a vegetarian diet are examined. About 7 percent of the sample report they are vegetarians. The prevalence of vegetarianism is not influenced by age, gender, or education, but individuals holding traditional values are less likely to be vegetarian than others. There also is some evidence mat individuals holding altruistic values are more likely than others to be vegetarians.  相似文献   

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