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爱情不是在花前月下,不是在你侬我侬,大多时候,是在风雨同舟时,在柴米夫妻的生活里,在那一点一滴、一举手一投足的喜欢里。那天看了一张照片,是大画家吴冠中和他的妻子。在黄山上,大概是下着雨吧,吴冠中在画画,背后站着他的妻子,举着伞,站着。在那张照片前,我呆了好久,多么感动人的一幕。她站在他身后,为他打着伞,而多年以后,她老年  相似文献   

中华演绎人生 小时候,“中华”是一管白白的矛膏。我在这头,笑容在那头。 上学了,“中华”是一支细细的铅笔。我在这头,考卷在那头。 工作了,“中华”是一条红红的香烟。我在这头,领导在那头。 结婚了,“中华”是贷款买的轿车。我在这头,而奋斗的路,还在那头……  相似文献   

飞碟是现代世界的一个谜。许多人声称,他们曾见到过飞碟,飞碟出现在许多国家。在欧洲、亚洲、美洲和非洲,都有发现飞碟的报道。在地球和月球,在大海和天空,在美国、英国,在世界的许多地方,都有关于飞碟的报道。  相似文献   

近朱者赤,近墨者黑,古人所言可信吗?若可信,又该信其多少?初次想到这个问题,是在北京的陶然亭公园,秋色渐浓的时节。头一回去陶然亭公园,是在去年的春天,恰值花卉展览。那时候,公园里的湖边山前,繁花似锦,姹紫嫣红;杨柳依依,绿意浓浓。那些鸟一样飞来飞去的孩子们,衣服无不艳丽,在花丛、在树下、在桥上、在亭间,传出一阵阵的欢声笑语,随风飘荡。孩子们年轻的父母无不充满青春的活力,与孩子们追逐嬉戏。花在闹春,人也在闹春,便闹得人们精神抖擞。  相似文献   

刘珏欣 《金色年华》2013,(12):54-56
他怀揣着一颗勇敢的心,他的信仰在空中飘扬,他想要怒放的生命,他要飞得更高。他笑着哭,他像个孩子,他总是边走边唱。他在长安街上高唱北京北京,在旅途中追问我该如何存在,在春天里低吟爱是一颗幸福的子弹,他在彼岸,今天,他在这里。他是汪峰,我们这个时代的灵魂歌者。汪蜂的音乐有抗争而不颓废,  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会,难点在农村,重点在农民,核心在增收,关键在就业。乡镇企业在吸纳农业剩余劳动力、提高农村就业率方面所产生的作用和作出的贡献是巨大的。在中国这样一个农民占绝大多数的发展中国家要实现工业化、城镇化、现代化,逐步缩小城乡差别,全面建成小康社会,乡镇企业的战略地位和重要作用不可忽视。  相似文献   

在俄罗斯,不论走到哪里,周围几乎都有正在读书的人.在呼啸疾驰的地铁列车上。在因冬衣的臃肿而显得紧逼的公共汽车上,在街边候车站结层薄冰的玻璃小房里,在林间空地被积雪埋了半截的长椅上,在副食品商店里,甚至在排队兑换美金的队列里,都有人在捧书阅读。像列宁图书馆、莫斯科大学这样的地方,更是满目读书人了。  相似文献   

花忆 《女性天地》2007,(2):32-33
那一年,你失恋了。这个城市里,每天可能有成千上百个人在遭遇失恋,但发生在自己身上,就无法说忘记就忘记。于是你在清早起床时想起他,在拥挤的电梯里想起他,在寂寞的晚餐时间想起他。你甚至感觉自己无可救药了,越想忘记一个人,那个人的声音偏偏似晚钟,日日在心中回响。  相似文献   

汶川地震发生已将近三个月了,人们在为逝者哀痛、为生者欣慰、为救援者感动的同时.也在思考这场巨大的灾难带给人们的启示。在这场巨震中,我们的国民、政府和社会表现出了令人震撼的精神力量。我们坚信。太阳,会在废墟上升起;心灵,会在阵痛后新生;中国,会在灾难中成长。  相似文献   

巍巍大别山,绵延千里壮观威严。就在这大山腹地皖西,有一位家境清苦的采茶女名叫刘琼。就在刘琼新婚当年,丈夫在山上伐木时惨遭意外导致全身瘫痪。不久公公又患肺癌。就在这样的家庭重压下,她没有绝望、没有悲天悯地,而是自立不屈,想尽一切办法养家、筹集医药费治疗瘫痪的丈夫和患绝症的公公。此外她还不离不弃,为文夫生下爱女。在  相似文献   

Social work in homes for older people in Slovenia has a special role since we have extremely institutionally-oriented care for older people. Characteristic of the development of Slovenian homes for older people is a shift in the dynamics of the orientation of the homes from a medical to a social one. Different factors influenced the shift towards a social orientation, i.e. the policy of establishing homes, the influence of sociogerontological principles, the development of social work and, recently, by their engagement with residents with dementia. In socially-oriented homes a different model of social work is used than in medically-oriented ones. The difference lies in social work methods as well as in the roles of the social worker in different areas of work with the residents, relatives and staff. By defining a model of social work in a socially-oriented home, a special field of social work with older people in the field of institutional care in Slovenia has been developed.  相似文献   

Applied sociology, if defined broadly enough, is a ray of light for sociology graduates in an otherwise dismal career landscape. This is particularly true in the Washington, D. C. metropolitan area. Sociologists’ general or liberal arts skills are as valuable, if not more valuable, than research specialization. Finding a job in government requires a different strategy than a job with a government contractor. Unfortunately, in neither case is there a rational path or match-up between a person’s skills and finding the job which utilizes these skills. Local knowledge can help in making the match. Edward Sabin, Ph.D., University of Michigan 1970, taught sociology for five years in the Midwest. Since 1974, he worked for 8 years as a writer/researcher under a number of government contracts in the area of international health. Currently he is a writer/systems analyst for a NASA library automation project.  相似文献   

Swartz  David L. 《Theory and Society》2003,32(5-6):791-823
By the late 1990s, Pierre Bourdieu had become the primary public intellectual of major social scientific status at the head of the anti-globalization movement that emerged in France and in other Western European countries. This article discusses how Bourdieu became a leading public intellectual, a role that seems to contrast with his early years as a professional sociologist. It explores what seemed to change in Bourdieu’s activities and outlook as sociologist and what seems to have remained constant. It identifies several institutional conditions that seemed necessary for Bourdieu to be able to play the kind of public intellectual role he did in his later years. Bourdieu’s movement from a peripheral position to a central location in the French intellectual field, the changing character of the field itself, the growing influence of the mass media in French political and cultural life, the failures of the French Socialists in power, a cultural legacy of leading critical intellectuals in France, a unifying national issue of globalization, and the political conjuncture in 1995 all intersected in ways that opened a path for Bourdieu to choose new and more frequent forms of political action. His responses to that combination of factors at different moments reveal both a striking continuity in desire to preserve the autonomy of intellectual life and a change in view and strategy on how best to do that. The article concludes with a brief evaluation of Bourdieu’s public intellectual role.  相似文献   

This paper examines sex preferences for children in Vietnam using the mother birth cohort from 1972 to 1993. We specify the full set for sex–birth order composition of existing children using a split-population model. The model relaxes the assumption in conventional hazard models that all mothers would eventually have another child. Our results indicate a preference in these families for one male offspring. In addition, we observe a mixed sex preference at the fourth birth order. We also establish that a one-square-meter increase in household living area, as a proxy for the increment in household wealth, is associated with a 0.997 times lower preference for a son for the second childbirth, but a 1.015 and 1.014 times higher preference for a son for the third and fourth childbirths, respectively. As long as two-child families dominate the population structure, these results suggest that the importance placed on economic reasons for a son preference will gradually weaken as economic development proceeds in Vietnam.  相似文献   

In the current paper, we employ the most recent Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) data to calculate a less-biased estimate of poverty on US achievement. The PISA was specifically chosen as it is an assessment removed from a specific curriculum and instead focuses on concepts that students should know in order to participate in a global economy. Using a propensity score matching approach, our findings suggest that US students in poverty have notable educational attainment deficiencies compared to a matched group of students who are not in poverty. In other words, when we select two students who have a great deal in common but for the fact that one comes from a poverty background, the student in poverty is expected to perform nearly 28 points, or about a quarter of a standard deviation lower, on the PISA assessment. In real terms, this puts math achievement for children not in poverty on-par with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average, while children in poverty are well below the OECD average.  相似文献   

This article provides a brief background to the articles in this edition on evaluation in South Africa. The overall background is self-evident: South Africa is a country which has undergone a political revolution, with a government of national unity in place. The formulation and implementation of new policies, and the programs which form part of them, will be an important part of South African politics in the years to come.These articles also appear against the more immediate background of trying to place evaluation on a surer footing in this country. In this introduction the efforts of a group of South African evaluators to position themselves and their activities in such a way as to make evaluation an accepted part of the organizational landscape, and to play a useful role in a future South Africa, are described as well.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》2006,28(4):442-448
The idea of a structure made up of a core and periphery is a common, classic paradigm in many fields of science. Following this line, in 1999, researchers Stephen Borgatti and Martin Everett developed a model of structural analysis based on the delimitation of a core formed by a group of densely connected actors, in contrast to a class of actors, more loosely connected and forming the periphery of the system.The original approach of these authors is modified, employing measures that, in our opinion, show a larger degree of coherence and accuracy in the proposed objectives.  相似文献   

This article analyzes a recent court ruling in Israel and argues that it has major implications for the public relations community internationally. To date, the public relations literature on legal judgments has focused on cases where media channels were sued for defamation. The article uses a 2012 Israeli court decision that may be unique in ruling out defamatory intentions in a public relations plan that was part of a lawsuit. The defendant in this case was not the media but rather a company that hired a public relations firm to, according to the judgement, conduct a defamatory campaign against a competitor. Although this is just one case in one country, the article also considers some of the wider implications for the profession and for democracy.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(2):91-95
Elderly subjects have a lower energy requirement compared to young adults as a result of lower physical activity and a lower basal metabolic rate. A lower energy intake in the elderly could lead to undesirable low intakes of essential nutrients. The reduction of the energy turnover is caused by, or a consequence of, a decrease in active cell mass. Thus, the effect of exercise training on habitual activity across age ranges, and age-related changes in body composition in relation to habitual activity level, are investigated here. The focus is on data on physical activity and body composition obtained with doubly labelled water. The results suggest that exercise training does not affect energy requirement in the elderly and the age-related decrease in fat-free mass is not delayed in subjects with a relatively high habitual activity level. Beneficial effects of exercise training in the elderly are endurance, flexibility, range of motion and balance control, all contributing to a delay in the age-induced impairment of personal mobility. Energy intake will inevitably go down as a result of a reduction of the energy requirement. Thus, the nutrition of elderly subjects needs more attention with regard to the essential nutrients than the nutrition of younger adults.  相似文献   

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