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The article points out the limitations in surveys measuring religiosity and spirituality using the measures developed in Christian or Western contexts. Japanese people think of religion (shūkyō) as revealed religion such as Christianity that has specific doctrinal belief and faith. Through their history of religious regulation, Japanese people came to consider themselves "non-religious" as a way of survival, not to be punished by political authorities and not to be stigmatized in their community. Thus they tend to answer that they consider themselves "non-religious" in surveys, while performing ritual performances for their ancestors in Buddhist temples and Buddhist altars not only to thank ancestors but also to ease the psychological fear people have toward muenbotoke, restless ancestors who have no legitimate offspring to take care of them. To extend the study of spirituality or religiousness in the Japanese context, qualitative studies are necessary not to misinterpret religiousness and spirituality in Japanese context.  相似文献   


This study explores the possibility of implementing a saving program for military soldiers in Korea. Over the past decade, asset-based programs have been expanded in Korea. Using a vignette method describing a military matched savings program and logistic regression, this study examines soldiers' attitudes toward a matched savings program. This study with a final sample of 224 soldiers in a Brigade in Korea found that 67% of survey participants are willing to join a savings program. In addition, most soldiers expect the program to have a positive impact on their military life, saving habits, and life after army service. A logistic regression analysis found that family relationship, duty type, rank, and age are significantly related to a soldier's willingness to join the program. The study provides policy and practice implications in that a military savings program may help soldiers to adapt to army service and prepare for life after army service. This study concludes with possibilities for future research when examining soldiers' attitudes toward a military savings program.  相似文献   

The military occupation of Boston in 1768 shocked the city's labor market. The soldiers, who were expected to supplement their pay by working for local businesses, constituted an influx equal to 12.5 percent of greater Boston's population. To assess the importance of this shock, we use the case of Quebec City, which experienced the reverse process (i.e., a reduction in the British military presence from close to 18 percent of the region's population to less than 1 percent). We argue that, in Boston, the combination of the large influx of soldiers and a heavy tax on the local population in the form of the billeting system caused an important wage reduction, while the lighter billeting system of Quebec City and the winding down of the garrison pushed wages up. We tie these experiences to political developments in the 1770s.  相似文献   

Research on stigmatized individuals is widespread; however, there are only a few studies on how stigma affects trust in a stigmatized person's work product. In two experiments, participants evaluate a target individual who is described as either Christian/Jewish/Muslim/Atheist-Agnostic or either heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual. Participants are asked to rate how they feel about a target and how trustworthy they feel the target individual's work product is. All religions and sexual orientations except Christian or Jewish heterosexuals are rated less positively and their work products are rated as less trustworthy compared to a neutral control. Results also show that affect plays a strong mediating role in the relationship between stigmatized conditions and trust in work product.  相似文献   

陈奕玲 《唐都学刊》2012,28(1):59-72
从文武官职的角度看,"军将"、"武臣"、"武将"在魏晋南北朝时期主要用来泛指军事行动中的各级统帅,多与地方行政官职构成文武之别,但"军将"一词北魏后内涵有所扩展,亦指中央与地方军队的统帅。"文官"与"武官"之称从东汉开始普及,主要用以区分中央官职。两汉存在"文吏"与"武吏"的对举,所指侧重地方的基层吏员集团。从文武群体的角度来看,汉代以后,从军队出身、以武功扬名者渐渐被视为一个群体,该群体常被称作"武士"、"武夫"、"武人"、"武将",他们多具有善战强悍、学识浅薄、不闲吏职等比较固定的特征。文人群体常被称为"文吏"、"儒生"、"文士"、"文人"、"学士",尽管诸词所指人群掌握的知识不尽相同,但它们都和武人群体相区别,强调其不长武事的特征。  相似文献   


The first drug court began in 1989, and since their inception, they have expanded to over 3,000 in the United States and United States territories. The long-term goal of drug courts is to reduce criminal recidivism rates for nonviolent offenders who have substance use disorders. This study adds to the literature by using secondary data to compare criminal recidivism rates between drug court participants (n?=?163) and probationers who had diagnosed substance use disorders and arrests that were eligible for drug court but they did probation instead (n?=?185). Criminal recidivism was measured up to 36?months post drug court/probation discharge, which provides a more accurate assessment of the long-term effectiveness of drug court. Furthermore, this study identified which drug court participants were most likely to recidivate. Drug court participants were less likely to recidivate than the probation group. However, differences between the two groups may have contributed to the difference in criminal recidivism rates and also suggest that screening criteria may exclude some non-White participants from drug court. Non-white participants were more likely to recidivate than their White counterparts. Implications for future research and drug court practice are discussed, focusing on enhancing the service-delivery of education and employment opportunities to non-White drug court participants.  相似文献   

Objective. What factors affect the ability of candidates for state supreme courts to raise money? In this article, I test (and expand) existing theories of political fundraising (taken largely from legislative studies) in the context of judicial elections. Methods. I examine the determinants of campaign contributions to all candidates running for the state supreme court from 1990–2000 in states that have competitive judicial elections. Most basically, I hypothesize that a candidate's ability to raise money is dependent on characteristics of the candidate, the state electoral and supreme court context, and institutional arrangements. Results. The results suggest that candidates who have a greater probability of success than their opponents are better able to raise money. Yet, all is not within the control of the candidates, as the electoral context of the state and the court as well as the institutional arrangements of the election and the court are also relevant. Conclusions. Campaign fundraising by state supreme court candidates, much like fundraising by legislative candidates, can be understood in systematic and predictable ways. Candidates have some control over the amount of money that they are able to raise (and thus their electoral viability), although there is little they can do about the electoral and supreme court context. Additionally, institutional arrangements play a large role in raising campaign funds, suggesting that there is not much reformers can do to limit the amount of money involved in elections short of eradicating elections altogether.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study was to illustrate how the identity of Chinese older adults who lost their only child changed after the traumatic event in the context of unique culture and policy settings. The individuals studied were 14 adults over the age of 50. Each respondent was interviewed concerning his or her post‐loss experiences. Results indicated that these bereaved parents are not only deeply impacted by the loss of the most loved one, but are also stigmatized by the culture and victimized by the one‐child policy. The collective identity as shiduer is defined not only by personal grief but also by cultural uniqueness and the unintended consequences of the one‐child policy.  相似文献   

The literature on stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination has typically focused on the ways dominant groups negatively view and respond to minority groups. We suggest an insider's perspective to focus attention on the stereotyped or stigmatized ingroup's responses, experiences, and beliefs and the paradox of being both an active constructor of one's everyday reality and an involuntary target of negative attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs that shape this reality. We propose that an insider's perspective affords a view of stigmatized groups as actively seeking to make sense of their social world and attain positive outcomes, not simply avoid negative outcomes. In this sense, an insider's perspective acknowledges that stigmatized groups are not simply victims or passive recipients of stereotyping but rather actively attempt to construct a buffering life space.  相似文献   


Utilizing a convenience sample from a drug court program, the authors investigated the benefits of treatment for noncompleting drug court clients (n = 30). Using an as-treated design, the qualitative investigation assessed whether noncompleters received any benefit from their drug court experience. In-depth interviews were conducted to determine both benefits gained and reductions in harm that occurred as a result of drug court participation. Data analysis was guided by the grounded theory method. Outcomes of coding indicated that participants' motivation and self-efficacy were enhanced through the intervention. Further, participants reported that their relationships with family, therapists, or peers were improved as a result of their involvement with drug court. Individuals in the study sample reported abstinence or decreased substance use, as well as improvements in employment and/or educational attainment. Participants’ perceptions of barriers to program completion were also noted. Study outcomes suggest that expansion of a harm reduction approach in social service practice may have utility for drug-abusing populations. Limitations of the research, including lack of generalizability, are discussed. Further research of harm reduction effects with a larger, heterogeneous sample size is recommended.  相似文献   

从清末满汉权力格局的角度考察,载沣驱除袁世凯是清政府中央集权的必然结果,亦是少壮派满族王公逐渐集权的必然举措。载沣驱袁的态度与理由发生过明显的转变,最终以足疾为由将袁世凯罢黜,是载沣在与其他清廷高层各派系博弈下有所妥协的抉择。驱袁后,载沣并未真正实现集权,他的统治权威非但没有通过驱袁树立起来,反而招致了清廷朝野内外各政治势力对其统治能力的质疑,并最终加速了清王朝的灭亡。  相似文献   

Recent terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon have accentuated the threat of terrorism. However, it appears that the attackers are popularly thought of as mentally deranged individuals who are evil. This article suggests that such an understanding is a misperception of these people and may interfere with an adequate response to prevent future attacks. The article reviews the extant literature on psychological theories of terrorism and concludes that terrorists are not dysfunctional or pathological; rather, it suggests that terrorism is basically another form of politically motivated violence that is perpetrated by rational, lucid people who have valid motives. The only real difference between terrorism and conventional military action is one of strategy. Terrorists lack the necessary resources to wage war in furtherance of their political goals.  相似文献   

穆渭生  乔潮 《唐都学刊》2011,27(6):10-16
安思顺是盛唐时期的著名"蕃将",曾任河西军、朔方军节度使,忠诚朝廷,为国戍边,功绩显著。但他因与安禄山有特殊的"兄弟"关系,最终蒙受哥舒翰公报私怨的诬陷,惨遭冤杀;加之国史不为立传,其生平事迹大多湮灭。"中兴名臣"郭子仪曾为安思顺部下,深受信任和重用。及至平定"安史之乱",朔方军功勋卓著,郭子仪乃奏请为安思顺昭雪。通过爬梳史料、解析文献,一是尽力搜集安思顺的生平事迹,彰扬其忠诚品质;二是推究郭子仪奏请昭雪安思顺的时间、现实目的———从政治上安抚、感召朔方军广大将士,以尽快平息河东道的危机局势。  相似文献   

Gill McIvor, Research Fellow, Social Work Research Centre, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA. Summary The recently introduced National Standards for Community Serviceschemes in Scotland recognize that certain offenders on CommunityService may experience personal difficulties that interferewith their ability to comply with the order of the court andrecommend that where necessary advice and help should be providedto assist completion. A study of twelve Scottish Community Serviceschemes revealed that in spite of their often being acceptedfor Community Service because of the absence of obvious instabilityin their lives, many offenders encountered personal difficultieswhile completing their orders and those who did had a higherincidence of absence from placement. The relatively few instancesof intervention by Community Service staff that were found weremainly of a practical nature. Two schemes were, however, identifiedas offering a more intensive social work service which may haveenabled certain offenders who would not otherwise have doneso to complete their Community Service Orders. The practicalimplications of increased intervention by Community Servicestaff are discussed as is the possibility that such an approachmight enable schemes to deal successfully with a higher proportionof offenders who would otherwise have received a custodial sentence.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that African‐American youth are significantly overrepresented in many juvenile justice systems relative to their population percentages. Research has also determined that similar disproportion exists in school discipline and speculated about a “school‐to‐prison pipeline” for minority youth. Objective. This study explores empirically the degree to which disciplinary decisions made in schools can help to explain observed rates of disproportionate minority contact with juvenile courts. Methods. It does so in an assessment of education and justice system data from a sample of counties in Missouri. Results. The findings suggest that racial disproportion in out‐of‐school suspensions, which cannot be explained solely by differences in delinquent behavior, is strongly associated with similar levels of disproportion in juvenile court referrals. The association between disproportionate patterns of school discipline and court referrals persists after controlling for poverty, urbanization, and other relevant factors. Conclusions. The implication is that school‐based programs that offer alternatives to suspension and expulsion and promote disciplinary equity may help alleviate racial disproportion in the juvenile justice system.  相似文献   

Just one month before the end of the school year 9th-grader Alexei Bogushevsky was expelled from the school he had attended from first grade on. The Pedagogical Council suggested that he find another school that would admit him. The Department of Education and the Commission on Education of the District Executive Committee thought that expulsion with the right to enter another school was inadequate punishment and withdrew that right.  相似文献   

As recently freed black Americans moved westward in the decades after the Civil War, they sought employment opportunities and escape from an oppressive racial environment. Some men became United States soldiers, named the Buffalo Soldiers by plains Indians, serving in the West. Neglected by the white public and scholars for years, in 1967 William H. Leckie published his classic book, The Buffalo Soldiers. Since then, a flood of scholarly and more general works investigating the life, careers, and roles of these black western soldiers have been produced. This study serves as an interpretive review of that literature. Even so, more research and writing is left to be accomplished. What is important to remember is that these soldiers served with distinction and valor, offered a source of pride to black Americans, and both faced and fought racial injustice in the West—even though the discrimination was not usually as virulent as that on the other side of the Mississippi River.  相似文献   

Inthe present article, I consider the behavior of nonstigmatized versus stigmatized perceivers toward stigmatized target persons in personal relationships. First, I argue that nonstigmatized persons generally are less likely to enter into personal relationships with or to give affection and respect as socioemotional support to stigmatized persons than are other stigmatized persons. Second, I present a variety of facilitators and barriers to stigmatized persons' supportive function as well as factors that might make nonstigmatized persons more likely than stigmatized persons as sources of socioemotional support for stigmatized partners. Directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Drug courts have been a key part of the criminal justice system since 1989, and this study contributes to the existing body of research by identifying which participants (n = 248) were most likely to graduate from a drug court in Indiana (United States). Three variables emerged as significant predictors of graduation. First, participants who were employed or were students at the time of admission were nearly 2.5 times more likely to graduate than participants who were not. Second, participants who were using opiates as their primary drug of choice were over 80% less likely to graduate than participants who were using non-opiates as their primary drug of choice. Third, participants who had violations in the first 30 days of the program were nearly 50% less likely to graduate than participants who did not violate in the first 30 days. Offering medication-assisted treatment (MAT), such as methadone, Suboxone, or Vivitrol, to participants who have an opiate use disorder may improve graduation rates for this population. Additionally, graduation rates may also improve by offering more resources to assist participants in gaining and maintaining employment or schooling, and this seems to be especially important within the first month of the program.  相似文献   

Despite the anticipation that the legal system would be able to offer a civilized and institutionalized means in settling the infringement of homeowners' property and consumer rights, empirical evidence has instead indicated a decline in the employment of litigation in dispute resolution. This paper attempts to examine the complex interaction between the rule of law and homeowner activism in upholding their rights. Information on property related litigation was collected from online court rulings in Shanghai which is supplemented with in-depth interviews with homeowner activists who were involved in litigation. In this paper, the rule of law in China is analysed within a wider socio-political context of neighbourhood governance and the emerging civil society. Despite the inadequacy in the legal system in protecting homeowners' rights, empirical evidence has shown that homeowner activists have explored the legal system, not just as a means of redress but also to employ creatively as part of their action strategy in settling their problems outside the court.  相似文献   

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